Produse pentru prochimps malta (15)

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)
Parfum Microencapsulat

Parfum Microencapsulat

Nous pouvons vous proposer un éventail plus large de parfums. Nous sommes capables de travailler avec de nombreux parfumeurs. Nous pouvons travailler avec tous les parfumeurs indépendants. Durée de vie du parfum multipliée plusieurs fois par rapport aux concurrents et système d’accrochage unique mis au point dans notre entreprise et pas ailleurs. L’entreprise à ses propres brevets. Le taux de parfum utilisé est réduit (entre 20 et 25% de la quantité habituellement utilisée sans microcapsules). Ce domaine a pris une très grande importance ; les microcapsules sont maintenant omniprésentes dans les lessives, les adoucissants textiles et autres nettoyants. Se fixant sur le linge, elles diminuent ainsi la consommation des parfums et confèrent au textile une odeur agréable et durable. MCT a breveté en début d’année 2015 une technologie d’encapsulation complexe silicone/organique présentant une durée de vie élevée dans les tensioactifs.
Cabină Telefonică Reglabilă pe Înălțime M1

Cabină Telefonică Reglabilă pe Înălțime M1

Elektrisch höhenverstellbar Das elektrische Höhenverstellsystem ermöglicht Ihnen eine schnellere Installation des Pods. Verpackungsreduzierung Für kostengünstigen Transport und bequemen Zugang zum Aufzug. Schallschutz Schalldämmung 25 dB ± 5 dB. Hält Außenlärm fern und minimiert interne Geräusche. Farbe nach Wunsch Die Farbe des Innen- und Außenfilzes des Pods kann nach Wunsch angepasst werden. Belüftungssystem Das verstellbare Belüftungssystem sorgt für frische Luft und erfüllt Ihre Vorlieben. *30 Tage kostenlos testen*
Metode de Logistică și Furnizare

Metode de Logistică și Furnizare

C arisma has its own efficient internal Logistics Office which ensures rapid deliveries by land and sea everywhere, taking care of all operational and regulatory aspects of the transport of ADR and IMO classified chemical products. Our products are delivered: locally in 1000 liter IBCs, in 200 liter drums, in 25 and 5 liter canisters; in customized packaging upon request in Italy and Europe in single-compartment or multi-compartment tankers, in 1000-litre IBCs, in 200-litre drums
Gotratix - Produse peptidice

Gotratix - Produse peptidice

Muscle tissue peptides. Peptides have a selective action on myocytes, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Gotratix Expiry date:30.09.2026 Barcode:4603423006244
Benzi PVC - PVC, PP, PET benzi curbate

Benzi PVC - PVC, PP, PET benzi curbate

Vi produserer hyllelister og hyllelister til ulike butikker og supermarkeder. Materialet vi lager er PVC, PP, Pet Kald og varm bøyning mulig
Fabricarea de Matrițe

Fabricarea de Matrițe

AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules : - moules classiques, - moules 3 plaques, - moules à dévissage, - moules à canaux chauds, - moules de surmoulage d'inserts, - moules à versions.


Aggregat el Campillo de Palenciana

Aggregat el Campillo de Palenciana

Nos dedicamos a la extracción de los áridos de nuestras propias canteras. Fabricamos triturando y clasificando los áridos según su tamaño y forma. Además, comercializamos ofreciendo áridos de calidad para diversos usos a gran escala y transportamos los áridos a nuestros clientes con rapidez y eficiencia. En Aridos el Campillo de Palenciana somos especialistas en la producción y distribución de áridos para la construcción con procesos muy rigurosos que garantiza la calidad y homogeneidad de nuestros productos. Contamos con una amplia experiencia en el sector y con una flota propia de camiones. Solo realizamos ventas al por mayor, así que si estás interesado en adquirir nuestro suelo seleccionado o cualquier otro producto de nuestro catálogo, no dudes en contactarnos. Te ofreceremos un presupuesto personalizado y sin compromiso.
PAESMA - Structuri și construcții metalice

PAESMA - Structuri și construcții metalice

Fundada há mais de 70 anos. Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de: • Moradias; • Unidades industriais e comerciais; • Escolas; • Edifícios desportivos; • Edifícios públicos; • Projetos chave na mão; • Produção de equipamentos; • Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
Asistență tehnică

Asistență tehnică

Cooperation with the designer The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate. The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view. Tests in place The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of onsite tests.
POM - Poliacetal

POM - Poliacetal

Due to high surface hardness and low surface abrasiveness, it is characterized by good slip and good resistance to friction, does not dissolve and does not swell in all used solvents, in fuels and mineral oils. It is most often used for the production of precision machine parts, such as gears, worm gears, bushes, etc
Garduri și Pereți Separatori Protectori

Garduri și Pereți Separatori Protectori

Maßgenaue Vorrichtungen für den sicheren Einsatz an Maschinen unter Berücksichtigung der Unfallverhütungsvorschriften (UVV). Die Schutzzäune und Trennwände bieten optimalen Schutz für Ihre Mitarbeiter. Flächenelemente aus den unterschiedlichsten Materialien, Wellengitter, usw. lassen sich nach Ihren Wünschen einsetzen und ermöglichen gleichzeitig, durch individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, ein ansprechendes Design.
Pa - Poliamidă

Pa - Poliamidă

Belongs to the most popular thermoplastics with constructional application. It owes its popularity to special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)