Produse pentru masini (27698)

Coloane Telescopice - Multilift II Clean

Coloane Telescopice - Multilift II Clean

Nouveau: Multilift II clean – Un système optimal pour les applications en salle blanche Désormais, la gamme s'enrichit d'une nouvelle version, la Multilift II clean, spécialement conçue pour les applications en salle blanche. Un revêtement spécial du moteur à balais à courant continu de la colonne télescopique permet de minimiser l'émission de particules. Afin de prouver l'aptitude aux salles blanches ou salles propres, l'institut Fraunhofer IPA des techniques de production et d'automatisation a effectué à un test d'émission des particules conformément à la norme DIN EN ISO 14644-1 et a certifié que la colonne télescopique est apte aux applications en salle blanche jusqu'à la classe 4, valable à l'échelle mondiale.
Prelucrarea CNC a pieselor din oțel inoxidabil în volum mic - Ofertă instantanee de prelucrare CNC RPWORLD în zile

Prelucrarea CNC a pieselor din oțel inoxidabil în volum mic - Ofertă instantanee de prelucrare CNC RPWORLD în zile

CNC Machining at RPWORLD meet the diverse needs of clients ranging from single part to low- to mid-volume production. - Equipped with 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis machines, drilling machines, lathe machines and EDM - Delivered in as fast as 3 days - Tight tolerances DIN ISO 2768 medium (fine) - Wide machining range from 1mm to 1600mm. - Metal and plastic parts - 20 Years Experience Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design
Sifon cu robinet - Pompa, umple rapid lichidele din recipiente mai înalte în alte recipiente

Sifon cu robinet - Pompa, umple rapid lichidele din recipiente mai înalte în alte recipiente

Device for easy operation to quickly fill off watery liquids from containers higher up to containers lower down. Works according to the siphoning principle: Liquid needs only to be primed once, therefore especially handy for complete emptying of a container. Material:LDPE/PVC/PP Immersion depth:100 cm Hose inner dia.:15 mm Pump capacity approx.:9 l/min
VERSIUNE TWIN: MAȘINA DE ÎMPACHETARE DUPLEX - Mașină de împachetare duplex complet automată pentru până la 2400 de saci/oră

VERSIUNE TWIN: MAȘINA DE ÎMPACHETARE DUPLEX - Mașină de împachetare duplex complet automată pentru până la 2400 de saci/oră

The Twin Version of the open-mouth bagging machine combines two bag placers and two filling stations in one machine. Two STATEC BINDER high-performance net weighers ensure that the product is precisely dosed and weighed. When the required weight is reached, the weigh hopper opens and the product flows into the attached bag at the filling spout. A high-performance bag closing machine enables fast sewing, sealing, or gluing of the bags. The high performance of the Twin Version is achieved by always separating two bags simultaneously, transporting them to the pick-up station, fixing them onto the filling spout, filling them, and placing them on the conveyor belt. The bags are then transported one after the other to the bag closing machine. For example, the PRINCIPAC-Twin can handle up to 2400 bags per hour with a filling weight between 10 kg and 50 kg.
Fierăstrău circular pe masă SZ 250 - Mașină de prelucrare a lemnului

Fierăstrău circular pe masă SZ 250 - Mașină de prelucrare a lemnului

Scie circulaire sur table Standard Equipements et caractéristiques standard Diamètre max. lame de scie 250 mm Hauteur de coupe maximale de 85 mm à 90° Hauteur de coupe maximale de 55 mm à 45° Vitesse de rotation de la scie : 4000 rpm Largeur de coupe au guide parallèle : 600 mm Table en acier de 790 x 650 mm Guide d'onglet à glissement précis Poids: 180 kg Pict Machine sur palette facturée séparément sauf lors d'un emballage en caisse
ASO 300 - Mașină de Frezat Marginile, Control Manual, Pneumatică

