Produse pentru pulbere cu proteine (70)

Izolat de Proteină din Zer

Izolat de Proteină din Zer

Whey protein isolate is obtained by concentration and purification of Whey Protein Concentrate to reduce the content of fat and carbohydrate in whey. The process can be conducted with the use of membrane separation or ion exchange. WPI is considered a product of the highest purity and concentration of protein.
Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% (WPC 80)

Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% (WPC 80)

Whey Protein Concentrate 80% (WPC 80) jest produkowany ze słodkiej serwatki w zaawansowanym procesie niskotemperaturowej ultrafiltracji. Taka obróbka redukuje pewną ilość składników niebiałkowych, aby otrzymać produkt o zawartości białka na poziomie minimum 80%. Ten proszek jest bezsmakowy i dlatego można nadać mu dowolny smak lub aromat.
Izolat de Proteină din Zer (WPI)

Izolat de Proteină din Zer (WPI)

L'isolat de protéines de lactosérum est obtenu par concentration et purification du concentré de protéines de lactosérum afin de réduire la teneur en matières grasses et en glucides du lactosérum. Le processus peut être conduit avec l'utilisation d'une séparation par membrane ou d'un échange d'ions. Le WPI est considéré comme un produit de la plus haute pureté et concentration de protéines.
VG Titans W65-M Protein din Grâu Texturat

VG Titans W65-M Protein din Grâu Texturat

VG Titans W65-M Textured Wheat Protein is a versatile plant-based protein product designed for a variety of culinary applications. This dry product, obtained through an advanced extrusion process, transforms into a meat-like texture upon hydration, making it an ideal ingredient for plant-based burgers, sausages, cold cuts, and more. Its high protein content and adaptability make it a valuable addition to both plant-based and traditional meat products, enhancing nutritional value and texture. The production of VG Titans W65-M emphasizes sustainability and quality, using non-GMO wheat sources to ensure a clean and health-conscious product. This textured wheat protein is perfect for food manufacturers seeking to innovate and expand their offerings in the growing market for meatless and plant-based foods. Its ability to blend seamlessly into various recipes makes it a staple for those aiming to cater to the increasing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80%

Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80%

Koncentrat białka mleka (MPC) to skoncentrowane mleko w proszku, które zazwyczaj zawiera 80% białka mleka. Produkowany jest ze świeżego i pasteryzowanego mleka odtłuszczonego poprzez filtrację i suszenie rozpyłowe. Stosunek wysokiej zawartości białka i niskiej zawartości laktozy sprawia, że produkt ten jest powszechnie stosowany w produkcji żywności niskowęglowodanowej oraz napojów wzbogaconych w białko. Można go również dodawać między innymi do wypieków, deserów, produktów hodowlanych, napojów mlecznych, sosów i serów.
pudră de lapte

pudră de lapte

Unser Milchpulver ist eine vielseitige und nahrhafte Zutat, die in einer Vielzahl von Rezepten verwendet werden kann. Es ist reich an Kalzium und anderen essentiellen Nährstoffen, die für eine gesunde Ernährung unerlässlich sind. Unser Milchpulver wird aus hochwertiger Milch hergestellt und unter strengen Qualitätskontrollen verarbeitet. Das Milchpulver ist in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich, um Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Es ist ideal für die Zubereitung von Getränken, Backwaren und anderen kulinarischen Kreationen. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unseres Milchpulvers, um Ihre Gerichte zu bereichern.
VG Titans W65-L Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-L Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein is a dry, plant-based product that offers a meat-like texture upon hydration. Made from high-quality wheat protein and wheat flour, this product is ideal for creating a variety of plant-based dishes. Its large chunks and high protein content make it a perfect ingredient for burgers, sausages, and cold cuts, as well as an addition to meat and poultry products. With a hydration rate of 1:3 and a recommended rehydration time of 30 minutes, VG Titans W65-L provides convenience and versatility for culinary creations. This textured wheat protein is not only a great source of protein but also a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of applications. From plant-based bolognese sauce to minced meat, VG Titans W65-L provides a rich and satisfying texture that enhances any dish. Packaged in a 6kg PE bag, it is easy to store and use, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen looking to explore the benefits of plant-based cooking.
Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-M

Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-M

The Textured Wheat Protein VG Titans W65-M is a dry, extruded product that can be rehydrated for use in plant-based items such as burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. It is made from wheat protein and wheat flour, containing a minimum of 65% protein, available in medium chunks, with a water absorption ratio of 1:3 and a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, this product is perfect for crafting plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
VG Titans W65-M Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-M Proteină texturată din grâu

VG Titans W65-M Textured Wheat Protein is a versatile, plant-based product designed to replicate the texture of meat. Made from premium wheat protein and wheat flour, this dry product is perfect for creating a wide range of plant-based dishes. Its medium-sized chunks and high protein content make it an ideal ingredient for burgers, sausages, and cold cuts, as well as an addition to meat and poultry products. With a hydration rate of 1:3 and a recommended rehydration time of 30 minutes, VG Titans W65-M offers convenience and flexibility for culinary innovation. This textured wheat protein is not only nutritious but also adaptable, making it a valuable ingredient for various applications. From plant-based bolognese sauce to minced meat, VG Titans W65-M provides a rich and satisfying texture that enhances any dish. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, it is easy to store and handle, making it a must-have for any kitchen exploring the benefits of plant-based cooking.
Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-L

Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-L

Textured Wheat Protein VG Titans W65-L is a dry product created through extrusion, suitable for hydration and use in plant-based products like burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. Made from wheat protein and wheat flour, it contains a minimum of 65% protein, available in large chunks, with a water absorption ratio of 1:3 and a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in a 6kg PE bag, this product is ideal for making plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Concentrat de Proteină din Lapte 80% (MPC)

Concentrat de Proteină din Lapte 80% (MPC)

Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) is a highly concentrated milk powder that typically contains 80% milk protein. It is derived from fresh, pasteurized skim milk through a process of filtration, evaporation, and spray drying. MPC is known for its exceptional foaming, texturing, water-binding, and coagulation properties. It owes its excellent nutritional value to its high concentration of protein. It has a shelf life of 24 months and is available in 25 kg bags and Big Bags. MPC is a viable alternative to Whole Milk Powder or Skimmed Milk Powder, offering comparable protein levels.
Pudră de Ou

Pudră de Ou

Proces produkcji proszku jajecznego rozpoczyna się od świeżych jaj, które są przepuszczane przez różne zaawansowane maszyny. Po usunięciu skorupek mieszanina jest filtrowana i przechowywana w zbiornikach magazynowych w temperaturze około 4 stopni, następnie jaja są pasteryzowane i suszone rozpyłowo w cienkiej warstwie. Produkt końcowy występuje w postaci wysuszonej i sproszkowanej. Produkt ten jest również często określany jako „sproszkowane jajko”, „jajo w proszku” lub „jajko w proszku w proszku”. Zawiera około 30-37% zawartości białka. Kolor waha się od jasnego do ciemnożółtego. Produkt oferowany przez Foodcom jest wolny od GMO.
Proteină de Cartof

Proteină de Cartof

Das Kartoffelprotein wird später gereinigt, gedämpft und geschält. Die Stärke wird dann mit Wasser extrahiert, um eine proteinhaltige Aufschlämmung zu bilden, die mit Säure behandelt und dann getrocknet und pulverisiert wird. Kartoffelprotein ist ein feines, lockeres Pulver, hellgrau oder gelbgrün und hat einen typischen getrockneten Kartoffelgeruch. Der Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Kartoffeleiweiß sind Stärkekartoffeln polnischer Herkunft.
Proteină de Mazăre 80% - Calitate Alimentară

Proteină de Mazăre 80% - Calitate Alimentară

La protéine de pois est obtenue à partir de pois dorés ou jaunes par voie sèche et liquide. Au stade du séchage, la coque des pois est retirée à la machine et broyée. Plus tard, la farine de pois est récupérée et, grâce à ses propriétés hydrosolubles, les protéines sont séparées par centrifugation et collectées. Le produit final de protéines de pois est une poudre beige au goût pur.
Concentrat de Proteină din Lapte

