Produse pentru produsele alimentare de cobai (14)

Ambalare hrană pentru animale de companie

Ambalare hrană pentru animale de companie

Las líneas de envasado de comida para mascotas y piensos animales de YM Packaging son una excelente manera de obtener rendimiento, eficacia y fiabilidad a gran escala. Nuestras líneas incluyen maquinaria automatizada como máquinas ensacadoras de piensos y transportadores para el manejo de los productos. Estas líneas de envasado se diseñan para proporcionar un rendimiento óptimo con la mínima cantidad de recursos. La línea típica incluirá equipos como alimentadores, clasificadores, transportadores, unidades de envasado, selladores, etiquetadores y embaladoras.
Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Groch to roślina strączkowa. Groch stanowi dobre źródło białka, dostarcza też węglowodanów, a także błonnika, który usprawnia trawienie. Poza tym groch ma działanie zasadotwórcze. Jest podstawowym składnikiem wojskowej grochówki ale idealnie nadaje się do różnego rodzaju past kanapkowych, zup czy sałatek.
Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

We produce premium food packaging, including eco-friendly packaging options. - Preformed food bags are available in a variety of materials, each with a different quality depending on the product and its packaging application. Paper food packaging, paper bags, plastic disposable food bags or ecological packaging with different types of gluing depending on the product, at highly competitive prices!
Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

If you see TM "TERRA" products on the shelf, feel free to take them. Steamed rice is not an exception. Airy and crumbly rice will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It will take half an hour of time and a little of your inspiration to prepare.
Banane Organice Liofilizate - Alte Fructe Liofilizate

Banane Organice Liofilizate - Alte Fructe Liofilizate

100% gefriergetrocknete BIO Bananen, in Scheiben. Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel. Für 100 g gefriergetrocknete BIO Bananen werden bis zu 900 g frische BIO Früchte benötigt.
PÂINE DIN SOIA - Produs Semifinisat pentru Pâine din Soia

PÂINE DIN SOIA - Produs Semifinisat pentru Pâine din Soia

Mix con farina e granella di soia tostata per la produzione di pane e prodotti da forno alla soia, fonte di proteine di origine vegetale. Formato:25 kg Dosaggio:100%


GUMINASE-P is a mixture of fungal ß-glucanases, pentosanases, amylases and endoproteases selected to improve the wort extract yield and the wort filtration rate when brewing with raw wheat or raw barley. PURPOSES To increase the wort extract yield by degrading the cell wall constituents improving the starch granules gelatinisation and allowing amylases to reach easier their substrate when brewing with high levels of raw wheat or barley. To improve the wort filtration rate by hydrolysing ß-glucans and pentosanes. TEMPERATURE Optimum 45-55°C. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4,5 and 6,5. APPLICATION Guminase P is added in the beginning of the mash. AVAILABILITY Powder form in plastic or cardboard drums of 25-50 kg. EXAMPLES 100% raw wheat brewing using exogenes amylases, and Guminase P (rates: % w/w enzyme/wheat grains). Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotriose (%) Glucose (%) Free Amino Nitrogen (ppm)* Filtration rate 0,1% (w/w)... Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri:Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri
Conserve - Gama noastră oferă o selecție variată de conserve diferite.

Conserve - Gama noastră oferă o selecție variată de conserve diferite.

Na FlevoTrade, temos conhecimento de produtos enlatados e uma rede global de fornecedores. Isto permite-nos selecionar e exportar os produtos certos. As sardinhas enlatadas, em particular, são apreciadas pelos apreciadores de comida em todo o mundo. A nossa equipa de especialistas está pronta para processar as suas encomendas e garantir que obtém sempre a melhor relação qualidade/preço. Quer desafiar-nos para um novo produto?
Amestec de Semințe Ekr/egr - Vegetație și Îngrășământ

Amestec de Semințe Ekr/egr - Vegetație și Îngrășământ

Optigrun Seed Mix EKR/EGR for the nature roof system structue (also pitched roof). Must be used in conjunction with sedum shoot seeding (then 50 g/m²). EKR herb version: approx. 30 herb species EGR grass version: approx. 9 grass species For extensive green roofs (also pitched roof)
Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granular

Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granular

N 3,5-4,2%, P 2,5-3%, K 1,5-2%, Ca 2,5%, Mg 0,7%, Sostanza organica 60-75%, pH 9,5
Sacii de hârtie cu mânere din 2-5 straturi de hârtie

Sacii de hârtie cu mânere din 2-5 straturi de hârtie

Μορφή με ορθογώνια βάση για συσκευασία 3, 5, 10 Kg και θερμοσυγκόλληση - Εφαρμογή: χρησιμοποιείται στη συσκευασία αλεύρων, ζωοτροφών, υγιεινής άμμου για γάτες και χημικών προϊόντων. Μπορεί να διαθέτουν ή όχι χειρολαβές και στο εσωτερικό τους στρώμα θερμοσφραγιζόμενου 100% BIO Παραγωγή: αυτοματοποιημένη, από 2-5 στρώσεις χαρτιού ή άλλων υλικών με ελεγχόμενη εφαρμογή οικολογικών συγκολλητικών ουσιών με βάση το νερό, εξαιρετικά ανθεκτικές. Προσαρμογή: Οι σάκοι μπορούν να τυπωθούν στο υψηλότερο επίπεδο ποιότητας σε έως και 10 γραμμικά ή/και πολύχρωμα χρώματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ειδικών: χρυσό, μεταλλικό ασήμι με οικολογικό μελάνι με βάση το νερό. Η ανάλυση εκτύπωσης μπορεί εύκολα να φτάσει τα 300 dpi. Υλικό: Λευκό παρθένο χαρτί ή φυσικό κραφτ ή με ορισμένο ποσοστό ανακυκλωμένων ινών, διάφορα πάχη (150-200 GSM), πιστοποιημένο κατά FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001 Μεγέθη: Παράγουμε μεγέθη που είναι "best sellers" τόσο στην αγορά της ΕΕ όσο και στις ΗΠΑ: 230 x100 x 450mm (5Kg) και 260 x150 x550mm (10Kg) Παραγωγική ικανότητα: περισσότερα από 100 εκατομμύρια τεμάχια/έτος
Enzime de Bere - Guminază

Enzime de Bere - Guminază

GUMINASE is a mixture of fungal carbohydrases including ß-glucanases (ß1-3 and ß1-4 endo-glucanases) xylanases and hemicellulases. This well balanced mixture of carbohydrases is free of proteases to avoid the increase of wort coloration and to preserve the beer pro-foam proteins. TEMPERATURE GUMINASE can be used to 75°C and is quickly inactivated above this temperature. The usual temperatures used during mashing coincide with GUMINASE’s optimum activity. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4.5 and 6.5. PURPOSES To decrease the wort ß-glucan and pentosane content and the wort viscosity and to make easier the mash filtration as well as the beer filtration mainly when brewing with high levels of raw grains as barley or wheat. EXAMPLES Effects of the addition of GUMINASE to a sample of GATINAIS malt and to a mixture of 75% malt and 25% raw wheat (EBC conventional mash). A = addition of 1 kg per 10 tons of malt B = addition of 3 kg per 10 tons of malt C = addition of 1 kg per 1 ton of raw... MALT MALT + A MALT + B 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + C 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + D:MALT MALT + A MALT + B 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + C 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + D


GUMINASE-P is a mixture of fungal ß-glucanases, pentosanases, amylases and endoproteases selected to improve the wort extract yield and the wort filtration rate when brewing with raw wheat or raw barley. PURPOSES To increase the wort extract yield by degrading the cell wall constituents improving the starch granules gelatinisation and allowing amylases to reach easier their substrate when brewing with high levels of raw wheat or barley. To improve the wort filtration rate by hydrolysing ß-glucans and pentosanes. TEMPERATURE Optimum 45-55°C. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4,5 and 6,5. APPLICATION Guminase P is added in the beginning of the mash. AVAILABILITY Powder form in plastic or cardboard drums of 25-50 kg. EXAMPLES 100% raw wheat brewing using exogenes amylases, and Guminase P (rates: % w/w enzyme/wheat grains). Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotriose (%) Glucose (%) Free Amino Nitrogen (ppm)* Filtration rate 0,1% (w/w)... Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri:Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri