Generatoare de abur - Utilizarea eficientă a gazelor de eșapament cu control inteligent
What you can expect from APROVIS steam generators:
- Efficient steam generation in combined heat and power plants
- Cost-saving and reliable operation of the systems
- Maximum functionality, safety and service
- Performance areas: 1 to 25 baro, 100 to 25,000 kg/h
- Certifications: PED 2014/68/EU, ASME Code, EAC
- Can be used in all plants with exhaust gases from hydrogen, natural gas, biogas, sewage gas and special gases, plus diesel and other liquid fuels
- Geared to international standards and directives
- Single, double or triple version for operation with one, two or three engines with completely separate exhaust gas sections
- The APROVIS Controlling System (ACS) is individually adapted to each project and is delivered in the required language
- Access to the ACS using a modem enables easy fine-tuning of the system or remote maintenance for swift support if and when discrepancies occur during operation