Cea mai bună furnizor pentru pietre de nisip

...Pentru date suplimentare despre produs, utilizați fișa tehnică sau contactați-ne. - WIWOX® WÜ face parte din grupul de abrazive din nisip de granat. Granulele sunt nefracturate și au o formă neregulată. Datorită compoziției sale unice, nisipul de granat este rezistent și dur, fiind potrivit în special pentru utilizarea în domeniul sablării libere. Datorită conținutului scăzut de quartz (< 0,5...

Produse pentru pietre de nisip (34)

Plante Compacte de Spălare a Nisipului

Plante Compacte de Spălare a Nisipului

Compact Sand Washing Plants are small, specifically designed plants developed for the effective cleaning and separation of sand particles in industrial applications. Most of the plants consist of a combination of equipment, including a sand washer, dewatering screen, hydrocyclones, and fine material washers, all integrated into one compact and mobile unit. Compact Sand Washing Plants are mainly designed to remove impurities, silt, and contaminants from sand to leave the final product clean, well-graded, and fit for use in construction, concrete production, and other industrial procedures. These plants integrate several washing and screening mechanisms in an integrated compact design, ensuring high effectiveness in washing and dewatering sand while guaranteeing better output quality at space and operationally lower footprints.
Casteluri de nisip

Casteluri de nisip

Sandcastles ITEM NO:1642 Barcode:8699067001628
Pietre Albe

Pietre Albe

Piatra de Nisip - Sisteme de Panouri

Piatra de Nisip - Sisteme de Panouri

Set Decorativ - Pietre Decorative - Nisip Decorativ, 40 piese

Set Decorativ - Pietre Decorative - Nisip Decorativ, 40 piese

Deko Sortiment - Dekosteine-Dekosand, 40-teilig
Polishare Marmură

Polishare Marmură

Cette pierre marbrière originaire du Var, se travaille comme le marbre : ponçage , masticage , polibrillant à l'acide oxalique.
PIATRĂ PRO-FIT SAND - O latură tăiată cu suprafață brută

PIATRĂ PRO-FIT SAND - O latură tăiată cu suprafață brută

Stone Pro-fit area has 8 different categories which are a lovely option for either indoor or outdoor cladding
Gravă și Nisip

Gravă și Nisip

Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Kies und Sand.


- Caillou 12/25 (gravier de rivière silicique) - Mélange (Sable+Gravier) - Gravier 12/20 Big Bag
pietre decorative - pietre pentru decorarea exterioară

pietre decorative - pietre pentru decorarea exterioară

Nous avons tous types de graviers, pierres, marbre, pouzzolane et granit. Disponible en différentes tailles et couleurs
Bolovani eratici

Bolovani eratici

Findlinge, 200 - 400 mm Art.Nr: 410
Abrasiv de granat/Mediu de sablare/Granulat de sablare

Abrasiv de granat/Mediu de sablare/Granulat de sablare

Für weitere Daten zum Produkt, nutzen Sie das Datenblatt oder kontaktieren uns. - WIWOX® WÜ gehört zur Gruppe der Granatsand-Strahlmittel. Die Körner sind ungebrochen und in unregelmäßiger Form. Durch seine einzigartige Zusammensetzung ist der Granatsand zäh und hart und eignet sich besonders für den Einsatz im Freistrahlbereich. Aufgrund des niedrigen Quarzanteils (< 0,5 %) erfüllt es die arbeitsschutzrechtlichen Vorschriften. Geeignete Strahlverfahren ▪ Druckstrahlverfahren ▪ Injektorstrahlverfahren Anwendungen ▪ Hochdruckwasserstrahl-Schneidmittel ▪ Fassadenreinigungs-Strahlmittel ▪ Sweepen ▪ Mehrwegstrahlmittel Farbe:Rötlich Kornform:Scharf, Gerundet Härte:ca. 6 – 7,5 Mohs Schmelzpunkt:ca. 1.300° C Schüttgewicht:2,4 g/cm³ Spezifisches Gewicht:4,1 g/cm³
Gravă, Nisip, Pietre

Gravă, Nisip, Pietre

Ihr verlässlicher Produzent und Lieferant Wir machen Ihnen das perfekte Angebot rund um unser Produkt. Gewaschenes Material: • Sand 0/2 mm* • Körnung 2/8 mm* • Körnung 8/16 mm* • Körnung 16/32 mm* • Estrichsand 0/8 mm • Betonkies 0/16 mm • Betonkies 0/32 mm Natursteine ungewaschen : • Körnung 32/X mm 0/16 mm • Steine 200/X mm *) Die Produkte unterliegen einer werkseitigen Produktionskontrolle (Eigenüberwachung). Diese wird kontinuierlich durch eine zertifizierte Stelle beurteilt und überprüft (Fremdüberwachung).
Nisip Auriu Elemente Arhitecturale din Piatră Naturală - ■ piatră arhitecturală ■ Elemente Arhitecturale din Piatră

