Produse pentru pain-relief (38)

Masajer de gât Medisana HM 886

Masajer de gât Medisana HM 886

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Neck Massager Medisana HM 886</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: White</li> <li>Power: 6,5 W</li> <li>Recommended use: Neck</li> <li>Characteristics: Handle</li> <li>Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz</li> </ul>
Balsam pentru tatuaje - Revigorant pentru tatuaje

Balsam pentru tatuaje - Revigorant pentru tatuaje

Tattoo Balm lindert tätowierungsbedingte Reizungen und frischt die Farben älterer Tätowierungen auf. Dank der Kombination aus CBD und Schneckenschleim, die reich an beruhigenden, feuchtigkeitsspendenden und nährenden Wirkstoffen ist. Die Textur schmilzt sanft in die Haut und versorgt das Tattoo mit Feuchtigkeit und hinterlässt einen feinen Schutzfilm. Garantiert ein nicht fettendes Finish! Hinweise zur Anwendung: Tragen Sie einen Klecks Balsam auf Ihr Tattoo auf und massieren Sie ihn sanft ein. Ein bis zwei Mal täglich auf die saubere Haut auftragen. inhalt:90 g / 3,17 oz
Activatoare de Creștere a Părului

Activatoare de Creștere a Părului

Découvrez une nouvelle façon de soulager les cheveux secs et de favoriser la pousse des cheveux . Une crème fortifiante qui favorise la croissance en stimulant le cuir chevelu et garde les cheveux frais Poids:152.0 g
Dispozitiv de Terapie Magnetică Pulsată - Tratament Non-Invaziv pentru Ameliorarea Durerii și Stimularea Musculară

Dispozitiv de Terapie Magnetică Pulsată - Tratament Non-Invaziv pentru Ameliorarea Durerii și Stimularea Musculară

Notre machine de stimulation magnétique pulsée offre une solution thérapeutique non invasive et sans douleur pour soulager la douleur, stimuler les muscles et les nerfs en profondeur, et améliorer la circulation sanguine. En utilisant la technologie de stimulation magnétique, cette machine est capable de délivrer une thérapie efficace et ciblée avec peu d’effets secondaires, contrairement aux médicaments. Elle présente également un faible risque de dépendance, car il s'agit d'une thérapie physique locale.
Aliviu Special pentru Dureri

Aliviu Special pentru Dureri

Dites adieu à vos douleurs grâce à ce pack spécialement conçu pour apaiser les tensions et contribuer au soulagement des douleurs chroniques, crampes, courbatures et autres inflammations. Cette cure contient : 1 Élixir Apaisant CBD 10% goût chanvre: Une huile de chanvre biologique française élaborée par un pharmacien. Son mélange a été soigneusement conçu avec des principes actifs naturels pour une qualité et une efficacité maximale. L’Harpagophytum détient des propriétés anti-inflammatoire et anti-phlogistiques. Il est principalement utilisé pour soulager les douleurs articulaires, les rhumatismes, l'arthrose et l'ostéoporose à la ménopause. La camomille romaine, elle, a des vertus sédatives, apaisantes et anti-inflammatoires. Elle est reconnue pour apaiser les douleurs chroniques, musculaires, articulaires et limiter les douleurs menstruelles.
INFUZIE Respirație

INFUZIE Respirație

Feuilles de eucalyptus, citronnelle, morceaux de pomme, racine de réglisse et fleur de souci. TEMPÉRATURE DE L'EAU:100°C TEMPS D'INFUSION:3 à 6 minutes
Ceai Herbal pentru Alinarea Durerii

Ceai Herbal pentru Alinarea Durerii

Nature & CBD vous propose une tisane naturelle et riche en ingrédients de qualités spécialement choisis pour lutter contre les douleurs articulaires et les rhumatismes. L’Anti-douleur se compose de 30% de Chanvre et contient naturellement du CBD afin de vous faire profiter de ce que la nature à de meilleur. Il est recommandé d’ajouter un corps gras (lait ou crème) à l’eau chaude. 1 à 2 cuillérées de tisane et 3 minutes d’infusion suffisent. Marque:Nature & CBD Contenance:30 G Composition:Chanvre 30%, Ortie 20%, Reine Des Près 18%, Bleuet 7% Type de produit:Tisane / Thé


