Produse pentru pentru aer (7680)

Danfoss HRH 051 U4LP6 (44.260 BTU)

Danfoss HRH 051 U4LP6 (44.260 BTU)

Üretim YeriAmerika MarkaDanfoss Kompresör TipiScroll Çalışma RejimiHBP (+7,2°C / +54,4°C) Kompresör Gücü (Hp)3 Elektrik Beslemesi380-415V 50HZ/460V 60HZ Soğutucu AkışkanR410A Soğutma Kapasitesi (Watt)12.970 Motor Tipi3 FAZ Kompresör ModeliHRH036U4LP6 Süpürme Hacmi (cm3/rev)49,32 Frekans (Hz)50-60 Emiş Hattı3/4" Basma Hattı1/2" Minimum Sipariş Miktarı1 Adet Paletteki Ürün Miktarı1 ADET Marka:Danfoss Ürün Kodu:16.45.051
Încălzitor Electric de Aer - TDS 20 M

Încălzitor Electric de Aer - TDS 20 M

In qualità di potente riscaldamento veloce, il compatto TDS 20 M è perfetto per riscaldare in modo veloce gli ambienti freddi durante il periodo di passaggio tra una stagione e l'altra o in giorni particolarmente freddi. Che si tratti dell'officina, delle aree abitative o degli ambienti di lavoro – la combinazione della lavorazione robusta e il design discreto fa una bella figura in qualsiasi ambiente – e grazie alla maniglia portante isolata termicamente, può essere trasportato semplicemente da un luogo d'impiego all'altro. Invece della convenzionale tecnica con cavi riscaldanti, il TDS 20 M sfrutta l'elemento riscaldante in ceramica PTC d'avanguardia per riscaldare l'aria. Vantaggio del PTC rispetto alle resistenze elettriche classiche: durata maggiore, tecnica insensibile, riscaldamento veloce – e niente combustione di polvere durante il processo di riscaldamento, cosa che rende questi riscaldatori in ceramica inoltre adatti ai soggetti allergici. Alimentazione:elettrico Montaggio:mobile
DWH 4500 HDL

DWH 4500 HDL

DWH 4500 HDL Voltage:12V Motor:1,9 HP Gear:3 stage planetary Reduction:138:1 Weight:14 kg Spacing of mounting screws:168 mm x 76 mm Overall size:386 mm x 114 mm x115 mm
Sistemul de conducte de aer comprimat Sharkbite - Sistemul de conducte de aer comprimat din seria Sharkbite

Sistemul de conducte de aer comprimat Sharkbite - Sistemul de conducte de aer comprimat din seria Sharkbite

Les systèmes de conduites « speedfit » et « sharkbite » conviennent parfaitement au transport de l'air comprimé. Vous pouvez les installer tous les deux rapidement et facilement et ils vous permettent de faire des économies notables de travail et d’énergie, comparés aux méthodes habituelles. Convertissez vos systèmes de conduites d'air comprimé avec un minimum de temps d'arrêt de la production et de coûts. Ces séries comprennent des tubes en plastique, en aluminium, des distributeurs pneumatiques, des colliers de serrage, des séparateurs d'eau, des aides au démontage, des connecteurs en laiton, des connecteurs POM/PP, des capuchons de protection et des circlips. Ils ont tous les deux une longue durée de vie et sont résistants à la corrosion. Vous n’avez pas besoin de joint supplémentaire pour les installer. Vous obtenez alors un débit optimal et la meilleure qualité de l’air possible. Vous prolongez par ailleurs la durée de vie de vos systèmes et de vos installations.
Stylies Titan

Stylies Titan

Ultraschall, Enfeuchtungsleistung bis zu 400 g/h, Leistungsaufnahme 18-105 Watt
Pompa pneumatică de aspirație pentru ulei, PumpMaster 80, PM80 - 200:1, butoi de 50 KG (120 LB)

