Produse pentru pentru aer (7677)

Umidificator de aer - B 2 E - Umidificator de aer - B 2 E

Umidificator de aer - B 2 E - Umidificator de aer - B 2 E

Fill up on health and well-being with every breathGood indoor air quality is neither a luxury nor a matter of course - but it is indispensable for a healthy life. Therefore, entrust the improvement of air quality to the 3-in-1 humidifier B 2 E and feel with every breath how beneficial good indoor air can be. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a 24/7 wellness cure - for the sake of your health. What effects does excessively dry indoor air have on our well-being? Whether we feel good in our skin, are concentrated and efficient at work or sleep through the night depends to a large extent on the indoor air that surrounds us. One of the most decisive factors for our physical well-being is the relative humidity. Excessively dry indoor air, which we breathe in mostly in autumn or winter when the heating is turned up, can promote irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory diseases such as coughs and colds. Translated with (free version) Applications:air Type:ultrasound
Furtunuri de Aer Comprimat

Furtunuri de Aer Comprimat

Unser Produktprogramm umfasst Spiralschläuche, PA- / PUR- / PE-Schläuche, PVC-Schläuche mit und ohne Gewebe, Soft-PVC-Schläuche, gewebeverstärkte PUR-Schläuche und PTFE-Schläuche. Des Weiteren bieten wir Antistatik-Schläuche, funkenerosionsgeschützte PU-Schläuche, Pressluftschläuche, Autogenschläuche, Saug- und Druckschläuche und Schläuche speziell für den Einsatz mit Wasser. Das Sortiment wird durch Schlauchbruchsicherungen, Schlauchaufroller und Kabelaufroller, Schlauch-Klemmleisten, Schlauchabschneider und Schlauchhalter abgerundet. Für jeden Einsatzzweck gibt es bei uns das richtige Material und die passende Schlauchgröße.


DWI CB 3T 6M load capacity:1T Lifting height:6 M Weight:30 kg
Danfoss MTZ 100-4VI

Danfoss MTZ 100-4VI

Üretim YeriFransa MarkaDanfoss Kompresör TipiHermetik Pistonlu Çalışma RejimiHBP (+7,2°C / +54,4°C) Kompresör Gücü (Hp)8 1/3 Elektrik Beslemesi380V Soğutucu AkışkanR134a/R404A/R407C Soğutma Kapasitesi (Watt)24.581 Motor Tipi3 FAZ BOM.MTZ100-4VI Kompresör ModeliMTZ 100 - 4VI Süpürme Hacmi (cm3/rev)171,26 Frekans (Hz)50-60 Emiş Hattı1 1/8" Basma Hattı3/4" Marka:Danfoss Ürün Kodu:16.10.100
Filtre de înaltă temperatură

Filtre de înaltă temperatură

Notre gamme de produits comprend des filtres à air hautement efficaces, conçus pour réduire les coûts de filtration en minimisant la consommation d'énergie, qui représente environ 80% des dépenses totales. Ces filtres offrent des économies significatives tout en réduisant les déchets grâce à une fréquence de remplacement réduite. Certifiés Eurovent, ils garantissent une efficacité énergétique constante, indiquée par le label 4/11. De plus, nos filtres sont adaptés aux systèmes de peinture modernes, offrant une filtration optimale pour les applications CVC et HT, répondant aux besoins des fabricants automobiles réputés. En résumé, nos produits certifiés Eurovent protègent la santé et l'environnement, tout en permettant des économies d'argent significatives.
Schimbătoare de căldură de siguranță cu două țevi - Siguranță garantată prin design

Schimbătoare de căldură de siguranță cu două țevi - Siguranță garantată prin design

