Produse pentru pa 66 compus (38)

CE 78 PASTĂ - Compus pentru îmbinări de plăci de gips

CE 78 PASTĂ - Compus pentru îmbinări de plăci de gips

COMPOSITION ET ASPECT Enduit en poudre à base de plâtre, carbonate de calcium, résine, et divers adjuvants. La pâte obtenue est de couleur blanche. SUPPORTS ADMIS Tous types de plaques de plâtre avec ou sans isolants (laine de verre, laine de roche, polystyrène) à bords amincis et à faces cartonnées. REVÊTEMENTS Sous-couche d’impression pour plaques de plâtre. Enduit de lissage. DOCUMENTS À CONSULTER • DTU 25.41 et DTU 25.42. NF EN 13963 • Certificat QB N°20-05-764 CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES • Adhérence de la bande : > 1000 g • Fissuration : pas de fissures jusqu’à 5 mm d’épaisseur • Densité : 1,7 • Réaction au feu : A2s1d0 CONDITIONNEMENTS Sacs de 5 à 25 kg sur palette houssée. STOCKAGE 9 mois en emballage d’origine non entamé à l’abri du gel et des fortes chaleurs. PRÉPARATION DES SUPPORTS Les plaques de plâtre seront fixées conformément au DTU 25.41 et 25.42. Les découpes de plaques devront être biseautées et dépoussiérées.
Osmocem SCK: Mortar impermeabilizante osmótico, com agentes cristalinos ativos

Osmocem SCK: Mortar impermeabilizante osmótico, com agentes cristalinos ativos

Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg


Spécialiste en emballages et conditionnements métalliques, notre entreprise propose une vaste gamme de produits, des boîtes sérigraphiées aux capsules en plastique pour emballage. Nous excellons dans la production de boîtes métalliques lithographiées et décorées, adaptées aux exigences des secteurs alimentaire et cosmétique. En tant que fabricant d’emballages métalliques, nous offrons des solutions sur mesure, y compris des bidons fer blanc alimentaires, boites standards ou personnalisées, ainsi que des couvercles et fonds pour boites composites. Nos installations sont équipées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l'industrie, avec une gamme incluant des emballages métalliques industriels et alimentaires, ainsi que des accessoires estampés et embossés. Nous assurons la conformité de nos emballages homologués pour les matières dangereuses et offrons des boîtes cylindriques, des boîtes de conserve métalliques pour huile d'olive, et des bidons en métal. Hauteur:mm.255 Volume:5000 ml Qté / palette 1120 x 1420:196


MP-0 Fett 400cc Kartusche Artikelnummer:1009570 HERSTELLER ART-NR.:249050
Nanomol-C - Desicant

Nanomol-C - Desicant

Nedex Trockenmittel NANOMOL-C ist eine Mischung aus Calciumoxid, das natürliche Trocknungsmittel und natürliche Bindemittel enthält. Das Produkt ist für einen statischen Wasseradsorptionsprozeß mit sehr niedriger Adsorptionsgeschwindigkeit ausgelegt. Mit einer optimierten Dichte kann es in einem bestimmten Volumen eine sehr gute Wasseradsorptionskapazität erreichen. Es hat keine chemischen Reaktionen mit Aluminium, Stahl, verzinktem Stahl und Kunststoffen. NANOMOL-C ist ein Trockenmittel für Isolierglaseinheiten mit Spezifikationen nach EN 1279:2018. Merkmale: Sehr niedrige Gasdesorptionswerte Sehr hohe Wasseraufnahmekapazität Granulierung ohne gebrochene Partikel und Kein Staubgehalt Verpackung: Kartons (25 kg) Metallfässer (160/170 kg) Big Bags (680 kg) Granulatgrößen: 0,5-0,9 mm (automatische Befüllung) 1,0-1,5 mm (manuelle Befüllung)
roșu metilic

roșu metilic

Methyl red is an organic compound that belongs to the family of azo dyes. It appears as a deep red powder, soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. It is widely used as a pH indicator in acidic and basic solutions, as it changes from red in acid to yellow in alkaline. In addition to its use as an indicator, methyl red is used in the coloring of textiles, inks, cosmetics and as a dye in the food industry. However, its use in food applications is regulated due to concerns about its safety and potential toxicity in large quantities. CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Pa - Poliamidă

Pa - Poliamidă

Belongs to the most popular thermoplastics with constructional application. It owes its popularity to special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)
Granularea/Compactarea salariului