Pompa pneumatică de aspirație pentru ulei, PumpMaster 80, PM80 - 200:1, butoi de 50 KG (120 LB)

PM80-serie luchtaangedreven zuigerpompen. Dubbelwerkende ultrahogedrukpomp. Pomp met een drukverhouding van 200:1, ontworpen voor gebruik in olie- en gasbronnen in draadlijn- en plugkleptoepassingen. Bij draadlijntoepassingen worden deze pompen gebruikt om af te dichten tegen de externe druk van de put, waardoor wordt voorkomen dat de buis instort als de put wordt geperforeerd. Bij plugkleptoepassingen pompen deze pompen zwaar vet in ‘kerstboomkleppen’, waardoor eventuele gaslekken worden afgedicht. Kenmerken: · Effectieve diameter van 8” luchtmotor voor maximaal vermogen. · Beproefd, geen afslaan en geen ijsvormende luchtmotor. · Versterkte constructie, bestand tegen een druk van 1.200 bar. · Betrouwbare vloeistofafdichtingen Levering:1,5 kg/min (3,3 lb/min) Vloeistoffen:Vet, afdichtingsmiddel Levering per cyclus:1,7 kg (3,8 lb) Buis hoogte:700 mm (27,5") Geluidsniveau:80dB Maximale uitlaatdruk:1200 bar (17400 psi) Slag van de luchtmotor:100 mm (4") Cycli per minuut (ca.):40 cycli Drukverhouding:200:1 Gewicht:55 kg (121 lb) Pomp montage:Vaten van 50 kg (120 lb). Luchtverbruik:1300 NL/min (46 scfm) Luchtinlaat:3/4" NPT (F) Type vloeistofinlaat:Chop-check


GENEL Activent, tüm imalatlarında olduğu gibi Klima Santrallerinin imalatında da kaliteyi hedef seçmiştir. Tek amaç daima müşteri memnuniyetidir. Klima Santralleri, 1.000 - 65.000 m³/h debi aralığında ve 20 değişik modelde üretilmekte ve kullanıcıya geniş bir seçim yelpazesi sunmaktadır. HÜCRE YAPISI Klima Santrallerinin Hücre Yapısı modüler sistemden oluşmaktadır. Modüllerin birbirlerine montajı hücre içerisinden civatalıdır ve birleşme yüzeylerinde Neoprene esaslı sızdırmazlık contaları kullanılmaktadır. Hücreler, alüminyum profil karkas ve sandwitch panellerden oluşmaktadır. Hücrelerin imalatında kaynaklı montaj olmadığı için istendiği takdirde komple demonte halde teslimat yapılabilir. Servis kapakları bir tarafı menteşeli, diğer tarafı özel kapı kollu olup tamamen sızdırmazlık sağlamaktadır. Her vantilatör veya aspiratör hücresi servis kapağı üzerinde özel gözetleme penceresi ve hücre içerisinde de aydınlatma armatürü bulunmaktadır.
Test de decompresie pe conductele climatice

Test de decompresie pe conductele climatice

Hier werden die Leitungen mit R134a befüllt und dann auf 80°C gebracht. Die Druckluftkessel werden evakuiert. Nach 1,5h werden Hochdruck und Niederdruck Bereich zusammen geschaltet und somit ein schlagartiger Druckabbau erreicht. Dieser Vorgang wird nach Lastenheft, mit entsprechenden Lagerzeiten, mehrfach wiederholt.
Pompa de Căldură

Pompa de Căldură

La PAC air-eau est un système de chauffage aérothermique qui récupère l’énergie présente dans l’air extérieur pour chauffer l’intérieur d’une maison, d’un appartement ou de bureaux. Une PAC air-eau peut chauffer l’eau nécessaire aux besoins domestiques comme la douche ou les lavabos.
Rezistori de Testare și Încărcare CSN®

