Produse pentru produsele alimentare de cobai (41)

Ambalare hrană pentru animale de companie

Ambalare hrană pentru animale de companie

Las líneas de envasado de comida para mascotas y piensos animales de YM Packaging son una excelente manera de obtener rendimiento, eficacia y fiabilidad a gran escala. Nuestras líneas incluyen maquinaria automatizada como máquinas ensacadoras de piensos y transportadores para el manejo de los productos. Estas líneas de envasado se diseñan para proporcionar un rendimiento óptimo con la mínima cantidad de recursos. La línea típica incluirá equipos como alimentadores, clasificadores, transportadores, unidades de envasado, selladores, etiquetadores y embaladoras.
Cârnați Feliați - Cârnați Feliați Fără Nitriți

Cârnați Feliați - Cârnați Feliați Fără Nitriți

Fabriqué artisanalement dans notre atelier de Laissac, en Aveyron, ce saucisson est issu d'élevages en Aveyron rigoureusement sélectionnés. Ce saucisson est un saucisson sans nitrite, élaboré uniquement à partir de 3 ingrédients : viande, sel de Guérande et poivre de Kampot IGP du Cambodge. DLC:90 jours Poids:80g Provenance:Laissac, Aveyron
Crențe de oaie și porc halal sărate

Crențe de oaie și porc halal sărate

Wir sind Anbieter von gesalzenen Halal-Schaf- und Schweinedärmen, die für ihre hohe Qualität bekannt sind. Unsere Produkte sind ideal für die Wurstherstellung und werden weltweit exportiert. Wir garantieren hohe Qualität und Frische sowie wettbewerbsfähige Preise. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung im internationalen Handel, um die besten Wurstwaren für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.
Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Groch to roślina strączkowa. Groch stanowi dobre źródło białka, dostarcza też węglowodanów, a także błonnika, który usprawnia trawienie. Poza tym groch ma działanie zasadotwórcze. Jest podstawowym składnikiem wojskowej grochówki ale idealnie nadaje się do różnego rodzaju past kanapkowych, zup czy sałatek.
Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

We produce premium food packaging, including eco-friendly packaging options. - Preformed food bags are available in a variety of materials, each with a different quality depending on the product and its packaging application. Paper food packaging, paper bags, plastic disposable food bags or ecological packaging with different types of gluing depending on the product, at highly competitive prices!
Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

If you see TM "TERRA" products on the shelf, feel free to take them. Steamed rice is not an exception. Airy and crumbly rice will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It will take half an hour of time and a little of your inspiration to prepare.


GUMINASE-P is a mixture of fungal ß-glucanases, pentosanases, amylases and endoproteases selected to improve the wort extract yield and the wort filtration rate when brewing with raw wheat or raw barley. PURPOSES To increase the wort extract yield by degrading the cell wall constituents improving the starch granules gelatinisation and allowing amylases to reach easier their substrate when brewing with high levels of raw wheat or barley. To improve the wort filtration rate by hydrolysing ß-glucans and pentosanes. TEMPERATURE Optimum 45-55°C. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4,5 and 6,5. APPLICATION Guminase P is added in the beginning of the mash. AVAILABILITY Powder form in plastic or cardboard drums of 25-50 kg. EXAMPLES 100% raw wheat brewing using exogenes amylases, and Guminase P (rates: % w/w enzyme/wheat grains). Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotriose (%) Glucose (%) Free Amino Nitrogen (ppm)* Filtration rate 0,1% (w/w)... Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri:Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri
Conserve - Gama noastră oferă o selecție variată de conserve diferite.

Conserve - Gama noastră oferă o selecție variată de conserve diferite.

Na FlevoTrade, temos conhecimento de produtos enlatados e uma rede global de fornecedores. Isto permite-nos selecionar e exportar os produtos certos. As sardinhas enlatadas, em particular, são apreciadas pelos apreciadores de comida em todo o mundo. A nossa equipa de especialistas está pronta para processar as suas encomendas e garantir que obtém sempre a melhor relação qualidade/preço. Quer desafiar-nos para um novo produto?
Coacăze roșii liofilizate - Alte fructe liofilizate

Coacăze roșii liofilizate - Alte fructe liofilizate

100% Johannisbeeren, rot, gefriergetrocknet. Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel. Für 100 g Johannisbeeren werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt
Melci în pachete de 500 g

