HALLES TROTTEMANT RUNGIS: specialist în restaurarea comercială și hotelieră de lux. Toate destinațiile. Generalist în fructe, generalist în legume, fructe de vară (sâmburoase, struguri), fructe de pădure, citrice, mere și pere, cartofi, usturoi, ceapă, șalotă. Produsele noastre: sparanghel, ciuperci sălbatice, fructe de pădure, coșuri de fructe, ierburi și salate mici, buchete de legume, produse asiatice, exotice, citrice, soiuri vechi de mere și pere, fructe sâmburoase, produse indiene. Ne puteți contacta telefonic la 01 46 87 41 19 sau prin fax la 01 46 87 65 13.
Peas are harvested throughout september and october in California, whereas in South Africa harvest time is around february and march. It is important to harvest them shortly before becoming fully ripe, because they would be too soft for further processing. Directly afterwards they get shockfrosted, cut in half – and dried as mottled pieces. The unfumigated fruits are better in terms of taste as the fumigated ones, as they have a degree of moisture up to eighteen percent. Nevertheless the unfumigated product is more expensive, mainly because more fresh fruits need to be applied for production. Moreover, the drying process takes longer, which lets them loose more weight.
The main pear-exporting countries are South Africa, Argentina and China.
Le maracuja contient des minéraux tels que le phosphore, le fer, le magnésium et le cuivre, qui sont importants pour la santé osseuse. Ils favorisent la croissance, le développement et la régénération des tissus osseux.
Prunes are not just a delicious treat, but also a valuable product with numerous health benefits. Buying prunes wholesale from Uzbekistan presents a great opportunity to supply your business with natural and flavorful produce. Let’s delve into the different prune varieties and the production process.
TYPE:Dried plum
ORIGIN:Samarkand, Ferghana, Namangan, Tashkent
CALIBER:80-240g per 100 pieces
HARVEST SEASON:September – October
Dried kiwi offers the sweetness and flavor of nature in a dehydrated form.
How to Enjoy?
You can enjoy it directly as a snack, offering a sweet delight.
It can be added to breakfast cereals or yogurt to provide a sweet addition.
Enhance the flavor by using it in nut mixes or snack plates.
Enjoy it alongside beverages with pleasure.
Dried kiwi is a perfect example of the sweetness and flavor that nature offers.
Product Information
Ingredients : 100% Kiwi
Storage : Ambient
Shelf Life : 2 Years
Packaging Options
In a 2-4 kg cardboard box
Doy pack (100 gr)
Conférence is an excellent pear variety. Its bottle shape has a beautiful green and bronzed skin with a delicious soft juicy flesh. Its long shelf life made this pear a great export product. Available almost all year long.
Wussten Sie, dass an den Zweigen von Feigenbäume keine Blüten wachsen? Diese befinden sich vielmehr im Inneren der Früchte!
Das bedeutet, dass Sie beim Verzehr einer Feige in Wahrheit unzählige kleine Blumen essen.
Feigen sind eine vorzügliche Quelle an Ballaststoffen. Sie verstärken das Sättigungsgefühl und sind gut für die Verdauung – besonders nach einem schweren Geschäftsessen. Dem US National Cancer Institute zufolge wirken Ballaststoffe krebshemmend. Auch helfen sie, das Risiko von Herzkrankheiten zu verringern.
Die Feigensaison ist typischerweise im Spätsommer von August bis September.
Entiers, en tranches ou en cubes, choisissez la meilleure solution pour faire fructifier votre talent. Large gamme de fruits surgelés de très haute qualité.
Dans nos produits, vous ne trouverez pas d’arômes naturels ou de synthèse, colorants ou
conservateurs, seulement le goût et la couleur du vrai fruit.
Unité de vente
Cartons ou sacs de 10 kg à 25 kg selon le produit
Une gamme en 2 x 2.5 kg
Vigour of Conference is medium to high and
has a stronger branching habit. Flowering is
mid-late, with an inclination to mid-season flowering varieties. It bears fruit early (in its third
year and yields are excellent every year). Works
very well with quince as a rootstock. It is a good
pollinator for other varieties.
POLLINATORS: Self-fertile.
Elegant, long, bottle shape outline. Skin is thin
and glossy, sprayed with spots. The light-green
base color, with an overlay of yellow-green
shades. The flesh is crisp and juicy becomes
softer, more mellow with storage. Sweet and
mild flavor at all times.
FRUIT SIZE: Medium-large to large.
HARVEST: Mid-September - early October
We have been supplying fresh fruits and vegetables to retail networks throughout Europe for many years. We specialize in exports of apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other products.
We buy them directly from farmers with whom we sign long-term supply contracts. It enables us to ensure consignment continuity. Our products can be packed in any way according to our client's request as we own a packaging production facility.
Availability:10 000 tons
Our company is Turkish apricots sales and distributor. We supply fresh fruits on the domestic market of Turkey and to the many countries of Europe and Asia. We offer to our partners a full spectrum of services for large supplies of apricots, we provide transport and custom clearance services. We conduct the careful selection of delivered products and guarantee the quality and freshness of our products.
De 1000 à 4000 kg/h
De 6 à 32 sorties programmables
1 ou 2 lignes
Pilotée par automate ou ordinateur
La plus performante et la plus complète
dispositif d’alimentation automatique des fruits
coupelles de transfert, autoverrouillées
système de mesure diamètre / poids /couleur avec automate ou ordinateur de commande, écran, clavier, souris
brosse de sortie des fruits si produit peu roulant (poire) ou très fragile
jusque 32 sorties programmables
Seranne calibre différents types de fruits pommes, poires, pêches, tomates, kiwis, abricots, …..
Vitesse Poids:12 coupelles / seconde
Vitesse Diamètre:7 coupelles / seconde
Pineapple is a new product in our region. It was considered as a luxury product in our markets. Basically, it is demanded in winter when summer fruits season in our region ends. We get high varieties of Latin -American pineapple
For 6 to 8 months every year we received pineapple weekly or semi-monthly basic. Because of the nature of this product in our markets pineapple business is only a SPOT business
Picked and frozen with technologies that keep their sweetness and crispness, our frozen green peas are just the best out there.
Keep Frozen Below -18° C
Packing Types