Produse pentru masini (11155)

Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 60 de litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 60 de litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

"60UT ProD ist ein mobiles Ultraschallreinigungsgerät. Es kann 3 54 cm große Waschkörbe aufnehmen. Dank seiner Rollenkonstruktion lässt es sich leicht bewegen. Es erwärmt die Flüssigkeit von innen mit seinen 2 internen Heizgeräten und spart so Energie. Es ist mit einem Flüssigkeitsstandsensor ausgestattet, der einen Trockenlauf aufgrund von Fehlern verhindert. Es wird über ein digitales Bedienfeld gesteuert. Es ist Ihr größter Helfer bei der Reinigung von hartnäckigem Schmutz mit seiner verstärkten Ultraschallreinigungsleistung. Einsatzbereiche Krankenhausausrüstung Chirurgische Instrumente Tierärzte Desinfektionsanwendungen Labore Optische Industrie Pharmaindustrie Verteidigungsindustrie Beschichtungssektor" Außenmaße (mm):710 x 410 x 890 Tankmaße (mm):600 x 300 x 350 Ultraschallfrequenz (kHz):28 / 40 Gesamtmaximale Leistung (W):~3750 Timer (min):0-59 Thermostat (°C):25-75 Lagercode:M.60UT ProD
Mașină de Cafea K22 Auto

Mașină de Cafea K22 Auto

3AUTOMATIC 925x577x520 20,5 L 72 Kg 5000 W 220-240 Vac 1N 380-415 Vac 3N 50-60 Hz Automatic coffee and hot water portion control Bodywork all stainless steel, possibility of painted side panel (black / white / red) Stainless steel steam and water wands Coffee pre-infusion system and thermosiphon system Copper boiler (Cu 99.5) with anti-oxidation treatment The drip tray can be set on two different levels t
Linii automate de înfășurare a pliantei 2500 B

Linii automate de înfășurare a pliantei 2500 B

Automatic Wrapping Line Arm Wrap 2500 B The Arm Wrap 2500 B Wrapping Line was designed to maintain the stability of the pallet during the wrapping process carried out by the rotary arm. The machine is suitable for medium and large productions. The Arm Wrap 2500 B model is controlled by PLC and touch screen panel. The control panel is equipped with error detection and manual functions. The sealing machine is equipped with a system for gripping, cutting and sealing the film and other optional accessories.
Mașini pentru distribuitoare de prosoape pliate în V - MAȘINI DE PRODUCȚIE A PROSOAPELOR

Mașini pentru distribuitoare de prosoape pliate în V - MAȘINI DE PRODUCȚIE A PROSOAPELOR

Les serviettes distributeur pliées en V, fréquemment utilisées dans les restaurants modernes, les cafés et le secteur des services, sont produites avec une haute efficacité et des normes de qualité grâce à ces machines. La machine à serviettes distributeur pliées en V est une machine qui emballe les serviettes en papier en les pliant en forme de "V". Cette méthode de pliage spéciale permet aux serviettes d'être facilement utilisées dans des distributeurs et retirées une par une. La machine permet de produire de grandes quantités de serviettes de manière particulièrement rapide et efficace. Technique de pliage : Plie les serviettes en une forme spéciale en "V". Haute capacité de production : Convient à la production de grandes quantités de serviettes. Options de production flexibles : Capacité à traiter des bobines maîtresses de tailles et d'épaisseurs différentes. Interface conviviale : Fonctionnement facile et fonctions ajustables.
BR-300 - Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete manuală 351 L

BR-300 - Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete manuală 351 L

Equipo de control manual a partir de 60 litros con la tecnología BRIO, limpieza por ultrasonidos tres veces más eficaz para todos los sectores. Con panel analógico y control de temperatura digital. Equipos de tamaños estándar a grandes para cubrir todas las necesidades de cada sector. Dimensiones exteriores de la máquina: 1.490 x 900 x 970 mm Dimensiones internas de la cuba de limpieza: 900 x 600 x 640 mm Dimensiones útiles de la cesta de trabajo: 870 x 525 x 400 mm Altura de la mesa de trabajo: 970 mm Capacidad de la cuba de limpieza: 351 L Potencia ultrasónica instalada: 2.000 W (1.200 W p-p) Frecuencia de trabajo de los ultrasonidos: 28/40 kHz Potencia de calefacción instalada: 7.5 kW
Mecanism de acționare pentru Retrofit / Conversie Presă