Nisip Auriu Elemente Arhitecturale din Piatră Naturală - ■ piatră arhitecturală ■ Elemente Arhitecturale din Piatră

■ We produce all types of architectural stone to the highest standard ■ Cortamos todo tipo de elementos arquitectónicos de la más alta calidad Canteras propias en Palacios de la Sierra - Burgos - España sales@areniscasdelademanda.es www.SpanishStones.com
Role de Șlefuire pentru Lemn, Sticlă / Piatră, Metal SW22X - Granulații: P180, P220, P240, P320, P400, P600

Role de Șlefuire pentru Lemn, Sticlă / Piatră, Metal SW22X - Granulații: P180, P220, P240, P320, P400, P600

Wasserfeste X-Gewebe-Unterlage mit kunstharzgebundener Siliciumcarbid-Körnung, dicht gestreut für den Feinstschliff von Stahl und Glas. Breite von 10 mm - 1650 mm Länge bis 2500 m
Pietre Decorative

Pietre Decorative

Mit unserem Partner Grafschafter Splitt Handel bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit ihr Zuhause nach ihren Wünschen zu gestalten.
Nisip, Pietriș, Pământ fertil și Piatră zdrobită

Nisip, Pietriș, Pământ fertil și Piatră zdrobită

Das Aufgabengebiet des Schüttguttransports umfasst die Lieferung von Sand, Kies, Mutterboden, Steinen und Schotter zu Ihnen auf Ihr Bauvorhaben. Auch den Abtransport und die fachgerechte Entsorgung von anfallenden Schüttgütern und Abfällen auf gewerblichen Baustellen sowie im privaten Bereich übernehmen wir für Sie. Die Vielfalt der Schüttgüter im Hoch-,Tief-, Erd-, und Straßenbau, wie für den privaten Gebrauch in Gärten und Grundstücken, ist immens. Die gängigen Sande und Kiese sind ebenso in unserem Sortiment wie auch seltenere mineralische Materialien. Die gebräuchlichsten hiervon führen wir an dieser Stelle auf.
Gravă și Nisip

Gravă și Nisip

Kiese und Sande aus Frohnsdorf Im Tagebau Frohnsdorf können die Kiese und Sande in gewünschter Körnung trocken abgesiebt, bezogen werden. Über den Kiesen und Sanden liegt der berühmte Frohnsdorfer Ton. Dieser Ton hat hervorragende Eigenschaften für die Porzellanherstellung.
Șlefuire și Polizare

Șlefuire și Polizare

Holz, Stein und Marmor sind die Klassiker schlecht hin und modern noch dazu. Wir helfen ihnen dabei, diese fachgerecht und nachhaltig zu verschönern. Wir stehen ihnen dabei mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Granit Kalkstein Marmor Sandstein Schiefer Beton und mehr… VORTEILE • Schleifen & Polieren -der Boden wirkt wie neu • Kristallisieren -größere Widerstandsfähigkeit des Bodens • Imprägnieren -nachhaltiger Bodenschutz Versiegelung- Pflege-Bauschlussreinigung Wir bieten Ihnen neben der Reinigung und Pflege auch die Grundreinigung und weitere Dienstleistungen zum Erhalt von Naturstein, Feinsteinzeug und anderen Steinoberflächen an. Dazu zählen u.a. folgende Dienstleistungen: - Bauschlussreinigung – Reinigung nach der Verlegung - periodische Grundreinigung
Nisip pentru păsări

Nisip pentru păsări

Bei Rosi's Vogelsand handelt es sich um weißen Quarzsand in Rundkornqualität. Der Vogelsand ist in der Körnung 0,1 - 0,9 mm erhältlich und zeichnet sich durch seinen hohen Weißgrad und seine besonders hohe Helligkeit aus. Während des Produktionsprozesses wird das Produkt ohne chemische Zusätze mehrfach gewaschen, feuergetrocknet, gesiebt und anschließend mit Sternanis und Muschelgrit versetzt. Rosi's Vogelsand zeichnet sich durch folgende Eigenschaften aus - ph-neutral sowie keimfrei - extrem saugfähig - pflegt beim Sandbad schonend Haut und Federn - unterstützt die Verdauung - der enthaltene Muschelgrit sorgt durch Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe für einen stabilen Knochenbau und gute Federbildung
Centrifugă cu fălci

