Produse pentru masini (577)

Mașini Speciale

Mașini Speciale

Sondermaschinen von Schmale Maschinenbau werden mit einer intelligenten Kombination von Technologien ausgestattet. Servoelektrische Aggregate wie Biegeschieber, Pressen und Fingerbieger werden zu kundenspezifischen Lösungen für die Produktion individueller Artikel kombiniert, die auf Standardmaschinen nicht gefertigt werden können. Sondermaschinen bietet Schmale für die Bearbeitung von Draht, Rohr und Band an. Einige unserer Sondermaschinen in Aktion können Sie auf unserem Youtube Kanal sehen.
CNC Lemn

CNC Lemn

CNC Wood è una macchina specializzata progettata per la progettazione e la produzione di modelli in rilievo nell'industria del legno. Grazie alle sue capacità avanzate, questa macchina è ideale per incidere insegne, plexiglass, cartelloni tridimensionali e altro ancora. La sua precisione ed efficienza la rendono un bene prezioso per le industrie che cercano di migliorare le loro operazioni di lavorazione del legno.
Piese de matriță progresivă

Piese de matriță progresivă

Üçes Makina tarafından metal işleme sektörüne yönelik olarak geliştirilen progresif kalıp parçaları yüksek hassasiyet ve dayanıklılık gerektiren sac şekillendirme işlemleri için özel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu kalıp parçası, otomotiv, beyaz eşya ve elektronik gibi sektörlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan sac metallerin şekillendirilmesi için ideal bir çözümdür. CNC işleme teknolojileri kullanılarak yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen progresif kalıp parçası, kompleks şekillerde ve çok aşamalı işlemlerde mükemmel performans sağlar. Progresif kalıplar, tek seferde birden fazla işlem yapabilme yeteneği ile üretim hızını artırır ve maliyetleri düşürür. ISO 9001:2015 kalite kontrol standartlarına uygun olarak üretilen bu ürün, dayanıklı çelik alaşımları kullanılarak aşınma ve deformasyona karşı üstün dayanıklılık sunar. Ürün, müşteri taleplerine göre özelleştirilebilir ve farklı metal işleme uygulamalarında yüksek hassasiyetle kullanılabilir.


Fabrication de produits décoratifs qui sont embellis par les procédés de sérigraphie, d'impression par tampon, de dorure à chaud, de peinture et de chromage.
Rotomolding - Parafango - Auto

Rotomolding - Parafango - Auto

Pièces techniques plastique fabriquées sur-mesure via les process d’Extrusion Soufflage, l’Injection et le Rotomoulage. Pour plus de renseignements ou pour un devis, merci de nous contacter.
Detergent lichid pentru toate tipurile de îmbrăcăminte

Detergent lichid pentru toate tipurile de îmbrăcăminte

Presentamos Zenit by Hostelpak®, un detergente líquido profesional que transformará tu experiencia en la lavandería. Cada gota de este detergente está formulada con una tecnología avanzada que garantiza una limpieza excepcional, preservando la calidad y suavidad de cada fibra. Con Zenit, tu ropa adquiere un aspecto fresco y radiante en cada lavado, llevando la limpieza a un nivel superior y asegurando que tus prendas luzcan impecables en cualquier ocasión. Confía en Zenit by Hostelpak® para cuidar y mantener tu ropa como nueva, sin comprometer la delicadeza de tus tejidos.
Sigilant vid Hawo HV 321 K-V MediVac

Sigilant vid Hawo HV 321 K-V MediVac

HAWO HPL ISZ Impulse Sealer 300 mm, 450 mm, and 630 mm This manual impulse sealer is perfect for welding materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, and polyamide. You can also seal thin laminated paper and composite aluminum foil. For consistent manual sealing of bags, see the HAWO HPL WSZ Luxinar. The market-leading design focuses on optimal joint quality. This portable sealer allows the operator to work easily in small spaces or when sealing on-site. It is also intended for those who produce their own packaging and desire more maneuverability. Perfect for when the packaged items may vary in size or are difficult to seal.
PAIE DIN HÂRTIE - Paie din hârtie albă, bicolore, Kraft, de o singură culoare, multicolore, fantezie, cu logo