Mecanism de acționare pentru Retrofit / Conversie Presă

Elementos de transmisión para Retrofit / Retrofitting : piñones / rueda dentada - Fabricamos ruedas dentadas, ruedas dentadas, anillos de engranajes y ejes dentados para diversas aplicaciones en la industria con un enfoque en ingeniería mecánica y maquinaria pesada. Nuestros clientes provienen de una amplia gama de industrias: ferroviarias, eólicas, marinas, cajas de cambios industriales, extracción de petróleo y gas, construcción de grúas o maquinaria de construcción, así como máquinas especiales. También suministramos a la industria de retroadaptación y fabricamos las piezas en series pequeñas o producción individual. Dependiendo de la dimensión a menudo se puede lograr una calidad de 4. Examinamos las posibilidades sin obligación y sin cargo. Nuestros clientes incluyen empresas de renombre y renombre. Referencias a su industria bajo petición. Fabricamos según los dibujos del cliente y tenemos nuestra propia planta de endurecimiento. Esto ahorra tiempo y costes durante la producción. ZWP le apoya en la modernización de plantas, prensa y máquinas (Retrofit).
Imprimare cu jet de cerneală HSA Micron pentru marcarea etichetelor - Marker industrial HSA Micron cu jet de cerneală pentru etichete

Imprimare cu jet de cerneală HSA Micron pentru marcarea etichetelor - Marker industrial HSA Micron cu jet de cerneală pentru etichete

Le marqueur industriel HSA Micron par jet d'encre offre la possibilité de marquer automatiquement les étiquettes des produits sans les toucher. Ce système d'impression à jet d'encre permet d'inscrire diverses informations sur les étiquettes, telles que la date, l'heure, les codes-barres, les numéros de série, les numéros de lot, et bien d'autres encore. Facile à utiliser, ce dispositif de marquage est installé au niveau du poste d'étiquetage de la machine. Il est compatible avec toutes les étiqueteuses de la gamme CDA, notamment : Les étiqueteuses semi-automatiques comme la Ninette 1, Ninette 2 et Ninette Auto, Les machines d'étiquetage de la gamme viti, Les étiqueteuses de la gamme Solo, Les étiqueteuses de la gamme Ninon.
Mașină de umplere prin cântărire IBC - 60L, 100L, 200L și 1200L butoaie Mașină de umplere prin cântărire a lichidelor

Mașină de umplere prin cântărire IBC - 60L, 100L, 200L și 1200L butoaie Mașină de umplere prin cântărire a lichidelor

The IBC weighing filling machine is a sophisticated piece of equipment that is designed to accurately fill intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) with a variety of different products. These machines feature high-precision weighing systems that ensure accurate measurement every time, and they are capable of liquid filling IBC Application Filling 60L, 100L, 200L and 1200Ldrums and filling IBC and POLY TANK Directly filling the drums stocked on the pallet Resin, solvent, and varnish products Food and beverage products such as liquid sugar, cooking oil, and resin Liquid chemical Max. Capacity:300kg X 4drums Division::0.2kg/drum Filling Capacity :100~1200kg Filling Accuracy : ≤ 0.1% Filling Speed :40~60 Drum/hr Up/Down Rang:0-50mm(H) Platform::1300X1300mm Barrel Dimension:≤φ600×h950mm Air Pressure :0.4~0.8Mpa Filling Valve:Material:SUS304/316 Power:AC 110V/220V, 50/60Hz, 10A Operating Temperature:-10°C to 40°C
Mașină de umplere și distribuire a matrițelor sau capsulelor

Mașină de umplere și distribuire a matrițelor sau capsulelor

Máquina dispensadora de cápsulas y moldes para posterior depositado de producto - • Proporcionan un posicionamiento y centrado preciso del molde para las operaciones de dosificado. • Carga fácil del cargador sin interrumpir la producción. • Una misma máquina de capsulado puede servir para varios tipos de papeles/moldes con un cambio fácil y rápido del cargador. • Si el cliente tiene, o está instalando una línea de dosificado automático, podemos diseñar la máquina alrededor del sistema transportador lista para su acoplamiento. • Para cuando desee librarse del trasiego de las bandejas y de la colocación del papel. • El ordenador incorporado a la máquina se encarga de supervisar todos los movimientos y funciones como: o Avance de latas. o Detección de bandeja al colocar el papel. o Función de arrastre independiente. o Regulación de parámetros: – Tipo de aspiración. – Tipo de depósito de papel. – Centrado de las bandejas. – Regulación de la velocidad. • Para conseguir un mayor grado de automatización se puede incluir un módulo cargador de bandejas.