Dvoutrubkové bezpečnostní výměníky tepla hrají důležitou roli u zařízení, u kterých je prvořadé zabránit mísení médií v případě úniku. Jsou nejčastěji využívány a považovány za standard v chemickém, energetickém, lehkém i těžkém průmyslu, při zpracování ropy a plynu, při pracích na moři, v dopravě a v potravinářství při výrobě nápojů. Společnost Kelvion dlouhodobě vykazuje velmi dobré dosažené výsledky ve vývoji průkopnických technologií, které vždy usilují o maximální úroveň zabezpečení, ochrany životního prostředí a cenově příznivého provozu. Naši zkušení technici jsou plně kvalifikováni k poskytování těch nejlepších možných řešení vyhotovených na míru vašim specifickým požadavkům. S tím, jak jsou regulace bezpečnostních požadavků na ochranu životního prostředí a vodních zdrojů pro průmysl stále přísnější, stávají se dvojité bezpečnostní výměníky tepla tou správnou technologickou volbou.
Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara VM Unități de Răcire de Tip Serviciu Mediu - Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara / Răcitor

Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara VM Unități de Răcire de Tip Serviciu Mediu - Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara / Răcitor

VM Orta Hizmet Tip Üniteler, proses vinçleri, operatör kabinleri, barınaklar, metalurji, petrol ve gaz, çimento, enerji, otomotiv, madencilik ve liman endüstrileri gibi orta ölçekli endüstriyel uygulamalar için tasarlanmıştır. Bu ürünün temel özellikleri ve avantajları; tak ve çalıştır kompakt tasarım, montaj hizmetleri için daha az ihtiyaç. Filtreleme her daim devredeyken soğutma, yalnızca fan, ısıtma fonksiyonu modları kullanılabilir. Soğutma Kapasitesi:2 kW - 7 kW Çalışma için üst limit ortam sıcaklığı:-15°c / +80°c Toza dayanıklı:Toza karşı dayanıklı tasarım Korozyona dayanıklı:Korozyona karşı dayanıklı tasarım Titreşime dayanıklı:Titreşime karşı dayanıklı tasarım
Set Renault 370/390/400 (Stânga) - Merit

Set Renault 370/390/400 (Stânga) - Merit

Renault 370/390/400 Set (Left) - Merit Product Code:CHS2006 Product Weight:9,165 gr ± %10
Șlefuitor orbital cu sistem de aspirație 3 în 1

Șlefuitor orbital cu sistem de aspirație 3 în 1

Les outils pneumatiques de la gamme PREVOST sont conformes à la Directive machines 2006/42/CE et satisfont à l’ensemble des dispositions pertinentes de la directive ci-dessus mentionnée. Ils sont conformes aux exigences des normes ISO 15744 et ISO/EN 28927 concernant les niveaux sonores et les vibrations. La conception et la construction des outils PREVOST assurent : • un travail de qualité, un bon rendement, une large gamme d’applications, • un fonctionnement, un réglage et un entretien faciles, • une limitation du bruit et des vibrations, • une ergonomie destinée à réduire gêne, fatigue, contraintes physiques des opérateurs. Avantages : • Outils en composite, design ergonomique, amorti des vibrations • Régulation de la vitesse de travail par molette de réglage
Nucuri pop cu conexiune de aer - Nucuri pop cu conexiune de aer

Nucuri pop cu conexiune de aer - Nucuri pop cu conexiune de aer

Especificación: BNM M5x7x26 KK acero, conexión de aire, galvanizado Rango de remachado: 0,50 - 2,50 mm Perforación ø: 7,1 + 0,1 mm Aplicación: conexión de un tubo neumático (con ø 4mm) para el uso con líquidos y gases Ventajas: • Reducción de la multiplicidad de piezas • Mejor presentación (un color) • Menor coste de montaje • Simplificación del proceso de montaje • Accesibilidad por un lado • Ahorro de material y costes de montaje Sectores: • Ventilación y climatización • Accesorios neumáticos • Fabricantes de carcasas y depósitos Material:Acero
Filtre de aer - Adaptabile Porepur - Seplast

Filtre de aer - Adaptabile Porepur - Seplast

Gamme complète de filtres pour tous les matériels et machines utilisés dans les secteurs industriels. Machines-outils, bandes filtrantes Huiles de coupe et émulsions Injection plastique Electroérosion Aspirateurs et Balayeuses
PM162M - Sampler automat secvențial de particule

