Produse pentru qq românia (15)

E-facturare - Pentru România

E-facturare - Pentru România

Business eXpert s'étend à l'international avec le lancement de ses services de facturation électronique en Roumanie. Après la phase de tolérance dans l’environnement de test, nous sommes heureux d'annoncer le lancement de nos services de facturation électronique en Roumanie. Cette étape importante marque l'expansion de l'entreprise sur un nouveau marché et son engagement à soutenir les entreprises dans leur respect des réglementations roumaines en matière de facturation électronique obligatoire. Le 1er juillet 2024, toutes les entreprises roumaines seront tenues d'émettre et de recevoir des factures électroniques. La solution eFactura d'eBusiness eXpert, eBIn Cloud, s'intègre de manière transparente aux systèmes comptables et ERP existants, permettant aux entreprises de passer facilement à une facturation électronique conforme. SaaS:Amazon Web Services ANAF:e-Factura API:ANAF
Asigurarea Calității (QA)

Asigurarea Calității (QA)

Our comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) services ensure the reliability and performance of your software. Our dedicated QA team conducts thorough testing throughout the development lifecycle, including functional, performance, and security testing. We identify and resolve issues early, ensuring that your product meets the highest quality, usability, and compliance standards before going live.
Servicii de traducere în Polonia

Servicii de traducere în Polonia

Document Translation Services in Poland in 150 languages: Croatian, Korean, Flemish, German, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese, Serbian, Danish, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, European and Canadian French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, European and Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, Hindi, Basque, Catalan, Vietnamese, etc. Professional Interpreters and translators in Poland: Warsaw, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice, Białystok, Gdynia, Częstochowa, Radom, Sosnowiec, Toruń, Kielce, Gliwice, Zabrze, Bytom, etc. Technical translations in Poland: legal, medical, pharmaceutical, patents, websites, etc. Notarized and certified Polish to English translation services in the USA. Polish to Spanish sworn translation services in Spain. More info at (Agencja Tłumaczeniowa Tłumaczenia LinguaVox)
CMO externalizat

CMO externalizat

La solution pour structurer votre marketing, sans les coûts fixes ! Stratégie, déploiement opérationnel, et résultats concrets. Nous sommes votre directeur marketing externalisé, adapté à vos besoins.
Traductor Jurat Român - Traduții certificate din română

Traductor Jurat Român - Traduții certificate din română

Si buscas un Traductor Jurado de Rumano cuenta con los servicios de traducción jurada de Tradumia. La forma de pago se realiza a través de transferencia bancaria y deberás mandarnos el aviso de transferencia o escáner del justificante para que podamos Somos una Agencia de Traducción especializada en la traducción jurada de rumano. En nuestro equipo contamos con traductores jurados de rumanonombrados por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación de España. Realizamos traducciones sin importar el grado o ámbito de especialización: económico, académico, legal, médico… La documentación más solicitada por nuestros clientes suelen ser traducciones de certificados académicos, antecedentes penales, documentación notarial, de extranjería, seguridad social y consulados. Nuestros traductores jurados son nativos del país solicitante y tienen gran experiencia probada del sector que se le asigne (académico, económico, legal…).
Internaționalizare - Serviciu de suport pentru internaționalizare

Internaționalizare - Serviciu de suport pentru internaționalizare

Apoio à internacionalização das organizações, promovendo a realização de estudos e dinamizando ações no sentido de estimular a exploração de novos mercados, de forma a promover as marcas portuguesas como selo de qualidade.
Marketing pe rețelele sociale

Marketing pe rețelele sociale

Der beste Post, die meisten Likes und die engagierteste Community - mit einer passgenauen Social-Media Strategie und Social Ads erreichen Reichweiten maximieren. Performance Marketing Maximale Kundenbindung gelingt nur durch zielgruppenspezifische und relevante Inhalte und deren ständige Optimierung und Anpassung. So betreiben unsere Expert*innen auf Basis einer fundierten Strategie und smarten Planung erfolgsgetriebenes Online Marketing und erreichen damit Ihre Zielgruppe über alle Social-Kanäle hinweg. Mit garantiert messbaren Erfolgen. Mit teilbarem Content für Social Media wie Memes, Filmen oder Fotos unterstützen wir Sie über Ihre Social-Media-Kanäle mit Kunden und Stakeholdern in Kontakt zu bleiben.
Tehnologii digitale și financiare

Tehnologii digitale și financiare

The O2 Consulting team has accumulated considerable experience in supporting financial and digital technology projects and is one of the market leaders in legal support for state-of-the-art financial technologies. Digital companies, private investors and venture funds seek our advice on the structuring of and integrated support for projects, on compliance issues, legal support in implementing FinTech transactions, in carrying out compliance procedures and supporting legal relations of any kind among start-ups, developers, business angels, etc. We are leading experts not only in Russia but also in other countries in taxation of digital companies and we actively participate in developing new international and domestic legislative rules in this sector. We have our finger on the pulse in the latest digital spheres and understand sensitive points and grey zones; we monitor trends in the global regulation of this sphere. Our European office and strong business relations in Switzerland...
Software personalizat Odoo

Software personalizat Odoo

Quelle que soit l'activité dans laquelle vous travaillez, optez pour un ERP pour la gestion de l'ensemble de votre business, cela vous fera gagner du temps afin de vous permettre de vous consacrer à votre coeur de métier. Nous travaillons avec Odoo, qui est une solution regroupant plus de 80 modules et qui offre donc la possibilité de regrouper les différentes parties de votre société dans un même logiciel, telle que la vente, les achats, la fabrication, le CRM, le marketing social, la comptabilité,...
Consultanță și asistență pentru afaceri și comunități - Sector privat și public - toate dimensiunile organizațiilor

Consultanță și asistență pentru afaceri și comunități - Sector privat și public - toate dimensiunile organizațiilor

Visitez le site pour avoir une vision représentative de nos domaines d'intervention et un échantillon de nos références.
Traduceri Românești

Traduceri Românești

Roemeense Vertalingen
Traduceri din ucraineană

Traduceri din ucraineană

Übersetzungen aus dem Ukrainischen
Serviciu de traducere în Portugalia

Serviciu de traducere în Portugalia

Servizio di traduzione in Portogallo. Agenzia di traduzioni Traduttori LinguaVox. Traduttori e interpreti in Portogallo.
Promovarea Competitivității Întreprinderilor

Promovarea Competitivității Întreprinderilor

Apoio à introdução de sistemas de gestão e novas tecnologias nas organizações, de forma a aumentar a competitividade das organizações tornando os seus processos mais eficientes e eficazes.
Proprietate Intelectuală

Proprietate Intelectuală

We provide our clients IP project support in various areas: protection, registration, transfer of IP, use of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trade marks and inventions. We have vast experience of working with clients operating in innovative IT development areas. We understand all aspects of business protection in terms of commercial secrecy and the nuances of securing title to privately developed software. We also perform due diligence of IP, prepare a contractual framework of any complexity under Russian and foreign law (including franchising agreements, licence agreements and contracts with developers), provide support in negotiations and disputes, and advise on regulatory matters. Our ability to pool the best specialists from various practice areas on project teams provides our clients with integrated IP solutions under the laws of various jurisdictions, with optimal regulatory and tax arrangements and taking into account the specific nature of the given...