Produse pentru pluton de poln (5)

Cortec VpCI® 415 formulă de inhibitor de rugină

Cortec VpCI® 415 formulă de inhibitor de rugină

Valdamark has a complete stock of market-leading VCI corrosion inhibitor products. VCI bags are perfect for protecting sensitive ferrous metals, whether in the supply chain or during storage. What is VCI Film? Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor. The corrosion inhibitor formula works through a polar bonding method whereby once your goods are sealed in the enclosed space, the molecules create a sort of "mini atmosphere" that adheres to the surface of your metal product. This then protects the goods in the long term from the usual corrosion culprits. Including air, water, dust, acids, and sweat. Corrosion inhibitors are available in different formats and deliveries. The flexible packaging made from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with integrated VCI is the most popular choice, especially for goods that need to be...
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Copywriting: sau copy cu vârfuri ascuțite

Copywriting: sau copy cu vârfuri ascuțite

Udělám z vašeho záměru armádu slov, která nasadí veškeré významy pro splnění poselství. A co zvládne copy? No přece blogposty, TZ, odborné texty i posty na sociální sítě. Otázkou spíše je: co konkrétně potřebujete? Technické copy: texty pro průmysl a výrobu. Technický copywriting pokrývá texty týkající se průmyslových produktů a výroby. Jeho úkolem je přeložit do lidštiny a prodat obsah, který je výchozí formě vysoce přesný, užívá terminologii a nedbá na srozumitelnosti – jinými slovy je laikovi zcela nepřístupný. A tím pádem neprodává. Technické copy typicky balancuje mezi srozumitelností a zachováním expertní pozice klienta. A proto musí jak umět podat odborné termíny, koncepty a postupy, tak je polopaticky vysvětlit.


Polyester films are usually transparent, flexible and have a high mechanical strength. Polibond is a polyester film with a special transparent matt surface. The chemical primer changes the surface structure of the polyester film and this enables greater adhesion to the surface. The strength of the adhesion can optionally be changed. Polibond has excellent anchorage values ​​for impregnating agents.


Most people are known plastic films to protect food in the household. The POLIFIBRA films GmbH manufactures and assembles polyester and laminated films, which are used because of specific character in different industrial manufacturing sectors. POLIFIBRA provides polyester films with different strongly adhering surfaces. In our product POLI BOND the surface of the PETP film on or treated on both sides in varying degrees. This can be a very significant improvement in the adhesion of coatings to be achieved. POLI BOND can in the film thicknesses 19µ - 350µ are delivered.Different printings require different surfaces. In addition to highly transparent or colored opaque base films we offer here at various coatings that allow easy and quick editing. Seal foils are coated films, the above-defined temperature ranges enable an activation of the coating so as to allow bonding of different products. POLIFIBRA films offers solutions for different temperature ranges and applications.