PM162M - Sampler automat secvențial de particule

PM162M is a sequential automatic sampling device for particulate matter in the ambient air. The particles are sampled at constant flow rate (1 m3/h or 2.3 m3/h) and collected on filters for gravimetric weighing and possible physicochemical laboratory analysis. Measured parameter:Particulates Technology:Sampling Temperature range:+5°C to +40°C Data storage:> 6 months Included I/O:4 AI/4 AO/4 RC/6 DC
CROWNĂ DIN CUPRU 08MM 1/4 IZOLATĂ M1 - Crownă din cupru 08mm 1/4 izolată 13 sau 19mm neagră BL-s3d0 (M1)

CROWNĂ DIN CUPRU 08MM 1/4 IZOLATĂ M1 - Crownă din cupru 08mm 1/4 izolată 13 sau 19mm neagră BL-s3d0 (M1)

Couronne cuivre 08mm 1/4 isolée 13 ou 19mm noir BL-s3d0 (M1) Liaison frigorifique pour la climatisation/PAC Fabriqué en France Disponible en épaisseur d'isolant de 13 ou 19mm, cette couronne assure une performance thermique supérieure grâce à un isolant de haute qualité élastomère Elle est également résistante à l'humidité et à la corrosion, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour une utilisation dans des environnements humides
ventilator industrial - ventilatoare industriale

ventilator industrial - ventilatoare industriale

Aspir'Elec propose une gamme de ventilateurs industriels très importante merci de nous consulter
Insert de șemineu UNIFLAM 700 KASETA PL alimentare cu aer ref. 607-670-DP - UNIFLAM 700

Insert de șemineu UNIFLAM 700 KASETA PL alimentare cu aer ref. 607-670-DP - UNIFLAM 700

Cast iron fireplace insert - nominal power: 14 kW - efficiency: 73% - average emission of carbon monoxide (CO): 0.23% - average flue gas temperature: 228 °C - max. length of wood logs: 50 cm - flue gas outlet diameter: 180 mm - weight: 91 kg - combustion air is supplied directly from the outside - primary air supply regulation - deflector - ash pan - grate - heating fuel: wood - 5-year warranty - compliance with the standard EN 13229 - CE certificate - FLAMME VERTE certificate - manufacturer: UNIFLAM - France producer :uniflam weight [kg] :91.0000 guarantee period :5 years nominal power :14 kW thermal efficiency :73.00% average flue gas temperature :228 °C average emission of carbon monoxide (CO) :0.24% exhaust outlet diameter :180mm max. log length of wood :50 cm producer:uniflam
MCE Condensator prin Pulverizare - Evaporativ - pentru Condensarea Gazelor

MCE Condensator prin Pulverizare - Evaporativ - pentru Condensarea Gazelor

Kompaktowy, wydajny i łatwo serwisowalny: skraplacz przemysłowy MCE zapewnia operatorom urządzeń chłodniczych wszystkie standardy i normy produkcyjne. Dodatkowym atutem jest trwałość gwarantowana przez MITA. Kompaktowe:Połączenie „wieży otwartej” z skraplaczem. Skraplane NH3:Kilkanaście czynników chłodniczych w tym amoniak. Łatwy dostęp:Całkowicie zdejmowane ścianki dla łatwego i pełnego dostępu do elementów wewnętrznych.
Tablă Albă Montată pe Perete Air - Magnetică, Fără Cadru - Tablouri de Scris & Tablouri Magnetice

Tablă Albă Montată pe Perete Air - Magnetică, Fără Cadru - Tablouri de Scris & Tablouri Magnetice

Air est un tableau blanc élégant avec une surface d'écriture magnétique émaillée aux angles vifs et bords blancs biseautés. Sans cadre, le tableau blanc Air peut être regroupé au mur pour créer de grands espaces d'écriture. Fixation invisible Profondeur par rapport au mur 16 mm Surface magnétique en acier émaillé Certifié E3, recyclable à 99 % Surface d’écriture garantie 30 ans ! Réference:27828AIR Marque:Lintex Hauteur:119 cm Largeur:99 / 149 / 199 / 249 / 299 cm Profondeur:1,6 cm depuis le mur
SterilAir - Sector

