Produse pentru nacl o perfuzie de 9 (16)



Purpose: for administering infusion solutions and blood substitutes with a flow regulator. The infusion system with an extremely precise drum-type flow regulator allows precise regulation of the flow rate and infusion of solutions into the patient's circulatory system with an adjustable (defined) infusion rate. Technical specifications: 1. The length of the pipe must not be less than 1500 mm; the diameter must not be less than 3.5 mm; 2. it is made of polyvinyl chloride; 3. The air duct, consisting of a metal needle and an air filter, is made of metal and polypropylene; 4. Filter to prevent the penetration of unwanted particles; 5. Drip chamber with filter provides visually controlled filling; 6. Connection type: Luer Slip or Luer Lock; 7. A metal atraumatic injection needle with a triangular blade, coated with silicone for ease of insertion, with a size of at least 0.8*38 mm (available with and witout a needle . There is a roller regulator for the flow rate.
Îmbătrânirea Uleiurilor Esențiale

Îmbătrânirea Uleiurilor Esențiale

Peroxydation et réaction intra-moléculaire Les huiles d’olive deviennent rance au cours du temps. Le rancissement est une modification chimique des structures moléculaire des huiles végétales. Les mêmes mécanismes chimiques opèrent aussi sur les huiles essentielles. La présence d’oxygène naturellement dissous dans les huiles, initie ces réactions chimiques. Elles s’accélèrent en présence de lumière, d’air, de sauts de température ou de diverses impuretés. Le mécanisme réactionnel de ce « vieillissement » se divise en deux étapes: la peroxydation et les réactions intramoléculaires (ou phase de propagation). La littérature scientifique décrit plusieurs exemples de peroxydation. Voici celui du linalol abondemment présent dans les huiles essentielles. (Exemple: lavande, lavandin, thym à linalol, bois de rose, sauge sclarée, etc). Dans ce shéma, le linalol subit en premier une peroxydation. Elle produit un nouveau composé: le 7-dydroperoxy-3,7-dimethyl-octa-1,5-diene-3-ol.
Alca 2 - Alcalin

Alca 2 - Alcalin

Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio. Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!


It is a chelated liquid potash that facilitates the availability of potassium. Being completely soluble, its application is very fast and is immediately assimilated by the plant. Improves the organoleptic quality of fruits, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the coloration of the flowers of ornamental plants. Applied at the end of the vegetative phase (before harvesting or harvesting) it advances ripening, increases resistance to drought and climatic adversities. The presence of an adequate dose of chelating agent guarantees the total availability of potassium, regardless of the quality of the water used for foliar and fertigation treatments SKU:n/a Size:1000 LITERS, 20 LITERS, 5 LITERS
AQtif 100 - Supliment alimentar

AQtif 100 - Supliment alimentar

Protection cellulaire & stress oxydatif * Le corps humain est constitué de milliards de cellules qui doivent faire face en permanence à de multiples influences internes et externes (tabac, UV, pollution, stress, etc.). Ces situations peuvent induire une surproduction de radicaux libres dans le corps. C'est ce qu'on appelle le stress oxydatif. Des mécanismes de protection existent pour compenser ce stress oxydatif. Propriétés Les mitochondries sont les centrales énergétiques de nos cellules. Ce sont elles qui permettent la production d'energie sous forme d'ATP. De nombreuses enzymes et coenzymes interviennent dans ce processus de production. Le coenzyme Q 10H 2 est une molécule que l'on retrouve dans toutes les cellules de l’organisme et en proportion plus abondante dans les cellules nécessitant le plus d’énergie telles que celles du cœur, des poumons, du foie et des muscles. La Vitamine E contribue à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif. Le plus Trenker Le coenzyme Q10.
QLife Energie Multivitamin - Complex Multivitaminic

QLife Energie Multivitamin - Complex Multivitaminic

Qlife Energy Multivitamin Complemento alimenticio a base de vitaminas y minerales, nutrientes que complementan la dieta habitual, ayudando a mantener el bienestar y el rendimiento esencial, además de proteger a las células del estrés oxidativo. Las vitaminas y minerales están equilibradas en las dosis y proporciones más adecuadas, de acuerdo con las tablas de valores de referencia de nutrientes, Las Vitaminas B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacina, Biotina y Magnesio contribuyen al metabolismo energético normal El Acido Pantoténico, los Folatos, la Riboflavina, Magnesio y Vitamina B6 y B12 contribuyen a disminuir el cansancio y la fatiga. La Biotina, Tiamina, Riboflavina, Magnesio y Vitamina B6 y B12 contribuyen al funcionamiento normal del sistema nervioso. La Vitamina E contribuye a la protección de las células frente al estrés oxidativo. La Vitamina C ayuda al funcionamiento normal del sistema inmunitario.
Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function. Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12. Art. No.:1809
Acid Hialuronic 3% - 30ml

