Produse pentru pentru aer (3068)

Sisteme de întreținere multipart pentru aer comprimat

Sisteme de întreținere multipart pentru aer comprimat

Druckluftaufbereitung hilft Störungen an pneumatischen Komponenten zu vermeiden und erhöht deren Lebensdauer. Maschinenausfälle und Stillstandzeiten werden verringert. Ob Druckluftaufbereitung, Druckluftregelung oder Druckluftreinigung, bei uns finden Sie von mehrteiligen Wartungseinheiten über Druckregler, Filterregler, Öler, Kondensatableiter und Öl-Wasser-Trenner auch Systemerweiterungen und verschiedenes Zubehör.
Umidificator de aer - B 250

Umidificator de aer - B 250

The B250 is a completely electronically controlled disc humidifier that is fitted with an electonic sensor, which permits indicates the level of moisture in the air. Just configure the humidistat to the desired humidity, the one that’s right for you and the application and allow the completely electronic controlled unit do the rest. It is extremely nice to possess something that offers great dependability. The key lock is an extra feature that is purposed to provides added peace of mind. Simply input your exclusive combination to lock the units keypad and avoid unauthorized use, tampering or accidental access that may change the overall settings. Owing to the phrase used in Germany "trust is good, control is better" The B250 has a water level gauge that is located in the operational panel. Furthermore, there is no need stress about the unit going up in smoke of short circuiting. Applications:air Other characteristics:compact
Depozit Modular de Aer Congelat - Cameră Congelată Modulară (-18/-22°C) 6,33m³

Depozit Modular de Aer Congelat - Cameră Congelată Modulară (-18/-22°C) 6,33m³

Yeni Teknoloji, Kolay Kurulum %100 Modüler Sistem Modüler Ürünlerimiz Yeni Üretim Teknolojileri ile Üretilmekte Olup Montaj Aşamasında Hiç Bir Kesme Biçme İşlemi Gerektirmemektedir. Beraberinde Gönderilen Kurulum Kılavuzu Ve Alyan Anahtarı İle Kullanıcı Tarafından Hiç Bir Ek Alet Kullanılmadan Panel Numaralarına Göre Yerleştirilip Alyan Anahtarı İle Kilitlenerek Kurulumu Yapılabilmekte. Panellerin Üretimi 1'e1 Ölçülere Göre Yapılmakta Olup Kurulum Esnasında Hiç Bir Kesme İşlemi Yapılmadan Kurulur Ve Panel Zaviyatı %100 Önlenmiş Olur. Üretim Aşamasında Kullanılan Özel Contaları Sayesinde Montaj Aşamasında Slikon ve Köpük Kullanılmadan Isı Geçirgenliği Önlenmiş Olur ve Montaj Hatalarından Kaynaklanacak Olan Isı Kaybının %100 Önüne Geçilmesini Sağlar. Cihaz Görselde Olduğu Gibi Tek Panele İç ve Dış Ünitesi Monte Şekilde Gönderilmektedir."Monoblok" Tipi Soğutma Cihazıdır. Odanın Kurulumunu Yaptıktan Sonra Cihazı Çalıştırmak İçin Tek Yapmanız Gerek Cihazı (220V) Prize Bağlamak. Marka:Tünel Group Ürün Kodu:TNLMOD21624018
DWH 4500HD

DWH 4500HD

DWH 4500HD Tension:12V Puissance:1,9 KM Effort:4 500 lb/2 041 kg Train d’Engrenage:planétaires à trois étages Réduction:138:1 Type de frein:automatique Longueur du câble en acier:15 m Poids brut de l'ensemble:13kg Espacement des vis d'assemblage:124 mm x 76 mm Les dimensions du treuil (LxWxH):340 mm x 114 mm x 120 mm


Pour réduire la consommation d'énergie, le système de réfrigération du sécheur se désactive automatiquement pendant les périodes de faible charge et comporte un échangeur de chaleur breveté et un circuit de masse thermique.Les sécheurs d'air de la série MCY sont très fiables, efficient, peu encombrants et offrent un faible coût d'exploitation. L'intégration de la pré / post filtration dans l'armoire du sécheur permet d'économiser du temps de travail, des coûts d'installation et de l'espace de production. La taille compacte offre également une flexibilité et une économie pendant le transport.
Schimbătoare de căldură de siguranță cu două țevi - Siguranță garantată prin design

Schimbătoare de căldură de siguranță cu două țevi - Siguranță garantată prin design