Rezistori de Testare și Încărcare CSN®

CSN® Load, Testing and Special Resistors are used to test generators and emergency generating sets to test battery capacity as dummy load when testing circuit breakers to discharge capacitors for starting, controlling and breaking of electric drives CSN® Load, Testing and Special Resistors are characterized by technically mature and proven design for operations both indoors and outdoors optimal design to suit all current values and load cycles reliable control of all operating voltages even in most adverse service environments longterm stability highly reliable technology CSN® Load, Testing and Special Resistors are designed and manufactured individually to customer requirements and specific application.
Sistem de Referință a Masei Aerului pentru Bănci de Testare a Motoarelor - DeltaflowB

Sistem de Referință a Masei Aerului pentru Bănci de Testare a Motoarelor - DeltaflowB

Die präzise Referenz-Luftmassenmessung ist eine der wichtigsten Messgrößen zur Abgasoptimierung moderner Motoren. deltaflowB ist der perfekte Sensor für den Prüfstand. deltaflowB basiert auf dem Prinzip der Differenzdruckmessung. Dies hat eine Reihe von Vorteilen gegenüber anderen Messverfahren: Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Belägen und Verschmutzungen. Großer Temperatur- und Druckbereich. Hohe Genauigkeit. Mit der detlaflowB haben wir das klassische Differenzdruckverfahren für die Messung am Motorprüfstand weiterentwickelt. Gegenüber Standard-dp-Messungen hat die deltaflowB eine ganze Reihe von Vorteilen: Primärelement: Bei der deltaflowB verwenden wir kein klassisches Primärelement (Blende, Venturi, Düse), sondern eine neuentwickelte Kombination aus einer Low-Pressure-Loss-Venturi und einer Tragflächensonde. Diese Kombination reduziert den bleibenden Druckverlust auf deutlich unter 10% des gemessenen Differenzdruckes. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage für weitere Informationen!
Purificator de Aer Fotocatalitic Air Doctor AC-10

Purificator de Aer Fotocatalitic Air Doctor AC-10

- Product name: Air Doctor air purifier - Model name: AC-10 - Manufacturer: APC TECH CO., Ltd / Korea - Air Cleaning Method : Axial Photocatalyst air cleaning technology - Color : Grey ,Red, Yeollow , Black - Size : 185mm*120mm - Weight: 0.95kg - Area for exclusive use: 3sq~5sq - Installation type : Stand type - uv lamp life : about 50000hours - Main Components : Axial Photocatalytic Reactor , composite filter (carbon+hepa) - Power consumtion: 3W - Operational Voltage: DC5V - Small air purifier / 0.92kg - Excellent performance by photoluminescent photocatalytic reactor (Patent No.10-09565105) - Patent (Small air purifier) / Patent No.10-1781119 - USB Port / Portable battery available Company Name:APC TECH CO., Ltd Place of Origin:South Korea MOQ:100pcs
Fântână Interioară

Fântână Interioară

Élément de décoration pour une utilisation en intérieur ou extérieur sous abris. Dimensions : 49cm L x 45cm D x 150cm H Matériel : Résine de haute qualité Couleur : gris Accessoires inclus : pompe, lumières led Puissance totale : 100W
Export de Transport Aerian

Export de Transport Aerian

Wir bedienen regelmäßig über 30 Destinationen weltweit per Luftfracht und kooperieren in Frankfurt mit allen namhaften Carriern. Ob Direktsendungen oder günstig in Sammelverladung, wir beraten Sie gerne über die Unterschiede und diversen Möglichkeiten. Neben Standardfracht haben wir auch Spezialtransporte im Portfolio, wie Gefahrgutabfertigung, Lebensmittel, Kühlgut oder Umzugsware. Gerne bieten wir Ihnen in den Empfangsländern via Partneragenturen, auch die Frei Haus Lieferungen an, egal ob CFR, DAP oder DDP.
Unități de Fan Coil de Tip Podea TSEC - HVAC / AHU

Unități de Fan Coil de Tip Podea TSEC - HVAC / AHU

The TSEC series fan coils are units that meet the requirements of performance, silent, low power consumption, easy to install and easy to maintain.On demand, especially the innovative low energys consumption electric motors, called EC (motor control module) with inverter control, can be used in units with centrifugal and tangential fans. Compared to EC motors with conventional motors, there is a 50% reduction in electricity consumption. With these motors it is possible to control the airflow and the ambient temperature with precision.


