Cea mai bună furnizor pentru pungi de plastic uk

Regatul Unit, Staffordshire
TPBI UK, un producător de ambalaje din hârtie de top în Marea Britanie, este dedicat furnizării celor mai înalte standarde de calitate, ambalaje din hârie ecologice care respectă standardele stricte BRCGS AA pentru ambalaje și materiale de ambalare. Cu facilități de producție de clasă mondială, tehnologie de producție de vârf, o forță de muncă calificată și peste 20 de ani de experiență recunoscu...

Produse pentru pungi de plastic uk (33)

Pungi plastifiate cu cordon

Pungi plastifiate cu cordon

Τσάντες με κορδόνι
Pungi din Plastic - Pungi din Plastic de Înaltă Calitate: Rezistente, Versatile și Sustenabile

Pungi din Plastic - Pungi din Plastic de Înaltă Calitate: Rezistente, Versatile și Sustenabile

Siamo specializzati nella produzione di sacchetti di plastica di alta qualità, progettati per una vasta gamma di applicazioni. Dai sacchetti per la spesa robusti alle soluzioni di imballaggio versatili, i nostri prodotti offrono una resistenza e una flessibilità eccezionali. Puntiamo all'innovazione nei materiali e nel design, garantendo che i nostri sacchetti di plastica soddisfino i più elevati standard di funzionalità e prestazioni. Inoltre, ci impegniamo a ridurre il nostro impatto ambientale sviluppando opzioni di plastica riciclabile e riutilizzabile, aiutando così le aziende a fare scelte più sostenibili senza compromettere la qualità.
Sac LDPE transparent - Echipament pentru șantier

Sac LDPE transparent - Echipament pentru șantier

Sac utilisés pour mettre les sacs LDPE transparent dans le cadre de travaux amiante. Article:Sac Dimensions:70cm x 120cm
Saci de spălare Sacii solubili în apă - 100% biodegradabili

Saci de spălare Sacii solubili în apă - 100% biodegradabili

Each pack contains 25 bags which is the minimum order unit. Contaminated clothing is indeed a major problem in all health institutions, and in response to this problem, we offer the IDS Laundry Bags that allow clothes to be handled only once. When the clothes are put in the bags, they are closed and can be put directly into the washing machines as they will be completely dissolved, being 100% biodegradable, leaving absolutely no residue (even on the most delicate clothes). They are completely safe even when they come into contact with the skin, food, medications, etc. The bags, once closed, can be manipulated as often as necessary and are only dissolved in contact with cold water, or warm (45ºC) or hot water (65 ºC). Available options: Available in four sizes, they can be adapted to any machine, from domestic to industrialized ones. To assist in the selection of clothes, we also have a colour code for each bag.
Sac Plastic - Orificiu pentru Mâner

Sac Plastic - Orificiu pentru Mâner

Mit Griffloch, Schlaufe oder Verstärkung, Bei uns finden Sie die passende Verpackung ab einer Mindestauflage von 5.000 Stck. Auf Wunsch sind auch viele weitere Folienverpackungen wie Versandtaschen, Hemdchen-, Sealing Bags, kompostierbare Folien, Hundekotbeutel, bedruckte PE Folien usw. sehr günstig erhätlich.
Pungi cu pliuri laterale HDPE blocate - Procesator și Producător