Granularea/Compactarea salariului

Als Service-Partner der Schüttgut verarbeitenden Industrie, entwickeln und realisieren wir mit Ihnen Ihr individuelles Projekt im Bereich Granulierung und Kompaktierung. Die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Granulaten bietet eine Reihe von Vorteilen gegenüber dem Einsatz nicht-granulierter Feststoffe: So weisen Granulate eine verbesserte Fließ- und Haftfähigkeit auf, vorteilhaft beim Verpressen zu Tabletten. Die Gleichmäßigkeit der Granulate ermöglicht eine höhere Dosiergenauigkeit und die homogene Verteilung der Wirkstoffe. Da sich nicht alle Rohstoffe in trockenem Zustand optimal verarbeiten lassen, bieten wir unseren Kunden auch für diesen Fall die passende Lösung: Die Feuchtgranulation.
625 CXF Un lubrifiant de înaltă performanță cu inhibitori de coroziune.

625 CXF Un lubrifiant de înaltă performanță cu inhibitori de coroziune.

625 CXF Ein Hochleistungsfett mit Korrosionsinhibitoren und ausgezeichneten Hochdruckeigenschaften sowie erstklassigem Widerstand gegen Auswaschen durch Wasser. Erstklassiger Widerstand gegen Auswaschen durch Wasser Ausgezeichneter Korrosionsschutz Ist mit den meisten Fetten verträglich Ausgezeichnete Scherstabilität Antioxidanzien verhindern Aushärtung oder Kristallisierung Erhältliche Behältergrößen: Sprühdose (nur 630 SXCF), 400 g, 18 kg, 55 kg, 180 kg
PX 08 Grund

PX 08 Grund

PX 08 jest jednoskładnikowym, bezbarwnym, szybko wysychającym podkładem poliuretanowym do gruntowania niechłonnych podłoży przed nałożeniem powłok antygraffiti w celu zwiększenia ich przyczepności do podłoża. Po wyschnięciu tworzy elastyczny i przejrzysty film izolujący, który jest mało widoczny lub całkowicie niezauważalny w zależności od rodzaju podłoża, nasłonecznienia i kąta padania światła. Preparat posiada doskonałe właściwości adhezyjne. PX 08 służy do stosowania na powierzchniach niechłonnych typu farby proszkowe, laminaty poliestrowe oraz do większości tworzyw sztucznych i innych trudno przyczepnych podłoży. Preparat może być również stosowany pod aplikację innych powłok malarskich. 
VP 840 - Grăsime Fluidă pentru Transmisii

VP 840 - Grăsime Fluidă pentru Transmisii

Dies ist ein Sonderprodukt, welches auf Nachfrage individuell für Sie produziert werden kann. Mindermengen können gelten. Sprechen Sie uns einfach an.
PAESTUM VOPSEA Emulsie minerală anti-alge - Conformă cu directiva 2004/42/CE • Conformă cu DIN 18363

PAESTUM VOPSEA Emulsie minerală anti-alge - Conformă cu directiva 2004/42/CE • Conformă cu DIN 18363

Idropittura minerale antialga a base di silicati di potassio stabilizzato ed idrofobizzato, per la decorazione e protezione interna ed esterna di superfici sia nuove che vecchie, come intonaci base calce e cemento, intonaci base calce, intonaci deumidificanti, intonaci idrorepellenti, finiture minerali, intonaci a cappotto premiscelati, calcestruzzo. Elevatissima copertura, sicura inalterabilità agli agenti atmosferici ed ai raggi ultravioletti. Possiede caratteristiche di alta traspirabilità (infatti compatibile con sistema deumidificante) e allo stesso tempo caratteristiche di idrorepellenza. COLORE: Bianco e colori cartella CONFEZIONE: Fusto 4 - 14 lt UTILIZZO: Interno/Esterno DILUIZIONE: Pronto all'uso RESA: 7/8 mq/lt per mano COEFF. DI ASSORB. D'ACQUA CAPILLARE “W24”: < 0,10 kg/(mq*24 h½) RESISTENZA ALLA DIFFUSIONE DEL VAPORE m EQUIVALENTI “Sd”: = 0,08 m TEORIA DI KUENZLE “W*Sd”: < 0,01 kg/(mq*24 h½) CONFORME ALLA DIN 18363
Curea P1 Bandaj pentru răni - Steril, bandaj hidroactiv

Curea P1 Bandaj pentru răni - Steril, bandaj hidroactiv

Besonders geeignet zur Behandlung von wenig bis stark exsudierenden akuten Wunden wie Operations- und Unfallwunden sowie chronische Wunden wie Ulcus cruris venosum, Dekubitus oder das diabetische Fußsyndrom. Tragedauer bis zu 7 Tage.
Vopsea pentru piscină