Melci în pachete de 500 g

Our Helix Aperta Snails with tipical olive green shell, are collected in their natural habitat without pesticides or herbicides. They are selected and certified to guarantee quality and freshness with adequate light and temperature conditions that preserve their vitality and shelf life. PRODUCT FEATURES AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 100% natural snails, already cleaned and purged, ready to eat Availability period: available all year round Packaged in 500 gr. micro-perforated packs Minimum order: 500 kg
Nash Ratsion Amestec de carne hrană uscată completă pentru căței și câini tineri

Nash Ratsion Amestec de carne hrană uscată completă pentru căței și câini tineri

Natural ingredients of Nash Ratsion (Our Ration) supply body with all necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. A unique superfood complex contributes to overall strengthening of immunity, health of animals, and benefits to their harmonious development.
Aliment Bio pentru Câini Amestec de Legume - Amestec Bio de Legume pentru Câini   Compoziție: 50% dovleac și 50% conopidă fiartă

Aliment Bio pentru Câini Amestec de Legume - Amestec Bio de Legume pentru Câini Compoziție: 50% dovleac și 50% conopidă fiartă

Fütterungsempfehlung: Leicht verdaulicher Gemüsemus als Futterergänzung zu Fleisch oder Nassfutter. Eine Mahlzeit kann z.B. aus 70% Fleisch/Nassfutter und 30% Gemüsemus bestehen. Reich an Inulin. Ideal für BARF. Analytische Bestandteile: Protein 0,8%, Fettgehalt 0,4%, Rohfaser 2,9%, Feuchtigkeit 90%
Carne și Cârnați Organici

Carne și Cârnați Organici

Hausschlachtene Bio-Wurst und hausschlachtenes Bio-Fleisch von Schwein und Rind vom eigenen Hof. Wir schlachten zu festen Terminen. Bio-Fleischwaren - Rinderlende - Rostbeef - Rinderbraten - Schweinebraten - Gulasch - Sauerbraten Kochfleisch - Beinscheiben - Kamm - Lende - Kotelett - Schälbraten - Eisbein - Speck - Rippchen - Fleischknochen - Wellfleisch Bio-Wurst frisch, geräuchert und in Gläsern - Leberwurst - Blutwurst - Bratwurst - Jagdwurst - Mettwurst - Pfefferbeiser - Bratwurstteig Für Biomärkte und Fleischereien arbeiten wir auch auf ganz besondere Wünsche und Ihre Bestellung. Fragen Sie bei uns an, wir beraten Sie gern.
Capsule de Curcuma Bio

Capsule de Curcuma Bio

Lohnherstellung / Verkapselung von BIO Kurkuma Kapseln in vegane HPMC Kapseln mit ihrer gewünschten Füllmenge. Wir stellen ihre Bio Kurkuma Kapseln in ihrer gewünschten Füllmenge in vegetarischen HPMC Kapseln zum preisgünstigen Konditionen an. Anschließend füllen wir ihre Kapseln in Dosen, Gläser oder Standbodenbeutel ab - etikettieren und können ebenfalls für Sie Versenden oder unter kontrollierten Temperaturbedingungen bei uns einlagern. des Weiteren bieten unsere InHouse Grafiker moderne frische Designs und sind bereits mit den Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Kennzeichnungsverordnungen bestens vertraut. Herzlich sind sie auch eingeladen unsere Produktionsstätte zu besichtigen. Wir freuen uns auf ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Ambalaj pentru hrană pentru animale de companie - Ambalaj pentru hrană pentru păsări

Ambalaj pentru hrană pentru animale de companie - Ambalaj pentru hrană pentru păsări

Our sustainable standup and flatbottom pouches are perfectly suited for packaging bird food. The materials used are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. They have laboratorytested barrier properties against oxygen, humidity and UV light. With our outstanding aroma preservation (e.g. material Martha 0,0419,97 cm3/m2*24h*bar) your bird food products stay fresh for a long time. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces per design you can create a particular pouch design for every taste and type. Limited editions or product tests are no problem either and quickly realized due to digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fullyprinted and provide all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces can be realized easily and without additional cost. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Cipsuri de Porc în Pachet - 800 G - Gustări Naturale pentru Câini

Cipsuri de Porc în Pachet - 800 G - Gustări Naturale pentru Câini

Votre compagnon raffolera de cette irrésistible friandise. 100 % naturelles, ces chips de porc favorisent le détartrage des dents de votre chien. Elles lui permettent également la fortification de ses mâchoires et de ses gencives. Poids:800g
Pulă de pui brazilian