Dvoutrubkové bezpečnostní výměníky tepla hrají důležitou roli u zařízení, u kterých je prvořadé zabránit mísení médií v případě úniku. Jsou nejčastěji využívány a považovány za standard v chemickém, energetickém, lehkém i těžkém průmyslu, při zpracování ropy a plynu, při pracích na moři, v dopravě a v potravinářství při výrobě nápojů. Společnost Kelvion dlouhodobě vykazuje velmi dobré dosažené výsledky ve vývoji průkopnických technologií, které vždy usilují o maximální úroveň zabezpečení, ochrany životního prostředí a cenově příznivého provozu. Naši zkušení technici jsou plně kvalifikováni k poskytování těch nejlepších možných řešení vyhotovených na míru vašim specifickým požadavkům. S tím, jak jsou regulace bezpečnostních požadavků na ochranu životního prostředí a vodních zdrojů pro průmysl stále přísnější, stávají se dvojité bezpečnostní výměníky tepla tou správnou technologickou volbou.
Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara VM Unități de Răcire de Tip Serviciu Mediu - Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara / Răcitor

Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara VM Unități de Răcire de Tip Serviciu Mediu - Aer Condiționat pentru Cabină de Macara / Răcitor

VM Orta Hizmet Tip Üniteler, proses vinçleri, operatör kabinleri, barınaklar, metalurji, petrol ve gaz, çimento, enerji, otomotiv, madencilik ve liman endüstrileri gibi orta ölçekli endüstriyel uygulamalar için tasarlanmıştır. Bu ürünün temel özellikleri ve avantajları; tak ve çalıştır kompakt tasarım, montaj hizmetleri için daha az ihtiyaç. Filtreleme her daim devredeyken soğutma, yalnızca fan, ısıtma fonksiyonu modları kullanılabilir. Soğutma Kapasitesi:2 kW - 7 kW Çalışma için üst limit ortam sıcaklığı:-15°c / +80°c Toza dayanıklı:Toza karşı dayanıklı tasarım Korozyona dayanıklı:Korozyona karşı dayanıklı tasarım Titreşime dayanıklı:Titreşime karşı dayanıklı tasarım
GBM 95 - Mașină pneumatico-hidraulică pentru nituri de tip nut

GBM 95 - Mașină pneumatico-hidraulică pentru nituri de tip nut

Campo de aplicación Tuercas remachables de M3 a M10 en todos los materiales Datos técnicos Peso: 2,3 kg Presión de trabajo: 6 bares Conexión de aire: 6 mm Ø (1/4’’) Consumo de aire: aprox. 8 l. por remachado Fuerza de tracción: 15.700 N (1.600 kp) Carrera: 7 mm Características • Eficaz sistema de enroscado y desenroscado, patentado – ahorro de tiempo • Aprovechamiento el aire comprimido del proceso para el desenroscado automático del mandril al final – rentabilidad • Fácil ajuste de la carrera – remachado seguro y completo de las tuercas • Proceso de remachado: hidráulico, consistente en un movimiento de carrera axial – sin torsión o giro de la tuerca y sin deterioro de la superficie • Cómodo manejo con una mano – eficaz y sin esfuerzo • Bloqueo neumático del mandril – rápido cambio sin herramientas • Cabeza hidráulica: aluminio con superficie del cilindro resistente al desgaste Material:Aluminio, acero, plástico
Filtre pentru tratarea aerului - Silențios

Filtre pentru tratarea aerului - Silențios

Gamme complète de filtres pour le traitement de l’air comprimé et du vide. Compresseurs stationnaires et mobiles Pompes à vide Réseaux d’air comprimé Séparateurs de condensats, Boitiers FRL, Silencieux, Filtres à gaz
Reeluri de cablu electric

Reeluri de cablu electric

L'enrouleur automatique de tuyau : un équipement indispensable à l'ergonomie de l'atelier. Son utilisation offre gain de temps, sécurité et confort dans l’utilisation des tuyaux souples de distribution. Déclinée pour les fluides suivants : • air comprimé, • eau froide, eau chaude, haute pression et basse pression, • huile, graisse, • oxygène et acétylène, la gamme des enrouleurs PREVOST couvre tous les besoins INSTALLATION MURALE OU AU PLAFOND Fixé au mur, au plafond ou sur chariot, l’enrouleur s’adapte à la configuration de l’atelier et couvre un large champ d’action. Judicieusement placé, l'enrouleur dégage l'atelier, et augmente la productivité et le confort de travail. BUTÉE DE FIN DE COURSE L’enrouleur au repos, une butée d’arrêt de tuyau réglable permet de définir la longueur de tuyau que l’utilisateur souhaite laisser à l’extérieur du carter. La position de la butée de fin de course est facilement modifiable.
Set MAXX 22T (Dreapta) - WABCO

