Produse pentru masini (565)

Produție susținută de CAD-CAM

Produție susținută de CAD-CAM

ÜÜçes Makina olarak, CAD-CAM hizmetlerimiz ile ürün tasarımı ve imalat süreçlerini dijital ortamda optimize ediyoruz. Gelişmiş CAD (Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım) ve CAM (Bilgisayar Destekli İmalat) teknolojilerimiz, karmaşık geometrilere ve hassas toleranslara sahip parçaların tasarlanmasını ve üretilmesini sağlar. Bu hizmetlerimiz, savunma sanayi, otomotiv, medikal cihazlar, enerji ve havacılık sektörlerinde yenilikçi çözümler sunmak için kullanılır. CAD-CAM yazılımlarımız, hızlı prototip oluşturma, 3D modelleme ve simülasyon yetenekleri ile imalat sürecini hızlandırır ve üretim hatalarını minimize eder. Müşterilerimizin taleplerine göre özel tasarım ve özelleştirilmiş parça üretimi yapabilmekteyiz. Üçes Makina’nın CAD-CAM hizmetleri, üretim sürecinde yüksek hassasiyet, esneklik ve kalite sağlar. ISO 9001:2015 sertifikalı süreçlerimiz, müşteri memnuniyetini garanti eder ve zamanında teslimat sağlar.
Robot de sudură CRP

Robot de sudură CRP

I robot di saldatura CRP presentano un design compatto con un'apertura del braccio di quasi 1,8 metri, consentendo un'installazione flessibile a terra o in posizione invertita. Con un ampio spazio di lavoro, operazioni ad alta velocità e alta precisione di riposizionamento, questi robot sono adatti per una vasta gamma di applicazioni di saldatura. Il loro design avanzato e le loro capacità li rendono una scelta ideale per le industrie che cercano di migliorare i propri processi di saldatura. Che tu stia lavorando con forme complesse o profili semplici, i robot di saldatura CRP offrono risultati eccezionali ogni volta. Progettati per efficienza e precisione, i robot di saldatura CRP sono perfetti per i produttori che desiderano migliorare i propri processi di saldatura. Il loro design avanzato e le loro capacità garantiscono un'operazione precisa ed efficiente, riducendo gli sprechi e aumentando la produttività. Con il loro design compatto e le opzioni di installazione flessibili, questi robot sono facili da integrare nei flussi di lavoro esistenti, rendendoli uno strumento versatile per qualsiasi processo di produzione. Che tu stia lavorando con forme complesse o profili semplici, i robot di saldatura CRP forniscono gli strumenti necessari per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.
Mașini speciale - pentru formarea la rece și la cald a oțelului

Mașini speciale - pentru formarea la rece și la cald a oțelului

Special machines from Schmale Maschinenbau are equipped with an intelligent combination of technologies. The plant shown above is used to manufacture reinforcement items from solid material with a diameter of 20mm for the building industry. Servo-electric units such as bending slides, presses and finger benders are combined into customer-specific solutions for the production of individual items that can not be produced on standard machines. Schmale offers special machines for wire, tube and strip processing. You can watch various special machines for the production of different forming articles on our YouTube channel.
Extrudare Suflare - Conduct de Aer - Echipamente

Extrudare Suflare - Conduct de Aer - Echipamente

Pièces techniques plastique fabriquées sur-mesure via les process d’Extrusion Soufflage, l’Injection et le Rotomoulage. Pour plus de renseignements ou pour un devis, merci de nous contacter.
HAWO® HPL WSZ 300 & 400 mm - Sudor constant de căldură (250 °C) | Mașină de sudură manuală

HAWO® HPL WSZ 300 & 400 mm - Sudor constant de căldură (250 °C) | Mașină de sudură manuală

Deze HAWO heatsealer-machines zijn hoogwaardige apparaten voor gebruik in projecten waar de kwaliteit van de afdichting moet worden gewaarborgd. Deze vakkundig gefabriceerde machines zijn gebouwd met de hoogste normen in het achterhoofd, compleet met keramische sealerbekken om een ​​hoge temperatuurtolerantie tijdens herhaald gebruik te garanderen. Ze zijn ontworpen met de gebruiker in gedachten met een lichtgewicht en ergonomisch ontwerp. De draagbare functie maakt ze ideaal voor gebruik bij het verpakken van afdichtingsartikelen die lastig kunnen zijn of moeilijk te manoeuvreren zijn. Deze handwarmlasmachine kan worden gebruikt in combinatie met de tafelbevestiging voor gemakkelijke toegang en opslag, evenals een robuust ontwerp dat briljant presteert in de moderne supply chain. De Hawo Heat Sealer gebruiken Deze units zijn ideaal voor gebruik bij projecten waarbij het afdichten van foliezakken van het allergrootste belang is om de staat van het product te garanderen.
Prelucrare – Control CNC

Prelucrare – Control CNC

El mecanizado con control CNC es un proceso de fabricación que utiliza máquinas controladas por computadora para producir piezas de alta precisión. Este método es ideal para la producción de componentes complejos y de alta calidad, ya que permite un control preciso sobre cada aspecto del proceso de mecanizado. El mecanizado CNC es ampliamente utilizado en industrias como la automotriz, aeroespacial y de ingeniería. En Luger, ofrecemos servicios de mecanizado CNC que garantizan la máxima precisión y calidad en cada pieza producida. Nuestro equipo de expertos utiliza tecnología de vanguardia para fabricar componentes que cumplen con los más altos estándares de la industria. Ya sea para la producción en serie o la fabricación de piezas únicas, nuestro servicio de mecanizado CNC es una opción confiable y eficiente para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
Injecție de plastic

Injecție de plastic

Especialista en inyección de plásticos. Moldeo por inyección de plástico monocomponente, moldeo por inyección de plástico bi-componente y moldeo por inyección de plástico tri-componente


Tornillos mecanizados de alta precisión según especificaciones del cliente en distintos aceros, metales y materiales plásticos.


ART. 4101 CERNIERE PIANE IN OTTONE FRESATO IN ORO SATINATO Confezione:24 Dimensioni (mm):25 x 25 x 1,6
Crom decorativ

Crom decorativ

El cromado decorativo es una solución ideal para mejorar la estética de productos metálicos. Este proceso aplica capas de cromo que no solo protegen las superficies, sino que también les confieren un acabado brillante y atractivo. El cromado decorativo es perfecto para productos que requieren un alto nivel de personalización y calidad estética, como accesorios, piezas finas y componentes de lujo. Con el cromado decorativo, las empresas pueden ofrecer productos que destacan por su apariencia y durabilidad. Este proceso es especialmente útil en sectores como la automoción y la fabricación de productos de lujo, donde la estética y la calidad son esenciales. Al elegir el cromado decorativo, las industrias pueden asegurar que sus productos no solo sean funcionales, sino también visualmente atractivos.


PAPPBECHER MIT WASSERBASIERTER BESCHICHTUNG PLASTIKFREI 100 % BIOLOGISCH ABBAUBA - Diese umweltfreundlichen Becher enthalten kein Plastik und haben eine wasserbasierte Beschichtung. Plastikfrei. Umweltfreundliche Becher. 100 % biologisch abbaubar. In allen Größen erhältlich.
Unelte de tăiere de înaltă precizie pentru prelucrarea CNC

Unelte de tăiere de înaltă precizie pentru prelucrarea CNC

The materials from which we make cutting tools are key to your success in use. They provide exceptional performance and long-lasting value, especially those made from super hard materials that have exceptional abrasion resistance. We manufacture cutting tools from various grades of carbide hardness, PKD, CBN, and MCD.
Stații de lucru și linii de producție robotizate - Asamblare și paletizare robotizate

Stații de lucru și linii de producție robotizate - Asamblare și paletizare robotizate

Designing and manufacturing of the new production lines PRO-ASSEM designs and builds production machines and production testers for industry. We adapt all machines to your requirements and production process. The projects are realized in accordance with procedures confirmed by the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate. Our machines have found Customers from Poland, Great Britain, Spain and Mexico. We manufacture both manual and semi-automatic assembly stations. We also make fully robotic production lines and production machines. We can automate and robotize your existing production processes.
KSLinear (Automat de Perforare și Îndoire)

KSLinear (Automat de Perforare și Îndoire)

Stanzen, Biegen, Montieren, Fügen am Trägerstreifen individuell kombinierbar auf den KSLinear Modulen mit kurvengesteuerten Aggregaten oder Servo-Direktantrieben für noch mehr Flexibilität. Prozesse wie Stanzen, Biegen, Montieren, Schweißen oder Löten am Trägerstreifen werden auf den soliden KSL-Modulen mit kurvengesteuerten Aggregaten ausgeführt. Abfalllose Stanz-Biegeprozesse reduzierende Kosten. Automatisierte Werkzeugnachstellung durch "intelligente" Werkzeuge erhöhen Laufzeiten, verbessern die Produktqualität und senken die Instandhaltungskosten. Die individuelle Anordnung der Module aus unserem Baukasten zur Herstellung Ihres Produkts ermöglicht flexible Konzepte.
Sisteme automate de întindere a capacelor de la IDH – Protecție și stabilitate pentru paleții dumneavoastră

