Cea mai bună furnizor pentru reacții cutanate

Franța, Gréoux-Les-Bains
...Alergenii provoacă dermatite, urticarie, pigmentații cutanate, reacții foto-sensibilizante și dificultăți respiratorii. Aceasta este motivul pentru care directiva europeană 2003/15/CE stabilește lista componentelor naturale ale uleiurilor esențiale care pot fi alergizante. Vezi directiva. Această directivă se aplică de îndată ce uleiurile esențiale sunt incluse în compoziția produselor...

Produse pentru reacții cutanate (26)

Fabricare cosmetică

Fabricare cosmetică

Dôm Labs vous offre un service complet et polyvalent pour donner vie à vos idées les plus audacieuses. Notre expertise couvre tous les aspects de la fabrication, des formulations innovantes aux procédés de production de pointe. Lorsque vous choisissez Dôm Labs comme partenaire pour la fabrication de vos produits cosmétiques, vous bénéficiez d'un conseil passionné et d'une collaboration transparente. Nous nous engageons à créer des cosmétiques d'une qualité exceptionnelle, répondant aux normes les plus strictes de l'industrie.
Producție / Fabricare de cosmetice pentru față

Producție / Fabricare de cosmetice pentru față

Tecnocosmetica développe et produit des cosmétiques naturels, biologiques et écologiques pour le visage, avec des textures douces et des arômes délicieux, conformément à la norme ISO 22716 - GMP (Good Production Practices, en Private label, Contract Manufacturing et White Label) : Crèmes anti-rides et anti-taches, pour le jour et la nuit, avec d'excellents résultats. Crèmes, sérums, toniques, émulsions et masques pour le visage et spécifiques pour les cernes sous les yeux, avec effet apaisant et anti-fatigue. Crèmes, baumes, fluides, eaux micellaires et toniques aux textures douces et aux parfums agréables pour une hydratation maximale et une nutrition quotidienne de la peau. Lotions, eaux micellaires, huiles, mousses, gels, exfoliants, laits et démaquillants pour un nettoyage efficace de la peau et des yeux. Crèmes et sérums pour le visage, aux effets oxygénants et revitalisants, aux textures délicates et aux parfums


RoxFox® Product protection with rosemary Sausage products, salad dressings, delicatessen or convenience foods - whatever it is, consumers appreciate fresh, visually perfect food. Optimise your product quality and freshness with RoxFox® products. At the same time, secure your colour stability and opt for maximum product protection. RoxFox® is available in water-soluble or oil-soluble variants, and also in E number free variant "N". N for natural RoxFox® products W-N and O-N each have a harmonious flavour profile, while also offering antioxidant potential. Apart from indication of spice or spice extract, no further declaration is necessary when using RoxFox® W-N and RoxFox® O-N. Thus, there is no need to declare an E number under the German Food Additives Regulation (ZZulV). RoxFox® benefits: Optimisation of product quality Optimum colour stabilisation Optimum active substance distribution Use in brine applications Use in products high in oils and fats Prevents fat auto-oxidation
Injecție Termorezistentă

Injecție Termorezistentă

Contrairement au procédé thermoplastique par injection, le matériau thermodurcissable nécessite d’être chauffé pour cuire et ainsi durcir.
Parfumuri - Piele

Parfumuri - Piele

Perfumes - Skin
Serum pentru Piele Clară

Serum pentru Piele Clară

Clear Skin Serum - a means for intensive and preventive skin care, prone to inflammation and pigmentation, including rosacea and demodecosis. Biologically active complex with azelaic acid and glycine inhibits the synthesis of melanin, blocking the enzyme tyrosinase, providing a whitening effect. The aloe Vera juice in the serum increases local immunity and soothes the skin, D-panthenol promotes skin regeneration, mineral complex (copper, magnesium, zinc) stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells and the renewal of the epidermis, antioxidant and sebum-regulating effects. Field of use:professional and home care, laser and ultrasound therapies, combinations of methodologies Indications for use:for oily and problem-prone skin with inflammations, pigmentation due to inflammations Method of use: in home and professional care, apply serum to cleansed face or body skin, to problem areas
Ser de fata 30 ml - cu ser de melc 75%

Ser de fata 30 ml - cu ser de melc 75%

Ser cu textură ușoarăpotrivit pentru față,gât și decolteu.Previne semnele îmbătrânirii pielii care constau în apariția ridurilor,pierderea elasticității,uscăciune și decolorare. Serul este indicat in special pentru folosirea după intervenții chirurgicale pentru că ajută la cicatrizarea și regenerarea mai rapidă țesuturilor. Antibacterian,cicatrizant,regenerant ,în special este eficient în combaterea ridurilor de expresie.
Injecții Anti-Riduri

Injecții Anti-Riduri

Anti-Wrinkle Injections are a convenient way of relaxing frown lines, forehead lines, and laughter lines without surgery. Results are visible from 5-10 days, and a more relaxed appearance is visible about four months after the treatment.
Peeling Stop Acnee

Peeling Stop Acnee

Ce peeling active le renouvellement cellulaire et illumine la peau.
Acid carbonic