PAIE DIN HÂRTIE - Paie din hârtie albă, bicolore, Kraft, de o singură culoare, multicolore, fantezie, cu logo

PAILLE EN PAPIER Matière : Papier Carton alimentaire 100% biodegradable et bio compostable Forme : Paille Atouts : Recyclable et écoresponsable ces pailles sont un choix écologique pour la dégustation de vos boissons sans odeur ni gout. Utilisations : Pailles en papier cartonné pour les boissons froides Couleur Disponible: Kraft, Blanc, Unicolor (noir, vert, rouge, bleu...etc) Bicolor Striées (Blanc-noir, blanc-rouge, blanc-vert, blanc-bleu, blanc-jaune ...etc), Fantaisie (à pois, à rayures, zigzagué, bronze, doré, rose doré ...etc) Logoté (portant les couleurs et le logo de votre entreprise) Emballage: Disponible en emballage individuel ou en vrac en paquet. Diamètre disponible : 2,5mm, 4 mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12 mm.
Împachetator cu braț rotativ de înaltă performanță de la IDH – Automat și fiabil pentru asigurarea sigură a transportului

Împachetator cu braț rotativ de înaltă performanță de la IDH – Automat și fiabil pentru asigurarea sigură a transportului

Unser automatischer Dreharmwickler bietet Unternehmen eine leistungsstarke Lösung für die Palettenverpackung und Transportsicherung, insbesondere bei instabilen oder schweren Ladungen. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Wicklern dreht sich der Arm um die stehende Palette, sodass eine sichere und gleichmäßige Folienwicklung erfolgt, ohne dass die Palette in Bewegung versetzt werden muss. Diese Technologie ist ideal für Branchen wie Logistik, Einzelhandel, Lebensmittel, Pharma und Chemie, in denen ein zuverlässiger und vollautomatisierter Verpackungsprozess gefordert wird. Der automatische Dreharmwickler ist für den Dauerbetrieb ausgelegt und bietet eine hohe Verpackungseffizienz, die durch präzise einstellbare Parameter wie Folienspannung, Wickelgeschwindigkeit und Folienanzahl weiter optimiert werden kann. Die Maschine arbeitet vollautomatisch und benötigt keinen manuellen Eingriff, was eine konstante und sichere Verpackungsleistung gewährleistet. Diese Eigenschaften machen den Dreharmwickler besonders geeignet für hohe Verpackungsvolumen und für Paletten, die aufgrund ihrer Größe oder Instabilität nicht auf einem Drehteller gewickelt werden können. Durch die einfache Integration in bestehende Verpackungslinien ermöglicht der automatische Dreharmwickler eine reibungslose und produktivitätssteigernde End-of-Line-Verpackungslösung. Die robuste Konstruktion und der geringe Wartungsaufwand tragen dazu bei, die Betriebskosten zu senken und eine langlebige sowie zuverlässige Verpackungslösung zu bieten. Vertrauen Sie auf unseren automatischen Dreharmwickler, um Ihre Paletten effizient und sicher für den Transport vorzubereiten.
Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Induction hardening machines
Extrudere pentru silicon

Extrudere pentru silicon

Las extrusoras para silicona están diseñadas específicamente para procesar materiales de silicona, ofreciendo un rendimiento excepcional en la producción de cables y productos plásticos. Estas máquinas están equipadas con motores de corriente alterna integrados en el reductor, lo que proporciona una operación suave y eficiente. La camisa y el husillo están fabricados en acero nitrurado o bimetálico, asegurando una durabilidad y resistencia superiores. Además, cuentan con un sistema de refrigeración por agua en el reductor, motores, husillo y zona de alimentación, lo que garantiza un control preciso de la temperatura durante el proceso de extrusión. Con un variador de frecuencia digital para los motores de corriente alterna, las extrusoras para silicona permiten un control preciso de la velocidad y la temperatura, asegurando una producción de alta calidad. Estas máquinas son ideales para procesar una variedad de materiales de silicona, garantizando un rendimiento superior y una producción continua sin interrupciones. Su diseño robusto y compacto las hace adecuadas para diversas aplicaciones industriales, ofreciendo una solución eficiente y confiable para la producción de productos de silicona.