Fournisseur direct en produits de grandes marques pour la grande distribution Chutyptm vous propose PURE ACTIVE WOMEN ROLL-ON au meilleur prix du marché. Découvrez l'ensemble de nos réfs sur ! Achat en gros de PURE ACTIVE WOMEN ROLL-ON et import PGC.
Pentru a-mi ameliora perioada - supliment alimentar

Pentru a-mi ameliora perioada - supliment alimentar

Un complément alimentaire pour SOULAGER les symptômes menstruels et aider à RÉGULER les cycles féminins. Les règles sont parfois un véritable calvaire. Elles peuvent être douloureuses, irrégulières et accompagnées de nombreux symptômes désagréables. Heureusement, il existe des solutions naturelles pour soulager les règles et les symptômes associés. Ma petite gélule est un complément alimentaire conçu pour soulager les règles et les symptômes associés. . Pilulier de 60 gélules Composition : Rose, Gattillier, Symplocas, Magnésium, Vitamine D 3, Fer, Zinc, Vitamine B 6, Vitamine B 9. Conseils d'utilisation : 2 gélules par jours le matin ou le midi à prendre dans un grand verre d’eau. Vertus et bénéfices Aide à soulager les douleurs des règles. Aide à réduire la fatigue. Aide à maintenir un cycle menstruel confortable. Complément alimentaire végan, sans OGM, aux extraits de plantes naturels et fabriqué en France par un laboratoire expert depuis 20 ans.
Balsam - Confort Muscular și Traumă Rece

Balsam - Confort Muscular și Traumă Rece

Principe actif principal Camphre et Menthol. Formule Huiles essentielles de menthe, d’eucalyptus, de cannelle, de girofle, de piment. Cire d’abeille. Camphre, menthol, térébenthine. Indication Sa texture onctueuse et compacte en fait un produit origi- nal. Utilisé pour les traitement très localisés. il est idéal pour les ostéopathes. Face aux douleurs mus- culaires (contractures et courbatures), le baume apporte le froid apaisant du menthol, les vertus antiseptiques et analgésiques de la cannelle, de la girofle et de l’eucalyp- tus, l’effet antalgique du piment, et tonifiant de la menthe et du camphre. Application Appliquer en très petites quantités. Masser par petites frictions successives. Utiliser sur de très petites surfaces. Contenant:130ml, 500ml


Pour se détendre et se recentrer Conseils d'utilisation : Mettre la quantité désirée d’infusion dans un sachet ou une boule à thé. Ajouter un corps gras (type huile de chanvre, lait végétal ou animal) Laisser infuser 5 minutes.
Ulei Relaxant - PRODUSE DE MASAJ

Ulei Relaxant - PRODUSE DE MASAJ

Pour soulager vos douleurs musculaires du quotidien cette huile est très bien adaptée. Elle agit rapidement sur le muscle et tout son environnement Référence:Decontractante 50 ml
Masaj Polinezian

Masaj Polinezian

Massage musculaire doux , tissus profond a base d'huile de coco-monoi pour une évasion dans les îles polynésiennes.
Gel Icy - Gel Anti-Varice

Gel Icy - Gel Anti-Varice

Legs and Thighs Care A smoothing cool gel composed of fresh mint and delicately perfumed, The Leg and Thigh Care of Laboratoires Jacques Andrhrel, instantly invigorates and refreshes your heavy and tires legs. This special formula allows: • The decongestion and draining of your legs, removes the excess water and makes your legs firmer and smoother in appearance due its specific plant actives • Refreshes and invigorates your legs since it contains fresh mint • Its light texture allows very rapid penetration without leaving any traces, your legs are full of energy, and revitalised; • Repairs and opens/ drains the affected veins • Helps prevents the worsening of the inflamed veins • Reduces fatigue and heaviness of the legs • Moisturises and softens the skin
Soluția naturală pentru ameliorarea menstruațiilor dureroase - Balsamuri de îngrijire

Soluția naturală pentru ameliorarea menstruațiilor dureroase - Balsamuri de îngrijire

Baume végétal permettant de soulager les douleurs liées au cycle menstruel (règles douloureuses) Contient une synergie d’huiles essentielles aux propriétés anti-inflammatoires, anti-spasmodiques, antalgiques locales et décongestionnantes
Re.Live - Ușurare a Durerilor Menstruale

