Produse pentru pentru aer (3068)

Pistol cu aer și fluid

Pistol cu aer și fluid

Blow guns, bleeder valves, spray guns, professional cleaning guns and special compressed air and liquid guns also belong to the RIEGLER product spectrum, as well as hand-held tyre gauges, hose clamps, sealing material and various supply units. You are always on the safe side with RIEGLER industrial adhesives, sprays and sticks.
Dezumidificator de aer - TTK 127 E

Dezumidificator de aer - TTK 127 E

COMFORT DEHUMIDIFIER TTK 127 EState-of-the-art comfort backed by a functional design A functional design pleasing to the eye, technical equipment – remarkably convenient and modest pricing: As a special highlight, the dehumidifier TTK 127 E has an extra comfort function. Optimum room climate at all times – simply at the push of a button. Fitted with a comfort button the TTK 127 E automatically regulates the humidity value to the most agreeable level depending on the temperature. At most, the dehumidifier strips the ambient air from up to 50 litres of moisture per day and is suited for room sizes of up to 150 m². Naturally, the dehumidifier is also equipped with a hygrostat-controlled automatic dehumidification system, for which a fixed target humidity value is selected in advance. Product:air
Compresor de aer DWK-T 300

Compresor de aer DWK-T 300

Air compressor DWK-T 300 Voltage:12 V max. pressure:150 PSI Weight:7,35 kg Performance:300 l/min Max. amperage:90 Amp
Filtrare și Separare

Filtrare și Separare

Our Compressed air filters are the first line of defence for any air compressor and have a significant impact on the service life of the compressor, lubricant, air/oil separators, and oil filters. We offer the highest efficiency air intake filters in the market, outperforming the competition and delivering more value to customers. With over 3000 Air/Oil Separator designs for compressors, we offer multiple options for the full range of airflow and performance requirements. Our water separators have been designed for the removal of bulk liquid water and particulate from compressed air and gases. Unique centrifugal action removes contaminants at low-pressure drop for maximum energy saving. You can download our product catalogue and brochures on the left panel in order to see our wide variety of products below.
Danfoss MTZ 050-4VI

Danfoss MTZ 050-4VI

Üretim YeriFransa MarkaDanfoss Kompresör TipiHermetik Pistonlu Çalışma RejimiHBP (+7,2°C / +54,4°C) Kompresör Gücü (Hp)4 1/6 Elektrik Beslemesi380V Soğutucu AkışkanR134a/R404A/R407C Soğutma Kapasitesi (Watt)12.828 Motor Tipi3 FAZ BOM.MTZ50-4VI Kompresör ModeliMTZ 050 - 4VI Süpürme Hacmi (cm3/rev)85,64 Frekans (Hz)50-60 Emiş Hattı7/8" Basma Hattı3/4" Marka:Danfoss Ürün Kodu:16.10.050
Filtre pentru finisarea plasticelor - Domeniile noastre de aplicare

Filtre pentru finisarea plasticelor - Domeniile noastre de aplicare

Notre Expertise en Filtration pour le Secteur de la Finition des Plastiques Depuis sa création en 1992, Technicis Filtration s’est imposée comme un leader dans la fabrication de filtres pour cabines de finition. Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, notre société a développé une expertise approfondie dans la filtration de l’air, en particulier dans le secteur de la finition et de la métallisation des plastiques. Que ce soit pour les ateliers de peinture, de métallisation ou de finition des plastiques, nous avons développé des solutions adaptées à chaque process. Les environnements de production nécessitent des systèmes de filtration efficaces pour garantir une qualité optimale de la finition, maintenir des conditions de travail propres et sûres, et optimiser les opérations de maintenance. La métallisation des plastiques peut se faire par voie galvanique (galvanoplastie) ou voie liquide.
Pungi Plastice Ventilate - Soluție Eficientă de Ambalare cu Ventilație pentru Protecție Optimă

Pungi Plastice Ventilate - Soluție Eficientă de Ambalare cu Ventilație pentru Protecție Optimă