Acid Hialuronic 3% - 30ml

Produkt przeznaczony jest do pielęgnacji skóry twarzy i włosów. To gęsta, bezbarwna, żelowata ciecz; unikatowe połączenie składników zapewnia kompleksowe, uzupełniające się działanie. Nie podrażnia skóry.3% roztwór kwasu hialuronowego w postaci żelu to aktywne serum odmładzająco-wygładzająco-regenerujące do twarzy ciała i włosów. Unikatowa kombinacja trzech rodzajów cząsteczek, wykazuje zdolność przenikania w głąb skóry, dzięki czemu pielęgnacja jest gruntowna i długotrwała.Niesamowite działanie:<ul> <li>Nawilża skórę średnio o 16%</li> <li>Wygładza skórę średnio o 27%</li> <li>Ujędrnia skórę średnio o 5%</li> <li>Produkt zmniejsza długość zmarszczek średnio o 5% i ich głębokość średnio o 4%</li></ul>Działanie zostało potwierdzone dermatologicznie.&nbsp;<strong>Skład: </strong>woda destylowana 96%, kwas hialuronowy wielkocząsteczkowy 1,5%, kwas hialuronowy drobnocząsteczkowy 1,5%, substancje konserwujące 1%: glukonolakton, kwas benzoesowy&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Produkt do piel
L-Ornitină HCL

L-Ornitină HCL

Rohstoff L-Ornithine HCL für die Produktion von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.
Supliment Omega 3 Puori O3 120 Capsule

Supliment Omega 3 Puori O3 120 Capsule

Puori O3 Omega 3 Omega 3 lange keten vetzuren zijn een essentieel onderdeel van ieder dieet omdat het lichaam zelf deze vetzuren niet aanmaakt volgens het voedingscentrum . Omdat ons voedingspatroon de afgelopen decennia drastisch veranderd is, krijgen sommigen er tegenwoordig helaas vaak te weinig van binnen. Puori O3 is getest en gecertificeerd op puurheid en kwaliteit door het onafhankelijke laboratorium IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) en is beloond met 5 van de 5 sterren. Deze onderscheiding garandeert o.a. de puurheid, de minimale concentratie van 74% en de duurzaamheid van het productieproces.
NAC 27% - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Azot

NAC 27% - Îngrășământ pe Bază de Azot

Parmi les engrais nitriques ammoniacales, un de plus importants c’est le Nitrate Ammoniacal Calcique.L’apport de la moitié de l’azote sous forme nitrique et la moitié sous forme ammoniacal, favorise une source d’Azote d’absorption immédiate et une autre que c’est assimilable plus lentement. On offre, donc, un extra d’Azote qui donne une certaine quantité qui reste retenue par le terrain. On conseille l’incorporer tout au long du cycle de la culture, en applications de couverture, près du moment de plus haut besoin d’Azote de la plante. Richesses garanties: Azote total (N): 27,2 % Azote (N) nitrique: 13,2 % Azote ammoniacal (N) : 14 % Oxyde de magnésium total (MgO): 4 %


Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation. Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 5 LITERS
Alca 1 - Alcaline

Alca 1 - Alcaline

Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio. Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Capsule Mono de Coenzima Q10 50 mg - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Mono de Coenzima Q10 50 mg - Capsule și tablete

With 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 per capsule. Coenzym Q10 Enzymes are key biological catalysts which allow reactions and life processes to take place in the cells in all living organisms. Enzymes require so-called coenzymes - wherein the coenzyme Q10 plays a particularly important role. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the body's own substances belonging to the group of vitaminoids. It contains substances similar to vitamins and is an important part of our daily nutrition. Q10 is primarily found in the organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. The necessary amount of Q10 is ensured with self-synthesis in a healthy human organism. The content of Q10 in the serum and tissues naturally decreases with age or when taking statins. Best Q10 quality In our products we only use pure, 100% natural Q10 of the highest quality (KANEKA), produced through yeast fermentation; it is absolutely identical to the Q10 produced in the body. Art. No.:1818
Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Coenin Q10 PLUS - Capsule și tablete

Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended in old age and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function. Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12. Art. No.:1819


Rohstoff Beta-Alanin für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel