Pompe de vid și compresoare cu inel lichid clasic - Pompe de vid SC
100 - 3600 CFM / 170 to 6,100 m³/h
The NASH SC vacuum pump and compressor, which replaced the popular NASH CL pump in the 1980's, is still being manufactured at Gardner Denver Nash. The SC pump, more flexible and simpler to install and easy to maintain, made it a very reliable pump to be used in many applications.
SC pumps are found in applications including: autoclaves, chucking, container filling, labeling and forming, cooking, deaerating, deodorizing food and fats, drying, evaporating, eviscerating, exhausting, extruder venting, fiber setting, filtering, forming, gas stripping, laboratory central vacuum systems, medical and dental vacuum draining, molding, pickup and conveying, priming, slot extraction, and solvent recovery.
All SC models are still available from Gardner Denver Nash, the original designer and manufacturer.
Whether you have an existing SC pump running in your plant that is in need of service, repair, or replacement with a new or remanufactured duplicate SC pump, Gardner Denver Nash is there for all of the above.