Ventilated plastic bags are an ideal solution for various industries, including clothing, cosmetics, and food. Made from high-quality, transparent, and glossy OPP or CPP (PPCast) film, these bags offer exceptional aesthetics and protection for stored products. The air vent located at the bottom corner of the bag allows for effective air removal, enabling compression of contents and preventing air bubbles. This ensures products are securely packed while maintaining a neat and professional presentation. Available in various sizes and closure options, these bags can be fully customized to meet client needs. Perfect for packaging clothing, cosmetics, and food products that require tight and attractive packaging. Additionally, the adhesive closure allows for quick packing and convenient resealing.
SCHIMBATOARE DE CALDURA PLACARE SI TUBULARE - Pentru o gama larga de aplicatii

SCHIMBATOARE DE CALDURA PLACARE SI TUBULARE - Pentru o gama larga de aplicatii

Aby zoptymalizować wydajność elektrowni opartej na cyklu Rankine'a, należy włączyć wysoce wyspecjalizowany sprzęt, który wspiera maksymalizację wydajności cyklu parowego, zmniejszenie zużycia energii pierwotnej, minimalizację wpływu na środowisko i pomoc w optymalizacji systemu OPEX a co za tym idzie zwrot z inwestycji. Rosnąca konkurencyjność pomiędzy technologiami wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i rosnące obawy dotyczące kwestii środowiskowych wymuszają na wszystkich dostępnych technologiach poprawy ich efektywności poprzez, zmniejszenie zużycia energii pierwotnej. Większość elektrowni jądrowych opiera się na technologii Rankine’a jak i na cyklu łączonym. Oba mają wspólny cel -optymalizację całkowitej mocy elektrycznej poprzez zwiększenie wydajności turbiny parowej. Taka wydajność zależy od stopnia podciśnienia osiągnegi w sekcji skraplania. Odpowiednio zaprojektowany kondensator podciśnienia wpływa na wysokość uzyskanego poziomu wydajności.
ISW Aer Conditionat Industrial Tip Split Răcit cu Apă - Aer Conditionat Industrial / Răcitoare

ISW Aer Conditionat Industrial Tip Split Răcit cu Apă - Aer Conditionat Industrial / Răcitoare

Ağır ortam koşulları için ayrık soğutma çözümleri! ISW Su Soğutmalı Split Üniteler, tesislerin ilk projelendirilmesi sırasında soğutma sistemleri için altyapı oluşturulmaması halinde esnek uygulama imkanı sağlayabilmesi için geliştirilmiştir. ISA serisi ürünler iç ve dış olmak üzere ayrık bir sistemlerdir. Bu sayede zorlu ortam şartları toz, nem, korozif etkenler ve yüksek ortam sıcaklıklarına karşın ayrı ayrı optimize edilebilirler. Soğutma Kapasitesi:3 kW - 129 kW Toza dayanıklı:Toza karşı dayanıklı tasarım Korozyona dayanıklı:Korozyona karşı dayanıklı tasarım Titreşime dayanıklı:Titreşime karşı dayanıklı tasarım
FireFox® 2 F - Rivetă pneumatic-hidraulic pentru piulițe

FireFox® 2 F - Rivetă pneumatic-hidraulic pentru piulițe

Campo de aplicación Tuercas remachables desde M3 hasta M10 en todos los materiales y M12 en aluminio y acero Datos técnicos Peso: 2,4 kg Carrera, ajustable, máx.: 10 mm Fuerza de tracción, ajustable, máx.: 18,5 kN a 5 bares Presión de trabajo: 5 - 7 bares Conexión de aire: 6 mm Ø (1/4’’) Consumo de aire: aprox. 2 a 4 l. por remache (según tamaño de tuerca) Equipamiento 2 llaves de boca dobles SW 24/27 1 llave allen SW 4 1 botella de aceite hidráulico 100 ml 1 botella de rellenado Manual de instrucciones con lista de repuestos Material:Aluminio, plástico, acero
ZAG7001 - Generator de Aer Null

