Produse pentru masini (4209)

Coș pentru mașina de curățare cu ultrasunete de 12 litri - ACCESORII

Coș pentru mașina de curățare cu ultrasunete de 12 litri - ACCESORII

Baskets made of stainless steel ensure that dirty products are cleaned in the best way possible without damaging the machine. It can be easily carried thanks to the handles on the sides and the feet prevent the products from touching the base. With its design, ultrasonic vibrations can easily reach dirty surfaces. Stock code:S.12UT ProD
DT-PANEL - Garduri de Siguranță pentru Mașini

DT-PANEL - Garduri de Siguranță pentru Mașini

Dabei handelt es sich um Systeme, bei denen DT-Paneele in blanker Form auf Masten montiert werden. Flexibilität und Schwingung dieser Paneele liegen aufgrund ihrer Struktur in akzeptablen Grenzen und ermöglichen so die direkte Verwendung des Paneels ohne Rahmen. Obwohl Doppelplatten mit normaler Maschenweite das Standardmaterial sind, das für diese Art von Anwendungen bevorzugt werden kann, ist es auch möglich, Optionen für das Material mit kleineren Maschenweiten als normal zu entwickeln. Bei dieser Art von Maschinensicherheitszäunen ist es möglich, die Paneele während der Anwendung zuzuschneiden und zu dimensionieren, und diese Funktion sorgt für Flexibilität bei der Anwendung. Systemhöhe:1050~2050mm Panelhöhe:1030~2030mm Panelbreite:2500 mm Drahtstärke:Vertikaler Draht ø 5 mm / Horizontaler Draht ø 6 mm Augenreichweite:50*200mm
Nivelator seria L-AYK - Mașină de îndreptat tablă metalică

Nivelator seria L-AYK - Mașină de îndreptat tablă metalică

Deformations that are created by utilizing thermal cutting process causes metal materials to lose their flat form. The materials which are cut by a laser, plasma or oxygen cutter that utilize thermal process can become almost impossible to be in a desired flat form again. This is no longer an issue with the new generation leveler technology. Our new generation leveler touches almost every point of the sheet metal material and can smart process. That way, stressed material can be straightened. Material width:200 - 2000 mm Material Thickness:1 - 15 mm
Fierărie industrială pentru bușteni - TOILETTENPAPIERSCHNEIDMASCHINEN

Fierărie industrială pentru bușteni - TOILETTENPAPIERSCHNEIDMASCHINEN

The industrial log saw plays an important role in the production process of Jumbo products in the paper processing industry. This machine is designed to cut toilet paper and kitchen towel rolls (logs) with a large diameter to specified dimensions and with high cutting precision. Jumbo products are toilet paper and kitchen towels used in the industry, which typically have a large diameter and are tightly rolled in the winding unit. This machine, suitable for cutting Jumbo rolls, is equipped with advanced technologies to increase the speed and efficiency of the production process. The industrial log saw is a high-performance machine used to cut Jumbo rolls to specified sizes. With the eccentric cutting function of the saw blade and the motor power, it also cuts very tightly rolled rolls cleanly.
Profil Omega

Profil Omega

Omega Profile Ref:INS-15
Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport Filtru Jet - Filtru Jet - Filtru Supersonic

Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport Filtru Jet - Filtru Jet - Filtru Supersonic

Jet filtre, hava toz karışımının tozdan arındırılarak tozun tutulup temiz havanın bacadan atılmasını sağlar. Yuvarlak filtre gövdesi önce siklon sistemi arındırma gerçekleştirir, torbalar vasıtası ile de tüm toz zerreciklerinin tutulmasını sağlar. Un fabrikalarında aspirasyon ve taşıma amaçlı kullanılan havanın içerisindeki tanecikleri havadan ayırmak amacıyla kullanılır. İçerisinde toz ve un bulunan hava makineye girer ve bu toz makine içerisindeki filtre torbalarına yapışır. Yuvarlak filtre gövdesinde oluşan santrifüj güç sayesinde ilk arındırma gerçekleştirilir. Bu filtre torbaları basınçlı hava ile çırpılır ve toz filtrenin aşağı kısmına iner. Bu temizleme işlemi için blower veya kompresör kullanılır. Makinenin altında biriken bu tozların dışarıya atılmasında dip sıyırıcı veya rotoflow kullanılır.
PANTER 5m3 Împrăștietor de gunoi solid - Împrăștietor de gunoi solid