Acid carbonic

Lange Gas liefert Kohlensäure in Flaschen und Bündeln für Brauereien und Getränkehändler zum Zapfen von Bier, Wasser und Softgetränken. In eigenen Füllwerken (Berlin und Homberg (Efze)) wird die Kohlensäure nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards abgefüllt. Durch die ISO 9000 Zertifzierung und HACCP wird die Lebensmittelqualität der Kohlensäure sichergestellt. Für spezielle Biere bietet Lange Gas auch eine Mischung aus 70% Kohlensäure und 30% Stickstoff in Flaschen an. Darüber hinaus wird Kohlensäure als Schutzgas beim Schweißen und als Löschmittel in Feuerlöschern eingesetzt, die ebenfalls von Lange Gas befüllt werden. Bei größerem Verbrauch liefert Lange Gas auch Abfüllanlagen für Kohlensäureflaschen.
Medicină Estetică - Tratamente de Medicină Estetică

Medicină Estetică - Tratamente de Medicină Estetică

Medycyna estetyczna jest nauką interdyscyplinarną łączącą w sobie kilka dziedzin jak np. dermatologia, chirurgia plastyczna oraz kosmetologia. Głównym jej zadaniem jest walka z oznakami starzenia się zarówno skóry jak i całego organizmu oraz leczenia związanych z tym procesem defektów. Horizon Medical Center oferuje szeroką gamę zabiegów z zakresu medycyny estetycznej np. nici PDO, Pelleve, Jet Plasma, Mezoterapia osoczem bogatopłytkowym i koktajlami, Lipoliza, Modelowanie ust. W naszej Klinice lekarze specjaliści indywidualnie dobierają zabiegi i dostosowują do potrzeb, wymagań oraz oczekiwań pacjentek. Konsultacja ze specjalistą lekarzem medycyny estetycznej jest dobrą okazją do sprawdzenia stanu i jakości skóry. Profesjonaliści po diagnozie skóry przedstawią alternatywne metody regeneracji i rewitalizacji skóry niezależnie od wieku. Jeżeli Twoim zmartwieniem są głębokie zmarszczki, brak wiotkości skóry czy też worki pod oczami – medycyna estetyczna oferuje zabiegi, które niwelują
Modele de piele in vitro

Modele de piele in vitro

StratiCELL offers product objectivation studies on a wide range of skin models, including cell cultures in monolayer (keratinocytes, fibroblasts, melanocytes, adipocytes, sebocytes, sensory neurons, endothelial cells, etc.), human reconstituted epidermis and finally, human skin explants. All these 2D or 3D models can be derived from primary, hiPS-derived cells or from particular conditions (i.e. from psoriatic or AD patients), and can be stimulated or exposed to stress factors as required. Our skin models are manufactured in-house and are the results of more than 15 years of R&D innovations. Skin cells in monolayer cultures In vitro reconstituted human epidermis Ex vivo skin explants
Îngrijire a pielii cu CBD

Îngrijire a pielii cu CBD

The MIKKA® skin care line is based on premium industrial hemp extract with high CBD and other cannabinoid content. We've selected the natural ingredients that best soothe, balance, and moisturize your skin, effectively preventing the signs of aging.
Revizuirea Îngrijirii Pielii Revox 7 - COSMETICE

Revizuirea Îngrijirii Pielii Revox 7 - COSMETICE

Révision Skincare Revox 7 - COSMETICS
Aplicații pentru Sticle - Cosmetice

Aplicații pentru Sticle - Cosmetice

Cosmetic packaging has to provide product preservation without any loss of quality of the product. Manufacturers are taking the quality and the attractiveness of the package more and more into account, since it influences the purchase behaviour of the consumer. Cosmetic packaging does not only have to keep oxygen out, it also has to ensure that the active agents of the cosmetics are very well kept inside. Even when the product is in use, the package has to avoid that the perfumes or the fragrances alter. What an EVALâ„¢ barrier layer offers: Excellent barrier against oxygen and fragrance. Resistance to the chemical ingredients of cosmetic products. Keeps the perfumes and the cosmetic agents very well inside the package, even when the product is in use. Very low scalping of the ingredients. Glossy and easy printable surface when EVALâ„¢ is used as the outside layer. Flexible yet strong enough to prevent the package from being damaged during handling or transport. Typical applications
Ulei de Sha - Probleme cu pielea

Ulei de Sha - Probleme cu pielea

Un soin anti-âge surpuissant ! Nourrissante et réparatrice, l’Huile de Sha est idéale pour réhydrater votre peau et unifier le bronzage après une journée d’exposition au soleil UGS:SF8 Poids:0,44 kg Dimensions:2,5 × 2,5 × 7 cm
Tratament Facial

Tratament Facial

Nous développons pour vous des cosmétiques adaptés pour le soin du visage : gel, crème, masque, lotions, baumes, brumes, sprays ...
Crearea Cosmeticei Personalizate