Pulă de pui brazilian

La Cuisse de poulet brésilien est un choix populaire pour les amateurs de viande, offrant une texture tendre et une saveur riche qui rehaussent vos plats préférés. Ces cuisses sont soigneusement sélectionnées pour leur qualité et leur fraîcheur, garantissant une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle. Elles sont parfaites pour les grillades, les rôtis et les plats mijotés. Disponibles en différentes tailles, les Cuisses de poulet brésilien sont idéales pour les cuisines professionnelles et domestiques. Leur emballage pratique assure une manipulation facile et une conservation optimale. Que vous soyez un chef professionnel ou un cuisinier amateur, ces cuisses de poulet sont un choix incontournable pour des résultats culinaires de qualité.
Alimente Organice Naturale pentru Bebeluși

Alimente Organice Naturale pentru Bebeluși

Bebek Erişteleri, Bebek Salçaları, Kuskus, İlikli Kemik Suları
Șuncă iberică 100% hrănită cu ghinde - Șuncă pură de porc iberic hrănită cu ghinde

Șuncă iberică 100% hrănită cu ghinde - Șuncă pură de porc iberic hrănită cu ghinde

Jamón elaborado a partir de cerdo ibéricos puros criados en extensivo en dehesa. Piezas de calidad certificada que se han elaborado bajo la norma del ibérico.
Găină de țară din Auvergne

Găină de țară din Auvergne

Spécialiste du commerce en gros volaille, gibier, foie gras et charcuterie. Contact 01 41 73 09 91
Guinea Fresh Mămăligă de Porumb 400g - Făini și Semolini

Guinea Fresh Mămăligă de Porumb 400g - Făini și Semolini

FARINE DE MAIS Référence:002668
Cârnați Naturali - Mâncăruri Gătite

Cârnați Naturali - Mâncăruri Gătite

Saucisses de porc origine France, boyaux naturels, sel, poivre. CONSEIL DU CHEF : Cuisinez-les avec des petits pois, vous n’en reviendrez pas ! Je les déguste avec un Minervois ou un Corbières. Fan de saucisses, j’ai décidé de les cuisiner, aussi, en bocal.


Summit 10 SANS CÉRÉALES est une gamme de produits Super Premium développés avec une seule source de protéines animales, pomme de terre et ingrédients 100% naturels, sans colorants, aromatisants et antioxydants artificiel. Inspiré par la nature, il base sa recette sur le poulet comme seule source de protéines animales. Recommandé pour les chiens adultes de toutes races, en particulier pour ceux qui ont des digestions sensibles ou qui nécessitent des soins spéciaux pour les poils et la peau. Une recette à base de poulet et de pomme de terre qui prévient d’éventuelles intolérances ou allergies. Ses ingrédients sont certifiés pour la consommation humaine.
Amestec Sportiv pentru Porumbei Junior - Furaj pentru Porumbei

Amestec Sportiv pentru Porumbei Junior - Furaj pentru Porumbei

A Pigeon can achieve the best results if it is in excellent health. That’s why we developed the «Junior» feed line for young pigeons. The feeding of this line provides a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the full development and good physical shape of a pigeon. Composition: sorghum, dun peas, popcorn maize, yellow peas, dari, paddy rice, red millet, tares and etc.
Alimente pentru câini - Furaj complet pentru crescătorii de câini

Alimente pentru câini - Furaj complet pentru crescătorii de câini

E’ la gamma tradizionale di cibo secco per cani, caratterizzata da composizioni semplici e consolidate, sviluppata con operatori del settore professionale e pensata appositamente per gli allevatori.
Ambalaj pentru animale de companie Câine Pisică Ambalaj pentru hrană uscată pentru animale de companie Train Plastic M

Ambalaj pentru animale de companie Câine Pisică Ambalaj pentru hrană uscată pentru animale de companie Train Plastic M

Customization Dog Cat Pet Dry Food Packaging Train Plastic Making Bag Storage - Order Now Custom Pet Packaging with Logo Wholesale Factory Prices Dog Cat Pet Dry Food Packaging Train Plastic Making Bag Storage Industrial UseFood Bag Type: Side Gusset Bag FeatureMoisture Proof Plastic Type: LDPE Other attributes Surface Handling: Gravure printing Material Structure: PET/VMPET/PE or customized Sealing & Handle: Zipper Top Usage: Food Package Color: Customized Color Size: Custom Size Accepted Keyword: Pet food packaging bag Printing: Gravure printing Material Structure: PET+VMPET+PE Product name: Packaging Bags Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 15X10X0.5 cm Single gross weight: 0.050 kg
zmeura medicinală (Rubus chingii Hu)

zmeura medicinală (Rubus chingii Hu)