Pungi cu pliuri laterale HDPE blocate - Procesator și Producător



Pungi și saci cu pliuri laterale

Pungi și saci cu pliuri laterale

In den Fällen, bei denen das Füllvolumen des Flachbeutels oder Flachsacks nicht ausreicht, wird durch Hinzunahme einer Seitenfalte das Füllvolumen gesteigert. Insbesondere die Fleischindustrie und der LEH brauchen regelmäßig Seitenfaltensäcke. Durch die Seitenfalte lassen sich sehr großformatige Säcke produzieren, wie das zum Beispiel für Entsorgungssäcke in Containern notwendig ist. Produziert werden die Beutel in HDPE und LDPE - letzteres auch als Regenerat, wenn es sich um einen Entsorgungssack handelt. Für Halbgebackenes oder andere Lebensmittel die eingefroren werden sollen, bieten wir auch gefriergeeignete Kunststoffsäcke aus HDPE-HT an. Dabei bleibt HDPE, durch Zugabe eines Additives, auch nach dem Einfrieren geschmeidig. Wie schon bei den Flachbeuteln und -säcken, produziert COMCOPLAST meistens in transparenter Ausführung, wobei auch hier blau-transluzent möglich ist. Auf Wunsch kann auch eine Bedruckung gewählt werden.
Pungi resigilabile din Green PE

Pungi resigilabile din Green PE

Wiederverschlussbeutel aus Polyethylen auf Zuckerrohrbasis
Sac plastic - Sac reutilizabil din plastic cu mânere

Sac plastic - Sac reutilizabil din plastic cu mânere

Découvrez notre gamme de sacs plastiques à bretelle réutilisables, une solution pratique et durable pour vos besoins de transport quotidien. Fabriqués à partir de plastique résistant, ces sacs plastiques réutilisables sont conçus pour supporter une utilisation répétée tout en offrant une option respectueuse de l'environnement. Idéaux pour les courses, le transport de marchandises ou les besoins quotidiens, nos sacs en plastique recyclables allient robustesse et polyvalence. En plus d'être pratiques, ces sacs à bretelle sont 100% recyclables, contribuant ainsi à réduire votre impact environnemental tout en répondant à vos exigences de transport.
saci din plastic - saci de cumpărături din plastic

saci din plastic - saci de cumpărături din plastic

plastic bags with soft loop, die cut, t-shirt bags and hard handle. Soft Loop plastic bag is the ideal choice for clothing, footwear, giftware / glassware, toys etc. This reusable bag carries an ecological message as it is made of 100% recyclable materials.
Saci de gunoi - Diverse dimensiuni și tipuri de saci LDPE, MDPE, HDPE

Saci de gunoi - Diverse dimensiuni și tipuri de saci LDPE, MDPE, HDPE

LDPE, MDPE, HDPE plastic afvalzakken, vuilniszakken en inzamelzakken tot 400 liter. Diverse kleuren. Wij leveren grote partijen aan industrie en wederverkoop. Gunstige palletkortingen.
Sac cu mânere moi - Saci din plastic

Sac cu mânere moi - Saci din plastic

Sac à anses souples - Sacs en plastique État:Nouveau
Pungi Plastice - Pungi Plastice, Pungi de Transport

Pungi Plastice - Pungi Plastice, Pungi de Transport

Our products are produced from low density and high density virgin polyethylene. Plastic Carrier Bags, Patch handle bags with reinforced and Soft loop (flexi loop) handle bags can be made according to customer’s request. The sizes and thickness of our printed or unprinted products are according to the customer’s request.
Saci - Sacuri - Huse

Saci - Sacuri - Huse

mit Seitenfalten, Bodenfalten, oder Klappe Verbundfolien-Vacuumbeutel Druckverschlussbeutel Müllsäcke, einzeln oder gerollt Kleiderschutzhüllen Möbelschutzhüllen Autositzhüllen Schrumpfhauben Abdeckhauben Kisteneinsätze - Kastenhauben Rundbodenbeutel Luftpolster - PE-Schaum - Vlies auf Rolle, als Beutel od. Zuschnitte Ausführungen einzeln oder auf Rolle gelocht - genadelt - geblockt mit Adhäsionsverschluss mit Druckverschluss mit Kordelzug Zusätze farblos oder eingefärbt antistatisch - UV stabilisiert gleitend oder stumpf elektrisch leitend bedruckt bis 10 Farben Materialien LDPE - HDPE - MDPE - UDPE - PP - PPM Verbundfolien PA/PE - PA/HD-PE - Alu-Verbund
Saci transparenți pentru colectarea selectivă - Sac transparent N.U. pentru colectarea selectivă