Concentrat de Proteină din Lapte

Milchproteinkonzentrat (MPC) ist ein konzentriertes Milchpulver, das normalerweise 80% Milchprotein enthält. Es wird aus frischer, pasteurisierter Magermilch durch Filtration und Sprühtrocknung hergestellt. Das Verhältnis von proteinreichem und laktosearmem Produkt macht dieses Produkt häufig zur Herstellung von kohlenhydratarmen Lebensmitteln und proteinangereicherten Getränken. Es kann unter anderem auch Backwaren, Desserts, Kulturprodukten, Getränken auf Milchbasis, Saucen und Käse zugesetzt werden.
Concentrat de Proteină din Zer

Concentrat de Proteină din Zer

Le concentré de protéines de lait (MPC) est un lait en poudre concentré qui contient généralement 80 % de protéines de lait. Il est produit à partir de lait écrémé frais et pasteurisé par filtration et séchage par atomisation. Le rapport teneur élevée en protéines et faible teneur en lactose rend ce produit couramment utilisé dans la fabrication d'aliments à faible teneur en glucides et de boissons enrichies en protéines. Il peut également être ajouté aux produits de boulangerie, aux desserts, aux produits de culture, aux boissons lactées, aux sauces et aux fromages, entre autres.
Concentrat de proteină din lapte

Concentrat de proteină din lapte

El concentrado de proteína de leche (MPC) es una leche en polvo concentrada que generalmente contiene un 80% de proteína de leche. Se produce a partir de leche desnatada fresca y pasteurizada mediante filtración y secado por aspersión. La proporción de alto contenido en proteínas y bajo en lactosa hace que este producto se use comúnmente en la fabricación de alimentos bajos en carbohidratos y bebidas enriquecidas con proteínas. También se puede agregar a productos de panadería, postres, productos cultivados, bebidas lácteas, salsas y quesos, entre muchos otros.
Integratori alimentari în pulbere în borcane

Integratori alimentari în pulbere în borcane

I barattoli di integratori alimentari in polvere offrono una soluzione economica e versatile per chi desidera un'integrazione continua e personalizzata. Questi contenitori di grandi dimensioni consentono di dosare la quantità desiderata di polvere, offrendo un'integrazione flessibile e su misura. Ideali per chi cerca un approccio a lungo termine alla propria salute, i barattoli sono una scelta affidabile e conveniente.
Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% Instant (WPC 80 Instant)

Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% Instant (WPC 80 Instant)

Koncentrat białka serwatkowego 80% instant (WPC 80 instant) (WPC 80% instant) jest produkowany ze słodkiej serwatki w zaawansowanym procesie niskotemperaturowej ultrafiltracji. Dlatego większość białek pozostaje nienaruszona. WPC zawiera około 35-90% białek mleka. Ten proszek jest bezsmakowy i dlatego można nadać mu dowolny smak lub aromat. WPC 80 Instant znajduje zastosowanie w produkcji lodów, jogurtów, napojów, wyrobów wędliniarskich oraz głównie w żywieniu sportowców. Koncentrat instant łatwo rozpuszcza się nawet w zimnej wodzie. WPC 80 Instant dostępny jest w opakowaniach 15/20/25kg lub „Big Bag” 500-1000kg. Średni okres przydatności do spożycia WPC 80 Instant wynosi około 12 miesięcy. Zawartość białka: min. 80% Zawartość tłuszczu: maks. 8% Zawartość popiołu max. 3,5%
Integratori alimentari in pulbere în stick packs

Integratori alimentari in pulbere în stick packs

Gli stick pack di integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un modo moderno e pratico per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi piccoli pacchetti sono facili da trasportare e utilizzare, consentendo un'integrazione rapida e discreta. Ideali per chi ha uno stile di vita attivo, gli stick pack sono una scelta popolare per chi cerca un'integrazione semplice e veloce.
Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% Instant (WPC 80 instant)

Concentrat de Proteină din Zer 80% Instant (WPC 80 instant)