PANTER 5m3 Împrăștietor de gunoi solid - Împrăștietor de gunoi solid

"Los remolques esparcidores de fertilizantes Agromek Panther son equipos agrícolas eficientes que garantizan la distribución homogénea del fertilizante sólido animal en los campos agrícolas. Nuestros modelos de 10 m³ y 5 m³ de capacidad ofrecen una gran variedad con capacidades de carga de 12 toneladas y 7 toneladas respectivamente. El diseño exclusivo presenta un sistema de tijera en tándem de uno y dos ejes que proporciona una excelente eficiencia de combustible y facilidad de uso, incluso con tractores de baja potencia. Con un alcance de 15 metros, permite una distribución rápida y eficiente de fertilizantes en grandes campos. El especial sistema de eje de freno, que prioriza la seguridad de la máquina, evita que piedras y objetos similares se atasquen, garantizando un entorno duradero de la máquina. Además, nuestro producto ofrece mayor tranquilidad con una garantía de servicio de dos años." Capacidad m3:5 m3 Capacidad en toneladas:7 toneladas Ancho de dispersión del estiércol:5-15m Potencia mínima del tractor:55HP Velocidad del eje cardán:540 Tipo de eje:simple Tipo de portador:Cadena tratada térmicamente de 12 mm Sistema de seguridad:eje de embrague Velocidad de trabajo:4-5 kmh
Mașină de stropit de 1200 lt

Mașină de stropit de 1200 lt

Sprayer for fields.


YM/BKM-DK Series printing and punching machines can print on single - and double - sided PE coated paper. Suitable for use with water-based ink for printing. The ink reservoir is made of stainless steel and is environmentally friendly. Printing and punching machines allows quick drying with fan and infrared dryers. Usage of servo motor gives more efficient printing
Mașină de Împachetare Semi-Automată - Hancooc HC405

Mașină de Împachetare Semi-Automată - Hancooc HC405

Genel Özellikler: Dünya’nın en hızlı yarı otomatik çemberleme makinesi En tasarruflu çemberleme makinesi En Sessiz yarı otomatik çemberleme makinesi Yatırım yapmak için değil; tasarruf etmek için sahip olunmalı ! TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLER: Strap Quality: PP Maksimum Gerdirme Kuvveti: 49-550 N. Min. Paket Genişliği: 8 cm Ağırlığı: 45 KG Max. Paket Genişliği: Limitsiz Strap Thicness: 0,45 mm – 0,70 mm Strap Width: 5mm – 12mm Speed: 1,5 Sec. / Cycle Sealing Method: Heat Seal. Garanti Süresi: 1 Yıl Garantilidir. Yatay-Dikey Çemberleme Uygulaması Yatay ve dikey uygulamalar için rahatlıkla kullanılabilir. 48 Saat Servis Garantisi Herhangi bir sebepten dolayı Onare’ye servis hizmeti almak için teslim edilen havalı ve şarjlı çemberleme makineleri maksimum 48 saat içinde tamir edilerek müşteriye geri gönderilir. Bu süre zarfında herhangi bir çözüm bulunamadığı takdirde, makine tamir olana dek yedek çember makinesi gönderilir.