Set MAXX 22T (Dreapta) - WABCO

MAXX 22T Set (Right) - WABCO Product Code:CHS3009 Product Weight:6,920 gr ± %10


Paire supports de sol Rubber EID 600mm anti vibratile Fabriqué à base de pneumatiques recyclés Traitement de protection aux UV Avec encoches de fixation et visserie Barre aluminium moulée : 570mm Hauteur du support 95mm Largeur : 160mm Poids de la paire : 12.5kg Charge/paire: 600kg 45 paire/palette
Actuator Pneumatic FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Arc de Acționare 44 Nm - Pneumatic

Actuator Pneumatic FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Arc de Acționare 44 Nm - Pneumatic

Entspricht den aktuellsten internationalen Normen: ISO 5211 Kompakt gebaut mit modernem Design Kolben und Endkappen aus druckgegossenem Aluminium Vorkomprimierte Lastfeder verspricht sichere Montage- und Demontagevorgänge Hohe Festigkeit
Gel Odorizant Aer Pin

Gel Odorizant Aer Pin

Air freshener gel long lasting, fresh and pleasant perfume made with natural essences of ne soft fragance. Improves your well-being in the car and home. It perfumes, neutralizes and absorbs odors.
MDC-V Răcitor de Aer Uscat - Seria V

MDC-V Răcitor de Aer Uscat - Seria V

Les drycoolers sont des appareils simples et fiables. Leur principe de fonctionnement est basé sur un échange de chaleur sensible entre l'air et l'eau où : l'air est aspiré par des ventilateurs à travers un serpentin à ailettes, tandis que l'eau (ou un mélange d'eau et de glycol) circule dans les tubes qui composent le serpentin et se refroidit lorsque l'air ambiant (plus froid) entre en contact avec sa surface. L'air ambiant (plus froid) touche la surface du serpentin. Les serpentins d'échange, disposés en "V" à l'intérieur du refroidisseur, sont constitués de tubes en cuivre et d'ailettes en aluminium. L'angle entre les serpentins, le diamètre des tubes, l'épaisseur et la longueur des ailettes sont dimensionnés pour garantir les meilleures performances d'échange thermique pour une perte de charge donnée du fluide et du flux d'air.
Vehicul de Transfer - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

Vehicul de Transfer - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

The transfer vehicle is used for transporting cargo horizontally on a single level. The individual loading units are moved on and off the racking by interconnecting the integrated roller conveyor with external roller decks. As well as transporting ULDs which take up the entire surface of the roller deck, it is possible to transfer two containers simultaneously. Flow plane: Horizontal Flow direction: Unidirectional Functions: Transporting, storing and retrieving ULDs Operating modes: Fully automated, semi-automated, maintenance Benefits: A safe way to transport ULDs with care IATA-compliant transportation of ULDs
VALVĂ MANUALĂ CU JONCȚIUNE Ø 120 MM - Valve manuale cu joncțiune

VALVĂ MANUALĂ CU JONCȚIUNE Ø 120 MM - Valve manuale cu joncțiune

Clapet manuel avec joint permettant de fermer ou d’ouvrir manuellement un réseau d’aspiration tout en garantissant une parfaite étanchéité de celle-ci. Cela optimise le flux d’air de votre installation et donc la consommation énergétique de celle-ci. Ce type de clapet est idéal pour les buses de balayage ou pour les machines à bois traditionnelles. L’assemblage se fait à l’aide d’un collier de serrage, de la même manière qu’un tuyau standard. Pour ces raisons, les clapets manuels avec joint correspondent parfaitement au système d’aspiration industrielle ou aux petites menuiseries. Fonctionne bien pour l’aspiration de copeaux de bois, de PVC, de métaux ou de fumée de soudure. Enfin, ils sont disponibles du diamètre 80 mm au diamètre 350 mm. UGS:tmj-120 Dimensions:120 mm
DIFFUZORI DE AER DETASABILI SKID - Europelec - Difuzori cu bule fine

