... dintr-un singur compartiment, în timp ce altele pot include mai multe compartimente sau rafturi. De asemenea, există modele cu intervale de temperatură diferite, astfel încât să se poată crea medii adecvate pentru păstrarea diferitelor produse alimentare.
Da Manichini Shopping troverete anche gondole a parete, gondole centrali e gondole angolari. Potete anche scegliere tra gondole mono o bifacciali per le vostre scaffalature: in metallo, legno o acciaio zincato, adatte per lo stoccaggio. La gondola giusta può essere scelta in base al vostro spazio di vendita.
Le dépôt de marque en Europe est une étape cruciale pour protéger votre marque à l'échelle internationale. En déposant votre marque auprès de l'Office de l'harmonisation du marché intérieur (EUIPO), vous assurez sa protection dans tous les pays membres de l'Union Européenne pour une durée de 10 ans. Ce processus inclut la possibilité de déposer des marques sous diverses formes, y compris les nouvelles marques de certification de l'UE. Il est essentiel de réaliser une recherche d'antériorité pour éviter le rejet de votre demande et garantir l'originalité de votre marque.
Wall panels made of high quality gypsum material. Easy to install with elegant and stylish design. In addition to the innovative design the panels also contribute to the energy efficiency of any room, as they are good thermal and sound insulation. Wall panels can be painted with almost all types of paints to give an unique artistic atmosphere and also can be supplemented with LED lights or original wall lamps.
For the manufacture of our products we use safe and environmentally friendly materials. Manufactured in EU
• Soundproof
• Thermal insulation
• Non-flammable
• Indoor use only
Product information:
• Panel size: H:50 cm x W:50 cm
• 4 Panels: 1 m2
• Panel thickness: 1.5 - 3 cm
• Panel weight: 6 kg~
• Colour: White
Free delivery to UK and Europe
Estimated delivery: 7-21 working days
Panel Size:H:50 cm x W:50 cm
Panel Thickness:1.5 - 3 cm
A sales bubble is mainly used by real estate developers. However, it could also be useful for other companies regardless of their sector of activity. Composed of a single-block container or a module of several bungalows, at 1001 Containers you can access a very wide choice. Custom sales bubble layout Personalized sales space To attract the maximum number of prospects, the space dedicated to sales should be fully personalized. For this, you can, for example, opt for a fully glazed single-block modular structure. Very stylish, this type of construction could also allow passers-by to see the entire interior of your sales bubble in order to highlight your activity. Reception area or showroom For those who offer specific services and products, they can also order modular containers that could serve as a showroom.
Die Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit historischer Bauten in handliche Formate zu bringen, eröffnet eine neue Welt des Verstehens und Bewunderns. Ob für Museen, Ausstellungen oder den privaten Gebrauch
At Bsource, we specialize in advising and supporting innovators and businesses in developing their innovations, packaging, and branding. We assist you in developing a strategy, product design, pricing, selecting marketing channels, and building a recognizable and successful brand. By using our knowledge and experience, we help you achieve your goals and improve your business success.
Αυξήστε κατακόρυφα επισκεψιμότητα, αναγνωρισιμότητα και ουσιαστική αλληλεπίδραση με το κοινό σας που οδηγεί άμεσα σε πωλήσεις αλλά και σταδιακά σε πιστούς πελάτες.
Our dynamic mechanical processing team with deep measurement precision and surface quality, precision single head, double head angled cutting saws, undercut saws, punch machines, solar frame machines, eccentric presses, hole drilling drills, tapping machines, CNC benches, perfect quality and offers superior service
Stainless Steel exterior and interior panel
Doors with self closing system and magnetic gasket
Polyurethane isolated Stainless Steel body and top
Gastronorm sized refrigeratos's shelfs are adaptable for GN 1/1
Stainless Steel adjustable legs, from 100 to 150 mm
Fan assisted condenser unit
Fan assisted evaporator, with anticorrosion coating.
Automatic water evaporation
Automatic defrost system
40 Kg/mᵌ density polyurethane insulation, zero ODP and GWP
Digital temperature control, optimized defrost
Standart Cooling Gas R 290 (CFC Free)
Optional Cooling Gases: R 134 A, R 404 A
Ambient working temperature 38°C and %65 Humidity
Şirket Doktorum® olarak, Stratejik Pazarlama Yönetimi Modellemesi çalışmalarımız, değişen global koşullar şartlarda, müşteri istek ve beklentilerini anlayarak, global şirketler ve yerel firmalarda edindiğimiz deneyimlerle birlikte, operasyonel ve organizasyonel olarak doğru ekonomik ve organizasyonel gelişimi için firmalarımıza destek oluyoruz.
Beratung nach den gültigen Normen
Gerne beraten wir Sie nach den entsprechenden gültigen Normen der Maschinenrichtlinien.
Alle qualitativ hochwertigen AnVa Schutzzäune zeichnen sich durch einfache Montage u. variablen Ausführungen aus. Und das Gemäß nach der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG.
Fragen Sie uns einfach an.