Re.Live - Ușurare a Durerilor Menstruale

Formule composée uniquement d'ingrédients BIO ou issu de fermentation bactérienne. Formule développée et testée en France à côté de Montpellier. Ingrédients : Poudre de rhizome de Gingembre bio (Zingiber officinale roscoe), Extrait sec de tige d’Ananas (Ananas comosus) titré en bromélaïne, Poudre de Griffe du chat bio (Uncaria tomentosa willd.ex schult. DC.), L-Glutathion réduit, Extrait sec de Curcuma bio (Curcuma longa L.) titré en curcumine (95%). Gélule DR-CAPS entéro-soluble (tunique végétale : Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose), Antiagglomérant : Extrait de son de riz
Metoda de Echilibrare Neuro-Musculară - E.N.M. este un tratament holistic și blând destinat să elibereze blocajele structurale.

Metoda de Echilibrare Neuro-Musculară - E.N.M. este un tratament holistic și blând destinat să elibereze blocajele structurale.

Lors du traitement, le praticien contrôle l'équilibre neuromusculaire global et localise les déviations du rachis par l'intermédiaire de tests précis. A chaque vertèbre et à chaque articulation correspond un choix de tests qui vont déterminer le côté du blocage vertébral, et permettre de sélectionner les articulations à traiter. Ces blocages provoquent un mauvais fonctionnement articulaire et déclenche des douleurs. Une étude minutieuse, empirique, répétitive, des mouvements des bras, de la tête et des jambes, a été menée pour mettre à jour et sélectionner ces tests fiables. Utilisés quotidiennement par un grand nombre de praticiens de différentes écoles dans le monde, ils permettent de dialoguer avec le corps du patient sans erreur possible.
Ușurare Izotonică - GAMĂ CORP

Ușurare Izotonică - GAMĂ CORP

Pour une détente assurée : Appliquer sur le plexus solaire, la nuque, la plante des pieds et la zone autour des articulations, jusqu’à 6 fois par jour pour apaiser. » Liste INCI : Aqua, Hypericum flower extract, Maris aqua, Cetearyl alcohol, Stearic acid, Glycerin, Hypericum perforatum flower extract/twig extract, Olea europea fruit oil, Potassium sorbate, Citric acid, Tocopherol. Contenant : Flacon airless 100 mL En savoir plus sur l'Isotonic Relief : L'Isotonic Relief est constituée en majorité d'eau de mer et de millepertuis. L'eau de mer apporte minéraux et oligo-éléments et le millepertuis en macérat va apporter des molécules aux propriétés indéniables. Les extraits de plantes, certifiés bio, combinés au plasma marin renforcent l'action envisagée. Ici avec l'Isotonic Relief, nous allons avoir un soin apaisant et cicatrisant. Le macérat de millepertuis permet un apport en hypéricine et flavonoïdes. L'hypericin est une substance naturelle qui apporte une action anti
Telefonie VoIP

Telefonie VoIP

BSCOM TÉLÉPHONIE est une offre de Téléphonie sur IP (ToIP) pour équiper votre entreprise d'outils de communication à la fois économiques et évolutifs.
Masajul capului reîncărcabil 360º | 3 setări de masaj

