Produse pentru reacţii adverse la 20 mg clorură de trespiu (52)

Clorură de Magneziu – 600 mg 100 comprimate - MINERALE - SUPLIMENTE

Clorură de Magneziu – 600 mg 100 comprimate - MINERALE - SUPLIMENTE

COMPLEMENTO ALIMENTICIO A BASE DE CLORURO DE MAGNESIO Presentación:Envase de 100 comprimidos – 600 mg Composición:Cloruro de magnesio, agente de carga: celulosa microcristalina, anti-aglomerantes Modo de empleo:Tomar 2 comprimidos con las comidas


Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 40% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 40% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution UNSPSC-No: 41105319 Code:1138 Manufacturers:GERBU
Acid rosmarinic - Toate produsele

Acid rosmarinic - Toate produsele

Rosmarinic acid is a natural compound in the polyphenol compound class. It can be found in rosemary Salvia rosmarinus L. where its name has been derived but also can be located in mint, sage, and other culinary spices and herbs. Cat. Nr:NST-10-26 CAS:20283-92-5 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C18H16O8 Molecular weight:360,31
Xantat de butil de potasiu 90% (PBX 90%) - Xantati

Xantat de butil de potasiu 90% (PBX 90%) - Xantati

Potassium Butyl Xanthate is a reagent that plays a pivotal role in modern mining and metallurgy. Flotation Process Facilitator: Potassium Butyl Xanthate is an indispensable ally in the flotation process, a cornerstone of mineral extraction. Flotation involves separating desired minerals from their ores. Selective Adhesion: When introduced to a slurry of finely ground ore and water, Potassium Butyl Xanthate selectively adheres to sulfide minerals present in the mixture. These minerals, often hosting valuable elements like copper or lead, exhibit a unique affinity for the xanthate. Bubble Attachment: Air bubbles are introduced into the slurry. The hydrophobic mineral surfaces coated with Potassium Butyl Xanthate collectors readily attach to the bubbles, effectively making them float to the surface. Rising to the Top: The mineral-laden bubbles rise to the surface of the flotation cell, forming a froth layer. CAS Number:871-58-9
Violet cristalin - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Violet cristalin - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Stevia Naturală, Steviosid Total

Stevia Naturală, Steviosid Total

Natürliche Stevia (Total-Steviosid (Steviosid STV Reb-A, -C, -F, Dulcolosid), Isoliertes Rebaudiosid-A, -D oder -M ...) Quelle: Blätter von Stevia Rebaudiana Kategorie: Total-Steviosid Reihheit: z.B. 90%, 95%...
Acid Ascorbic (vitamina C) 1,5 kg - VITAMINA C

Acid Ascorbic (vitamina C) 1,5 kg - VITAMINA C

ACIDE ASCORBIQUE EN SEAU DE 1,5 Kg L’acide ascorbique est un acide organique ayant des propriétés antioxydante L’acide ascorbique a les mêmes propriétés que l’ascorbate de sodium L’acide ascorbique est un produit idéal pour la fabrication de la vitamine C liposomale ACIDE ASCORBIQUE EN SEAU DE 1,5 Kg Notre acide ascorbique s'allie parfaitement à notre lécithine de Tournesol pour la conception de la vitamine C liposomale. Notre Acide ascorbique est vendu dans un pot de 1,5 Kg fermé hermétiquement et inviolable État:Nouveau
D(-) Alfa Parahidroxifenilglicină Estern Metilic

D(-) Alfa Parahidroxifenilglicină Estern Metilic

Cadenas laterales utilizadas en la fabricación de amoxicilina y cefadroxilo.
Sulfat de fier(II) monohidrat - FeSO4·H2O

Sulfat de fier(II) monohidrat - FeSO4·H2O

Eisensulfat, ein Spurenelementdünger, kann den pH-Wert des Bodens regulieren, das Spurenelement "Eisen" ergänzen, die Synthese von grünen Blättern fördern und dann die Eisenmangelkrankheit der gelben Blätter der Pflanzen verhindern und kontrollieren. Landwirtschaftliches Eisensulfat, das als Düngemittel verwendet wird, kann das von den Pflanzen benötigte Spurenelement Eisen ergänzen, die Synthese von Chlorophyll fördern und die Eisenmangelkrankheit der gelben Blätter der Pflanzen verhindern. Eisensulfat kann Mehrnährstoffdüngern, organischen Düngemitteln und wasserlöslichen Düngemitteln zugesetzt und in Verbindung mit anderen von den Pflanzen benötigten Nährstoffen verwendet werden. Eisen(II)-sulfat ist wasserlöslich und leicht sauer, so dass es als Bodenverbesserer verwendet werden kann. Wenn es jedoch zur Einstellung des pH-Werts des Bodens verwendet wird, wird es im Allgemeinen zusammen mit organischen Düngemitteln eingesetzt.
PYRETROV P5 - Frunze, țânțari... - Insecticid cu ingredient activ de origine vegetală

PYRETROV P5 - Frunze, țânțari... - Insecticid cu ingredient activ de origine vegetală

Insecticide à base de pyrèthre végétal et sans PBO qui possède un large spectre d'efficacité sur les insectes rampants (blattes, fourmis...), volants (mouches, moustiques...) et les insectes des denrées stockées (tribolium, vrillettes, pyrales...). Sa faible rémanence en fait un insecticide idéal pour l'utilisation dans les locaux de denrées alimentaires (POA/POV).
Citratul de potasiu – 300 mg 50 comprimate - MINERALE - SUPLIMENTE

Citratul de potasiu – 300 mg 50 comprimate - MINERALE - SUPLIMENTE

COMPLEMENTO ALIMENTICIO A BASE DE POTASIO Presentación:50 comprimidos Composición:Citrato de potasio 108,18 mg (equivalentes a 300 mg de Citrato de Potasio), agentes de carga Modo de empleo:Tomar 3 comprimidos al día, uno antes de cada comida Dosis diaria recomendada:3 comprimidos
Agaroză pentru fragmente de 50~800bp - Substanțe Chimice Fine

Agaroză pentru fragmente de 50~800bp - Substanțe Chimice Fine

CAS-Nr.: [9012-36-6] EINECS: 232-731-8 Shipping condition: ambient. CAS Nr:[9012-36-6] Code:01147 Manufacturers:Nacalai
Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 50% 24/1 - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă M-Bis 50% 24/1 - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS06GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution UNSPSC-No: 41105319 Code:1807 Manufacturers:GERBU
Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution Code:1107 Manufacturers:GERBU
Acetil CoA trisodic - Substanțe Chimice Fine

Acetil CoA trisodic - Substanțe Chimice Fine

Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. CAS Nr:[102029-73-2] Code:1670