Elevatore a tazze, coclee di recupero abrasivo, selezionatore rigenera abrasivo, filtro depolveratore, quadro elettrico. Max diametro bombola:400 mm Max altezza bombola:1250 mm Numero turbine:3 Diametro turbine:330 mm Potenza motore turbine:7.5 kW Potenza totale installata:26.85 kW
Mașină de Drepte Fiare RI 6

Mașină de Drepte Fiare RI 6

The rotor type wire straightening machine RI 6 is suitable for processing a wide range of smooth cold drawn industrial wires from Ø 2,5mm to Ø 6mm. The 4 independent servomotors allow Excellent straightening quality; Max. pulling speed 160 m/min; Burrfree highprecision cutting (tolerance of ±0.1 mm). A wide range of wires can be processed depending on the machine configuration from mild steel to annealed and galvanized wire, highstrength steels such as stainless steel, springs steel and nonferrous wires such as brass, bronze, copper and aluminum using special equipment. The wide range of accessories allows you to customize the machine to the different needs of the industrial market
Mașină de instalare a limitatorului de compresie manual - Tehnologia de instalare a limitatoarelor de compresie

Mașină de instalare a limitatorului de compresie manual - Tehnologia de instalare a limitatoarelor de compresie

Cet outil exceptionnellement polyvalent pour les assemblages post-moulage est parfaitement adapté à tous les niveaux de production : d’une unité unique pour l’assemblage de prototypes, à des unités multiples sur une ligne d’assemblage. La machine d’installation manuelle de limiteur de compression modèle CM de SPIROL® s’adapte facilement à des changements rapides, simplement en : 1. Remplaçant l’appareil 2. Permutant le poinçon d’insertion/l’embout de poussoir 3. Réglant la butée positive pour la nouvelle hauteur d’installation. L’utilisation d’arbres et de roulements de haute qualité permet un fonctionnement en douceur, un positionnement précis, une répétabilité et une durabilité. La machine d'installation manuelle de limiteurs de compression modèle CM permet d'installer des limiteurs de compression dont le diamètre varie de M3 à M10 (métrique) et de #4 à 3/8" (unifié), et a une force d'insertion maximale de 0,9kN (200 livres).
Mașină de biscuiți din orez

Mașină de biscuiți din orez

Nuestra Máquina de galletas de arroz de SYP (Equipo de panadería) se diseña de tal manera que puede producir el snack / Chip / Cracker / Cake del grano que hace estallar usando granos naturales del 100%. Actualmente se están fabricando dispositivos mecánicos, pero no es capaz de manejar la alta presión continuamente y produce productos no uniformes. Sus partes tales como cadenas y motores se desgastan fácilmente y causan frecuentes averías. Nuestra Máquina de Tortitas de arroz 'SYP' corrigió estos defectos y utiliza la hidráulica para producir productos uniformes y aumentar significativamente su durabilidad. Además, la variedad de moldes están disponibles en diferentes tamaños y formas para satisfacer las necesidades del cliente. Pequeñas máquinas pueden ser producidas para las tiendas locales y máquinas más grandes se pueden producir, así como para las fábricas. ¡Para más información, éntrenos en contacto con por favor !! Gracias
Mașină cu laser pentru textile - L-3200

Mașină cu laser pentru textile - L-3200

Textilies can be cut and engraved on a processing area of 1,800 x 3,200 mm (70.9" x 126"). This CO2 laser machine is one of the largest among the eurolaser cutter series and is available with many optional features. An ideal machine size for all applications requiring plenty of space. Working area (w x l):1,800 mm x 3,200 mm (70.8" x 126.0") DIMENSIONS (W X L X H):3,520 mm x 3,940 mm x 1,600 mm (138,5" x 155,1" x 62,9") Max. material width:1,880 mm (74.0") Material clearance:58 - 80 mm (according to material support) Laser power:60 to 650 watt Speed:1 - 1,414 mm/s (in steps of 1 mm) Acceleration:max. 9.1 m/s² (358"/s²)
Separatori de recoltă pentru combine - Separatori de recoltă pentru combine New Holland, Claas, John Deere

Separatori de recoltă pentru combine - Separatori de recoltă pentru combine New Holland, Claas, John Deere

