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Serviciu de Achiziții și Consultanță - UN SERVICIU DE ACHIZIȚII TURNKEY

Serviciu de Achiziții și Consultanță - UN SERVICIU DE ACHIZIȚII TURNKEY

From zero to hero procurement and supply chain services on behalf of our clients including:  Supply market analysis & Sourcing  Technical specification validation and development  Procurement planning and strategy  Value engineering study to catch the target under budget.  Preparing RFP/RFQ packages, incorporating both engineering and commercial requirements  Issuing the RFP/RFQ packages to the vendors and bid collections on time  Responding to pre- and post-submission clarifications  Formulating the commercial bid evaluation and recommendation to estimate, to shortlist & negotiate, and for award  Recovering the payment terms in line with customer’s financial standarts.  Contracting of suppliers and contract management  Preparation of ‘’Procurement Cash Flow’’ within the frame of payment terms  Definition and implementation of quality assurance and inspection  Organization of transportation and inspection  Logistics management
Implementare în Modelul de Impact

Implementare în Modelul de Impact

Nach Prozessanalyse und Prozessdesign erfolgt die Umsetzung im Unternehmen. Schwerpunktmäßig wird hier mit ihren Mitarbeitern zusammen die Verankerung der neuen Prozesse begleitet.
UFI / PCN - UFI (Identificator Unic de Formulă) Identificator Unic de Formulă

UFI / PCN - UFI (Identificator Unic de Formulă) Identificator Unic de Formulă

AB’de 2021'den itibaren belirli ürün etiketlerinde, benzersiz formül tanımlayıcısı (UFI) adı verilen 16 karakterli bir kod olan yeni bir etiket öğesi gerekli olacaktır. Bu tür ürünleri piyasaya süren ithalatçılar ve alt kullanıcılar, zehir merkezlerinin kullanımı için UFI dahil olmak üzere belirli ürün bilgilerini sağlamak zorunda kalacaklar. UFI oluşturmaya yönelik araçlar ve destek, ECHA’nın Zehir Merkezleri web sitesinde mevcuttur. UFI NEDİR? UFI kısaltmasıyla bilinen benzersiz formül tanımlayıcı, tehlikeli bir karışım içeren ürünlerinizin etiketinde gerekli olacak bir koddur. UFI'ye ek olarak, karışımınız ve zehir merkezlerinin kullanması için ilgili ürünler hakkında bileşim, ticari isim, renk, ambalaj, ürün kategorisi ve toksikolojik bilgiler gibi diğer bilgileri de sağlamanız gerekmektedir. UFI, piyasaya sunduğunuz ürün ile sağladığınız bilgiler arasında net bir bağlantı kurmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Formare în Programare Offline - Ai nevoie de formare în programare?

Formare în Programare Offline - Ai nevoie de formare în programare?

SybotX vous accompagne dans votre formation Programmation Hors Ligne - PHL. Nos ingénieurs vous proposent une formation adaptée à vos besoins pour transmettre notre savoir-faire à vos équipes. L'objectif est d'acquérir et de consolider les bases fondamentales ou de favoriser la montée en compétences de vos collaborateurs. Les logiciels vous permettent de vérifier et valider la faisabilité de systèmes robotisés en incluant les étapes suivantes : - Conception - Programmation - Simulation - Optimisation - Documentation - Sécurité - Certains aspects de maintenance. Logiciels proposés à la formation: - RoboGuide : FANUC - MotoSim : YASKAWA MOTOMAN - RobotStudio : ABB - SRS : STÄUBLI - PSI : TECNOMATIX - RobCAD. Les sessions de formations peuvent être organisées dans vos locaux. Elles contiennent une partie théorique et une partie pratique. Public : Débutant - Intermédiaire - Avancé
Asistență în Managementul Proiectelor

Asistență în Managementul Proiectelor

Au titre de l’AMOA, nous sécurisons l’ensemble des étapes de conception, de construction et de mise en place qu’impliquent les projets de refonte de systèmes d’information à base de progiciel : - La définition du schéma directeur, l’aide au choix de la solution, l’organisation du projet et l’analyse d’impact du projet propres à la phase de conception - L’assistance aux métiers dans la mise en œuvre de la solution (gestion de la relation avec l’intégrateur, expression des besoins, assistance à la recette, rédaction des spécifications fonctionnelles, formation des utilisateurs) ainsi que la préparation de la vie courante (organisation de l’administration fonctionnelle et du support interne, choix du prestataire de maintenance) - L’établissement d’un bilan et la restitution d’un retour d’expérience en phase post-projet
Optimizarea Proceselor

Optimizarea Proceselor

Process optimization - how to get started? Any company that wants to maintain improved processes in the long run must first consider a vision, direction or goal (1). The most effective way to successfully motivate employees is clear communication of vision, direction and goals. Process optimization requires a change in the current way of working, so it is very important for employees to identify with the vision, direction and goals of the company. Once the direction is confirmed and agreed, the current situation needs to be effectively analyzed to optimize the process (2). Understanding the current situation without subjective ballast is the key to effective process optimization. Employees directly involved in the process participate in the analysis of the current situation and systematically present the current situation using lean methods.
Soluții PLM pentru științele vieții - Configurarea procesului QA pentru soluții PLM

Soluții PLM pentru științele vieții - Configurarea procesului QA pentru soluții PLM

Neo PLM is a Process and Product Lifecycle Management provider to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The product suite substantially reduces compliance risk and product cost by enabling the transformation to a modular, process design-centric structure that spans the entire product lifecycle. Neo engaged Symphony Solutions in 2016 to implement needed QA processes to suit the complexities of the Life Science industry. Through the new QA system, Neo improved the flow and transfer of knowledge across all stakeholders and processes. The QA system radically improved overall product quality and the verification of new features and updates in particular.