Sisteme automate de întindere a capacelor de la IDH – Protecție și stabilitate pentru paleții dumneavoastră

Unsere Haubenstretchanlagen bieten eine erstklassige Lösung für Unternehmen, die ihre Palettenladungen effizient und sicher verpacken möchten. Die Haubenstretchanlage schützt Produkte und Waren optimal vor äußeren Einflüssen wie Feuchtigkeit, Schmutz und Transportschäden und sorgt dafür, dass sie während Lagerung und Transport stabil und sicher bleiben. Sie ist besonders geeignet für Branchen wie Logistik, Lebensmittel, Baugewerbe, Chemie und Landwirtschaft, die hohen Wert auf Produktschutz legen. Die Haubenstretchanlage arbeitet vollautomatisch und passt sich flexibel den Anforderungen an – von kleinen bis hin zu sperrigen Palettenladungen. Die Stretchanlagen sind so konzipiert, dass sie durch den Einsatz hochdehnbarer Stretchfolien den Materialverbrauch reduzieren und gleichzeitig den Verpackungsprozess effizienter gestalten. Sie lassen sich problemlos in bestehende Produktionslinien integrieren und steigern so die Effizienz und Produktivität am Ende der Verpackungslinie. Unsere Anlagen bieten eine hohe Bedienerfreundlichkeit und sind mit modernster Steuerungstechnik ausgestattet, die eine genaue Anpassung an unterschiedliche Palettengrößen und Verpackungsanforderungen ermöglicht. Die robuste Bauweise und das zuverlässige Design unserer Haubenstretchanlagen garantieren einen langlebigen Einsatz, während der Wartungsaufwand minimiert wird. Von der Stabilisierung empfindlicher Waren bis zur Witterungsbeständigkeit im Freien – unsere Haubenstretchanlagen erfüllen vielfältige Anforderungen an einen sicheren und wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz.
Presă orizontală semi-automată 600 MAX

Presă orizontală semi-automată 600 MAX

The Semi-automatic baler horizontal press 600 MAX is engineered for high-efficiency waste processing, with a throughput of 1.5 tons per hour. This baler boasts a crushing force of 50 tons and includes a knife for cutting off excessive material in the charging chamber. Its floor is constructed from wear-resistant steel, ensuring long-lasting durability. The machine is equipped with a bale full indicator and a three-phase motor with a power of 15 kW, providing reliable performance. The horizontal binding system is ideal for baling plastic PET bottles and aluminum cans, making it a versatile choice for recycling operations. The 600 MAX baler offers optional enhancements, such as a tippler for 1000 L containers, a co-operating conveyor belt, and additional security devices, allowing for tailored solutions to meet specific needs. The baling process, excluding binding, is fully automated, reducing manual labor and increasing efficiency. With its robust design and advanced features, the 600 MAX baler is a top choice for waste management and recycling in industrial environments.
C Y Axe CNC Prelucrare

C Y Axe CNC Prelucrare

CNC Turning is a specialized machining service offered by Pera Metal, featuring advanced CNC turning centers with C and C Y axes capabilities. This service is designed to meet the high precision requirements of various industries, from automotive to aerospace. Pera Metal's CNC turning capabilities include robotic arm integration, ensuring efficient and accurate production. Pera Metal's investment in state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, combined with an experienced team, guarantees high customer satisfaction for all precision jobs. This service is ideal for businesses seeking reliable and high-quality machining solutions for their manufacturing needs. Pera Metal's commitment to quality ensures that you receive CNC turning services that meet your exact specifications and exceed your expectations. Pera Metal is providing service to our customers, from supply of raw material up to final product. Thanks to developed machinery, equipments and experienced team, we can reach high customer satisfaction for all high precision jobs. With several CNC and several universal machines, we also have a quality testing and certification room. Pera Metal, is continuing to invest in new machines according to sectoral needs and technological developments.
Extrudere Ø60