Discover our range of Crop dividers for combine harvester and many other combine harvester parts on Landa offers a range of agricultural parts for forage harvesters, combine harvesters, balers, mower-conditioners, windrowers and tedders. We develop wear parts for harvesting machines that are equivalent to original manufacturer parts, in partnership with industrial companies specialising in the fields of metallurgy (assembly, machining, forming). Our range of spare parts is multi-brand: CLAAS, JOHN DEERE, NEW HOLLAND, KHUN, KRONE, FENDT etc. We work with well-known brands such as: GATES, OPTIBELT, NSK, NTN, TIMKEN, SCHAEFFLER, IWIS, DIAMOND, DONALSON, FLEETGUARD, MANN FILTER, SCHUMACHER, etc.
Beltă transportoare

Beltă transportoare

Notre dernière réalisation - les éléments de la bande transporteuse.
Proces Vertical CNC

Proces Vertical CNC

Welcome to the pinnacle of precision manufacturing with our CNC Vertical Process , a revolutionary solution that redefines excellence in vertical machining. As a leading provider of advanced machining solutions, we are proud to introduce our CNC Vertical Process , meticulously engineered to meet the evolving needs of modern manufacturing operations. Our CNC Vertical Process combines cutting-edge technology with unmatched performance, delivering the versatility, efficiency, and accuracy required to stay ahead in today's competitive market. Whether you're producing complex components, intricate molds, or high-precision parts, our machine empowers you to achieve your production goals with confidence.
Mașină de îndoire cu mandrel - DB 622-CNC-R/L - Mașină de îndoire Dreapta/Stângă cu control CNC pentru tub-Ø 6 - 22 mm

Mașină de îndoire cu mandrel - DB 622-CNC-R/L - Mașină de îndoire Dreapta/Stângă cu control CNC pentru tub-Ø 6 - 22 mm

With our clockwise/counterclockwise bending machines the most complex bends become reality with great accuracy. The Bending head of our fully electric CNC R/L series can be positioned horizontally and vertically, including 360° rotation axis for a change of bending direction (right- or left-hand). For better efficiency. The electric axes can be programmed in synchronicity to give optimum cycle times. Tools for bending on multiple levels with automated tool change makes it possible to achieve various radii and the most complex geometries on tubes. Our robust machine construction means customers have come to expect decades of heavy use. This machine is supplied with an easy-to-use Siemens CNC control system, which utilizes an intuitive program in a Windows based operating system set up for networking. Bending directrion:right-/left-hand, changing, free programmable Tube diameter:6 - 22 mm Max. Wall thickness:2,0 mm (for tube-Ø 22 mm in S235) Usable length:2000mm (Standard); 3048mm, 4572 mm or 6096 mm (optional) Power bending axis:servo-electric Bending radius:max. 66 mm Number of bending level:min. 2 per bending head (min. 2x2)
Mașini și Unelte de Perforare - Dyno 6

Mașini și Unelte de Perforare - Dyno 6

Quick change tool system Hydropneumatic intensifier Foot valve operated Max. power at 10 bar = 50 KN Stroke = 37 mm Max. daylight = 200 mm Working range: ram to back wall = 110 mm Swiveling table to use tools to manufacture holes for sash bars
Mașină de Presare Automatizată - Mașină de Presare cu Servomotor pentru Piulițe și Șuruburi, ECKOLD®

Mașină de Presare Automatizată - Mașină de Presare cu Servomotor pentru Piulițe și Șuruburi, ECKOLD®

Mit dem ECKOLD Einpresssystem für Funktionselemente lassen sich in der automatisierten Fertigung Muttern, Bolzen oder Gewindebolzen in fast jedes Material einpressen. Das System ist mit einem servomotorischen Antrieb ausgestattet und kann, je nach Konfiguration, für den stationären Betrieb oder zum Betrieb am Industrieroboter ausgelegt werden. Dieses Angebot enthält: Servomotorisches Einpresssystem • Einpressbügel, Ausladung ca. 700 mm Hub 150 mm Druckkraft max. 58 kN Positioniergenauigkeit +/- 0,02 mm Hubgeschwindigkeit max. 150 mm/s • Servomotorische Antriebseinheit • Zuführeinheit • Vereinzeler • Geräteständer • Steuerschrank inkl. Visualisierungs-Software ECKOLD VISU • Werkzeugträger Benötigte Werkzeugsätze sind nicht im Lieferumfang der Maschine enthalten. Diese sind entsprechend der jeweiligen Aufgabe auszuwählen. Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein individuelles Angebot! Technologie:Einpressen von Funktionselementen Antrieb:Servomotorisch
Parte de mașină GRUPUL 1 - 5

