Produse pentru meditații cu aconită (2)

Ulei de macadamia - ULEIURI VEGETALE

Ulei de macadamia - ULEIURI VEGETALE

The benefits of this oil : The benefits of organic macadamia oil are numerous, including : nourishing : this vegetable oil deeply nourishes the skin for maximum hydration. Indeed, it has a good amount of palmitoleic acid, a rather special fatty acid: it is indeed an omega-7, naturally present in membrane lipids. softener : this vegetable oil restores suppleness and elasticity to the skin, thus fighting against skin aging. It also fights against stretch marks and scars. soothing : softening and calming, this vegetable oil relieves damaged and fragile skin. It is widely used to soften hands chapped and cracked by the cold. skin protector : this vegetable oil protects skin cells from external aggressions such as pollution or the sun thanks to its light UV filter. penetrating : this vegetable oil penetrates very easily and quickly into the skin because it is very fluid. It does not leave a greasy feeling and is a perfect massage oil base. volume:30ml
Ulei de eucalipt - Uleiuri vegetale

Ulei de eucalipt - Uleiuri vegetale

Les propriétés de l’huile d’eucalyptus sont variés parmi lesquels : Pouvoir aromatisant Fonction antiseptique Pouvoir anti-inflammatoire Principales utilisations : Bain moussant et sels (5,1%) Parapharmacie (3,81%) Dentifrice adulte (2,27%) Coloration pour cheveux (2,09%) Masque crème / gel (1,57%) Douleurs rhumatismales Friction. Verser de 15 à 20 gouttes d’huile et frictionner les articulations douloureuses, trois fois par jour. Mal de tête Friction. Verser de 1 à 2 gouttes d’huile et frictionner les tempes et le front. Ne pas appliquer trop près des yeux. Inflammation et infection des voies respiratoires Friction. Verser de 15 à 20 gouttes d’huile et frictionner la poitrine , trois fois par jour. Fiche d’identité de l’eucalyptus : Autres noms : Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata Classification botanique : Famille des myrtacées Formes et préparations : huiles ,gélules, capsules, pastilles, huiles essentielles, tisanes, teintures Origine : Australie SKU :COS00578 Volume:60ml