Presă de Formare Adâncă HSH - Presă Hidraulică Tip H

Presă de Formare Adâncă HSH - Presă Hidraulică Tip H

Our manufacturing style is user-oriented, and we manufacture in different features, heights, widths,tonnages through our customers' desires and options. The machines and the matarials used in manufacturing process are durable , you can utilize for many years.
mașină de gheață

mașină de gheață

Tayland dondurma makinesi, ice pan machine.
BM25C VENUS MAȘINA CU AX FLEXIBIL - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendent

BM25C VENUS MAȘINA CU AX FLEXIBIL - Motor Suspendat - Motor Pendent

This innovative motor which is equipped with the latest technology, has been specially developed to accommodate intensive operating conditions.It is suitable for jewellery, dental laboratories, copper and wood carving, hobby work. High torque and high speeds to help you achieve the best results in all applications. It provides a smooth and controlled speed adjustment, ensuring the best efficiency under intensive working conditions. HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH SPEED QUIETER MOTOR HIGH QUALITY ABS MOTOR BODY SUSTAINABLE POWER MOTOR SPEED CONTROL PEDAL 2 YEAR WARRANTY
Cositoare cu Dublă Acțiune - Pajiște, Iarbă, Trifoi, Năut, Linte, Ovăz, Orz, Sfeclă, Agricultură, Fermier, Tractor

Cositoare cu Dublă Acțiune - Pajiște, Iarbă, Trifoi, Năut, Linte, Ovăz, Orz, Sfeclă, Agricultură, Fermier, Tractor

ÇİFT HAREKETLİ ÇAYIR BİÇME MAKİNESİ Ürünümüz traktöre 3 nokta askı sistemi ile bağlanıp kuyruk milinden hareket alarak çalışmaktadır. Biçim esnasında herhangi bir engele takılma riskine karşı otomatik geriye ve yukarıya esneme sistemi vardır. Üzerindeki lift yardımıyla 0 dereceden 90 dereceye kadar istenilen yükseklik ve açıda biçim yapabilmektedir. Yonca, çayır, fiğ, nohut, mercimek, yulaf, kamış, korunga, arpa vb. ürünleri biçmek için kullanılır. Yonca gibi yılda birkaç sefer hasat edilen ürünlerde verimi artırmaktadır. Taşlı arazilerde de rahatlıkla çalışabilmektedir. Hem zıpka hem bıçak hareketiyle makaslama kesim yaptığı için biçilen ürün ağızdan kaçıramaz ve daha seri biçim yapar.
Automobil, Piese și Accesorii pentru Electrocasnice 1 - Piese și Accesorii pentru Mașini

Automobil, Piese și Accesorii pentru Electrocasnice 1 - Piese și Accesorii pentru Mașini

İsteğe ve ihtiyaca uygun otomobil, beyaz eşya, kısacası makine endüstrisi için parça malzeme üretimi gerçekleştiriyoruz.
FTP - 70 - FTP - 70 Mașină de Balotat Automată Complet pentru Hârtie - PET

FTP - 70 - FTP - 70 Mașină de Balotat Automată Complet pentru Hârtie - PET

QUIKET - Mașină de Etichetare a Produselor Rotunde QY200

QUIKET - Mașină de Etichetare a Produselor Rotunde QY200

Optional production possibility according to your product dimensions, product labeling counter, Label width min/30mm max/200mm, Labeling 40/100 products per minute depending on the product, The chassis is completely made of 304 stainless steel. Easy speed controls and quick adaptation in product changes. 5 product program memories Optional alarm Optional clear label sensor Optional encoder feature Possibility to add optional ribbon printer for summer paste. Dry contact outputs


HKM-200 is a powerful and durable mixer for preparing refractory grouts, mortar and other materials. Hardened mixing boiler and blades make working with refractory concrete and other corrosive materials possible. Asymmetrically located blades provide perfect mixing capability and extra balance by preventing vibration. HKM-200 can be used for composing both wet and dry mixtures, with any size of aggregates or fibers. HKM-200 can also resist the stiffness of the putty materials or high plastic consistency of concrete mixtures due to its high torque gearbox. Water resistant electrical motor, gearbox and other electrical components provide max. safety to the operator and make the machine washable after being used. Stresses of all kinds, fireproof masses, screeds, epoxy resins,steel fragment concrete, granules, mortars of all kinds, refractory clay, acoustic plasters, concrete repair plasters,finished detention finery, spray plaster, adhesive,reorganization mortar, dispersions and more.
ZIM T 1220 - Mașină pentru Țevi din Beton - Mașină de Producție pentru Țevi și Cutii din Beton