ASO 300 - Mașină de Frezat Marginile, Control Manual, Pneumatică

Le fresatrici pneumatiche a controllo manuale per bordi sono una soluzione ideale per la sbavatura di bordi dritti e profili. Grazie al poco peso e al design ergonomico sono facili da maneggiare e da utilizzare. Motore:0,15 m³/min. | 28.000 giri/min Energia:6 bar Larghezza massima dello smusso:1 mm Guida con cuscinetto a sfere:min. ø 6 mm Fresa a lame riportate:45 ° Peso:0,5 kg N° articolo:61881
Picioare de mașină - BK38.1301

Picioare de mașină - BK38.1301

Stahl mit einseitiger Befestigungsöse, mit rutschfester Gummiauflage PLACOGRIP® Maschinenstellfüße aus Stahl mit einseitiger Befestigungsöse, mit rutschfester Gummiauflage STANDARDMATERIAL Stahl verzinkt STANDARDMATERIAL GUMMIAUFLAGE Aufvulkanisiert NBR 80 Shore schwarz
Mașină de strapping semiautomatică FPTP 600 - Mașini de strapping semiautomate pentru paleți

Mașină de strapping semiautomatică FPTP 600 - Mașini de strapping semiautomate pentru paleți

Semiautomatic mobile strapping machine for the strapping of pallets, complete with a channel for inserting the strap. New compact model with closed body and internal reel holder. Hinged raceway equipped with double roll to facilitate the insertion of the strap into the base of the pallet. Strapping sling channel with containment flaps (avoiding the exit of the strap). Electronic voltage regulation via potentiometer. Electronic regulation of the strap throw length. Safety function with acoustic alarm and tension delay (when the operator inserts the strap he has time to remove the hand). Strap width:mm. 12 Strap thickness:mm. 0,6 - 0,65 Reel internal diameter:mm. 200 Power supply:220 V 3 phase Weight:80 Kg
Econox Tenderizator Manual

Econox Tenderizator Manual

The Tenderstar Econox tenderizer is a manual meat tenderizer for tenderizing a 125 mm × 300 mm piece. Very resistant, it is made of stainless steel and polyethylene. This new model is the best of the two old models for even more comfort and optimal results. Thanks to its lateral swivelling board, the Econox tenderizer does not cut meat into slices and prevents the 544 blades from hitting twice in the same place. In this way, the meat is tender and juicy without affecting the original appearance of the meat. This way, you can get the most out of your less beautiful pieces of meat while offering a quality and tasty product to your customers. This tenderizer meets EC and hygiene standards since all parts that come into contact with the meat can be removed for high-pressure cleaning or sterilization. Easy to use, the various parts can be dismantled quickly and safely without the use of tools. Machine dimensions (H×W×D):930 (1700 mm with feet) ×430×430 mm Weight:28.5 kg (39.5 kg with feet) Blades:544 (blade cutting width: 5mm) Dimensions of the part to be softened:125 mm (thickness) and 300 mm (width) Warranty:1 year
Mașină de Tracțiune pentru Sârmă de Sudură AE-SLQ

Mașină de Tracțiune pentru Sârmă de Sudură AE-SLQ

Material: Kupfer, Aluminium, Messing, Legierungen, Einlaufdraht: 4,50 mm, Fertigdraht: 0,20 – 2,50 mm, Zügezahl: variabel 9 – 23, Drahtzahl: 1 Einzelantrieb Material: Kupfer, Aluminium, Messing, Legierungen Einlaufdraht: 4,50 mm Fertigdraht: 0,20 – 2,50 mm Zügezahl: variabel 9 – 23 Drahtzahl: 1 Geschwindigkeit: max. 40 m/s Drahtverlängerung: variabel 50% pro Zug
SoniXs TR-Connect - Mașină de legat complet automată pentru aplicații de rețea

SoniXs TR-Connect - Mașină de legat complet automată pentru aplicații de rețea

• SoniXs Ultrasonic sealing unit in standard-7 version • Easy accessibility and tool-free disassembly of strap path components • Potential-free contacts to upstream and downstream machines • Bundle positioning via increments by metrical input of the strapping positions • Flexible product processing through alternatively sealing unit position (central or 140 mm from left) • Infinitely adjustable conveyor speed from 0.1 to 1.0 m/s • Best product processing by possible assignment of package-depending machine settings via product recipes • ATR – Automatic cycle rate regulation • Package including further languages, strapping patterns and positions incl. Multistrap • Intuitive user guidance via Mosca WebHMI. Division into different user groups • CE marking inclusive conformity declaration • Extremely low energy consumption Type of sealing:Ultrasonic sealing Industry 4.0:Networked applications thanks WebHMI
Tehnologia mixerelor - pentru echipamente industriale de fierbere și dispozitive de răcire