DIFFUZORI DE AER DETASABILI SKID - Europelec - Difuzori cu bule fine

The removable aeration ramp is a solution to bring oxygen to effluent by fine air bubbles whatever the depth of the basin. These ramps are ideal to overcome an emergency oxygen deficit following a breakdown or an increase in the volume of effluent to be treated.
Capace de ventilație - Capace de ventilație din plastic pentru găuri în panouri

Capace de ventilație - Capace de ventilație din plastic pentru găuri în panouri

At Vital Parts we now stock a large range of advanced Vent Plug solutions, including Liquid Tight, Snap In and Threaded versions. Designed to provide ventilation towards internal components, these are a highly sought after product for use within hydraulic and pneumatic applications to prevent overheating or the entry of harmful cotaminants. Please check out our website to view all available sizes, styles and solutions we offer for these Vent Plugs, including Plastic Vent Plugs For Panel Holes and Nylon Ventilation Plugs. Styles Available::Liquid Tight Threaded:Snap In Standard:Filtered
Unitate de pulverizare - Funcționează pe bază de presiune a apei, nu necesită electricitate sau aer comprimat

Unitate de pulverizare - Funcționează pe bază de presiune a apei, nu necesită electricitate sau aer comprimat

Works on water pressure No electricity or compressed air needed • Are connected to a water supply and automatically dilute a cleaning product with water. • Perfect for spraying cleaning products on cars, trucks and other vehicles. • Spray lance in stainless steel. Equipped with a fanjet nozzle. • The correct dilution is set based on a set of coloured measuring tips. • 16 different dilutions may be set between 0.5 % and 12 %. • Quick coupling between gun and hose. • Operating pressure between 2 and 6 bar. 801.000.100 - 10 m hose – lance 60 cm 801.000.200 - 15 m hose – lance 60 cm 801.000.300 - 25 m hose – lance 90 cm 801.000.302 - 25 m hose + telescopic lance 2 x 1 m 801.000.120 - 10 m hose – lance 60 cm and backflow preventer CA 801.000.220 - 15 m hose – lance 60 cm and backflow preventer CA 801.000.320 - 25 m hose – lance 90 cm and backflow preventer CA 801.000.322 - 25 m hose + telescopic lance 2 x 1 m and backflow preventer CA
Piese de Schimb pentru Vehicule - Fabricarea pieselor de schimb pentru mașini, camioane și tractoare

Piese de Schimb pentru Vehicule - Fabricarea pieselor de schimb pentru mașini, camioane și tractoare

In the demanding and rigorous conditions of transportation, reliable systems are a top priority. Manufacturing spare parts plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of drivers and the cargo transportation industry. Custom Spare Parts Solutions Every type of truck and car requirement is unique. We offer our customers custom manufacturing to provide the most suitable solutions. Our expert engineers design and manufacture spare parts tailored to the needs of each vehicle. Contact Our Expert Team Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about vehicle spare parts manufacturing and solutions. Our expert team is here to recommend the best parts for your needs. Let’s Create the Best Spare Parts for You! Contact our expert team to learn more about our manufacturing abillity. We are here to offer solutions tailored to your specific needs. Get in Touch and redefine safety!
Set Coniotomie Fără Aer

Set Coniotomie Fără Aer

With the AIR Free Coniotomy application, the patient's airway is opened in as little as 22 seconds. Due to the obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, very serious life risks occur. The Air-Free Coniotomy Set is currently available in 2 sizes, Child and Adult. Contents of the Air Fre set 1 Trocar with Scalpel Fixed 1 Standard Adapter 1 Piece Artificial Respiration Apparatus 1 Piece Manual Aspiration Catheter 1 Piece Neck Fixation Tape It provides the opportunity to apply Coniotomy in a very short time (approximately 22 seconds). It provides risk-free and easy use.
Filtre de sac verticale

Filtre de sac verticale

Module vertical bag filters constitute a line of traditional de-dusting units with bags attached in a vertical system. They are intended to extract dry dust from gases in all industry sectors. They are characterized by ability to purify great quantities of gases. BENEFITS •An advanced way gases are entered ensures their uniform flow into all of the bags. •Downstream direction of certain quantity of gases supports falling of the dusts in the filter's chamber. •Both-side filtrating bags positioning and preventing them from their displacement eliminates effect of mechanical wear in case ends of bags contact each other. It is very important in case of long bags. •Modern regeneration system - Twin-jet enables applying of purified gas originating from the filter clean chamber to carry out this process. In this way efficiency of regeneration grows up and, at the same time, compressed air consumption goes down.
Manifold MVHR pentru conducte semi-rigide de 75 mm - Manifold pentru conducte radiale | 4-18 porturi