L’assistance dépannage joue un rôle crucial dans le maintien des opérations continues et efficaces dans une cuisine professionnelle. l’entretien régulier des équipements de cuisine professionnelle est une mesure essentielle pour garantir la sécurité alimentaire, la performance optimale, la durabilité, la conformité réglementaire et la rentabilité de votre entreprise. Durabilité Performance optimale Sécurité alimentaire Sécurité du personnel Efficacité énergétique Image de marque Prévention des pannes Rentabilité
HF3000 folosit

HF3000 folosit

L'HF3000 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per ottimizzare la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Dotato di un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, offre una larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50/1,70/1,80 metri e può essere aperto fino a 2,28/2,80/3,10/3,30 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 3,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,50/2,90 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, l'HF3000 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente, mentre gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins.
Frezare forme

Frezare forme

At Pera Metal, we specialize in precision mold milling services, offering custom solutions for a wide range of industries including automotive, electronics, and consumer products. Our mold milling process involves the use of advanced CNC machines and high-performance cutting tools to create highly detailed and accurate molds for various applications. Whether it's for injection molds, casting molds, or die molds, we provide end-to-end services, from design and prototype to production and finishing. Our experienced team works closely with clients to understand their unique requirements and ensures that every mold is crafted to meet the highest standards of precision and durability. We use high-quality materials to guarantee the molds' longevity, strength, and resistance to wear and tear. With a focus on quality control, each mold is thoroughly tested to ensure it performs reliably under high-pressure conditions and in demanding production environments. Pera Metal’s mold milling services are designed to meet the specific needs of each customer, delivering highly efficient and cost-effective solutions. Our commitment to continuous improvement, technological innovation, and attention to detail makes us the trusted partner for all your mold milling needs.
Presă canal de balot 800 Scurtă

Presă canal de balot 800 Scurtă

The Baler channel press 800 Short is an efficient machine designed for industrial plants that produce high-quality materials in relatively small quantities. This baler is capable of processing materials to an average of 2 tons per hour, making it highly efficient for its size. Its compact design allows it to produce very compact bales with dimensions and weight that comply with mill requirements. The vertical tying system ensures ease of use, quick binding, and suitability for placement along a wall, making it a versatile addition to any industrial setting. With its robust construction, the 800 Short baler is built to withstand the demands of industrial use. It features a crushing force of 75 tons, ensuring that materials are compacted effectively. The machine's technical parameters, including its dimensions, weight, and power specifications, are optimized for performance and reliability. Overall, the 800 Short baler is a reliable and efficient solution for managing industrial waste and materials.
Role de Tăiere

Role de Tăiere

Schneidewalzen Sonderanfertigungen verschiedene Ausführungen nach Kundenwunsch Deutschland: Deutschland
Tăiere cu laser a tuburilor și profilurilor

Tăiere cu laser a tuburilor și profilurilor

Laserowe cięcie rur i profili to usługa, która umożliwia precyzyjne cięcie rur o średnicy od 20 do 220 mm oraz rur kwadratowych o wymiarach od 20 x 20 mm do 160 x 160 mm. Dzięki zastosowaniu nowoczesnej technologii CNC, jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić szybkie i dokładne cięcie, idealne dla różnorodnych zastosowań przemysłowych. Nasza firma specjalizuje się w laserowym cięciu rur i profili, oferując najwyższą jakość usług dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych technologii. Nasi doświadczeni operatorzy zapewniają precyzyjne i estetyczne wykończenie, co jest kluczowe w przypadku elementów wymagających wysokiej precyzji. Dzięki naszej lokalizacji w Łodzi, jesteśmy w stanie szybko i efektywnie realizować zlecenia, dostosowując się do indywidualnych potrzeb naszych klientów.
YPZ 2 Maxilar Deschis Centru PowerChuck Model Standard

YPZ 2 Maxilar Deschis Centru PowerChuck Model Standard

Our Own Production YPZ Branded 2 Jaws Open-Center PowerChuck Standard Model Is Available In 6'', 8'', 10'', And 12''. You Can Access The Details Through Our Website.
CE 9001