Our commitment to quality
and precision ensures that every
container we create is built to
meet rigorous standards.
Our cutting-edge Daihen FD-B6L
robotic welding stations with a
14m track deliver precise and high-
quality welding for containers,
ensuring accuracy across 6 axes.
The cleaning process must be designed to eliminate specific contaminants and particles from machined workpieces and parts in order to achieve the required technical cleanliness. For the wet cleaning of parts, the four parameters of the Sinner's Circle need to be combined and adjusted for optimised efficiency.
PERO units offer efficient cleaning mechanics and reliable process control. According to the Sinner's Circle, the cleaning result is determined by four basic variables. By adjusting and combining these interrelated variables, it is possible to optimise any cleaning process. Good mechanical design of a cleaning unit optimises the mechanics of the process, which generally means that cleaning is completed in less time and with less resources.
Soucieux d’optimiser la qualité de ses produits, CORNIC-NOVAMER a opté pour l’intégration des opérations de contrôle qualité, conditionnement et stockage.
Cette orientation s’est traduite par : Un labo interne : Effectif 1 personne (9400 contrôles effectués en 2020)
Un service qualité : Effectif 3 personnes
Un atelier de production de 800 M² équipé de matériels de dernière génération, nous donnant une capacité annuelle de 8 millions d’UVC.
Un entrepôt frigorifique d’une capacité de 1800 palettes.
CORNIC-NOVAMER est certifiée IFS Food et IFS Broker High level, mais aussi ASC, MSC et BIO.
Eres el que más sabe de lo tuyo y a muchos les gustaría aprender. Te ayudamos a contárselo a los demás de forma fácil y divertida y sobre todo eficaz. Háblale a cada uno en su lenguaje y en el medio que más utiliza. Las herramientas son numerosas.
Die Härteprüfung (HBW) nehmen wir in unserem Haus selbst vor.
Dies betrifft in erster Linie die Beurteilung von Gusssortimenten, bei denen über ein Gefügeänderung beim Perlitisieren, Ferritisieren oder FP-Glühen eine Verbesserung der mechanischen Kennwerte erwünscht ist. Weitergehende Werkstoffprüfungen vergeben wir dagegen an akkreditierte, ortsnahe Prüflabore, die sowohl zerstörungsfreie als auch zerstörende Prüfverfahren sicher und schnell anbieten:
•Bureau Veritas Material Testing GmbH
•PLR Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe GmbH
Nach Absprache ist es jederzeit möglich, dass kundeneigene bzw. beauftragte Prüfer in unserem Haus die Werkstoffprüfung durchführen. Für Ultraschallprüfungen, Farbeindringprüfungen und Magnetpulver-Rissprüfungen wird dies regelmäßig praktiziert.
Renkli atlet poşetler, günlük kullanım ve ticari ihtiyaçlar için ideal bir çözüm sunar. Güçlü yapısı sayesinde ağır yükleri güvenle taşıyabilir ve yırtılmalara karşı yüksek direnç gösterir. Farklı renk seçenekleriyle ürünlerinizi sınıflandırmayı kolaylaştırır ve estetik bir sunum sağlar. Ergonomik tutma kolları pratik kullanım sunarken, hafif yapısıyla taşımayı kolaylaştırır. Marketler, mağazalar, gıda sektörü ve diğer ticari alanlar için çok yönlü bir ambalaj çözümü sunar. Çevre dostu üretim malzemeleriyle sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerine uyum sağlar.
Liman rent a car 2023 ve 2024 model Fiat Egea Sedan araçları filosuna katarak yeni ve 0 kilometre araçları sizlerin kullanımına sunuyor. Üstelik tüm araçlarımız rent a car kaskoludur. İsterseniz İzmir havalimanı rent a car ofisimizden online rezervasyon yaparak hızlı bir şekilde aracınızı kiralayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca yurtdışından gelen yolcularımıza özel kredi kartsız araç kiralama imkanı sunmaktayız. Sadece depozito vererek araba kiralama yapabilirisiniz.
Eski, bakımsız ve kaskosuz araçlar ile seyahatinizi çekilmez hale getirmeyin, İzmir havalimanı, Milas Bodrum Havalimanı ve Antalya havalimanı rent a car ofislerimizde yep yeni Fiat Egea 1.3 Mjet araçlar ile tatilin keyfini çıkartabilirsiniz.
İzmir rent a car limancar yeni araçların yanı sıra sizlere küçük ücretler ile bebek koltuğu, Navigasyon cihazı, Ek sürücü imkanı ve değişen oranlarda hasar sigorta güvenceleri sunarak tüm risklerden korunmanızı sağlamaktadır.
La gamma CWB è formata da refrigeratori d’acqua condensati ad aria con ventilatori assiali per installazione esterna.
Il progetto CWB comprende 12 modelli base che coprono potenzialità frigorifere da 140 a 570 kW.
Grazie alle molte opzioni disponibili, le unità CWB possono essere configurate secondo le esigenze delle più svariate applicazioni e condizioni di lavoro.