ZAG7001 - Generator de Aer Null

Null-Luft-Generator gibt kontinuierlich bis zu 20 Standardliter pro Minute (SLPM) trockene, schadstofffreie Luft ab. Standardliter pro Minute (SLPM):20 Interner Kompressor:Ja Innentrockner:Typ PSA
Hose de Aer Cald Sigilat la Vid UNI M3P | Multistrat (-35°C până la +125°C) - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Hose de Aer Cald Sigilat la Vid UNI M3P | Multistrat (-35°C până la +125°C) - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Verstärkter, vibrationsfester, mehrlagiger Heißluftschlauch aus neoprenbeschichtetem Polyamid Gewebe mit einer zusätzlichen Außenlage aus Neoprengummi. Innen verdeckt liegende Federstahlspirale und Kordeln aus Spezialgarn, handwerklich mit speziellem Know-how hergestelltes Qualitätsprodukt aus hochwertigem Rohmaterial. Für den universellen Einsatz unter erschwerten Bedingungen im Mitteltemperaturbereich für heiße und kalte Luft, Gase, Dämpfe, Staube, Pulver und Fasern sowie bei Vibrationen und Schwingungen. Weitere Durchmesser sowie Kurz- und Überlängen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich. Weitere Varianten (auf Anfrage erhältlich): spiralfreie Enden (Muffen), erweiterte Muffen, reduzierte Muffen
12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR

12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR

12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR Product Code:CHS1012 Product Weight:4,040 gr ± %10
Acționare Pneumatică FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Arcuri 118,8 Nm - Pneumatic

Acționare Pneumatică FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Arcuri 118,8 Nm - Pneumatic

Entspricht den aktuellsten internationalen Normen: ISO 5211 Kompakt gebaut mit modernem Design Kolben und Endkappen aus druckgegossenem Aluminium Vorkomprimierte Lastfeder verspricht sichere Montage- und Demontagevorgänge Hohe Festigkeit
Inserție de șemineu UNIFLAM 700 PLUS ECO cu clapetă, alimentare cu aer ref. 907-697-DP - UNIFLAM PLUS

Inserție de șemineu UNIFLAM 700 PLUS ECO cu clapetă, alimentare cu aer ref. 907-697-DP - UNIFLAM PLUS

The UNIFLAM 700 PLUS ECO cast iron fireplace insert is an ecological product - it meets the Ecodesign requirements. - nominal power: 12 kW - efficiency: 77% - average emission of carbon monoxide (CO): 0.11% - average flue gas temperature: 310 °C - max. length of wood logs: 50 cm - flue gas outlet diameter: 200 mm - weight: 133 kg producer:uniflam weight [kg] :133.0000
Suflanta cu duza metalica

Suflanta cu duza metalica

La soufflette 27102 assure un soufflage directionnel précis et une bonne progressivité. La souplesse de la poignée permet de passer d’un soufflage léger à un jet d’air plus puissant. Applications • Soufflage et élimination des copeaux et débris • Dépoussiérage • Nettoyage des machines, bancs et postes de travail, points difficiles d'accès • Séchage de pièces Avantages Conception • Matériau composite haute technologie, robuste, anti-rayures, isolant et antidérapant • Raccordement d’entrée d’air équipé d’un insert en laiton pour une sécurité parfaite au montage • Conception étanche à toutes intrusions d’éléments extérieurs risquant de bloquer le mécanisme MANIABILITÉ • Grande souplesse de la poignée pour un ajustement précis du débit et une progressivité d’ouverture du circuit d’air comprimé. • Ergonomique, la soufflette est parfaitement adaptée à la morphologie de la main
Dolly Dock - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

Dolly Dock - Logistică Aeroportuară - Transport Aerian

Dolly Docks from Lödige facilitate the airside loading and unloading of air cargo units Dolly docks receive and send off ULDs on airside. Fast and smooth transfer is essential. Our dolly docks can be equipped with a hydraulic tilting function and can form part of an airlock. Sized and equipped to your requirements, the dolly docks from Lödige will facilitate your airside interface.
Foi filtrante - Poliester