CE 9001

Zhanhongtu Machinery (ZHT) es un fabricante profesional de máquinas de prensado de membrana al vacío de China. Es una marca reconocida en la industria de maquinaria para trabajar la madera y ha estado comprometida con la innovación y el progreso tecnológico desde su creación. Nuestras máquinas son conocidas por su calidad de primera clase, rendimiento de vanguardia y rendimiento estable. Máquinas de prensado de membrana multifuncionales. Adecuadas para laminar películas de PVC sobre MDF, WPC, madera contrachapada, paneles de madera maciza con molduras 3D para hacer puertas de gabinetes de cocina sin pintar, armarios, puertas interiores, etc. Estas máquinas se pueden utilizar para pegar PVC en muebles, gabinetes, parlantes, puertas con relieve, paneles decorativos para paredes y otras formas de decoración anormales. Con una lámina de silicona especial, también puede funcionar con transferencia en caliente y chapa de madera.
Dispozitive speciale de ridicare

Dispozitive speciale de ridicare

The aim of our services is to promote the efficient and smooth operation of your industrial facility by the precise, safe and efficient use of special lifting equipment. Our services: Rental of special lifting equipment: Cranes Lifting machines Hydraulic lifters Electric lifts Manual hoists Stands Lifting baskets Other tools Operation of lifting equipment: Provision of qualified forklift operators Maintenance and repair Security checks Other lifting equipment services: Planning of lifting operations Technical support Authorization Insurance administration Our Advantages : Expertise : A team of highly qualified engineers and lifting machine operators ensures the professional use of special lifting equipment. Reliability : As a reliable partner, we fulfill the tasks undertaken on time and precisely. Safety : When using lifting equipment, we pay particular attention to occupational health and safety. Efficiency : By optimizing processes, we reduce your downtime and costs. Full service : We help with all aspects of using special lifting equipment. Industrial facilities: Factories Power plants Mines Constructions
serviciu de ax CNC, reparare ax CNC, regenerare ax CNC

serviciu de ax CNC, reparare ax CNC, regenerare ax CNC

zajmujemy się naprawą maszyn cnc- tokarek i frezarek oraz regeneracja, naprawą wrzecion i elektrowrzecion cnc. Spindle repair.


Haden Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. We specialize in high-quality bending machines and laser cutting machines, designed to meet the needs of sheet metal processing, steel structure manufacturing, shipbuilding, and electrical appliance production. Let us know how we can support your business with precision and reliability.
PT-XY50G/PT-XY100G Platformă Electrică Integrată

PT-XY50G/PT-XY100G Platformă Electrică Integrată

The PT-XY50G/PT-XY100G Electric Integrated Platform is designed for precise movement of samples under the microscope. This platform is driven by a small ball screw and micro stepping motor, ensuring high precision and long life. Its compact design allows for easy integration into existing setups, making it a versatile choice for researchers. The platform's robust construction ensures stability and reliability during operation, making it a valuable addition to any laboratory setup. This electric integrated platform is an essential tool for any lab engaged in microscopy work.
Plase de sârmă țesute pentru fațade

Plase de sârmă țesute pentru fațade

Wire Woven Meshes open new possibilities for architects, engineers, and designers by offering creative solutions for both functional and aesthetic purposes. These meshes can be used in various applications, including facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, and urban furniture. Manufactured from materials like stainless steel, aluminium, brass, and copper, wire woven meshes enhance design and creativity, modernizing spaces with their unique designs. MaffGroup creative metals open new possibilities to architects, engineers, designers, spaces and ephemeral assembling specialists in order to dispose of creative solutions both for functional character and aesthetic one. Any metal mesh aplication is possible: facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, false ceilings, urban furniture...Spaces are renovated and modernized when using metal cloth of suprising designs. Metal meshes are manufactured in stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, special alloys, etc., a range of possibilities that enhance design and creativity.
Lasere DPSS de înaltă energie în picosecunde