Tehnologia mixerelor - pentru echipamente industriale de fierbere și dispozitive de răcire

Per la produzione di basi di frutta, verdure, confetture, marmellate, gelatine e salse vengono utilizzati miscelatori orizzontali o verticali. Per ottenere un'eccellente qualità produttiva, i miscelatori rappresentano un criterio decisivo. Questi dispositivi hanno per obiettivo una miscelazione omogenea ed una distribuzione termica tra i pezzi della produzione con i tagli più bassi possibili. Dato che in questo modo si ottengono anche tempi di produzione ridotti in abbinamento a serbatoi di lavorazione di alta qualità, KASAG dispone della tecnologia ottimale dei miscelatori. Per i miscelatori orizzontali KASAG dispone inoltre di una speciale tenuta ad anello scorrevole dei cuscinetti che si è dimostrata la migliore nell'arco degli anni. L'azienda continua lo sviluppo dei miscelatori e le tenute scorrevoli ad anello dei cuscinetti per una qualità produttiva ottimale ed un funzionamento privo di malfunzionamenti.
Strung pentru tambur de cablu 1095 - Strung pentru tambur de cablu, set, încărcare maximă 16 t, cursă 480 mm

Strung pentru tambur de cablu 1095 - Strung pentru tambur de cablu, set, încărcare maximă 16 t, cursă 480 mm

Torno para tambor de cable, set, máx. carga 16 t, carrera 480 mm para tambores de cable hasta Ø 3400 mm y un peso de 16 t
Mașină de Echilibrare Verticală

Mașină de Echilibrare Verticală

Vertikale Auswuchtmaschinen sind besonders für Rotoren mit einem kleinen Verhältnis von Höhe zu Durchmesser geeignet und bieten komfortable Lösungen für das Auswuchten. Auch Rotoren, die über Zentrierbohrung aufgenommen werden, können mit vertikalen Auswuchtmaschinen von Cemb perfekt ausgewuchtet werden. Das Baukastensystem der Baureihe V unserer vertikalen Auswuchtmaschinen bieten Lösungen für alle Bedarfsfälle: - reine Messmaschinen für kleine Losgrößen - Halbautomaten - Vollautomaten mit automatischem Unwuchtausgleich durch Bohren oder Fräsen Anwendungsbeispiele für Vertikale Auswuchtmaschinen: - Bremsscheiben - Felgen - Kupplungen - Pumpenräder - Riemenscheiben - Schleifscheiben etc.


STATION NEP Ensemble de cuves sur châssis permettant un nettoyage en circuit fermé des tuyauteries ou matériel capoté • Cuves de récupération d’eau neuve et solution de lavage (soude et ou acide) • Volume de cuve à définir • Vannes pneumatiques et pompe d’envoi • Concentration et chauffage automatiques des solutions • Pupitre de paramétrage
Baco1800 - mașină de sigilare complet automată

Baco1800 - mașină de sigilare complet automată

The BaCo 1800 is a fully automated foil application and sealing machine, suitable for plastic, tin or glass containers. mobile base frame feed conveyor with feed control synchronised star wheel stand with receptacles for the containers as form parts adjustable outer ring for guiding containers through the machine sequence foil magazine for stackable pre-cut Ballerstaedt seals pneumatically driven foil dispenser with a precise, maintenance free 180° reverse gear for removing the seals from the magazine, applying them to the sealing edge and fixing them with a pre-sealer sealing station for closing the containers with regulation of the sealing temperature, pressure and time for optimal setting of the seal parameters, conductive, optional also inductive exit conveyor for the containers central height adjustment of the magazine plate to adjust it to the respective container height all-over protective coating control panel with electrical supply unit Operating mode:fully automatic