Extrudere Ø60

Las extrusoras Ø60 son máquinas de alta tecnología diseñadas para la producción eficiente de cables y productos plásticos. Estas extrusoras cuentan con un reductor robusto y motores de corriente alterna integrados, lo que garantiza un rendimiento confiable y eficiente. La camisa y el husillo están fabricados en acero nitrurado o bimetálico, proporcionando una resistencia excepcional al desgaste y la corrosión, lo que asegura una larga vida útil de la máquina. Con un sistema de enfriamiento por agua, estas extrusoras mantienen una temperatura óptima durante el proceso de extrusión, mejorando la calidad del producto final. El variador de frecuencia digital permite un control preciso de la velocidad, adaptándose a las necesidades específicas de cada aplicación. Su diseño compacto y eficiente facilita la integración en líneas de producción existentes, haciendo de las extrusoras Ø60 una opción ideal para empresas que buscan mejorar su eficiencia operativa y la calidad de sus productos.
Mașini de umplere

Mașini de umplere

At Karmelle, we specialise in high-quality liquid filling machines designed to meet the specific requirements of your project and adeptly handle a wide range of container types. Whether your operations involve filling water, dairy products, lubricants, creams, paints, oils, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals, our team of experts ensures that each liquid filling solution is customised to fit your unique needs. We also offer ATEX-compatible options for industries requiring strict safety protocols, so don’t hesitate to consult our specialists for tailored design guidance. Our versatile filling machines accommodate various containers, including bottles, jars, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), and drums, allowing for seamless integration into your existing production line. This level of customisation not only enhances operational efficiency but also safeguards the integrity of your products across diverse production volumes and specifications. With Karmelle, you can achieve optimal results with our state-of-the-art technology. Understanding the nuances of the filling process is crucial to designing an efficient liquid filling machine. With over 39 years of industry experience, Karmelle’s skilled design team excels at navigating the complexities of different filling methods and automation levels. Our modular automatic machines allow for straightforward scalability, enabling your business to expand operations with minimal disruptions. This foresight ensures that our machines not only satisfy immediate production needs but also offer long-term flexibility and productivity enhancements. Karmelle stands as a leader in the liquid filling machine market, thanks to our unwavering commitment to customisation and our extensive experience across diverse sectors. Our efficient, versatile, and scalable filling machines are engineered to boost productivity while maintaining the highest quality standards, empowering you to confidently tackle your industry-specific production challenges. Curious about the effectiveness of our solutions? Check out our Case Studies to see how we’ve successfully addressed unique challenges for our clients, showcasing our capability to deliver customised filling solutions that enhance efficiency and quality. Discover Karmelle today!


Es una máquina automática de alta velocidad de fabricación que no requiere operarios, requiere bajo consumo de energía y responde a diversidad de medidas. Podemos fabricar paneles o rollos de malla electrosoldada para construcción o reja de acero y cerca metálica, en cualquier diámetro de varilla de acero trefilado. Resulta ideal para fabricar malla metálica de refuerzo de concreto, paneles de construcción y malla de seguridad para cercados, en poco espacio y sin ruido. Las mallas electrosoldadas son altamente consumidas en las construcciones. Bien sea para refuerzo de concreto en las cimentaciones o para paneles de construcción más delgados al interior de las casas.
Mașini industriale de spălat piese TM-1250

Mașini industriale de spălat piese TM-1250

Parts washing machines are specially designed to remove and clean concentrated and hard-to-reach dirt. These machines have high pressure, average temperature of 80 degrees and washing with medication options.
Masina de ambalare FFS

Masina de ambalare FFS

I nostri modelli di insaccatrice Compacta e Optima rappresentano l'avanguardia della tipologia FFS, possono raggiungere una produttività fino a 2800 sacchi/ora per sacchi da 5 a 50 kg. Caratteristiche principali: • Design modulare • Altamente configurabile e personalizzabile • Durevole e affidabile • Facilità d’accesso • Facilità di utilizzo e manutenzione • Componentistica di alto livello • Touch panel HMI con sinottica e risoluzione problemi • Cambio bobina automatico, su richiesta • Dispositivo per teleassistenza da remoto, su richiesta Vantaggi dell'insacco da FFS: • Economicamente conveniente • Resistente e altamente protettivo • Adatto per vari tipi di prodotti • Disponibile in bobine per un’elevata autonomia produttiva • Soffietto per una forma di sacco più squadrata per una stabile palettizzazione Accessori disponibili su richiesta: • Saldatore degli angoli K • Sistema di evacuazione aria • Piattaforma mobile • Soffiettatore • Performatore maniglia • Porta bobina idraulico • Sistema di pulizia bocca sacco • Stampante a trasferimento termico • Cambio bobina automatico
Bucătării, Mobilier, Electrocasnice