Oferujemy usługi osuszania po zalaniu: - posadzek - ścian - tynków - podłóg - mieszkań - budynków - domów - podposadzkowe
Filtru Grătar/Filtru Baffle - Filtrare a Particulelor Groase

Filtru Grătar/Filtru Baffle - Filtrare a Particulelor Groase

- Gama Pré-Filtragem - Filtragem de partículas grossas; - Filtragem de gorduras grossas em hotes de cozinhas industriais e churrasqueiras; **** Ver: Filtros Anti-gordura Filtros Ondulado Filtros Plano Filtros de Bolsas Filtros de Arame/Fancoil Mantas Sintéticas Mantas Poliuretano ** Clique para saber mais **
Încărcător adaptor 220V/USB

Încărcător adaptor 220V/USB

Avec cet Adaptateur de Courant, vous pouvez alimenter tous vos gadgets qui sont chargés par une prise USB. Tension:220-240V AC Sortie:5V Intensité du Courant:1 A Utilisation:Intérieur Protection IP:IP20 Matériel:PC Garantie:3 Ans Certificats:CE & RoHS
Transfer de la Aeroportul Marsilia

Transfer de la Aeroportul Marsilia

Our company PROVENCE CLASS DRIVER, specialized in transfers from or to Marseille Provence Airport (MRS) will be your facilitator for your trips in the region. Entrust us your transfer to avoid that your trip is a source of stress or fatigue. No more waiting, waiting for your ride to find a taxi, or wasting time on your destination. Meet & Greet + Door-to-Door: we are here! When we take care of you, we will welcome you at the arrival terminal with a sign in your name (Meet & Greet) and you will drive to the address of your choice (Door-to-door). Your driver takes care of everything, you just have to relax the time of your trip. In addition, for your return, we will also pick you up at your hotel, business or residence and we will reliably transport you to the check-in terminal.
Miller Weldmaster - T3 Extreme - Aer și cuie fierbinte

Miller Weldmaster - T3 Extreme - Aer și cuie fierbinte

La T3 Extreme de Miller Weldmaster está diseñada para aquellas empresas con unos volúmenes de producción poco elevados. Esta eficaz máquina de soldadura de cuña caliente puede producir todos los tipos de soldadura que exigen los fabricantes de carteles, rótulos y toldos. La T3 Extreme está equipada con casi todas las guías que puede necesitar para el acabado de casi cualquier tipo de trabajo que puedan requerirle sus clientes. Diseñada para adaptarse fácilmente sea cual sea el tamaño de la instalación, la T3 solo requiere un espacio limitado para acabar sus productos. Su tamaño compacto se adapta a todos los locales. Incorpora unos sencillos botones de ajuste que simplifican el uso de la máquina. Compatible con casi todos los sistemas de alimentación eléctrica. Servicio, formación y piezas disponibles en todo el mundo. Fabricación robusta para una larga vida útil. Permite soldar PVC, PE, malla y otros materiales para el acabado de todo tipo de trabajos.