Masajul capului reîncărcabil 360º | 3 setări de masaj

<div> <b>BORNOVA</b> makes it easy to prioritise your personal care without any excuses, as it offers the best and latest beauty, relaxation and wellbeing items! The <b>Massager with Rechargeable Head Wellness Relax</b> is a good example of these! Discover a wide range of high-quality products which stand out for their functionality, efficiency and innovative design.<br><br>An electric rechargeable head massager with 360º vibrating massage, ideal for relaxation and well-being. It has 3 massage settings (intermittent, continuous slow, continuous fast) so you can choose your desired option depending on your needs and preferences. This efficient, ergonomic massager is flexible and fully adapts to your head shape. It is very easy to use, has a single button for all the functions and a hands-free option for greater comfort. Its versatile, lightweight and portable design will enable you to enjoy a relaxing head massage at any time (when reading, working, watching TV, etc.) and in any place (on the sofa, in bed, in the bath, etc.). Thanks to the quality materials it is made from, it is hard-wearing, durable, silent and safe, as it will not tangle or damage your hair. Includes a USB to micro USB cable.<br><br> <ul> <li>Material: TPE</li> <li>Colour: Blue</li> <li>Design: Ergonomic</li> <li>Type: <ul> <li>Electric</li> <li>Rechargeable</li> <li>Wireless</li> <li>Silent</li> </ul> </li> <li>Vibration massage: 360º</li> <li>3 massage settings: Intermittent, slow, fast</li> <li>Hands free function: Optional</li> <li>Single button: On/off/change setting</li> <li>Comfortable, simple and safe use: Does not tangle or damage hair</li> <li>Flexible and adaptable: Light and manageable</li> <li>Robust and durable: Quality materials</li> <li>Original and portable: Easy to transport and store</li> <li>Beneficial effects: Relief, rest, relaxation and well-being</li> <li>Includes: USB-C Cable</li> <li>Power: 2,4 W</li> <li>Battery: Li-ion 3,7 V / 650 mAh</li> <li>DC In: 5 V / 1 A</li> <li>Approx. dimensions: Ø13 x 17,5 cm</li> </ul> <br><br>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian.</div> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><br></div>
Masajer pentru Gât Medisana NM 885

Masajer pentru Gât Medisana NM 885

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Neck Massager Medisana NM 885</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: Grey</li> <li>Characteristics: Easy to clean</li> <li>Power: 19 W</li> <li>Voltage: 220-240 V</li> <li>Speeds: 3 speeds</li> <li>Power supply: Battery</li> <li>Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz</li> </ul>
Masaj electric de mână Beurer MG79 Negru

Masaj electric de mână Beurer MG79 Negru

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Electric Handheld Massager Beurer MG79 Black</b> and many other <b>products Beurer</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Type: Massage Gun for Relaxation and Muscle Recovery</li> <li>Colour: Black</li> <li>Power supply: Battery</li> </ul>
Masajul picioarelor Medisana MC 850 Negru

Masajul picioarelor Medisana MC 850 Negru

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Foot Massager Medisana MC 850 Black</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: Black</li> <li>Characteristics: <ul> <li>Easy to clean</li> <li>Handle</li> </ul> </li> <li>Material: Cloth</li> <li>Power supply: <ul> <li>Electric Network</li> <li>Alternating current</li> </ul> </li> <li>Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz</li> <li>Voltage: 100 - 240 V</li> </ul>
Masaj Medisana AC 900 Alb Roz

Masaj Medisana AC 900 Alb Roz

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Massager Medisana AC 900 White Pink</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Type: Electric Anti-Cellulite Massager</li> <li>Colour: <ul> <li>White</li> <li>Pink</li> </ul> </li> <li>Characteristics: <ul> <li>Without cables</li> <li>Rechargeable</li> <li>Adjustable intensity</li> </ul> </li> <li>Power supply: Battery</li> <li>Power levels: 2</li> <li>Length: 13 cm</li> <li>Recommended use: Universal</li> <li>Battery type: Litio Ion</li> </ul>
Mini pistol de relaxare musculară | Masaj cu percuție cu 10 viteze