Centrifugă cu fălci

SEDİROGLU INTERNATIONAL MACHİNE ABOUT US As SEDİROGLU INTERNATIONAL MACHİNE, we are taking solid and reliable steps towards becoming a corporate by bringing together our experience and experience in the fields of manufacturing, project and management. Our company will always be at the service of our valued customers with its experienced staff and modern technical equipment in the machinery production sector. Stone crushing and screening facilities not only break materials such as stones or rocks into smaller sizes, but also provide a full-fledged environment. In these facilities, rocks with various hardness levels are broken and those of similar sizes are grouped. This grouping process is called elimination. Optional components such as crusher machines, screens and cement silos work in complete harmony.
Bazalt - Nisipat și Periat

Bazalt - Nisipat și Periat

İç ve dış cephe kaplama
Hârtie abrazivă - pânză de șlefuit

Hârtie abrazivă - pânză de șlefuit

Csiszolópapír: 115mm PS 30D - P40-től egészen 115mm PS 30D - P320-ig
250-350 TPH Riverstone Crushing Screening Plant

250-350 TPH Riverstone Crushing Screening Plant

Mobile crushing and screening plants 250-350 tph RS represent a highly technological, skilfully designed material processing equipment aimed at producing high-quality end-aggregates for different levels of Riverstone crushing. These plants integrate special primary crushing equipment, screening machinery, and conveyors for the proper processing of Riverstones into aggregates of different sizes, used in a variety of construction, landscaping, and industrial applications. On the first stage of processing, primary crushers—jaw crushers or impact crushers—are used; at the start of the processing cycle, raw Riverstones get broken down into small shreds. This primary crushing stage is designed to be necessary for the reduction of the size of Riverstones raw material, preparatively for further processing stages. After primary crushing, it is fed into screening equipment—generally, vibrating screens—which sorts the aggregate into various fractions classified based on their sizes. 250 tons:350 tons
Uzina de spălare a nisipului și pietrișului

Uzina de spălare a nisipului și pietrișului

Are you considering modernizing your construction practice or business with the best sand and gravel washing equipment on the market? Your search is over; your best bet at Polygonmach is here. We produce precision engineering in our sand and gravel washing plants, which appreciate and rivals the exacting requirements of the construction industry. We understand that the quality of aggregates paves the way toward a robust base for construction projects. This is why our washing plants, equipped with advanced technologies, assist in attaining efficient impurity isolation, separation of the given material, and help in delivering clean, graded sand and gravel ready to meet the needs of a variety of construction work.
Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Polygonmach steps up its game in the industry with the PMSV mobile crushing and screening plant, also known as the MOBILE SAND MAKING MACHINE. This state-of-the-art solution is designed to produce high-quality sand, of 0-5 mm granule size, which is renowned for its exceptionally cubic shape. The PMSV is a proud testament to good design and engineering coming together and delivering with the best of materials and in excellence of workmanship. The PMSV is able to delicately treat premade constituents for both primary and secondary operations, as well as natural stone not exceeding a size of 35 mm. The plant is capable of processing the entire basic range of materials, whether it is granite, basalt, dolomite, gabbro, or limestone, each having different gradations of hardness, giving very gratifying results.
Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMST - Plante de Zdrobire și Cernere

Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMST - Plante de Zdrobire și Cernere

A PMST Mobile Sand Maker Plants is a specially equipped facility to produce grade sand from raw material, normally aggregates, or crushed stone, or natural retaken sand. The mobile facility has integrated different equipment for crushing, screening, and transportation to process and mold raw materials into fine sand of certain specified particle size. An example would be A Mobile Sand Maker Plants - PMST, facilitating high-quality sand for many industrial purposes around the world, including the construction, infrastructural, and mining industries. With in-location sand production capability of PMST, the plant cuts transportation costs, quickens material processing workflow, and provides a regular supply of sand according to industry requirement and projects. The mobility of PMST mobile sand makers allows them to move effortlessly, according to the requirements, from one job site to the other at any given time when sand production is needed.


- Washed Natural Sand 0/4 - Washed Natural Fine Sand 0/2 - Marble Sand - Marble Powder - 6/12 Chickpea Gravel (Crushed Gravel)
Abrasiv de sablare cu granat WÜ / mediu de sablare

Abrasiv de sablare cu granat WÜ / mediu de sablare

For further data on the product, please refer to the data sheet or contact us. - Garnet sand type WIWOX® WÜ belongs to the group of garnet stones. The grains are unbroken with irregular shapes. Its unique composition makes the garnet sand tough and hard and particularly suitable for blasting applications in the open. With its the low quartz content (< 0,5 %), it complies with occupational health and safety regulations. Its countries of origin are India and Australia.
Nisip Auriu Buff produse din piatră pentru grădină

Nisip Auriu Buff produse din piatră pentru grădină

Mobiliario para jardín ● Stone garden furtinure ● Mobilier de jardin en pierre - ● Mobiliario de jardín en piedra - Bancos de picnic ● Stone garden furtinure - Picnic benches ● Mobilier de jardin en pierre - Bancs de pique-nique