Whey Protein Concentrate 80% instant (WPC 80 instant) (WPC 80% instant) is produced from sweet whey by using an advanced low-temperature ultrafiltration process. This is why most proteins remain undisturbed. WPC contains about 35-90% milk proteins. This powder is unflavored and thus can be given any flavor or aroma. WPC 80 Instant is used in production of ice creams, yoghurts, drinks, butcher’s products and mainly in sports nutrition. Instant concentrate dissolves easily even in cold water. WPC 80 Instant is available in packs of 15/ 20/ 25kg or „Big Bag” 500-1000kg. Average Shelf life of WPC 80 Instant is about 12 months. Protein content: min. 80% Fat content: max. 8% Ash content max. 3.5%
Concentrat de Proteine din Lactoza Instant (WPC 80 Insta)

Concentrat de Proteine din Lactoza Instant (WPC 80 Insta)

Le concentré de protéines de lactosérum 80 % instantané (WPC 80 instantané) (WPC 80 % instantané) est produit à partir de lactosérum doux en utilisant un procédé avancé d'ultrafiltration à basse température. C'est pourquoi la plupart des protéines restent intactes. Le WPC contient environ 35 à 90 % de protéines de lait. Cette poudre n'est pas aromatisée et peut donc recevoir n'importe quelle saveur ou arôme. WPC 80 Instant est utilisé dans la production de crèmes glacées, yaourts, boissons, produits de boucherie et principalement dans la nutrition sportive. Le concentré instantané se dissout facilement même dans l'eau froide. WPC 80 Instant est disponible en packs de 15/ 20/ 25kg ou "Big Bag" 500-1000kg. La durée de conservation moyenne du WPC 80 Instant est d'environ 12 mois. Teneur en protéines : min. 80 % Teneur en matière grasse : max. 8% Teneur en cendres max. 3,5 %
VG Titans P65-M Protein din Mazăre Texturat

VG Titans P65-M Protein din Mazăre Texturat

VG Titans P65-M Textured Pea Protein is a premium plant-based protein product designed to meet the needs of modern food manufacturers. This dry product, created through a sophisticated extrusion process, hydrates to deliver a meat-like texture, making it perfect for plant-based burgers, sausages, and other meatless products. Its high protein and fiber content, combined with its versatility, make it an excellent choice for enhancing the nutritional value of various culinary creations. Sourced from non-GMO peas, VG Titans P65-M is produced with a commitment to sustainability and quality. This textured pea protein is ideal for companies looking to innovate and expand their offerings in the plant-based food sector. Its ability to integrate seamlessly into a wide range of recipes makes it a must-have ingredient for those catering to the growing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
VG Titans P65-M Protein din mazăre texturată

VG Titans P65-M Protein din mazăre texturată

VG Titans P65-M Textured Pea Protein is a versatile, plant-based product designed to replicate the texture of meat. Made from premium pea protein, this dry product is perfect for creating a wide range of plant-based dishes. Its medium-sized chunks and high protein content make it an ideal ingredient for burgers, sausages, and cold cuts, as well as an addition to meat and poultry products. With a hydration rate of 1:3 and a recommended rehydration time of 30 minutes, VG Titans P65-M offers convenience and flexibility for culinary innovation. This textured pea protein is not only nutritious but also adaptable, making it a valuable ingredient for various applications. From plant-based bolognese sauce to minced meat, VG Titans P65-M provides a rich and satisfying texture that enhances any dish. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, it is easy to store and handle, making it a must-have for any kitchen exploring the benefits of plant-based cooking.
VG Titans P65-L Protein din Mazăre Texturat

VG Titans P65-L Protein din Mazăre Texturat

VG Titans P65-L Textured Pea Protein is a dry, plant-based product that transforms into a meat-like texture upon hydration. This innovative product is made from high-quality pea protein and is ideal for creating a variety of plant-based dishes. Its large chunks and high protein content make it a perfect ingredient for burgers, sausages, and cold cuts, as well as an addition to meat and poultry products. With a hydration rate of 1:2 and a recommended rehydration time of 45 minutes, VG Titans P65-L offers convenience and versatility for culinary creations. This textured pea protein is not only a great source of protein but also a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of applications. From plant-based bolognese sauce to minced meat, VG Titans P65-L provides a rich and satisfying texture that enhances any dish. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, it is easy to store and use, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen looking to explore the benefits of plant-based cooking.
VG Titans P65-L Protein din mazăre texturată