Mini pistol de relaxare musculară | Masaj cu percuție cu 10 viteze

<div>Get in shape with <b>BORNOVA</b> and their new sport and fitness items, such as the <b>Mini Muscle Relaxation and Recovery Gun </b>! Discover a wide range of high-quality products that stand out due to their functionality, efficiency and innovative design. Ideal for improving your shape and fitness!<br><br> <p> </p> <p>The<b> mini muscle relaxation and recovery gun</b> provides a type of <b>percussive massage</b> (constant movements) that boosts <b>relaxation and muscle recovery</b>. It is mainly a <b>great help after an intensive sports session </b>(body-building, running, etc.), although it is also extremely useful for improving regular discomfort of the back, neck, etc. It is ideal for relieving pain, increasing movement ability and for stimulating recovery.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li> <b>Ergonomic design</b>, silent, automatic switch-off</li> <li> <b>Multifunction, 3 types of massage</b>: general, sports and recovery</li> <li> <b>8 heads</b>, interchangeable, for different functions and areas of use</li> <li> <b>10 speeds</b> (1800-3600 bpm), <b>pressure sensor </b>(2 intensities)</li> <li> <b>LCD screen with touch button</b>: switch on, switch off, speed level</li> <li> <b>Mini size, compact, lightweight, </b>easy to transport and store</li> <li> <b>Rechargeable, wireless, portable</b>, easy to use anytime, anywhere</li> <li>Versatile, adaptable, suitable for use on all muscle groups</li> <li>Includes USB-C to USB charging cable and instructions for use</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>Cleansing and drying the skin before use is recommended, as well as a maximum daily use of 15 minutes on each muscle group. To increase the pressure intensity, simply add more pressure with the <b>massage gun</b> on the muscle and the device sensor will automatically activate this option.</p> <p>This <b>massage gun</b> enables various types of massage:</p> <p>-The <b>general massage</b> reduces muscle stiffness and tension caused by daily activities.</p> <p>-The <b>sports massage</b> is applied after playing sports in order to relax the muscle fibres, reduce stiffness and prevent aches and pains.  </p> <p>-The <b>recovery massage</b> relaxes the areas of the body where knotted muscles and aches and pains appear, as well as relaxing over-exerted tendons and joints.</p> <p>Various heads are included:</p> <p>1- Bullet-shaped point: deep massage, joints and soles of the feet<br>2- U-shaped: neck area, trapezius and spinal massage<br>3- Flat end: relaxing massage for any part of the body<br>4- Round: general massage for the large muscle groups<br>5- Spade-shaped: relaxing and shaping massage<br>6- Thumb-shaped: relaxing massage for the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and for joints<br>7- Semi-circular arch: specific massage for the arms, shoulders and legs<br>8- Arrow-shaped point: localised deep massage<br></p> <p> </p> <br><br> <ul> <li>Material: ABS</li> <li>Colour: <ul> <li>Black</li> <li>Blue</li> <li>Gloss finish</li> </ul> </li> <li>Modern design: Ergonomic</li> <li>Multifunction: General, sports and recovery massage</li> <li>LCD Screen: Touch control</li> <li>8 interchangeable heads: Versatile and adaptable</li> <li>Pressure sensor: 2 intensities</li> <li>Characteristics: Silent</li> <li>Sound intensity: 40 dB</li> <li>Speed levels: 10 speeds</li> <li>Adjustable speed: 1800-3600 b.p.m.</li> <li>Automatic shutdown: 15 min</li> <li>main use: Post-sport session (weight training, running, etc.)</li> <li>secondary use: Common discomfort in the back, neck, etc.</li> <li>Beneficial effects: Relief, rest, relaxation and well-being</li> <li>Easy to use: Convenient and easy to use</li> <li>Reduced compact size: Takes up a small amount of space</li> <li>Light and manageable: Easy to transport and store</li> <li>Wireless: Yes</li> <li>Type: Rechargeable</li> <li>Battery type: Li-Ion</li> <li>Battery capacity: 1200 mAh / 7,4 V / 8,8 Wh</li> <li>DC input voltage: 5 V / 2 A</li> <li>Power: 24 W</li> <li>Includes: USB-C Cable to USB</li> <li>Approx. dimensions: 14,5 x 13 x 5 cm</li> <li>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian</li> </ul> <br><br>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian.</div> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><br></div>
Masajul Corpului Vibrant | Ergonomic și Portabil

Masajul Corpului Vibrant | Ergonomic și Portabil

<div> <b>BORNOVA</b> makes it easy to prioritise your personal care without any excuses, as it offers the best and latest beauty, relaxation and wellbeing items! The <b>Vibrating Body Massager </b>is a good example of these! Discover a wide range of high-quality products which stand out for their functionality, efficiency and innovative design.<br><br>It allows you to massage any part of the body providing a relaxing and rewarding massage with vibration.<br><br> <ul> <li>Material: <ul> <li>Polyester</li> <li>Polyamide</li> </ul> </li> <li>Colour: <ul> <li>Green</li> <li>Black</li> </ul> </li> <li>Type: Electric</li> <li>Body massage: Whole body general massage</li> <li>Modern design: Ergonomic</li> <li>Characteristics: Soft and pleasant to the touch</li> <li>Multi-position: Versatile and adaptable</li> <li>Body area for application: Suitable for use on any part of the body</li> <li>main use: Cervical area</li> <li>Fastening Strap: Adjustable</li> <li>Type of fastening: Clip</li> <li>Massage function: Vibration massage</li> <li>2 intensity levels: Adjustable intensity</li> <li>Beneficial effects: <ul> <li>Relief, rest, relaxation and well-being</li> <li>Perfect for a relaxing and restorative massage</li> </ul> </li> <li>Easy to use: Convenient and easy to use</li> <li>Light and manageable: Easy to transport and store</li> <li>Original and portable: Without cables</li> <li>Number of batteries: 2</li> <li>Battery type: AA</li> <li>Batteries included: No</li> <li>Approx. dimensions: 24 x 12 x 5 cm</li> <li>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian</li> </ul> <br><br>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian.</div> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><br></div>
Masaj corporal vibrator Medisana MCG 810