SterilAir - Sector

LCD display with programmingRoom to be sanitized volume settingDual-stage Rotafil motor with tangential discharge 1000W50 lt/sec. of air volume to improve the spread of the sprayed productWorking radious Pos. 1 4mt. – Pos. 2 6mt.Peroxide authonony: Pos. 1 10h – Pos. 2 5h5lt. Low concentration hydrogen peroxide in the machineAir return to the environment is filtered with Hepa filter H13Sanitized environment are ready to use after 30 min.100% stainless steel
Cufăr lateral de 310 cm cu dinți

Cufăr lateral de 310 cm cu dinți

Side tip bucket 310 cm Side tipper hydraulic 8x teeth Width bucket 310 cm Pin holes 900mm REF:R-3RMAY Modèle:310cm met tanden Année:0 Marque:Zij kiepbak / Side tip bucket
AIR - Canapea

AIR - Canapea

L'idée d' ARIA était de donner un look frais et moderne au coussin de dossier matelassé. Disponible en 2 ou 3 places et fauteuil avec pouf. Look élégant et grand confort garantis par la mousse HR à l'intérieur des coussins d'assise et le rembourrage en silicone dans la partie arrière du canapé. Disponible avec de nombreux tissus différents et couleurs de pieds en bois.
Centrul de Spray - Funcționează pe bază de presiune a apei, nu necesită electricitate sau aer comprimat

Centrul de Spray - Funcționează pe bază de presiune a apei, nu necesită electricitate sau aer comprimat

Werkt op waterdruk Geen electriciteit of perslucht nodig • Worden aangesloten op een watertoevoer en verdunnen automatisch een reinigingsproduct met water. • Ideaal om reinigingsproducten op personenwagens, vrachtwagens en andere voertuigen te sprayen. • Voorzien van vlakstraalsproeikop • De juiste verdunning wordt ingesteld aan de hand van een set gekleurde meettipjes • 16 verschillende verdunningen kunnen ingesteld worden tussen 0.5 % en 12 %. • Snelkoppeling tussen pistool en slang. • Werkdruk tussen 2 en 6 bar. 801.000.100 - 10 m slang – lans 60 cm 801.000.200 - 15 m slang – lans 60 cm 801.000.300 - 25 m slang – lans 90 cm 801.000.302 - 25 m slang + telescopische lans 2 x 1m 801.000.120 - 10 m slang – lans 60 cm en CA terugslagklep 801.000.220 - 15 m slang – lans 60 cm en CA terugslagklep 801.000.320 - 25 m slang – lans 90 cm en CA terugslagklep 801.000.322 - 25 m slang + telescopische lans 2 x 1m en CA terugslagklep
NOEMI - Europelec - Grile de difuzoare de aer cu bule fine fixe sau ridicabile

NOEMI - Europelec - Grile de difuzoare de aer cu bule fine fixe sau ridicabile

Polypropylene feeder for grids in bioreactors and degreasing tanks Suitable for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Allows the installation of Aquadisc® 250 / 305 / 320 and Aquatube® 70 diffusers. Diffusers are known for their excellent temperature resistance, recyclability, and longevity. Glass Fibre reinforced polypropylene feeder. Noemi® module body, highly resistant to chemical and abrasive attack - standard length tubes of 2 m, which can be designed to fit many tanks configurations Polypropylene support and fixing brackets mounted on stainless steel anchor rods - the profiled shape of the bracket allows the module body to be locked in rotation and ensures its stability in the tank All stainless-steel fixi Drain plug


Company produce flat ventilation system that is easy to mount and hide in wall as well in ceilings. The flat ventilation ducts are made of galvanized sheet metal, heat and damp resistant.
Biofiltre și sisteme de ventilație - Managementul deșeurilor

Biofiltre și sisteme de ventilație - Managementul deșeurilor

We offer comprehensive services in the design, construction, and installation of biofilters and ventilation systems, including: - Container Biofilter with Ventilation System Upgrade: Modernization of existing ventilation systems to optimize the performance of container biofilters. - Chimney Installation Over Container Biofilter: Installation of a chimney with the capability of extending the container for loading, ensuring ease of use and maintenance. - Biofilter Enclosure with Automated Ventilation System: Comprehensive enclosure of biofilters with an automated ventilation system, guaranteeing optimal working conditions. - Mechanical Exhaust Installation with Fan Connected to Biofilter: Implementation of mechanical exhaust systems with fans, enhancing the efficiency of the filtration process. Our solutions are designed for maximum efficiency, reliability, and ease of operation, while ensuring the highest level of operational safety.
Uscătoare - DRYPOINT = uscătoare cu ciclu de refrigerare, uscătoare prin adsorbție și uscătoare cu membrană