Lasere DPSS de înaltă energie în picosecunde

Since 1995, Passat has been manufacturing compact all solid-state picosecond diode-pumped solid-state with phase conjugated mirrors lasers and related nonlinear optical components. Using innovative designs that exploit solid-state optical phase conjugation, pulse compression, and frequency conversion, Passat makes diode-pumped solid-state lasers with harmonics generators and Raman shifters that cover the spectral range from deep UV (213 nm, 266 nm, 355 nm) to eye-safe wavelengths (1.6 µm). Our lasers have been supplied to over 30 countries in the world.Passat’s UV picosecond lasers enjoy the highest 266-nm and 213-nm peak power DPSS laser pulses. They are being used for processing crystals, diamonds, glass, metals, ceramics, plastics, and resins. Customers also use them for photo-mask repair, patterning of organic materials for PV solar, stencils, and microfluidics, for picosecond mass-spectrometry. Other applications for these lasers include remote sensing, precise ranging, and high-resolution 3D imaging. special design allows punching holes with the highest processing rate per 1 Watt of average power and drilling. Passat/PLS provides a power unit for the diode pumping connector, with the diode placed inside the laser box.
Jilet Cuțite | Acuratețe și Tărie Superioară | HSS | ÎNVELIȘ | Oțeluri Inoxidabile

Jilet Cuțite | Acuratețe și Tărie Superioară | HSS | ÎNVELIȘ | Oțeluri Inoxidabile

Jilet Bıçakları- Yüksek Kaliteli Malzeme ve Çözümler Malzeme Seçenekleri: D2 Takım Çeliği M2 HSS Karbon Çelikleri Paslanmaz Çelikler (300 ve 400 serisi) Tungsten Karbür Seramik ve daha fazlası... Üretim Özellikleri: Çeşitli üretim boyutları Kaplama seçenekleri Dişli veya Dişsiz kesim ağzı Tek veya çift eğim tasarımı Malzemeye uygun HRC değerleri Endüstriyel kesim için üstün performans ve uzun ömür sunar.


Our company is here to supply your steel construction, hydraulic tank, accumulator console, valve stand and special machinery needs in your various projects. Our aim is to provide the most suitable solutions to our customers by providing high quality engineering services. Our team has the required knowledge and experience to actualize your projects at the highest standards.
Marketing și reparare a paletelor din lemn

Marketing și reparare a paletelor din lemn

La comercialización y reparación de palets de madera es un servicio esencial para empresas que buscan soluciones sostenibles y económicas para el manejo de sus productos. Este servicio permite a las empresas reducir la generación de desechos al recoger palets que ya no son útiles para ellos, repararlos y reintroducirlos en el mercado. Además, al clasificar y entregar palets reutilizados a empresas que requieren medidas específicas, se cubre una parte significativa de la demanda de palets nuevos, lo que no solo es beneficioso para el medio ambiente, sino también para la economía de las empresas involucradas. Este servicio es especialmente relevante en un mundo donde la sostenibilidad es cada vez más importante. Al optar por la reparación y reutilización de palets, las empresas pueden reducir su huella de carbono y contribuir a la conservación de los recursos naturales. Además, este enfoque permite a las empresas ahorrar costos al no tener que comprar palets nuevos constantemente. En resumen, la comercialización y reparación de palets de madera es una solución inteligente y sostenible para el manejo de productos en cualquier industria.
Fabricarea pieselor din plastic prin injecție

Fabricarea pieselor din plastic prin injecție

Producción flexible y versátil Fabricamos piezas personalizadas para nuestros clientes, adaptándonos a sus necesidades con producciones pequeñas, medianas y grandes. Trabajamos con una amplia variedad de materiales, garantizando la calidad y resistencia de cada producto: Materiales inyectados: PP (Polipropileno) PA PA6 (Poliamida NYLON y NYLON con fibra) POM (Resina cetálica: con fibra, con teflón, o natural) ABS ASA Materiales prensados: Bakelita Melamina Urea Poliester con fibra Nuestra experiencia y tecnología avanzada nos permiten ofrecer soluciones adaptadas a diversos sectores e industrias.
Piese prelucrate și frezate din alamă

Piese prelucrate și frezate din alamă

Zabýváme se obráběním a frézováním mosazných polotovarů. Dokážeme zpracovat naše vlastní výkovky stejně jako díly z tyčového polotovaru. Na dílech jsme schopni zajistit i následné povrchové úpravy. Dodáváme i menší série armatur a drobných montážních celků.