Saci transparenți pentru colectarea selectivă - Sac transparent N.U. pentru colectarea selectivă

Sacco trasparente N.U. per la raccolta differenziata disponibile nella seguente misura: 90 x 120 spessore 80 micron Sfuso in scatola da 20 kg.
Sacii de Deșeuri - Sacii de Deșeuri

Sacii de Deșeuri - Sacii de Deșeuri

Pungi de Gunoi - Vânzare Angro de Pungi de Gunoi

Pungi de Gunoi - Vânzare Angro de Pungi de Gunoi

Çöp Poşetleri klasik, baskılı ve endüstriyel olmak üzere farklı markaların toptan satışını yapmaktayız.


They are made of LDPE, MDPE, HDPE and recycled polyethylene. Heavy duty bags can be produced for many different sectors. It is especially used in heavy services such as transportation and storage. Film Type: LDPE-MDPE-HDPE High quality printing in up to 6 colors with Flexo printing technology Supply of different film types and thicknesses according to customer needs Single coat or Co-ex STANDART EBAT VE GRAMAJLAR İLE MÜŞTERİ İHTİYACINA DA YÖNELİK OLARAK ÖZEL EBAT VE GRAMAJLARDA ÜRETİM GERÇEKLEŞTİRMEKTEYİZ.
Sac de gunoi transparent de 50 L densitate mare 17µ - COLECTARE DE DESEURI

Sac de gunoi transparent de 50 L densitate mare 17µ - COLECTARE DE DESEURI

Sacs à déchets transparents en matière HD. Ces sacs poubelles sont idéals pour ramasser les produits légers comme les feuilles sèches ou le papier.
Polietilenă, saci din polietilenă

Polietilenă, saci din polietilenă

Features of polyethene bags Low-pressure polyethene is a thermoplastic polymer produced by the polymerisation of ethylene. This material is distinguished by its particular type characteristics: Frost-resistant (can withstand down to -70 °C). Low absorptive capacity. Vapour permeability. Dielectric. Neutrality to aggressive substances. High-temperature resistance (up to +70 °C). Ease of processing. Advantages of polyethene, polyethylene bags Damage resistance: Polyethylene sheet is resistant to tears, punctures and stretching. It is extremely difficult to deform, which is very important during transport. Printability extends product durability: If required, the polythene bags can be finished with a company logo or logo and brief contact details. The products are completely oxygen-free, which helps to extend the shelf life of the product. High level of transparency: Absolute transparency allows the customer to get a proper look at the contents without having to open the packaging.
Saci de rufe PVA, solubili în apă (roșu) - Distribuitoare

Saci de rufe PVA, solubili în apă (roșu) - Distribuitoare

Ce sac à linge soluble dans l'eau rend le traitement du linge contaminé ou infectieux beaucoup plus hygiénique et plus rapide. Le linge reste dans le sac et est lavé directement en machine. Pendant le processus de lavage, le sac à linge se dissout complètement à partir de 45 °C car il est composé d'un thermoplastique spécial soluble dans l'eau à base d'alcool polyvinylique (PVA). Cela vous évite les désagréments et la tâche peu hygiénique de décanter ou de toucher le linge sale. SKU:TF10000*K8x25
Achiziția de Plastice

Achiziția de Plastice

Als Partner für Industrie, Gewerbe und Handel bieten wir Ihnen rund um den Ankauf Ihrer Kunststoffe ein umfangreiches Service-Paket.
Plastic PVC din gestionarea deșeurilor

Plastic PVC din gestionarea deșeurilor

PVC plastic made from waste manageent, parts size 0,5 - 0,8 mm, packed in big bags with 1000 kg, EWC 12 01 05. PVC plastika nastala iz predelave odpadkov, velikost delcev od 0,5 - 0,8 mm. pakirano v big bag vrečah po 1000 kg, EWC 12 01 05.
Pungi din plastic cu fermoar în toate culorile și dimensiunile - PUNGILE DIN PLASTIC