L’aérogommeuse DECAP 8 se distingue par sa grande maniabilité grâce à son montage en aluminium et inox. Elle est également équipée d’un réglage de précision du débit d’abrasif et de la pression de travail. Le réglage du débit abrasif se fait à l’aide d’une vanne en fonction de la granulométrie utilisée. De plus, grâce au filtre régulateur doté d’un manomètre, vous pouvez facilement régler et contrôler la pression de travail de 0,5 à 8 bars. Bien que son rendement et son autonomie soient limités, la petite aérogommeuse DECAP 8 garantit un résultat similaire à celui de notre gamme professionnelle. Un compresseur de 250 litres/minute en 220 volts est suffisant pour son utilisation. Pour faciliter le vidage de sa cuve, cette petite aérogommeuse est équipée d’une trappe de vidange et d’un fond conique, ce qui permet un vidage efficace et rapide de la cuve. Capicité de cuve:8 Litres Débit nécessaire:250L/min Longueur Faisceau:3 mètres Buse en standard:2 mm
Oscilator cu Tub Ultrasonic - Ultrasonice Puternice pentru Curățare Industrială

Oscilator cu Tub Ultrasonic - Ultrasonice Puternice pentru Curățare Industrială

Ultraschall-Rohrschwinger entfalten selbst bei wenig Platz eine hohe Wirkung. Verbaut in einem Reinigungstank generieren die Rohrschwinger ein homogenes 360° Schallfeld. Dank ihres robusten Designs eignen sie sich für die Überdruck- oder Vakuum-Umgebung. Diverse Anwendungen sind mit verschiedensten Längen und einer P-Ausführung, die sich durch höhere Leistung auszeichnet, realisierbar. Rohrschwinger sind langlebig, sehr robust und wartungsarm.
Cric pentru mașini - JH 20 G Plus - Cric pentru mașini cu unitate de pompă integrată, extrem de ușor, dar cu performanțe ridicate.

Cric pentru mașini - JH 20 G Plus - Cric pentru mașini cu unitate de pompă integrată, extrem de ușor, dar cu performanțe ridicate.

Hydraulische Hebegeräte Serie JH G plus JUNG Hebe- und Transporttechnik stellt innovative Maschinenheber her, die sowohl handlich als auch stark sind. Eine hohe Schlagfestigkeit des Hydraulikhebers ist garantiert. Unsere Produktserie JH-G plus ist mit integrierter Pumpeneinheit. •Reduzierte Reibung durch Gleitschuhe, die jeweils in ihrem Sitz beweglich sind. Es steht in jedem Betriebszustand eine erheblich größere Fläche zur Kraftübertragung zur Verfügung, als bei herkömmlichen Geräten. Vorteile dadurch sind geringer Verschleiß der Führungen und ein höherer Wirkungsgrad. •Niedrige Wartungskosten durch abnehmbare Pumpeneinheit und austauschbare Gleitschuhe. •Extrem leicht bei hoher Leistung durch hochwertige Materialien und innovative Konstruktion. •Die schwenkbare Lasche gewährleistet jederzeit eine optimale Anpassung an die Last. Stets sichere Standfestigkeit, auch in angehobenem Zustand. •Lasche im Gesenk geschmiedet, dadurch extrem schlagzäh. Traglast:20 t Hubhöhe:190 mm
Mașină de profilare

Mașină de profilare

Profiliermaschine Type PM 200/16-E Die Maschine ist geeignet zum Profilieren von rundgefrästen Hölzern. z.B. von Blockhausprofilen.
ERN-04 - Mașină Automată de Frezare a Capetelor

ERN-04 - Mașină Automată de Frezare a Capetelor

For end milling connections for PVC profiles Pneumatic profile clamping system Adjustable milling speed Diamond blade using according to type of pofile Ability to move the milling motor with the pneumatic cylinder Ability to work with single or double blades
Mașină pentru producția de sacoșe