Esiste, inoltre, una serie dedicata alla funzione Free Cooling con potenze da 70 a 280 kW.
Material: (Gehäuse) Edelstahl
• 10 Heizstufen
• Optimal für Töpfe von 12 bis 26 cm Ø
• Timer: 5 - 180 Minuten
• Einstellungen können mit oder ohne Timer verwendet werden
• Überhitzungsschutz
• Induktionskochen: schnell, sicher, effizient
• Ideal zum Kochen / Warmhalten auf Buffets etc.
230 V - 50 Hz - 3,5 kW
B 327 x T 420 x H 98 mm
Der Lüfter- und Kühlungsspezialist SEPA EUROPE ergänzt die Reihe der superflachen Radiallüfter um drei weitere Modelle. Die „Neuen“ können mit ihren kompakten Maßen von 38x40x5 mm, 54x52x6 mm und 45x45x4 mm glänzen und haben den Namen „superflach“ mehr als verdient.
Alle Lüfter sind mit dem zuverlässigen Magfix Gleitlager ausgestattet und haben bei 40°C eine Lebensdauererwartung von 210 000 h (MTBF) bzw. 40 000 h (L10). Dank des PWM Eingangs in Kombination mit dem Tachoausgang kann die Drehzahl gesteuert und überwacht werden. Man sieht es ihm auf den ersten Blick nicht an, aber das Modell HY45AB05PNK00A kann mit einem Druck von 143 Pa punkten.
Die neuen Modelle werden bei SEPA in das Standardsortiment aufgenommen und sind somit demnächst ab Lager lieferbar.
Maßgeschneiderte Kühllösungen sind die Spezialität von SEPA EUROPE. Durch über 25 Jahre Erfahrung hält SEPA EUROPE für nahezu jede Aufgabenstellung eine passende Lösung bereit.
Whether you wish to extend the summer or just stay warm in the winter we have the instant infrared heater for your needs. Victory infrared heaters get heat to any area fast, economically and efficiently.
For domestic use, Victory heaters are ideal for patio and terrace heating and incorporate the very latest developments in infrared heating technology. Safe, silent and beautifully functional, the range is designed to enable you to make the most of your garden, terrace, patio or garage - the perfect versatile heat source.
Infrared heaters are also available to efficiently heat large areas such as warehouses. By heating just people and not empty space, big savings can be made.
Mega Şemsiye açık alanlarınızı sabit veya hareketli şekilde kendi sistemi içinde tekerlekli ve mermerli bir şekilde kullanılabilen belli m2 alanı kapatabilen, özellikle en çok işletmelerin tercih ettiği en gözde ürünlerimiz arasındadır.
Bahçe ve teraslarınız için tercih edebileceğiniz gölge sistemidir. 9 m2 den 40 m2 ye kadar açık alanlarınızda kullanabildiğiniz ürünümüz birçok marka tarafından kullanılmaktadır.
Alüminyum kollar, alüminyum direkler, kare tekerlekli ayaklar, kare mermer ağırlık, akrilik kumaş, fırın boya, yazı baskısı,
Genişlik ölçüleri minumum olarak 300*300 ebatından başlayıp, 350*350, 400*400, 450*450, 500*500, 550*550 ve 600*600 ebatlarında uygulanmaktadır.
In caso la sola riparazione non fosse sufficiente al ripristino del funzionamento del carrello elevatore,forniremo i ricambi necessari al ripristino delle normali funzioni.
Grazie alla collaborazione instaurata con aziende estremamente affidabili e fornite, mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti qualsiasi tipologia di ricambio per carrelli di ogni marca e modello; ci impegnano a fornire i ricambi necessari alla riparazione in un tempo non superiore alle 48h in caso non fossero disponibili a magazzino.
17.5″ Jant Kapak Paslanmaz Ön Bombeli Düz Model
1. Sınıf 304 paslanmaz krom malzemeden yapılmıştır.
Parlaklığıyla şık bir görünüm sağlar.
Klasik jant kapak modelidir.
Göbeği çıkarılıp armalı göbek yada istenilen fırfır takılabilir.
Criados nos anos 30, esses castiçais compostos de um copo de vidro ou bronze possuem um grande poder luminoso.
A diversidade dos suportes permite escolher a lâmpada de parede mais adaptada ao seu interior.
Alguns modelos foram escolhidos pela Fundação dos Estados Unidos em Paris.
Stainless Steel exterior and interior panel
Doors with self closing system and magnetic gasket
Polyurethane isolated Stainless Steel body and top
Stainless Steel adjustable legs, from 100 to 150 mm
Fan assisted condenser unit
Fan assisted evaporator, with anticorrosion coating.
Automatic water evaporation
Automatic defrost system
40 Kg/mᵌ density polyurethane insulation, zero ODP and GWP
Digital temperature control, optimized defrost
Standart Cooling Gas R 290 (CFC Free)
Optional Cooling Gases: R 134 A, R 404 A
Ambient working temperature 38°C and %65 Humidity