Uscătoare - DRYPOINT = uscătoare cu ciclu de refrigerare, uscătoare prin adsorbție și uscătoare cu membrană

In aggiunta alla filtrazione, gli essiccatori ad aria compressa contribuiscono ad un aumento della sicurezza di processo. L’umidità nell’aria compressa provoca corrosione e promuove la crescita di microrganismi. In singoli casi, la condensa emerge nel punto di utilizzo, un pericolo costante nel flusso d’esercizio, per esempio a causa della mancanza di comandi pneumatici e maggiore usura o rottura a causa di altri disturbi nel processo di produzione. Il notevole miglioramento della sicurezza dei processi è dovuto agli essiccatori DRYPOINT che offrono vantaggi decisivi per ogni campo di applicazione. Tra la gamma di prodotti BEKO TECHNOLOGIES sono inclusi gli essiccatori a ciclo frigorifero, ad adsorbimento ed a membrana per portate fino a 1.500 m³/h. Inoltre, la medesima gamma include gli essiccatori ad adsorbimento rigenerati a caldo EVERDRY progettati per portate più elevate che arrivano fino a 20.000 m³/h.
Vehicul de Transfer - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

Vehicul de Transfer - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

The transfer vehicle is used for transporting cargo horizontally on a single level. The individual loading units are moved on and off the racking by interconnecting the integrated roller conveyor with external roller decks. As well as transporting ULDs which take up the entire surface of the roller deck, it is possible to transfer two containers simultaneously. Flow plane: Horizontal Flow direction: Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing and retrieving ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated, maintenance Benefits: A safe way to transport ULDs with care IATA-compliant transportation of ULDs
Capace de ventilație - Capace de ventilație din plastic pentru găuri în panouri

Capace de ventilație - Capace de ventilație din plastic pentru găuri în panouri

At Vital Parts we now stock a large range of advanced Vent Plug solutions, including Liquid Tight, Snap In and Threaded versions. Designed to provide ventilation towards internal components, these are a highly sought after product for use within hydraulic and pneumatic applications to prevent overheating or the entry of harmful cotaminants. Please check out our website to view all available sizes, styles and solutions we offer for these Vent Plugs, including Plastic Vent Plugs For Panel Holes and Nylon Ventilation Plugs. Styles Available::Liquid Tight Threaded:Snap In Standard:Filtered
Piese de Schimb pentru Vehicule - Fabricarea pieselor de schimb pentru mașini, camioane și tractoare

Piese de Schimb pentru Vehicule - Fabricarea pieselor de schimb pentru mașini, camioane și tractoare

In the demanding and rigorous conditions of transportation, reliable systems are a top priority. Manufacturing spare parts plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of drivers and the cargo transportation industry. Custom Spare Parts Solutions Every type of truck and car requirement is unique. We offer our customers custom manufacturing to provide the most suitable solutions. Our expert engineers design and manufacture spare parts tailored to the needs of each vehicle. Contact Our Expert Team Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about vehicle spare parts manufacturing and solutions. Our expert team is here to recommend the best parts for your needs. Let’s Create the Best Spare Parts for You! Contact our expert team to learn more about our manufacturing abillity. We are here to offer solutions tailored to your specific needs. Get in Touch and redefine safety!
FELTRO DIN CARBON ADHESIV ALUMINIAT - Rezistent la foc până la 800 °C

FELTRO DIN CARBON ADHESIV ALUMINIAT - Rezistent la foc până la 800 °C

Aluminized adhesive carbon felt is made of 100% pre-oxidised polyacrylonitrile fibre in a black colour. It is fully fireproof and an excellent fire retardant; it does not drip and has very low fume emissions; it can also be used as a fire blanket because it is fire-resistant up to temperatures with peaks around 800°C. It has good chemical resistance, in particular to alkalis, diluted acids and solvents, and a good ability to reflect heat and increase the luminosity of work places.