Vopsea pentru piscină

ISONEM POOL est un revêtement pour piscine, bi composant à base de résine de polyuréthane. Elle n'est pas affectée par l'eau et sa pression.
FOSFAT NP18-46 - Minerale

FOSFAT NP18-46 - Minerale

Produit chimique solide sous forme granulée, spécialement développé pour son utilisation comme engrais. Composition: Azote total (N) : 18 % Azote ammoniacal (N) : 18 % Pentoxyde de phosphore (P2O5) : 46 % Pentoxyde de phosphore (P2O5) : 46 % (Soluble dans le citrate d’ammonium neutre et dans l’eau). Pentoxyde de phosphore (P2O5) : 43 % (Soluble dans l’eau).
Ampla 1:9 Concentrat pentru Dezvoltator

Ampla 1:9 Concentrat pentru Dezvoltator

“Low chem” solution for Conventional Positive plates Recommended for Dark and Variant plate


The ready-made cold asphaltfix is ​​a mixture of a special composition of aggregates and the asphalt binder ergonflux. It is prepared and packaged in the facilities of our company and is available in the market, in bulk, in packages of 25 kg in a container or bag and in big bags of 1,000-1500 kg. Asphaltfix is ​​a ready-to-use product, applied cold without requiring any preparation of the damaged surface. It does not need to be mixed or mixed with another adhesive, it is safe to use, it has a very fast application without special equipment and its performance in circulation is immediate. It is not affected by extreme temperatures, snow, frost, rain, heat, stagnant water and remains elastic for a long time after use, without causing any traffic problems. It does not show cracks due to temperature contractions – expansions and does not detach from car tires or pedestrians. The product is ideal for repairing potholes and small surfaces on roads, airports, parking lots, etc.


Lampen für die Luftfahrt. Lampen für die Luftfahrt Lampengröße: PAR36 Sockel: Screw terminal Durchmesser: 112 mm Länge: 70 mm
Nuante PCD și tipuri de margini de tăiere

Nuante PCD și tipuri de margini de tăiere

Pour le PCD, la gamme des différentes nuances est plus restreinte que pour le PcBN, ce qui simplifie beaucoup le choix. Les nuances se différencient principalement par leur microstructure, ainsi que par la taille de grain. MAPAL offre ici une sélection de nuances qui ont fait leurs preuves et qui sont les mieux indiquées pour des plaquettes performantes et de haute précision. Pour les matériaux à copeaux longs, comme par exemple les alliages d’aluminium à faible teneur en silice, MAPAL propose des plaquettes avec brise copeau. Deux variantes sont disponibles en standard, offrant toutes deux une structure spécialement développée pour une casse du copeau maîtrisée, pour l’usinage de finition et l’usinage à forte profondeur de coupe. Les copeaux sont comprimés et cassés sans coller à la structure de la pièce et sans formation d’arête rapportée.


PRÊT A VENDRE charbon actif végétal granules X 15 taille A4 GEN Code:3770012829582 UNITE:1
Mafralux Foam PO3 - Polish 'patru în unu'

Mafralux Foam PO3 - Polish 'patru în unu'

Grâce à sa teneur très élevée en Polarlite, il garantit 4 effets nanotech extraordinaires : « Polish », pour une brillance à long terme ; « Essuie-glace Liquide », pour un maximum de sécurité en cas de pluie ; « Miroir », pour procurer un effet réfléchissant extraordinaire ; « Soie », pour une carrosserie lisse au toucher. MODE D'EMPLOI ET DILUTIONS : Introduire le produit pur dans l'arc au moyen d'une pompe de dosage avec aspiration de 40-60 ml par voiture, en fonction du niveau de brillance souhaité.
TURBA MĂCINATĂ - 3 - Furnizori

TURBA MĂCINATĂ - 3 - Furnizori

PRESTO DURPES, UAB prepares peat mixes according our Customer demands. Milled Peat Fraction:0-40 mm Physical characteristics: Raw material: sphagnum white peat Harvesting: milled peat Decomposition: H2-H4 Chemical characteristics: EC <0,2 mS/cm pH 2,5-3,5 (H2O) General characteristics: Standart material to manufacture potting substrate.
Permacon - Sigilant pentru Beton