VG Titans P65-L Protein din mazăre texturată

VG Titans P65-L Textured Pea Protein provides a high-quality, plant-based protein solution for food manufacturers seeking to create innovative meatless products. This dry, extruded product hydrates to form a texture akin to meat, making it suitable for use in burgers, sausages, and other plant-based applications. Its high protein and fiber content, along with its versatility, make it an essential ingredient for enhancing the nutritional profile of both plant-based and traditional meat products. Produced from non-GMO peas, VG Titans P65-L is crafted with a focus on sustainability and health. This textured pea protein is perfect for companies aiming to meet the increasing consumer demand for vegan and vegetarian foods. Its adaptability and ease of use in various recipes make it a valuable component for expanding product lines and catering to diverse dietary preferences.
Concentrat de Proteine din Zer Instant (WPC 80 instant)

Concentrat de Proteine din Zer Instant (WPC 80 instant)

CONCENTRATO DI PROTEINE DEL SIERO instant (WPC 80 instant) è ottenuto nel processo avanzato di ultrafiltrazione a bassa temperatura per la separazione del lattosio, così la parte di proteine nel siero di latte rimane intatta. Concentrati di proteine del siero di latte possono contenere da 35 a 90% di proteine. Concentrato sotto forma di polveri ha un gusto neutro, così si possa dare qualsiasi gusto o odore. WPC 80 (Whey Protein Concentrate) viene utilizzato nella produzione di concentrati alimentari, gelati, yogurt, bevande, salumi a base di carne e soprattutto integratori per sportivi e cibo funzionale.
Permeat de zer

Permeat de zer

Permeat jest produkowany ze świeżego pasteryzowanego odtłuszczonego mleka, powstałego po ultrafiltracji mleka w celu ekstrakcji białek i tłuszczów. Produkt jest następnie suszony przy użyciu zaawansowanych technik suszenia rozpyłowego. Produkt jest czasem nazywany „serwatką odbiałczoną”, gdy jest uzyskiwany z serwatki. Dzięki temu, że permeat serwatki jest bogaty w laktozę, ale ma niską zawartość białka, może być stosowany do produkcji słodyczy, wyrobów piekarniczych i tłuszczów. Dodawany jest również do produkcji lodów, serów topionych, napojów i kosmetyków.
Concentrat de proteină din zer instant (WPC 80 instant)

Concentrat de proteină din zer instant (WPC 80 instant)

Concentrado de proteína de suero instantse obtiene mediante un proceso avanzado de separación de ultrafiltración de lactosa a baja temperatura, de modo que las proteínas en el suero de leche se mantienen intactas. Los concentrados de proteína de suero de leche pueden contener entre 35 y 90% de proteína. El concentado en forma de polvo tiene un sabor neutro, por lo que se le puede dar cualquier sabor u olor. WPC (en inglés: Whey Protein Concentrate- concentrado de proteína de suero) 80 fueron utilizados en la producción de alimentos concentrados, helados, yogures, bebidas, embutidos de carne y principalmente en nutrición deportiva y alimentos funcionales.
Pudră de Proteină din Cânepă Organică UE

Pudră de Proteină din Cânepă Organică UE

"Hemp Protein Powder Hemp protein powder is a source of protein, amino acids and omega fats. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through nutrition. Protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. It also contributes to the maintenance of strong bones. Properties Hemp protein powder is also rich in fiber, and minerals. In other words, hemp is very healthy and can give your body positive influences. Hemp has a nutty taste and is easily digestible. This is very suitable for athletes, vegetarians and vegans. Use You can add the hemp protein powder to smoothies, yogurt, shakes or dough ingredients. You can add 2-4 tablespoons 1-2 times a day to your smoothie, yogurt or in the shake."