ZIM T 1220 - Mașină pentru Țevi din Beton - Mașină de Producție pentru Țevi și Cutii din Beton

ZIM T 1220 machine is designed to produce pipes. It uses forklifts to transport concrete pipes and it makes the production cycle shorter. Also it has uniqe specifications to increase production capacity, using life, products quality. This machine can produce pipes 300mm – 1200mm diameter and 1000mm – 2000mm height. The machine can be designed for producing single, double and triple pipe in a press. The vibration system of machine is controlled by frequency driver controll system. It does not need any mechanic settings. It can easily adjusted from operator pannel. The vibration system specially designed by our R&D team is used in our machines. The cooling of the vibrators are done by oil cycle system. There is a special unit for that cycling process. Oil flow is controlled by special sensors. Thanks to this technology our machines which have been working for many years without any problems, stand out with their low operating costs.
Mașini de Ambalare Shrink din Polietilenă Complet Automate Grupate

Mașini de Ambalare Shrink din Polietilenă Complet Automate Grupate

We are ASLAN MAKINA , a Leading Manufacturer in the shrink packaging sector. Since its establishment in 2009, our company has been developing and manufacturing different types of SHRINK and WARP MACHINERY to be applied on a wide range of products from different Industeries such as : CARDBOARD products like PIZZABOXES, FOOD, BEVERAGE products, FURNITURE, CERAMIC, BROWN PRODUCTS, ELECTRONICS and many other applications. Our registered brand name is aslantech On a surface of 3600 m2, Our facility is located at THE Organized Industrial Zone PANCAR, IZMIR TRUKEY, and just 20 minutes distance from the International Airport Adnan Menderes. Thanks to our skillful Engineering teams and to our hard working blue collars , 100% of our production is made at our company including The Designing, Laser Cutting, Welding and programing. Our workshops are equipped with a production capacity greater Than 25 machines per month.
Mașină de Tăiat Circular - D 275 Mașină de Tăiat Circular Manuală pentru secțiuni goale

Mașină de Tăiat Circular - D 275 Mașină de Tăiat Circular Manuală pentru secțiuni goale

-RPM selection for different materials with the 2-speed motor -45° right hand to 45° left hand saw positioning, accurate and precise cutting in two directions -Coolant circulation to remove materials' chips and to cool the disc -Adjustable gear according to the size of the material -Comes with a stop rod for repeatable cuts -24 V low voltage system -Emergency stop button -Safety regulations, according to CE Standards -Moving saw protection guard -Motor protection kit -Burr-free cutting -Hassle-free performance
Mașină de Prăjit Cafea - Mașină de Preparat Cafea

Mașină de Prăjit Cafea - Mașină de Preparat Cafea

OS - 2K kahve kavurma makinası 730 kilogram ağırlığında 2-4 kg kahve kavurabilen küçük ölçekli firmalar için özel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Ürün inceleme kaşığı, ürün gözetleme camı,atık toplama siklonu, ısıtma göstergesi senkronize çalışan kavurma ve soğutma sistemi ve yüksek yoğunluklu karıştırma kolu bu kahve makinasında bulunmaktadır.Önünde yuvaralk kavrulan kahveleri soğutmak için soğutma ünitesi vardır.Elektrik ve Lpg ile çalışmaktadır.
Mașină Semi-Automată pentru Blocuri Goale

Mașină Semi-Automată pentru Blocuri Goale

PRS 400 SEMI AUTOMATIC MACHINE; Semi Automatic System Is Made Like A Mortar Plant. Machine Is Designed To Work 24 Hours. It Has A Different Automation And Capacity System. Machine Is Very Fast And Has High Production Capacity. By Changing The Mould Machine Can Produce Any Types Of Concrete Paving Blocks - Hollow Blocks - Insulated Bricks – Different Curbstones – Asmolen And Chimney Blocks Which Height Must Be Between 5cm And 25 Cm. Equipment List With Prices, Prepared Related To The Installation Layout Is Given Below. Daily Capacity (8 Hours) 4.000 Pieces Concrete Hollow Blocks / 300 M² Paving Blocks… Whatsapp Now: +905326382935 see video below
Mașini de Gheață Tubulare