Mașină pentru producția de sacoșe

New fully automated machine for the production of bags,disposable plastic gloves made of HDPE / LDPE foil. Machine started, tests done. Possibility to check. Station with double unwinding, equipped with clutches for smooth adjustment of HDPE tape tension, double inverters controlling unwinding. The machine uses a central drive that controls all mechanisms responsible for forming production. The feeding of the material is controlled by a stepper motor (servo drive) enabling precise feeding of the HDPE or LDPE tape to the welding position and the final product sorting point. Possibility of changing the welding dies to different sizes of gloves or the production of bags, e.g. for breakfast. Capacity approx. 160 pieces / min Power consumption: 10 Kw Compressed air demand: 8 BAR Weight: 1300 kg
AS 420/40 – Fierăstrău dublu înclinat interior 45-90 - Mașină de prelucrare a aluminiului

AS 420/40 – Fierăstrău dublu înclinat interior 45-90 - Mașină de prelucrare a aluminiului

Double Mitre Saw with 500 mm sawblades; customized for aluminium profiles. Second head moving on linear guides via rack&pinion and servo drives. Both heads tilting inside 45 and 90 degrees pneumatically and all in between degrees are adjusted manually. Thanks to the fixed roller conveyor mounted on the secondary head and the manual supports, the profiles are placed on the machine easily and cut perfectly.
CKK 552 - Mașină de Sudură cu Două Capete

CKK 552 - Mașină de Sudură cu Două Capete

CKK 552 - Çift Kafa Kaynak Makinası PVC profillerin iki köşesini kaynak yapar Ayarlanabilir kaynak basıncı ve profil sıkıştırma basıncı. Tam otomatik ve program kontrollüdür. Eritme ve soğutma için ayrı dijital zamanlama kontrolüne sahiptir Teknik Özellikler Voltaj 220V Sıklık 50 Hz Toplam güç 4,5 Kw Hava basıncı 6 Bar Hava tüketimi 70 lt/dk-dk Boyutlar (mm) 890x4010x1720 Ağırlık (kg) 475
Compactor | Compactor cu Placă Vibrantă MCK60 și MCK80;

Compactor | Compactor cu Placă Vibrantă MCK60 și MCK80;

MCK series are developed to provide high performance and durability at sidewalks, pedestrian way, bridge construction, curb, sewer channels, foundation compression, earthworks, bases, asphalt or block paving. Especially useful in tight corners or on areas difficult to access. MCK plates are easy to operate control. These machines provide easy handling and optimum protection against damage of the surface. The compact machines dimensions' and easy upkeep make them ideal. They also have foldable features when working or during transport. The protected belt drive prevents belt wear.


Our in-house technical department is responsible for finding the optimal solution for each specific case. If our standard machines do not fulfil the requirements, our engineers work out a customised solution in cooperation with the customer. The design and manufacture we carry out includes every part of the machinery, from the assembly units to the handling and positioning of the part.
Presă orizontală semi-automată 800 Plus

Presă orizontală semi-automată 800 Plus

The Semi-automatic baler horizontal press 800 Plus is a high-capacity machine designed for waste processing plants, offering a throughput of 2 tons per hour. This baler features a crushing force of 75 tons and includes a knife for cutting off excessive material in the charging chamber. Its floor is made of wear-resistant steel, ensuring durability and longevity. The machine is equipped with a bale full indicator and a three-phase motor with a power of 15 kW, providing consistent and reliable performance. The horizontal binding system is particularly suited for baling plastic PET bottles and aluminum cans, making it a versatile solution for various recycling needs. The 800 Plus baler offers optional additional devices, such as a tippler for 1000 L containers, a co-operating conveyor belt, and extra security devices, allowing for customization based on specific operational requirements. The entire baling process, apart from binding, occurs in an automatic cycle, streamlining operations and reducing manual intervention. With its robust construction and advanced features, the 800 Plus baler is an ideal solution for efficient waste management and recycling in industrial settings.
Sistem de extracție

Sistem de extracție

Absauganlage mit integrierter Arbeitsfläche, pulverbeschichtet Unsere Absauganlagen ermöglichen Ihnen durch eine intergrierte Arbeitsfläche uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf alle Arbeitsmaterialien bei gleichzeitig effektiver Absaugung schädlicher Gase oder Stäube.