Crearea Cosmeticei Personalizate

Vous recherchez des solutions pour la création d'une marque de cosmétiques ? Pôle cosmétique développe des produits sur mesure dans un packaging personnalisé à votre marque. A partir de votre idée de produit et de votre cahier des charges, nous réalisons un produit fini, prêt à commercialiser
Linia de Reconstrucție a Părului - Program de reconstrucție structurală a părului pe bază de keratină și extracte

Linia de Reconstrucție a Părului - Program de reconstrucție structurală a părului pe bază de keratină și extracte

Programma di ricostruzione strutturale del capello a base di cheratina ed estratto di noce. La cheratina è il componente principale del capello, la fondamentale proteina strutturale, mentre l’estratto di noce ancora verede è ricco di polifenoli e un reitcolo sulle proteine dei capelli, agendo in sinergia con la cheratina naturale. La linea si compone di: Shampoo (fase 1) formulato per detergere delicatamente i capelli deboli; Maschera (fase 2) che ripara la fibra del capello danneggiato e lo rende elastico; Fluido (fase 3) senza risciacquo, che si lega subito al capello per ringiovanirlo e restituirgli la sua vera bellezza; Capsule Vitaminiche (fase 4) a effetto condizionante istantaneo, che agiscono sulla superficie del capello per fissare gli ingredienti nutritivi delle fasi precedenti, per prevenire le doppie punte e proteggere dalle aggressioni esterne. Ricche di vitamine A, B1, B2, B5 (Pantenolo), C, E, F, H e PP (Niacina). Il video: https://www.youtube.
Analiză Chimică

Analiză Chimică

Unser Labor führt qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen durch. Wir analysieren sowohl organische als auch anorganische Proben z. B. von Baustoffen auf Asbest, Metallen, Kunststoffen, Reinigungsmitteln und Ölen. Außerdem überprüfen wir für Sie Umweltproben wie z. B. Wasser, Trinkwasser oder Abfall, sowie Haushaltswaren, Bedarfsgegenständen, Textilien und Lebensmitteln.
Contur de ochi personalizat

Contur de ochi personalizat

Faites votre diagnostic de peau ou connectez-vous pour découvrir votre formule sur-mesure Cernes:-38% Poches:-50% Hydratation:+52% Rides:-21%


RoxFox® Product protection with rosemary Sausage products, salad dressings, delicatessen or convenience foods - whatever it is, consumers appreciate fresh, visually perfect food. Optimise your product quality and freshness with RoxFox® products. At the same time, secure your colour stability and opt for maximum product protection. RoxFox® is available in water-soluble or oil-soluble variants, and also in E number free variant "N". N for natural RoxFox® products W-N and O-N each have a harmonious flavour profile, while also offering antioxidant potential. Apart from indication of spice or spice extract, no further declaration is necessary when using RoxFox® W-N and RoxFox® O-N. Thus, there is no need to declare an E number under the German Food Additives Regulation (ZZulV). RoxFox® benefits: Optimisation of product quality Optimum colour stabilisation Optimum active substance distribution Use in brine applications Use in products high in oils and fats Prevents fat auto-oxidation
Concentrat de ser 5 peptide

Concentrat de ser 5 peptide

A lightweight gel concentrate with powerful anti-aging properties. The formula contains 5 types of peptides that specifically target all the factors in the formation of photo- and chrono-aging signs. The signal (regulatory) matrikine peptide MATRIXYL® Morphomics™, two muscle relaxant peptides working in tandem - Argireline® and Leuphasyl®, remodeling copper tripeptide, Relistase (stimulating peptide), strengthen each other and achieve the best possible results in improving the condition of aged skin. Daily use of the serum for one to two months will improve the quality of the skin at the tissue level: a significant increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin, reducing the depth of wrinkles and thin lines, preventing skin laxity and deformation of the face shape. The skin becomes smooth, shiny, thick, and the face color improves. The skin barrier function is activated, regeneration is accelerated. It revitalizes the skin and makes it look rejuvenated and well-treated.
Gel pentru roșeața pielii

Gel pentru roșeața pielii

Grâce à la combinaison unique des substances actives, le gel a le fort effet sur les vaisseaux sanguins, qui réduit les rougeurs cutanées, tout en rétablissant la microcirculation, dissolvant les varicosités et redonnant de la douceur, de la beauté et de la couleur naturelle au visage. Substances actives: extraits: marronnier d’Inde, petit houx, centella asiatique, feuilles de vigne, saule, sarrasin; acide hyaluronique, vitamines PP et C. Application: thérapie par ultrasons et microcourants, iontophorèse, soins professionnels et à domicile. Durée de vie:2 ans Flacons:30 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml
Tratament Facial Anti-pete

Tratament Facial Anti-pete

Nettoyage de peau 2-Gommage 3-Masque anti-tâches hydrojelly 4-Sérum 5-Crème 6-20 mn LED


StratiCELL offers evaluation of the effectiveness of active ingredients, formulations and / or finished products in protecting the skin against oxidative stress and molecular damages induced by different light rays. Examples of assays performed at StratiCELL: DNA damage (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers) Stress response (p53, Heat Shock Proteins, NRF-2 pathway) Apoptosis (caspase-3) and Sunburn cells Inflammation (Langerhans cells phenotype) Protein oxidation Elastin degradation