Permacon - Sigilant pentru Beton

Mit Permacon lassen sich alle Hohlräume und Poren auf Betonoberflächen verschließen. Permacon Versiegelungen verlängern die Lebensdauer des Betons. Zum einen weil die gehärteten Betonoberflächen mechanisch widerstandsfähiger sind und zum anderen weil kein Wasser eindringt. Schäden und Risse im Beton durch gefrierendes Wasser werden durch den Feuchtigkeitsschutz verhindert. Permacon schützt Stahlbeton vor der Carbonatisierung, wodurch Bewehrungskorrosion und Betonabplatzungen verhindert werden. Mit Permacon härten neue Betonflächen gleichmäßiger aus. Kleine Haarrisse, die sich beim Aushärten von Beton bilden, werden vermieden. Permacon verhindert mit der wasserdichten Barriere-Schicht Ausblühungen an Ziegelsteinfassaden. Permacon weist Flüssigkeiten wie Öl, Fett und Säure ab und verhindert Fleckenbildungen auf Wänden, Keller- und Garagenböden. Trockene Betonoberflächen sind kaum anfällig für Algen-, Schimmel- und Moosbildung. Permacon verbessert die Haftung von Farben und Lacke.
GC Fujirock EP OptiXscan

GC Fujirock EP OptiXscan

Ce produit a été retiré de notre gamme. Liste
HDPE HM-CRP 100 Negru - Polietilenă de Înaltă Densitate - HM-CRP 100 Negru

HDPE HM-CRP 100 Negru - Polietilenă de Înaltă Densitate - HM-CRP 100 Negru

HDPE HM-CRP 100 Black is a high density polyethylene.
Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 - Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 cu temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 - Beton dens rezistent la foc CBG- DP-90 cu temperatură de aplicare de până la 1.900°C

CBG-DP-90 is a dense, refractory, self-flowing concrete with low cement content intended for use in aggressive environments, including contact with molten metals and slags at temperatures up to 1,900°C, especially for the production of monolithic linings of steel ladles, elements of the metal tract and as a repair concrete mass. It can be used for monolithic linings as well as for products of any configuration and complexity. — high temperature resistance — high temperature of liquid phase formation — high mechanical strength — high temperature of onset of deformation under load — does not contain substances that cause allergic reactions — resistant to molten metal, acid and alkaline slags Main application: ferrous, non-ferrous and glass industry, lining of melting aggregates in the production of mineral fibres etc.
Compus de Grad A - 1. Clasã / Compus de Prima Clasã

Compus de Grad A - 1. Clasã / Compus de Prima Clasã

Used for conveyor belt manufacturing, top of the class.
Glicol propilenic

Glicol propilenic

Propylene Glycol is most commonly used for the large-scale production of polymers. It is used as chemical raw material for the making of unsaturated polyester resins (UPR). It reacts with unsaturated maleic anhydride and isophthalic acid to form a copolymer. It is reacted with propylene oxide to make oligomers and polymers that are consumed for the production of widely used polyurethanes. It is useful in water-based acrylic architectural paints. It’s slow evaporation rate allows it to stop the surface from drying. It is approved for use indirectly as a food additive. It has the E-number E1520 for food applications. It is used in coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, and soda etc. It is widely used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. E490 is the number for cosmetic products and pharmacological products. It is applicable as a carrier or base for many types of makeup in the cosmetics industry. Acid Number:≤0.5mg KOH/L Water:≤0.5%
Syntech Pavidamp: Bază epoxidică anti-umiditate cu trei componente, în emulsie apoasă

Syntech Pavidamp: Bază epoxidică anti-umiditate cu trei componente, în emulsie apoasă