Parte de mașină GRUPUL 1 - 5

Machine part GROUP 1 - 5
Mașină pentru rafturi de paleți

Mașină pentru rafturi de paleți

A Pallet Stacking Machine/ Pallet Rack Machine automates the process of palletizing goods, enhancing efficiency in warehouse operations. This machine is designed to stack products onto pallets systematically and securely, minimizing manual labor and optimizing space utilization. Equipped with advanced robotics and conveyor systems, the Pallet Stacking Machine offers high-speed and precision palletization capabilities. It ensures uniform stacking patterns and proper weight distribution for safe transportation and storage of goods. The machine's intuitive control interface allows for easy programming and adjustment of stacking parameters. It can handle a variety of product sizes, shapes, and weights, making it versatile for diverse manufacturing and distribution environments.
Frezare CNC bloc de oțel

Frezare CNC bloc de oțel

CNC Milling steel block Material:steel Processing method:CNC Milling Surface treatment:Grinding
Mașină de Perforat Tuburi - PR 10 - Mașină de Perforat Tuburi - PR 10

Mașină de Perforat Tuburi - PR 10 - Mașină de Perforat Tuburi - PR 10

Die Nutzung von Gasschläuchen (z.B. Druckluft, Stickstoff u.ä.) macht eine Perforierung der Außenschicht unbedingt erforderlich. Die PR 10 ermöglicht mit geringerem Kraftaufwand eine einfache Perforierung der Schlauchaußenschicht. In bewährter UNIFLEX Qualität, präzise arbeitend, können Schläuche mit einem Außendurchmesser von bis zu 45 mm bearbeitet werden. Anwendung:Schlauch
Rezumat Proiectare Fabricare Mașini - Fabricare Personalizată de Mașini pentru Nevoile Afacerii Tale

Rezumat Proiectare Fabricare Mașini - Fabricare Personalizată de Mașini pentru Nevoile Afacerii Tale

Prosesinizi bir bütün olarak ele alıyor ve işletmenizi yalın üretim & endüstri 4.0 gereksinimzleri doğrultusunda ihtiyaç duyduğunuz üretim teknolojisini tüm tesis için sizinle birlikte planlıyoruz .Tüm mekanik ve elektrik mühendisliğinin yanı sıra komple mekanik , elektrik ve otomasyon imalatını montaj hizmeti ile sağlamaktayız


Merkmale: - Abmessungen der Mikroplatten 130X90mm - Bewegungssteuerung in Stellung durch einen Ethernet-Protokoll - Konfigurierbare Verschiebungs- und Beschleunigungsgeschwindigkeiten - Präzise und vibrationfreie Positionerung so dass ein optimales Ablesen möglich ist - Im Mess-Modus optionale Mikroplatten Vibration um die Flüssigkeit zu schütteln
Router CNC T-Rex N-2040 Mașină de Frezare Portal de Gravare - Trasee de deplasare 4000 x 2000 mm cu manșoane și lanțuri de energie închise

Router CNC T-Rex N-2040 Mașină de Frezare Portal de Gravare - Trasee de deplasare 4000 x 2000 mm cu manșoane și lanțuri de energie închise

Thanks to the robust steel frame, our T-Rex CNC mill enables you to produce precisely, quickly and cleanly. Even with workpieces made of hard material, you will achieve ideal results, thanks to the high stability of the CNC machine, which is guaranteed by the robust construction. On this machine, you can even process thicker plate material, as the clearance height of the Z-axis is 200 mm. Versatile application possibilities: drilling, cutting or engraving in different materials such as plastic, wood, granite, marble, stone and metal can be done with high accuracy. Basic equipment: > vacuum table with several zones > manual central lubrication > KinetiC-NC control software > ergonomic control panel with integrated CNC control > full version of the design software ConstruCAM-3D > Estlcam software CE-compliant commissioning of our CNC machines requires the attachment of the protective housing and the exhaust connection. X axis travel:4000 mm Y Axis Travel:2000 mm Z axis travel:200 mm (300/400 mm optional) Repeat accuracy:0,01 mm Backlash:+/- 0,015 mm
Unealtă pentru Unghii - Mașini

Unealtă pentru Unghii - Mașini

MIHLA offers personal protective equipment so you can focus on doing the job safely. All our safety products comply with TSE standards for protective equipment. New lightweight alloy reduces weight. Low Profile design makes it easy to fit between surrounding duct work or other installations. Universal nozzle allows for fasteners from 1/2″ to 1-1/4″ with clip mounting.