Produse pentru nitrofurantină (18)



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i-qube Nootropic

i-qube Nootropic

New Beverage Nootropic Soft Drink Beverage New Soft Drink Fuctional Drink Packaging 1:24 Cans per Box Packaging 2:120 Boxes per Pallet


MAGNESIUM CITRAT von FREY Nutrition - Hochwertige Magnesium Kapseln für eine optimale Aufnahme und Wirkung.
Metilhesperidină - Flavonoide

Metilhesperidină - Flavonoide

Methylhesperidin is a natural compound in the flavanone glycoside compound class. In nature, it can be most commonly found in citrus fruits together with its non methylated counterpart – hesperidin. Like hesperidin, it first was isolated from Citrus limon.sp. Cat. Nr:NST-10-128 CAS:11013-97-1 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C29H36O15 Molecular weight:624,59
Îngrășământ Lichid - Nitrofluide - Biostimulator pentru deschiderea mugurilor și înflorire

Îngrășământ Lichid - Nitrofluide - Biostimulator pentru deschiderea mugurilor și înflorire

NITROFLUIDE, a fast-acting and effective solution with a high nitrogen content, supplemented with polyhydroxycarboxylic acids (PHC), sulphur and amino acids, whose stimulating effect on plants is to help them overcome adverse situations. Due to its special formulation, NITROFLUIDE is considered to be a direct and important support in foliar nutrition, improving the stages of bud development, sprouting and flowering, as well as vegetative development. It accelerates the physiological functions of the plant with the formation of protein substances (amino acids, proteins) with a saving of energy for the plant, thus improving its development. AGRONOMIC ADVANTAGES - Accelerates the physiological functions of the plant with the formation of protein substances (amino acids, proteins) with an energy-saving effect on the plant, thus improving its development. - Stimulating effect on plants that helps to overcome adverse situations. Packs of: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Total nitrogen (N) :18% p/p Organic nitrogen (N):0,8% p/p Ureic nitrogen (N):14,1% p/p Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :3,1% p/p Sulphur Trioxide (%SO3) soluble in water :4,3% p/p Organic carbon (corg):4,2% p/p PH:4,8 p/p Density (gr/cc):1,23 p/p Free amino acids:2,04% p/p Organic Matter Calcination:8,5% p/p Dry residue:10% p/p


ERGYMUNYL est composé d'échinacée, plantain et romarin, qui sont traditionnellement reconnus pour contribuer à la défense de l'organisme, et d'un extrait de pépins de pamplemousse. Plantain, échinacée, achillée et olivier ont une action au niveau des voies respiratoires. Le cuivre et le zinc soutiennent le système immunitaire. Quand est-il conseillé ? ERGYMUNYL pourra être conseillé lors des périodes à risque (hiver, saisons polliniques…) pour soutenir les défenses naturelles dès les premiers signes. L'expertise Nutergia Sans alcool, sans sucre, sans édulcorant, sans arôme artificiel. La mer, une concentration de minéraux et d’oligoéléments. L’eau de mer exposée aux rayons solaires donne un concentré d’eau de mer. Désodé puis associé à un extrait français de lithothamne (algue rouge) obtenu par un procédé exclusif au brevet Echinacée:1400 mg* AchilléE:1240 mg* Pamplemousse:1200 mg* Plantain:917 mg* Romarin:800 mg* 0livier:400 mg* Zinc:3 mg Manganèse:0,6 mg Cuivre:0,3 mg
Viața de Aronia

Viața de Aronia

100 Kapseln mit je 500mg Aronia Extrakt, 40mg Vitamin C - Extrakt aus Schweizer Aroniabeeren, in der Schweiz verarbeitet Aronia Extrakt in Kapseln. Aronia Extrakt ist eine hoch konzentrierte Form des Aronia Tresters. Fuer die Herstellung von 1 Kapsel werden rund 48 Aroniabeeren benoetigt! Die Wirkstoffkonzentration ist auch dementsprechend hoch. Deshalb ist der verkapselte Aronia Trester preislich billiger. Die Konzentration der Wirkstoffe im Extrakt ist um das Vielfache hoeher. Wir arbeiten in der Erstellung unseres Extrakts mit einer Schweizer Biotech Firma zusammen und koennen eine schonende Herstellung mit der hoechstmoeglichen Konzentration garantieren. Eine Dose enthaelt 100 Vegi-Kapseln a 450mg hochkonzentriertem Aronia-Extrakt.