Foi filtrante - Poliester

Gamme complète de filtres pour le traitement de l’air. Centrale de traitement de l'air, climatisation et chauffage Salle blanche Cabine de peinture
Încălzire - Generator de Aer Cald pe Lemne pentru Arderea Chipsurilor

Încălzire - Generator de Aer Cald pe Lemne pentru Arderea Chipsurilor

Les générateurs d'air chaud brûlent indifféremment des copeaux, de la sciure des chutes de bois, du charbon, du coke ainsi que tout autre combustible solide. Destinés aux industries du bois, ces appareils produisent un chauffage peu couteux et à l'alimentation quasi gratuite puisqu'ils utilisent les déchets de votre propre fabrication qui ne peuvent faire l'objet d'autres applications. Notre gamme de générateurs d'air chaud est assez vaste depuis 120000 kcal/h jusqu'à 250000 kcal/h. Ils peuvent être alimentés manuellement ou automatiquement. Marque:Aspirelec
Mașină de Precurățare a Aerului

Mașină de Precurățare a Aerului

Mahsüllerin tarladan biçer veya patos gibi makinelele topraktan ayrıştırıldıktan sonra içeri-sindeki yabancı maddelerden (sap, saman, kalpak, boş, fos gibi) ayrıştırmak için ikinci defa bu tür makinelerde elenmesi yerine daha hassas ve daha temiz elenmesi amacı ile tercih edilen yüksek kapasiteli bir makinedir. Makinenin üzerinde :4 adet motor bulunmaktadır. Makinenin yerleşim ölçüleri :65x275x198 cm Voltaj:380 volt
Active Man 24h 50 ml fără aer - Creme de zi și de noapte

Active Man 24h 50 ml fără aer - Creme de zi și de noapte

Active Man 24h is gemaakt op basis van panthenol, PCA arginine, kariteboter, zoete amandelolie, jojoba olie, rijstzetmeel, vitamine A & E, groene thee extracten, citroenextracten, sodium hyaluronaat en zonnefilters
Kevin Murphy - Tratamente - Thick Again - Lăsați în 100 ml Cremă pentru păr - QOGITA

Kevin Murphy - Tratamente - Thick Again - Lăsați în 100 ml Cremă pentru păr - QOGITA

Kevin murphy - bakımlar - kalın.yine - 100 ml saç kreminde bırakın. - QOGITA Marka:Kevin Murphy GTIN:9339341020318
PDR - Agitator cu Intrare Laterală

PDR - Agitator cu Intrare Laterală

Side-entry agitator for mixing below liquid surface. The PDR is a simple side-entry-agitator for mixing below the liquid surface. The PDR is recommended for applications where low viscous liquids are mixed turbulently in high tanks and where a top-entry mixer would be too heavy due to its shaft length and –diameter. The sealing between the agitator and the vessel is done by means of a single-acting, internal mechanical seal which is lubricated by the mixing product or an additional fluid The agitator shaft is connected to the drive directly with a flange coupling inside the seal housing. By default, this agitator series is supplied with marine type propellers. Other mixing elements according to the mixing task upon request. Solutions correspond to those of the SPR, additionally mechanical seal in sealing housing. Other solutions for this series upon request.
Gel Odorizant Aer Cireșe

Gel Odorizant Aer Cireșe

Air freshener gel long lasting, fresh and pleasant perfume made with natural essences of ne soft fragance. Improves your well-being in the car and home. It perfumes, neutralizes and absorbs odors.