Cette conception fiable et robuste est à toute épreuve et saura vous surprendre dans tous les domaines. Pour un fonctionnement optimal, un débit d’air de 4000 à 7500 litres par minute est nécessaire. L’aérogommeuse DECAP 80, offre une grande variété d’avantages appréciables : Grande contenance : cette aérogommeuse est équipée d’une cuve de 60 litres pour offrir une grande autonomie. Permettant ainsi de réduire les couts de maintenance/Main d’oeuvre sur chantier. Moins de temps de chargement d’abrasif a effectué à l’heure. Consommation maîtrisée : Elle est équipée d’une vanne de conception SEDA à 4 positions. La consommation est maitrisée pour optimiser le flux d’air et d’abrasif pour une efficacité accrue sur tous supports. Transport facilité : l’aérogommeuse a été étudié pour avoir un point de gravité optimisé. Malgré son poids, elle reste très facilement maniable sur chantier. Gestion abrasif:Piston 4 positions Capicité de cuve:60 Litres Débit nécessaire:4500L/min Longueur Faisceau:10 mètres Buse en standard:8mm (lance) Garantie fabricant:3 à 5 ans Poids:92 kg
Sentry - Ventilator de aer ionizant

Sentry - Ventilator de aer ionizant

The Aerostat Sentry ionizing air blower neutralises static charges perfectly. The Sentry has been designed for areas where static electricity causes problems, ranging from dust and dirt attraction to uncomfortable electrical shocks to personnel. The Sentry is ideal for light industrial environments and it increases productivity. The Sentry is excellently suited to neutralise static charges on threedimensional objects, for instance injection moulded products. This ionizing air blower stands out for its compact design. It has an integrated fan which draws in the ambient air and blows the air off along the anti-static bars. The air inlet may be fitted with a special filter. The air volume can be adjusted electrically. The high-voltage power unit for the anti-static bars is also integrated. The anti-static bars are equipped with a (patented) cleaning system. The control knobs at the rear are easily reached and operated. Features - Working distance: 1000 mm max.


ATEX cartridge dust collector with dirty air in the hopper, rotary valve, explosion-proof panels. The Kompac Air ATEX NSVA cartridge dust collector is a dry filtration system used in case of potentially explosive powders contained in the atmosphere to purify the air from suspended solid particles. Its installation allows treatment of a vast range of pollutants. The dirty air input takes place directly in the hopper and the recovered material is unloaded in the rotary valve. The explosion-proof panels, necessary in case of an explosion and excess pressure, are installed in a specific raised section Benefits The cartridge dust collector is composed and configured based on the type of use and the specific requirements of the client. Cleaning of the filtering elements is managed by reading the pressure drop, granting less compressed air consumption and greater life of cartridges. The hopper includes a rotary valve to continuously unload the powder inside. Installation of...
Purificator de aer UV - Purificator de aer UV POTOK 100 / Rata de flux de aer: 35 m³/h / 1 lampă

Purificator de aer UV - Purificator de aer UV POTOK 100 / Rata de flux de aer: 35 m³/h / 1 lampă

The Potok® air purifiers work on the basis of ultraviolet technologies which disinfect air by 99.9%. Recommended room size up to 10 m2, room height - 2.4 m. Protects against viruses: makes the air in your home and office safe. The air is disinfected inside the device using ultraviolet lamp radiation. Our antibacterial UV lamps' special glass and design features provide zero ozone emission, making it safe to use the air purifiers for people, animals, and plants. Filter of a F5-Class: captures particles from 1 micron, including allergens, pollen, spores of fungi and mold, bacteria, dust and animal hair We are a member of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) and actively participate in its activities, research and developments. The production capacity ensures a daily production rate of 3000 air purifiers. number of lamps:1 Lamp power:9W Power supply:220V / 50Hz Lamp life:9000 hours Type of UV lamps:bactericidal, ozone-free UV-C sterilization:99.9% efficient Noise level:35 dB Power consumption:15 W Dimensions (H,W,L):87 х 85 х 310mm Weight:1,5 kg Placement:desktop, wall-mounted Operating conditions:from +5°C to + 40°C Guarantee:2 years Manufacturer:EC Service LLC, Russia
Economizor pentru boilere

Economizor pentru boilere

Economizer is a product which provides fuel saving and boiler efficiency in boilers, steam boilers, hot water boilers and hot oil boilers by using the heat of the flue gases in order to increase the temperature of the feed water (and fluids) in the system. The payback amortization of economizers varies depending on such factors as the capacity of the system, efficiency of the boiler, and its application areas. The pay-back period of an efficient economizer varies between 3 – 18 months.
Eliminarea completă a daunelor cauzate de inundații - uscare completă a clădirii

Eliminarea completă a daunelor cauzate de inundații - uscare completă a clădirii

Zajmujemy się kompleksowym usuwaniem skutków zalania. Lokalizujemy awarie instalacji, naprawiamy miejsce awarii i sprawnie osuszamy budynku po zalaniu. Wszystkie prace dokumentujemy i w większości przypadków rozliczamy w towarzystwami ubezpieczeniowymi.
Încălzire prin Convecție Katherm QK - Convectori de Podea cu Ventilator EC cu Flux Transversal Eficient Energetic

Încălzire prin Convecție Katherm QK - Convectori de Podea cu Ventilator EC cu Flux Transversal Eficient Energetic

Convectorputverwarming met EC-dwarsstroomventilator convectie. Universeel, individueel, op maat gemaakt. De Katherm QK zorgt voor een effectieve afscherming van koude lucht. Hij is geoptimaliseerd voor lage watertemperaturen. De extra lange EC-ventilator garandeerd hoog warmtevermogen bij stille werking. Katherm QK is in standaardlengten leverbaar. Op maat geproduceerde eenheden zijn ook mogelijk. Productvoordelen - productie op maat - kleine bouwdiepten bij hoge vermogens ook bij lage watertemperaturen - fluisterstille EC-technologie Toepassingsgebieden Alle soorten ruimten van gebouwen waar effectieve verwarming van de ruimte en afscherming van koude lucht worden verlangd. In combinatie met moderne verwarmingssystemen kan met Katherm QK een effectieve, energiebesparende verwarming worden gerealiseerd. Convectie:EC-dwarsstroomventilator Verwarmen:PWW KaControl:geïntegreerd Systeem:2-pijps Roosteruitvoeringen:rolroosters of lineaire roosters - aluminium messing Warmtevermogen [W]:437 - 6025 (Bij PWW 75 / 65 °C, tL1 = 20 °C)
Uscător de aer uscat - LUXOR EM A - Stație de uscare, generator de aer uscat, livrare integrată de aer uscat

Uscător de aer uscat - LUXOR EM A - Stație de uscare, generator de aer uscat, livrare integrată de aer uscat

Both the LUXOR E A and LUXOR EM A dryers with optional ETA plus® energy saving technology are specifically designed to supply consistently low dew-point air to one drying bin, while reducing energy consumption. The LUXOR E A dryer is designed for use with existing conveying systems or hopper loaders. Whereas the LUXOR EM A offers a machine dedicated solution with integrated dry air conveying for up to two processing machines and the drying bin. There are three sizes with drying bin capacities of 60, 100 and 150 litres. The LUXORnet controls utilise modern, flexible BUS-technology. As standard, the colour touch control manages the dry air generator, one drying bin and with the EM version, material conveying to one drying bin and two processing machines. The integration of dry-air conveying and material proportioning provides maximum flexibility and productivity. Technology:dry air Batch/continuous:continuous Applications:industrial Associated function:cooler
Unități Modulare de Tratare a Aerului - Gama AKS

Unități Modulare de Tratare a Aerului - Gama AKS

Comfort and Hygienic Type Airflow: 1000 m3/h to 120.000 m3/h Mechanical Features: TB3-TB1 & T3-T2 Leakage Class: L1 Filter By-Pass Class: F9 Profile Thickness: 40 to 60 mm
Cartuș Filtrant din Poliester

Cartuș Filtrant din Poliester

Produzione cartucce filtranti SU MISURA - oltre 40 media filtranti, tutti certificati - stock di oltre 3000 tipi di anelli/fondelli/flange - supporti in lamiera zincata o acciaio inossidabile 304/316/316L