Mașini de Gheață Tubulare

Termodizayn Tüp Buz Makineleri endüstriyel amaçlar için yapılmış ve sorunsuz bir üründür, hijyenik olması için tasarlanmıştır. Yaprak buz ve tüp buz erime açısından birbiri ile karşılaştırıldığında tüp buz daha uzun zaman boyunca erimeden kalabilir. 22, 29, 35 ve 41 mm çapında üretilebilir ancak standardımız olan 29mm'dir. Su ile temas eden yüzeyler Paslanmaz çelik SUS304 veya SUS316 yapılır. Soğutucu akışkan R404a, R507A veya R22 kullanılabilir. (R404a standarttır) 22 mm / 11,9 gr - 13,6 gr 29 mm / 19,4 gr - 22,15 gr 35 mm / 30,1 gr - 34,6 gr
Mașină Hidraulică de Tăiere a Fierului de Construție MCH38 - Mașină Hidraulică de Tăiere a Fierului de Construție MCH38, 26, 45, 55

Mașină Hidraulică de Tăiere a Fierului de Construție MCH38 - Mașină Hidraulică de Tăiere a Fierului de Construție MCH38, 26, 45, 55

The manually controlled machine is used in construction iron cutting process with single effect Hydraulic Drive system. It is a considerably safe machine operating with low pressures with its hydraulic system. The machine is wheeled and it can not only movable but its knives also have the characteritic of using four sides. It is easy to use and requires little maintenance. This is a machine preferred especially in construction sites due to these specifications. Latest design on the machine to avoid consturction electrricity turn over preventing loss of time with the attached balancing system.
Mașină de deshidratare industrială de înaltă calitate și economisire a energiei - Uscător cu pompă de căldură pentru alimente, fructe și legume.

Mașină de deshidratare industrială de înaltă calitate și economisire a energiei - Uscător cu pompă de căldură pentru alimente, fructe și legume.

Explanation: The Fruit and Vegetables drying heat pump: is produced for the manufacturers in the food drying sector but because of its functional structure the type of drying is followed by the carpet cleaning factories. With the use of heat pump technology in the drying sector, it has become one of the drying methods with increasing efficiency. The food desiccant heat pump takes some of its energy from the air as it is in the air source heat pumps, and takes a part of it from the electric energy. The fruit and vegetable desiccant heat pump is placed inside the fully insulated drying chamber and the inside of the drying chamber is 65 ° C, allowing the water to evaporate in the fruit, vegetable, or other food products. The evaporator water is carried to the heat pump by means of fans, and the liquid is thrown out by making it liquid. In this way, the drying process is completed.
Linie de spălare și ambalare a curmalelor

Linie de spălare și ambalare a curmalelor

Dates Washing and Packing Line is characterized by a very high productivity of up to 3.5 tons per day. It works on different types and sizes of dates. Dates are subjected to vibration, washing and drying to be ready for packaging.
Linie Automată de Tăiere a Sticlei

Linie Automată de Tăiere a Sticlei

Automatic glass cutting line comes with automatic loading system and glass breaking table and designed for straight and shapes cutting of float glass using the diamond cutting wheel technology.
VMK 800 - Mașină de răsucire a cablului simplu

VMK 800 - Mașină de răsucire a cablului simplu

Vikomak Makina 2021 yılında piyasadan gelen istekleride göz önüne alarak Kablo Makinaları üretimine başlamıştır.Kablo sektörüne yönelik olarak; tasarım, dizayn, üretim, montaj, işletmeye alma, garanti, yedek parça, danışmanlık ve servis hizmet anlayışı ile müşterilerimize ihtiyaç duydukları en uygun çözümleri sunmaktayız.