Raspberry(Rubus chingii Hu), the dried fruit of the East China raspberry in the rose family. Raspberries were called "gold and jade" in ancient times. Can cure impotence, spermatospermia, enhance immunity, back to milk. Raspberries contain a lot of catechins and antioxidant flavonoids, are very powerful antioxidants, can fight excess free radicals in the body, strengthen blood vessels, prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Known as "cancer killer" and "natural Viagra". Palm leaf raspberry, also known as East China raspberry, its green fruit can be used in medicine, ripe fruit can be eaten, the fruit is aggregated berries, because of attractive color, rich nutrition, rich flavor, taste, etc., is one of the berries that have attracted the attention of sellers in recent years, known as "the third generation of golden fruit", and as one of the 194 kinds of raspberries selected in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" of "medicine and food homology" plants. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Kaibao Materia Medica" and other historical records, it is good for kidney and essence, nourishing liver and brightening eyes, pleasing skin, peace and zang-fu organs. Raspberry palm leaf ripe fruit is a new type of high nutrition of the first fruit, rich in amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin PP, superoxide dismutase, natural substances (tannic acid), natural aspirin (salicylic acid) and a large number of natural weight loss substances raspberry ketone, is with anti-aging, health care, beauty and other "new third generation fruit". Scientific Name:Rubus idaeus,Rubi fructus. English Name:Fu pen zi,palmleaf raspberry fruit,fructus rubi. Malay Name:Raspberi Family & Genus:Rosaceae,Rubus. Properties:Sweet & sour in taste. Warm in nature. Benefits:Boosts kidney,consolidate kidney essence,reduce urination,nourish body & tonify blood,skin beauty,tonify liver & brighten eyes. Indications: ·Blurred vision ·Spermatorrhea ·Frequent urination ·Kidney deficiency & enuresis ·Leukorrhea with thin menses ·Weakness & cold intolerance ·Premature graying of beard & hair *Those with kidney deficiency & effulgent fire,dark & decreas urine have to be cautious with consumption. Preparation: ·6-12g each time. Boil soup or add pills or powder, or soak in wine or ointment. ·Boil water and tea until the taste is light, and the fruit can be eaten. This product is the dried fruit of raspberry, a plant in the Rosaceae family.It is picked in the water source protection zone in eastern Zhejiang, and there is no environmental pollution from heavy industry in the surrounding area.There is no sulfur fumigation, no leaching, no mildew, and no other impurities during picking and processing.And passed 53 tests.[Nature, flavor and meridians] Sweet, sour, warm.Enters the liver, kidney, and bladder meridians.[Functions and Indications] Tonify the kidneys and essence, diuretic, nourish the liver, and improve eyesight.It is used for spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, impotence, premature ejaculation, and blurred vision.
Ciuperci cultivate proaspăt ambalate 350g - Ciuperci cultivate proaspăt ambalate de calitate superioară 350g

Ciuperci cultivate proaspăt ambalate 350g - Ciuperci cultivate proaspăt ambalate de calitate superioară 350g

1 sınıf taze kaliteli kültür mantarı. İş teklifi için lütfen mesaj atınız.
Sare roz de Himalaya de la Pripravka - SUPER PURĂ!

Sare roz de Himalaya de la Pripravka - SUPER PURĂ!

▪ Himalayan pink salt from Pripravka - SUPER PURE! Contains 3 times less insoluble impurities! Has a light pink, almost transparent color and contains up to 0.25% of insoluble impurities, and the legal limit - 0.85% (DSTU 3583: 2015). ▪ 100% natural, mined without heat and chemical treatment. ▪ Does not contain anti-caking agents and bleach, which can be harmful to human health, unlike table salt. ▪ Himalayan pink salt from Pripravka meets requirements of insoluble impurities according to international quality standard (CODEX STAN 150-1985). ▪ A unique source of more than 25 useful trace elements: iron (Fe), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iodine (I). Pripravka on its own initiative was the first in Ukraine to check and confirm the content of trace elements in Himalayan pink salt in an accredited laboratory. ▪ Doypack with a convenient zip-lock which allows you to maintain the freshness of the products by protecting them from the environment.