Surodorant de surfaces à très forte remanence Laisse un parfum agreable très longue duree En complement des nettoyants Surodorant BOLDAIR 3D 5L et 20 ml Pour des locaux qui sentent le PROPRE ! Le surodorant Boldair est specialement conçu pour desodoriser toutes les surfaces. Sa formule surodorante cree une ambiance agreable très longue duree. Desodorise les locaux pendant de longues heures : halls, salles de reunion, bureaux, chambres, salle d’attentes, couloirs, vestiaires, salles de bains, WC, locaux poubelles…. Neutralise les mauvaises odeurs et laisse un agreable parfum Ne laisse pas de trace, ne se rince pas A utiliser en complement du Boldair Surodorant Sol 5 L et doses 20 ml, afin d’intensifier l’agreable sensation de fraicheur et de proprete
Furtun de Aer Cald - Furtun de Aer Cald

Furtun de Aer Cald - Furtun de Aer Cald

Art.-Nr.: WZHLN1-20 Preis/m:16.38 Schlauchwandung:einlagig Druckbeständigkeit:gut Fertigungslänge:4m Temperatur:+135°C/+150°C
Sistem de Preîncălzire a Aerului Bosch APH - Componente Bosch - Sistem de Preîncălzire a Aerului APH

Sistem de Preîncălzire a Aerului Bosch APH - Componente Bosch - Sistem de Preîncălzire a Aerului APH

— Für eine höhere Systemeffizienz und reduzierten Brennstoffverbrauch um bis zu 2 % — Vorwärmung der Verbrennungsluft übernimmt einen kleinen Teil der thermischen Leistung des Brenners — Niedrige Investitionen im Vergleich zu konventionellen Lösungen, niedrige Amortisationsdauer — Niedrige Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsaufwendungen


Humans on average breathe over 11,000 litres of air each day. We spend 90 per cent of our time indoors; be it in our homes, places of work, schools, or health and fitness centres, where the levels of pollutants and allergens can be 100 times higher than already dangerously polluted outdoor air. Breathing polluted air makes us sick and is a root cause of many fatal diseases. Therapy Air was voted best high-end air purifier on the market by independent Experten Testen (Germany 2016 and 2020). Moreover, in April 2020 prestigious German GUI LAB laboratory certified Therapy Air iOn with the test mark "Effectively reduces microorganisms". This includes bacteria and viruses primarly transmited via droplet infection (e.g. SARS-CoV-2). TherapyAir iOn is a sophisticated and highly effective air purification and ionization system that removes 99.99% of airborne particulates. Item code:PWC-570B/WIE Product name:Therapy Air® iOn Gross weight [KG]:10.8 Net weight [KG]:8.8 Dimensions:54.4 x 18.1 x 51 cm Producer:HOME ART & SALES SERVICES AG, SIHLEGGSTRASSE 23, 8832 WOLLERAU - SWITZERLAND Made in:Korea Power:47W Voltage:220 V-240V - 50HZ Power cord:Non-detachable Purifying method:6 stage purifying, Antistatic filter, antibacterial filter, HEPA filter H13, anti-allergenic filter Negative ions generated:1.236 000 ions per cm3 Noise level:Maximum 60 db Maximum Purification Capacity:363,3 m3/h Clean Air Delivery rate (CADR):Smoke - 154,2 cfm Dust - 167,6 cfm pollen 178,6
Debimetru pentru aer OPTIMASS 3000 - Debimetru pentru aer / Efect Coriolis / Flux masic / Inline

Debimetru pentru aer OPTIMASS 3000 - Debimetru pentru aer / Efect Coriolis / Flux masic / Inline

L'OPTIMASS 3000 est un capteur de mesure de masse à effet Coriolis. Allié aux convertisseurs de mesure MFC 010 et MFC 400, il forme les débitmètres massiques à effet Coriolis OPTIMASS 3010 et OPTIMASS 3400, pour des applications exigeantes de dosage à faible débit, comportant des gaz et des liquides (non-)conducteurs. Applications::pour faible débit Technologie::à effet Coriolis; massique Autres caractéristiques::en ligne


Febreze Air Freshener Febreze Bathroom Freshener IPANA Toothpaste Oral·B Tooıh Paste Orkid Hygienic Pad