Bucătării, Mobilier, Electrocasnice

Wir suchen einen zuverlässigen Partner beim Liefern von Küchen und Haushaltsgeräten und sind nur an einer dauerhaften Zusammenarbeit interessiert. Bei Interesse bitte per E-Mail oder per WhatsApp melden / +4915792372997 KMH Handel steht für Küchen, Möbel und Haushaltsgeräte Küchen für Privat und Gewerbekunden sowie Haushaltsgeräte für Privat und auch Großhandel Vermietung von Transportfahrzeugenbieten wir auch an.
Mașină de spălat animale de companie inteligentă și complet automată

Mașină de spălat animale de companie inteligentă și complet automată

我们是开发“自动智能宠物清洗设备”的公司,目前在中国很受欢迎,以解决难洗狗、昂贵的洗狗、脏和疲惫的狗、套装洗澡、护发、香味、消毒合一的问题,降低人工成本,降低被抓伤和咬伤的风险,完全解放双手 T: +86 13814883112 E: Wechat: wwc8426813
Echipamente pentru prelucrarea armăturii

Echipamente pentru prelucrarea armăturii

La société est principalement engagée dans la recherche et le développement, la production et la vente d'équipements de barres d'acier CNC. Il existe 5 produits principaux : centre de pliage CNC, cintreuse de cerceaux CNC, machine de soudage de rouleaux de cage en acier, ligne de production de sciage de barres d'acier CNC et de meulage de fil. , Ligne de cisaillement de barres d'acier CNC. À l'heure actuelle, notre société est devenue l'un des principaux fabricants d'équipements de barres d'acier CNC dans divers endroits. La production annuelle totale de l'entreprise est de 2 000 à 3 000 unités et ses produits couvrent essentiellement toutes les provinces et villes, avec une part de marché de 36 % dans diverses régions. Après des années de développement, l'entreprise est devenue un fabricant d'équipements de barres d'acier CNC à grande échelle dans divers endroits. Selon les statistiques de l'Association chinoise de l'industrie de la construction, la production et les ventes de produits d'équipement de barres d'acier CNC de l'entreprise se sont classées au premier rang parmi les produits CNC dans diverses régions pendant de nombreuses années consécutives, de 2016 à 2018. Depuis sa création, l'entreprise fournit des équipements et des services pour la construction de transports nationaux (trains à grande vitesse, autoroutes, etc.)
Automate de alimente și băuturi

Automate de alimente și băuturi

Magma Yiyecek & İçecek Otomatları, sektörde uzun yıllara dayanan tecrübesi, Türkiye, Almanya ve uluslararası pazarda güçlü konumu ile, gelişmeyi ve yenilikçi teknolojiyi destekleyen bir şirket olan Macgal Otomat A.Ş. tarafından 2017 yılından beri üretilen bir Türk markasıdır. Müşterilerimize daima yakınız ve onların beklentilerini karşılamakta hevesliyiz. Uzun yıllar boyu edindiğimiz tecrübelerimiz ile sektörde fikir ve uygulamalarımız ile gündemi biz belirleriz.


A fully automated liquid media filling line featuring robotic capping, automated handle placement, dual-sided labeling, optical quality control, and pallet wrapping. An end-to-end solution covering the entire process, from bottle blowing to the palletizing and wrapping of filled bottles.
Producător de mașini speciale

Producător de mașini speciale

Equipée d’un atelier dédié à la fabrication, au montage et à l’automatisation de machines spéciales, FG MECA vous offre, en tant que fabricant de machines spéciales industrielles, des solutions personnalisées pour l’optimisation de vos lignes de production, la modernisation de vos machines, l’amélioration de poste de travail, la conception et la fabrication de machines sur mesure. Nos machines spéciales et outillages industriels définitivement tournées vers l’avenir et la fiabilité, sont conçues pour durer et faciliter les opérations de maintenance et d’entretien
Automate de echipamente sportive

Automate de echipamente sportive

Máquinas expendedoras de material deportivo (natación y fitness) para establecimientos deportivos y de ocio , gimnasios, piscinas, hoteles, campings y muchos más.


We are a company situated in Romania ,Slatina city situated 200km from the capital Bucharest !The company has been founded in 1991! We manage our activities on an Aria off 10000 sqm and we can provide machining on CnC machines and welded parts for diferent types off constructions ! Also we can provide aluminium die casting pieceswich we can machined also on our cnc shop machining ! We have experience in working with companies from Europe and we can do projects totaly starting with drawings ,programing ,packaging and transport to where is necesary inall countries from Europe! Wecan offer engineering solutions for your projects having and we can work with different types off materials like aluminium ,steel ,stainless steel ,coper and other ferous and non ferous materials !