2.55€ TTC
Liquiritigenină - Flavonoide

Liquiritigenină - Flavonoide

Liquiritigenin - Flavonoids Cat. Nr:NST-10-173 CAS:578-86-9 Purity:95% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C15H12O4 Molecular weight:256,25
Îngrășământ Lichid - Nitrofluid - Biostimulator pentru Spargerea Mugurilor și Floare

Îngrășământ Lichid - Nitrofluid - Biostimulator pentru Spargerea Mugurilor și Floare

NITROFLUIDE, uma solução de acção rápida e eficaz com elevado teor de azoto, complementada com ácidos poli-hidroxicarboxílicos (PHC), enxofre e aminoácidos, cujo efeito estimulante sobre as plantas é ajudá-las a superar situações adversas. Devido à sua formulação especial, NITROFLUIDE é considerado como um apoio directo e importante na nutrição foliar, melhorando as fases de desenvolvimento dos botões, germinação e floração, bem como o desenvolvimento vegetativo. Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas com uma poupança de energia para a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. VANTAGENS AGRONÓMICAS - Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas (aminoácidos, proteínas) com um efeito de poupança de energia sobre a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. - Efeito estimulante sobre as plantas que ajuda a superar situações adversas. Embalagens de: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Nitrógênio (N) total:18% p/p Nitrógênio (N) orgânico:0,8% p/p Nitrógênio (N) ureico:14,1% p/p Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:3,1% p/p Trióxido de Enxofre (SO3) solúvel em água:4,3% p/p Carbono orgânico (Corg):4,2% p/p pH:4,8 p/p Densidade (gr/cc):1,23 p/p Aminoácidos livres:2,04% p/p Matéria orgânica calcinação:8,5% p/p Residuo seco:10% p/p
Xanthohumol - Flavonoide

Xanthohumol - Flavonoide

Synonyms: 30-Noroleanane, (+)-Glycyram, 18β-Glycyrrhizic acid monoammonium salt, Ammonium glycyrrhizinate, Glycamil, Glycymin, Magnasweet, Monoammonium 18β-glycyrrhizinate Cat. Nr:NST-10-189 CAS:6754-58-1 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C21H22O5 Molecular weight:354,4
Hesperetin - Flavonoide

Hesperetin - Flavonoide

Hesperitin is a natural compound in the flavanoid-type compound class. It is an aglycone version of widely spread hesperidin, which is available in various types of citrus fruits, most prominently in Citrus limon. sp. Cat. Nr:NST-10-120 CAS:69097-99-0 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C16H14O6 Molecular weight:302,28
Diosmetină - Flavonoide

Diosmetină - Flavonoide

Diosmetin is a flavanoid-type compound with a vast variety of biological activities. It can be found in various sources in nature, but are most natural abundance is in citrus plants like lemon, pompia, orange, tangerine, etc. Cat. Nr:NST-10-70 CAS:520-34-3 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C16H12O6 Molecular weight:300,26
Neohesperidină - Flavonoide

Neohesperidină - Flavonoide

Neohesperidin is a natural compound in the flavanone glycoside compound class. In nature, together with very similar hesperidin it can be most commonly found in citrus fruits, but especially Citrus limon.sp. Cat. Nr:NST-10-127 CAS:13241-33-3 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C28H34O15 Molecular weight:610,56
Chinona de pirrolochinolină (PQQ) - Chinone

Chinona de pirrolochinolină (PQQ) - Chinone

Pyrroloquinoline quinone is a natural compound. It is a quinone cofactor for bacterial dehydrogenases. It can be found in various natural places due to its production from various bacteria. – from fruits like apples and fermented soybeans to hard soil to human breast milk. Cat. Nr:NST-10-74 CAS:72909-34-3 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C14H6N2O8 Molecular weight:330,21


ERGYNUTRIL est une gamme originale de préparations à base de protéines sans aspartame. • L'exclusivité de la formule : 2 sources de protéines pour un apport équilibré en acides aminés : protéines de lait d’origine biologique, bien tolérées protéines de soja peu acidifiantes Les protéines participent au maintien et à l’augmentation de la masse musculaire, au maintien aussi d’une ossature normale. • Apport de tous les acides aminés essentiels chez l’homme : tryptophane, lysine, méthionine, phénylalanine, thréonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine sont présentes dans nos préparations riches en protéines et de deux autres acides aminés : la cystéine et tyrosine. • Apport de vitamines du groupe B : la vitamine B6 participe au métabolisme des protéines, les vitamines B1, B6 et B12 quant à elles contribuent au métabolisme énergétique. • Source de magnésium et de potassium qui sont des soutiens du fonctionnement des systèmes musculaire et nerveux. Calcium:479 mg (60 % VNR*) Potassium:329 mg (16 % VNR*) Phosphore:302 mg (43 % VNR*) Magnésium:67 mg (18 % VNR*) Zinc:1,5 mg (15 % VNR*) Iode:23 μg (15 % VNR*) Chrome:8 μg (20 % VNR*) Vitamine B1:0,17 mg (15 % VNR*) Vitamine B6:0,21 mg (15 % VNR*) Acide folique (Vit. B9):31 μg (15 % VNR*) Vitamine B12:0,4 μg (15 % VNR*)
Hesperidină - Flavonoide

Hesperidină - Flavonoide

Synonyms: Atripliside B, Cirantin, Hesperetin 7-rutinoside, Hesperidine, Hesperidoside Cat. Nr:NST-10-108 CAS:520-26-3 Purity:95% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C28H34O15 Molecular weight:610,56
Forskolină - Toate produsele

Forskolină - Toate produsele

Forskolin has been extensively studied as a weight-regulating supplement. Few studies have shown greater weight loss for subjects using Forskolin compared to others while maintaining higher testosterone levels. Cat. Nr:NST-10-164 CAS:66575-29-9 Purity:98% (HPLC) Molecular formula:C22H34O7 Molecular weight:410,50