Manifold MVHR pentru conducte semi-rigide de 75 mm - Manifold pentru conducte radiale | 4-18 porturi

EPP manifold boxes are used for heat recovery ventilation (MVHR). Due to EPP's insulating properties, MVHR manifolds do not need to be insulated. Manifold boxes are intended to distribute 75mm ducting around the house. The number of connectors varies based on the specifications of the user: 4-18 spigots. main duct diameter:125-160 mm spigot diameter:63 mm casing material:expanded polypropylene (EPP) application:mechanical ventilation with heat recovery function:air distribution in MVHR system
FELTRO DIN CARBON ADHESIV ALUMINIAT - Rezistent la foc până la 800 °C

FELTRO DIN CARBON ADHESIV ALUMINIAT - Rezistent la foc până la 800 °C

Aluminized adhesive carbon felt is made of 100% pre-oxidised polyacrylonitrile fibre in a black colour. It is fully fireproof and an excellent fire retardant; it does not drip and has very low fume emissions; it can also be used as a fire blanket because it is fire-resistant up to temperatures with peaks around 800°C. It has good chemical resistance, in particular to alkalis, diluted acids and solvents, and a good ability to reflect heat and increase the luminosity of work places.
Expedierea mărfurilor - Transport multimodal de bunuri

Expedierea mărfurilor - Transport multimodal de bunuri

> Cliquez sur le bouton "SITE WEB" pour plus d'informations > COLLETT FORWARDING fournit un service d'importation et d'exportation mondial pour le transport et l'expédition de fret multimodal. Notre équipe de transitaires possède une connaissance et une expérience approfondies de l'industrie du transport maritime de marchandises et fournit un service mondial pour l'expédition, l'importation et l'exportation de marchandises. En tant que transitaires internationaux, nous réservons le fret auprès d'une variété de fournisseurs de services maritimes et multimodaux, y compris la mer, l'air, la route et le rail, en utilisant plusieurs types de transporteurs pour chaque expédition. Nous proposons des solutions logistiques de rupture de charge à des clients du monde entier. Notre équipe de transitaires s'occupe régulièrement d'expéditions multimodales, fournit des solutions de transport, prépare et traite les formalités douanières et donne des conseils sur les documents d'import export.
Crema facială cu infuzie de ozon O3 Airless 50 ml - Creme faciale

Crema facială cu infuzie de ozon O3 Airless 50 ml - Creme faciale

Ozone O3 Infused crema facial 50ml es un producto eficaz para el cuidado de la piel que proporciona un aspecto luminoso equilibrando el tono de la piel mientras la nutre gracias a su fórmula especial enriquecida con ozono. SKU:30429
Sisteme de flotare cu aer dizolvat - pentru tratarea apelor uzate

Sisteme de flotare cu aer dizolvat - pentru tratarea apelor uzate

Mitadaf è un innovativo sistema di flottazione ad aria disciolta. La sua eccezionale efficienza di separazione solido/liquido e/o di ispessimento dei fanghi è il risultato del sistema combinato di idrodinamica uniforme e filtrazione con un letto di microbolle d'aria: un'apparecchiatura di nuova concezione sviluppata da MITA. Il cuore del sistema mitadaf è la colonna centrale multifunzionale, per mezzo della quale l'acqua grezza di fogna viene introdotta nella vasca, l'acqua effluente chiarificata viene recuperata e i fanghi escono. L'acqua grezza in ingresso, opportunamente saturata con aria, viene introdotta nella vasca di flottazione attraverso una serie di fori situati nella parte inferiore della colonna centrale. La miscela in ingresso, sospinta dalle microbolle d'aria, raggiunge immediatamente la superficie, distribuendosi omogeneamente su tutta l'area di flottazione (sistema idrodinamico uniforme).
Kit pistol de aer - AGC 25

Kit pistol de aer - AGC 25



Graco repair kit 24B768 for air valve Husky 1050A 1 x (202) PISTON 1 203 DETENT PISTON ASSEMBLY 1 x (204) CAM, detent 1 x (205) PLATE, air valve 2 x (206) O-RING 2 x (208) U-CUP 2 x (209) SCREW Kit 1 x (211) DETENT SPRING 1 x (212) BASE, cup 1 x (213) CUP 1 214 O-RING, cup 1 x (219) O-RING 1 x (108) GASKET, air valve 1 x GREASE, lithium-based