Pungi din plastic cu fermoar în toate culorile și dimensiunile - PUNGILE DIN PLASTIC

PLASTIC PACKAGING ZIPPER / ZIPPER LOCK The plastic zipper packaging is perhaps one of the most creative packaging of recent years. Transparent ziplock bags are the definition of practical and easy to close. One quick move and you have ensured the full protection of your products from any external variables. The zippered bags are the ideal packaging for clothes, socks/tights, electrical/electronic material, food, vegetables, small items, perfumes, seeds, tea, jewelry as well as for cases where the product needs to be used in parts. Choose between variety of color combinations and prints that will beautify your brand and make it easier for your customers. For even easier use, pack the products in zipper lock packaging bags , which have a closing clip / zipper. Plastic zipper bags in any size and color you wish. It is possible to print your own design. Please contact us to order. Type:Plastic Loop, Plastic Bone, Plastic T-Shirt, Plastic Handful
Sac Plastic Carbone Mână - SACI PLASTICI

Sac Plastic Carbone Mână - SACI PLASTICI

The Carbone Handful Plastic Bag is particularly useful and light as a result of creating it Known for the distinctive name of its handle, the plastic handful bag ideally serves any shoe store, bookstore, pharmacy, perfumery, mobile phone, accessories, cosmetics, etc. Simple as needed, with a simple and light form, discreet style, various sizes and colors, the plastic handful bag justifies any store that chooses it with the excellent function of quality and affordable price. Depending on your products, small or large, we offer you the handful bag respectively with a simple or reinforced handle (patch handle). It is a plastic bag, which does not have a glued handle but a notch or hole (die cut) forming an internal handle. It is a very good and economical packaging solution since the same bag size compared to the Loop bag, has more pieces per kilogram. They can be produced in many dimensions and many colors. Size:17X25, 22X30, 25X35, 30X40, 35X45, 40X50, 42X7X55, 50X10X70 Type:Plastic handful
Sac de curier din plastic - Sac plastic sigilat - Producem saci de curier din kraft și plastic, polymailers și plicuri de expediere.

Sac de curier din plastic - Sac plastic sigilat - Producem saci de curier din kraft și plastic, polymailers și plicuri de expediere.

Plastic Courier bags are :The most secure way of handling products by courier.You can choose the color that matches the style of your business and print your logo.It has a double-sided, security or re-sealable tape for quick and easy sealing.Indicatively, businesses that can take advantage of the possibilities and benefits offered by courier envelopes are: E-shop, courier, crafts, industrial companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
Sac de curier din plastic - Sac plastic sigilat - Produsează saci de curier din kraft și plastic, polymailers și plicuri de expediere.

Sac de curier din plastic - Sac plastic sigilat - Produsează saci de curier din kraft și plastic, polymailers și plicuri de expediere.

Plastic Courier bags are :The most secure way of handling products by courier.You can choose the color that matches the style of your business and print your logo.It has a double-sided, security or re-sealable tape for quick and easy sealing.Indicatively, businesses that can take advantage of the possibilities and benefits offered by courier envelopes are: E-shop, courier, crafts, industrial companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
PUNGILE T-SHIRT - Pungile de plastic tradiționale sunt de obicei fabricate din polietilenă, care constă din l

PUNGILE T-SHIRT - Pungile de plastic tradiționale sunt de obicei fabricate din polietilenă, care constă din l

Custom size, color and printing option according to customer requirement. Film Type: LDPE-MDPE-HDPE High quality printing in up to 6 colors with Flexo printing technology Supply of different film types and thicknesses according to customer needs Single coat or Co-ex BİR ÇOK FARKLI KULLANIM İHTİYACI İÇİN LDPE 1. KALİTE VE LDPE 2. KALİTE MÜŞTERİ İHTİYACINA GÖRE EN,BOY VE KALINLIK SEÇENEKLERİ İLE 4 RENGE KADAR BASKI YAPILABİLEN ÜRÜNLERDİR.