Masaj corporal vibrator Medisana MCG 810

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Vibrating Body Massager Medisana MCG 810</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: <ul> <li>Silver</li> <li>Grey</li> </ul> </li> <li>Power: 48 W</li> <li>Characteristics: <ul> <li>Adjustable</li> <li>Easy to clean</li> </ul> </li> <li>Design: Ergonomic</li> </ul><b>From 121,99 / u</b>
Masaj electric portabil cu căldură infraroșie

Masaj electric portabil cu căldură infraroșie

<div> <b>BORNOVA</b> makes it easy to prioritise your personal care without any excuses, as it offers the best and latest beauty, relaxation and wellbeing items! The <b>Electric Handheld Massager </b>is a good example of these! Discover a wide range of high-quality products which stand out for their functionality, efficiency and innovative design.<br><br>A modern and versatile electric handheld massager, perfect for comfortably and easily performing a relaxing, repairing and general massage. Its ergonomically designed extended handle makes it easy to use on any part of the body. You can enjoy the massage function on different areas of the body (shoulders, arms, legs, feet, neck, back, etc.). The speed is adjustable, so you can perform a higher or lower intensity massage depending on your needs and preferences. The vibration massage system can be combined with the infrared heat LED light if desired to enhance the effect of the massage with a pleasant and warm sensation. This body massager has 3 interchangeable heads so you can choose between 3 different massage settings. The round head is used for a normal and gentle massage on most areas of the body. The round head with tip is used for a deep massage (shiatsu) on specific parts of the body, especially for relaxing the muscles. The head with bristles is used for an acupuncture massage on any area of the body, especially on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Ideal for combating stress and tiredness at the end of the day without having to leave home, as it provides great relief, rest, relaxation and well-being.<br><br> <ul> <li>Material: PP</li> <li>Colour: <ul> <li>Grey</li> <li>White</li> </ul> </li> <li>Modern design: Ergonomic</li> <li>Type: Electric</li> <li>Body massage: Whole body general massage</li> <li>Massage function: Shoulders, arms, legs, feet, neck, back…</li> <li>Vibration massage: 3000 b.p.m.</li> <li>Adjustable speed: Adjustable intensity</li> <li>Interchangeable heads: x3</li> <li>3 massage settings: Versatile and adaptable</li> <li>Infrared LED: Infrared heat</li> <li>Heat function: Optional use</li> <li>Ergonomic handle: Convenient and easy to use</li> <li>Beneficial effects: relief, rest, relaxation and well-being</li> <li>Type of plug: C</li> <li>Cable length: 180 cm</li> <li>Power: 25 W</li> <li>AC In: 220-240 V / 60 Hz</li> <li>Approx. dimensions: 12 x 37 x 8,5 cm</li> <li>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian</li> </ul> <br><br>Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian.</div> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><br></div>
Masaj electric de mână Beurer

Masaj electric de mână Beurer

If you like to take care of every detail in your home and own the latest products that will make your life easier, purchase <b>Electric Handheld Massager Beurer</b> at the best price.<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: White</li> <li>Material: Paraffin</li> </ul>
Masajul picioarelor Medisana FM 885

Masajul picioarelor Medisana FM 885

If you care about your health and want products that offer <b>protection and wellness</b>, buy <b>Foot Massager Medisana FM 885</b> and many other <b>products Medisana</b> at the best prices!<br><br><ul> <li>Colour: Grey</li> <li>Power: 28 W</li> <li>Recommended use: Foot</li> <li>Power supply: Electric cable</li> <li>Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz</li> </ul>