Syntech Pavidamp A three-component formulation, with a fluid epoxy resin base in aqueous emulsion (A + B) to be mixed with the third component (C) consisting of white cement and micro-quartz, specially designed to be used as a primer for cementitious surfaces in the presence of humidity and in conditions of hydraulic counter-thrust. Generally referred to as “wet-bonding”, it is particularly suitable as an anti-humidity barrier for the subsequent laying of parquet. Building connection layers and smoothing cement surfaces; bottom layers for resinous coatings of floorings in the presence of damp subbases; anti-humidity barriers in concrete, brick and stone masonry; surfacings of porosity, cracks and superficial irregularities. As protection from rising damp for bases where operations with polyurea resins SYNTECH POLYUREA will be carried out. The support on which the resin system is to be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilatations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. Apply by roller, brush or spray from 150 to 200 g / m2 of Syntech Primer EP-W to consolidate the substrate and facilitate the adhesion of the subsequent coating. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion. Prepare the mixture of the 2 liquid components (A+B), pouring the contents of the component B in the container of the component A. Mix with drill for about 2 minutes. Add the pre-dosed hydraulic binder (high resistance white cement) to the mixture A+B, and mix with a mixer drill. To disperse the product optimally, pour the powders (component C) a little at a time, continuing to stir with drill, until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. If it is used as a base: dilute with 10-15% by weight of clean, soft water and apply with a roller or brush. Indicative consumption: 0.4-0.5 kg/m² on regular supports, 0.7-0.9 kg/m² on irregular supports. If it is used for fine finishing coats: load the system A+B+C diluted with 10-15% of fresh clean water, with 60-70% spheroidal quartz (0.04-0.25 mm). Apply with steel trowel or plastering trowel. Indicative consumption: 1-2 kg/m². If it is used for medium finishing coats: load the system A+B+C diluted with 10-15% of fresh clean water, with 70-80% spheroidal quartz (0.1-0.5 mm). Apply with steel trowel or plastering trowel. Indicative consumption: 3-4 kg/m². From 0.50 to 0.60 kg of SYNTYECH PAVIDAMP for each square metre of surface to be covered. Pail 3.8 kg [A] - Pail 1.2 kg [B] - Pail 5 kg [C] - Kit: 1 Pail 3.8 kg [A] + 1 Pail 1.2 kg [B] + 1 Pail 5 kg [C]
Repar Tix HG SB: Mortar structural, tixotrópico, reforzado con fibra, para spritz beton

Repar Tix HG SB: Mortar structural, tixotrópico, reforzado con fibra, para spritz beton

Repar Tix HG SB Thixotropic, structural, fibre reinforced cement mortar, with compensated shrinkage, with high intrinsic water tightness, and extraordinary physical and mechanical characteristics: adhesion, compression resistance, flexural strength, abrasion resistance, etc. Perfect for remediation of structural works and articles in degraded concrete and very high-performance coatings. Repar Tix HG SB, in addition to normal manual application techniques, it is a structural mortar specially formulated for applications with pumping/spray machines (wet spritz-beton technique). Particularly optimized parameters are: rheology, thixotropy and workability of the product, which allow spraying operations with reduced wear of the mechanical parts and little waste on the ground. Rheoplastic, thixotropic, structural, composite cement mortar, based on special cements and selected siliceous aggregates, reinforced with a balanced mixture of READYMESH polypropylene fibres and calcium metasilicate microfibres, added with specific agents and a high content of silica fume. After hardening, it provides very high performance in terms of intrinsic water tightness, resistance to washing and hydrolysing, mechanical strength, abrasion and cavitation, anti-carbonation, chemical-physical stability, resistance to harsh atmospheric agents and to leaching water. It has three-dimensional fibre-reinforcement, provides high hold; it is dimensionally stable (compensated shrinkage). The product can be supplied in mono-component or two-component version. The product, in the monocomponent version, is mixed with water (approx. 16% of the weight of the bag). In the two-component version, the product is mixed by adding the 4.5 kg of component B. The two-component version increases adhesion to the support and reduces free shrinkage to air, especially in the initial hardening phases and in particularly hot climates, without modifying the physical-mechanical characteristics of the end product. Repairs and protective coatings of hydraulic works (pipelines, dams, tunnels etc.), marine structures and artefacts in critical situations: aggressive chemical-physical agents, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Specific for shotcrete interventions in galleries, tunnels, rock walls, irrigation and hydraulic channels, piles and micropiles, diaphragms, etc. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). The use of pumping/spraying machines specifically designed to be used with fibre-reinforced structural mortars is recommended. For the spraying of structural mortars such as Repar Tix HG SB, an effective and sometimes prolonged mixing of the product, which must take place upstream of the pumping circuit, is always recommended. For this reason, the use of “plaster sprayers” with volumetric water dosage is not recommended. Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Repar Tix HG SB and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 16% of the weight of the bag. Addition of Bond HG to the mixing water, (approx. 0.5 litres per 25kg bag of product) in the single component version, allows further improvement in terms of adhesion, hold, impermeability, workability, modelling and deformation capacity. In the case of use of the product in the two-component version, pour component B (liquid) into the mixer, gradually adding component A (powder) and mixing until the lumps are completely eliminated. For high coating thicknesses, static requirements, monolithic requirements, etc., performed with Repar Tix HG SB, it is advisable to use suitable metal reinforcements (electro-welded mesh, cages, etc.), anchored to the support with Syntech Profix, GROUT MICROJ, Repar Tix G2. Approximately 18,5 kg/m² of Repar Tix HG SB for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1850 kg per cubic metre). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)