Produse pentru recuperare (9)

Acizi Grași din Uleiuri Vegetale

Acizi Grași din Uleiuri Vegetale

Vetzuren worden verkregen uit zeepoplossingen van zonnebloemen - recyclebaar afval, geraffineerd. Vetzuren worden gebruikt in industrieën zoals: LANDBOUW: diervoederadditieven, emulgatoren, meststoffen, bodemverrijking PLASTIC PRODUCTIE: smeermiddelen, polyurethaan, antioxidanten, emulgatoren. WASMIDDELEN: reinigingsmiddelen, emulgatoren, droogmiddelen BOUW: asfalt emulgatoren, metaalreinigers, verfproductie De productie wordt vervaardigd volgens Europese kwaliteitsnormen, zonder palmolie en schadelijke onzuiverheden. We houden rekening met de behoeften en wensen van elke klant en kunnen vetzuren produceren met de gespecificeerde technische kenmerken. Totaal vet,% :97-99 Zuurgetal, Mg KOH / g. :170 Massafractie van vochtgehalte,% :1 Onzuiverheden,%: 2 Dichtheid, kg / m3 :910-940
Transportator de lemne din pânză reciclată. - Transportator de lemne din pânză țesută manual, 100% făcut manual.

Transportator de lemne din pânză reciclată. - Transportator de lemne din pânză țesută manual, 100% făcut manual.

Recycled firewood canvas carrier. Handwoven firewood canvas carrier, 100% handmade . Material: 100% recycled cotton, the handles are made from the cotton rope, which is weaved inside the canvas. The size: 19x35 cm
SISTEME DE RECUPERARE A CĂLDURII - Modul plintei calde este de 2 m

SISTEME DE RECUPERARE A CĂLDURII - Modul plintei calde este de 2 m

The module of a warm plinth "Orioten" is created for heating of the room and can be used as the main (consists of several modules), and additional heating of the room. Available colors: white, brown, gray height:118 mm width:37 mm Length:2 m Power:300 W Weight:4 kg Safety class:Class 1, IP 54
Masca Super pentru Păr 'Recuperare' - Fito Bomb

Masca Super pentru Păr 'Recuperare' - Fito Bomb
Acid gras - Acizi grași din ulei vegetal

Acid gras - Acizi grași din ulei vegetal

Fatty acids are obtained from sunflower oil soap stocks – refined recyclable waste. Fatty acids are used in industries such as: AGRICULTURE - Feed additives - Emulsifiers - Fertilizers that enrich the soil PLASTIC PRODUCTION - lubricants, - polyurethane, - antioxidants, - emulsifiers. DETERGENTS - Cleansers - Emulsifiers - Drying agents CONSTRUCTION - Emulsifiers for asphalt - Metal cleaners - Paint production The products are manufactured according to European quality standards, without palm oil additives and harmful impurities. We take into account the needs and wishes of each client and can produce fatty acids with the specified technical characteristics. Total fat,% :97-99 Acid number, Mg KOH / g. :170 Mass fraction of moisture content,% :1 Impurities,%: 2 Density, Kg / m3 :910-940
Acizi grași în uleiuri vegetale

Acizi grași în uleiuri vegetale

Kwasy tłuszczowe pozyskiwane są z sopstoków oleju słonecznikowego - odpadów wtórnych, rafinowanych. Kwasy tłuszczowe wykorzystywane są w takich branżach jak: ROLNICTWO: dodatki paszowe, emulgatory, nawozy, wzbogacanie gleby PRODUKCJA TWORZYW SZTUCZNYCH: smary, poliuretan, przeciwutleniacze, emulgatory. DETERGENTY: środki czyszczące, emulgatory, środki osuszające BUDOWA: emulgatory do asfaltu, środki do czyszczenia metali, produkcja farb Produkty wyprodukowane zgodnie z europejskimi normami jakości, bez dodatków oleju palmowego i szkodliwych domieszek. Uwzględniamy potrzeby i życzenia każdego klienta i jesteśmy w stanie wyprodukować kwasy tłuszczowe o określonych właściwościach technicznych. Tłuszcz ogółem,% :97-99 Liczba kwasowa, Mg KOH / g. :170 Masowy udział wilgoci,% :1 Zanieczyszczenia,% :2 Gęstość, kg / m3 :910-940
Geantă de designer țesută manual. Reciclată! - 100% făcută manual! Stil ecologic! Reciclată din deșeuri de bumbac.

Geantă de designer țesută manual. Reciclată! - 100% făcută manual! Stil ecologic! Reciclată din deșeuri de bumbac.

IP-SM-5001 Model: Tote bag of multicolor stripes (green, blue, cream). The handles are made of the cotton braid. The braid is sewed on the sides through the bottom. The braid is also sewed around the edge of the bag. No fastener. Size: 37 cm x 34 cm. The handle length is 50 cm from the edge. Handwoven rag bags are made of cotton and linen fabrics. Firstly the fabric is cut into narrow stripes with the width about 1 cm, and then these stripes are twisted into “ropes” by a special handmade machine. After it our master choosers the colorful stripes and creates the design of the future rag bag. The bag is made on the handloom, which was created and completely built by the owner of our company. We have prepared several designs of the bags. The construction of these bags allows them to be used repeatedly for a variety of tasks. 100% handmade! Eco style! Please write to for a new catalog!
Acizi Grași ai Uleiurilor Vegetale

Acizi Grași ai Uleiurilor Vegetale

Yağ asitleri yağlardaki gliserolun ayrılması, kullanım dışı kalan geri dönüştürülebilir atık malzemeleri ile elde edilir. Yağ asitleri, aşağıdaki sektörlerde kullanılmaktadır: TARIM SEKTÖRÜ: yem katkıları, emülgatörler, verim artırıcı gübre PLASTİK ÜRETİM: yağlayıcı maddeler, poliüretan, antioksidanlar, emülgatörler. DETERJANLAR: temizleyici maddeleri, emülgatörler, kurutucular İNŞAAT: asfalt emülgatörleri, metal temizleyiciler, boya üretimi Ürünler, palmiye yağı katkı maddeleri ve zararlı kirleticiler olmadan Avrupa kalite standartlarına göre üretilmektedir. Her müşterinin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini karşılayarak ve belirtilen teknik özelliklere sahip yağ asitleri üretebilmekteyiz. Toplam yağ,% :97-99 Asit sayısı, Mg KOH / g. :170 Nem içeriğinin kütle oranı,% :1 Safsızlıklar,% :2 Yoğunluk, Kg / m3 :910-940
Crema Super pentru Mâini "Recuperare" - Fito Bomb

Crema Super pentru Mâini "Recuperare" - Fito Bomb