Produse pentru masini (4784)

Producător de Mașini pentru Plantarea Legumelor - Mașină pentru Plantarea Legumelor

Producător de Mașini pentru Plantarea Legumelor - Mașină pentru Plantarea Legumelor

Vegetable sowing machine is called sowing machine used for planting vegetable seeds and known as seeder. These machines are technological tools that carry out the process of throwing seeds and fertilizers into the soil at a certain depth and regularly. Today, with the use of advanced technologies in every field, Machines produced with advanced technology are also used in seed planting. Since these works are both tiring and take more time with human hands and manpower, the use of developed vegetable planting machines is becoming widespread. With the use of machinery, easier, faster and more professional planting is done, yield can be maximized. In addition, seed wastage is prevented by throwing seeds at an equal level and better fertilization is provided.
Parte de mașină GRUPUL 3 - 2

Parte de mașină GRUPUL 3 - 2

Machine part GROUP 3 - 2
Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 60 de litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 60 de litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

"60UT ProD ist ein mobiles Ultraschallreinigungsgerät. Es kann 3 54 cm große Waschkörbe aufnehmen. Dank seiner Rollenkonstruktion lässt es sich leicht bewegen. Es erwärmt die Flüssigkeit von innen mit seinen 2 internen Heizgeräten und spart so Energie. Es ist mit einem Flüssigkeitsstandsensor ausgestattet, der einen Trockenlauf aufgrund von Fehlern verhindert. Es wird über ein digitales Bedienfeld gesteuert. Es ist Ihr größter Helfer bei der Reinigung von hartnäckigem Schmutz mit seiner verstärkten Ultraschallreinigungsleistung. Einsatzbereiche Krankenhausausrüstung Chirurgische Instrumente Tierärzte Desinfektionsanwendungen Labore Optische Industrie Pharmaindustrie Verteidigungsindustrie Beschichtungssektor" Außenmaße (mm):710 x 410 x 890 Tankmaße (mm):600 x 300 x 350 Ultraschallfrequenz (kHz):28 / 40 Gesamtmaximale Leistung (W):~3750 Timer (min):0-59 Thermostat (°C):25-75 Lagercode:M.60UT ProD
BLB TYPE - Bariere de siguranță pentru mașini

BLB TYPE - Bariere de siguranță pentru mașini

Il s'agit de barrières de sécurité pour machines où les panneaux de sécurité sont reliés entre des poteaux auto-brideurs à l'aide d'appareils de connexion spécialement fabriqués. Les normes de distance de la structure de protection sont prises en compte pour la hauteur du système. Le processus pour des applications possibles commence avec la demande faite sur le plan, la priorité étant donnée à l'utilisation de panneaux standards dans l'application, et des panneaux à produire en tailles intermédiaires sont déterminés, puis la production est mise en œuvre après approbation du client.
Mașină Automată de Rebobinare (Dublă) - MAȘINI REBOBINARE

Mașină Automată de Rebobinare (Dublă) - MAȘINI REBOBINARE

Máquina Rebobinadora Automática (Doble) - MÁQUINAS REBOBINADORAS Ancho :MÍNIMO 1350 – MÁXIMO 2800 MM Velocidad :MÁXIMO 200 Tm/MIN Diámetro de Bobinado del Producto (Máx.) :MÍNIMO 90 – MÁXIMO 300MM Grupo de Estampado :PUNTO A PUNTO Y DESLUMBRATE Control de Perforaciones:SERVOCONTROL Grupo de Bobinado:AUTOMÁTICO Corte y Sellado de la cola :AUTOMÁTICO Capas :1-4 Rodillo de Gofrado, Laminación y Rodillo :Hidráulico Cantidad de Bobina :1-2
Fabricarea Inelului cu Role - MAȘINA NATURII

Fabricarea Inelului cu Role - MAȘINA NATURII

için makaralı halkalar
Linii de mașini extrudere din plastic

Linii de mașini extrudere din plastic

Máquinas de extrusión de plástico de buena calidad con un rango de precio óptimo - Ofrecemos nuestras líneas de máquinas extrusoras de plástico para diversas industrias, incluidas la construcción, la alimentación, la atención sanitaria, los electrodomésticos blancos y la automoción. Las materias primas más comunes utilizadas en nuestras líneas de máquinas extrusoras de plástico incluyen PVC, HDPE, PET, EPDM, PP, EPS, LDPE, PE, ABS, PC, PS y otras. Proporcionamos como estándar líneas de máquinas extrusoras de plástico. Máquina de extrusión de WPC Máquina de extrusión de correas Máquina extrusora de láminas Máquina de extrusión de ratán Máquina extrusora de poliestireno Máquina extrusora de policarbonato Línea de extrusión de bandas de borde Máquina de extrusión de sellado de juntas Como Technic Machines, también ofrecemos alternativas para nuestros clientes, soluciones óptimas para sus necesidades específicas en la investigación de máquinas extrusoras de plástico. Diámetro del Tornillo:Depende del trabajo Materia prima del tornillo:DIN 8550 Acero Nitrado Dureza del tornillo:Entre 65 y 70 HRC Rockwell


DIVISEUSE-BOULEUSE: Capacité jusqu'à 11 000 pièces/heure Gamme de poids 40-140 grammes (±2 gr) 6 pistons de 50 mm de diamètre Tambour extérieur interchangeable pour différents poids Courroies de sortie à 6 rangées Lubrification à l'huile automatique Commandes de vitesse variable pour l'entraînement principal et l'unité d'arrondissage Farineuse La capacité du bunker à pâte est de 210 kg Puissance totale 5 kW Écran tactile IHM de 7 pouces Contrôle par PLC - Écran tactile REPOS INTERMÉDIAIRE : Temps de fermentation 10 minutes (pour 6.000 pièces/heure) Plateaux porteuses de la pâte est en acier inoxydable à 6 poches Nombre de Plateaux actifs est de 139 pièces 834 poches actives Poches en filet UHMWPE amovibles et lavables Chaîne à rouleaux de 2″ pour le transport des plateaux Le châssis principal est en tube d'acier inoxydable. Puissance totale 1,5 kW Capacités: 6.000 pcs/hour Dimension de presse: 750mm x 1100mm Diviseuse-Bouleuse:6 pcs Four:3 étages Repos Intermédiaire :10 minutes Compter et empiler: 4 à 20 pièces. Capacité de presse:6pcs Contrôle :PLC - Écran tactile Diamètre des produits: :15 -30 cm Précision: ±2 (cm) / (gr): ±2 (cm) / (gr)
Indreptator Servo Feeder - Mașină de îndreptat tablă și mașină de alimentare

Indreptator Servo Feeder - Mașină de îndreptat tablă și mașină de alimentare

Modelul nostru Servo Feeder permite clienților să economisească energie, spațiu și să reducă costurile de întreținere. Modelele AS nu au nevoie de extern ghidare deoarece reduc la minimum distanța dintre corpul presei și șablon. Lățimea materialului:30 - 1600 mm Grosimea materialului:0,3 - 6 mm
La Cimbali M23 UP DT/3 Mașină de Cafea Espresso Automată cu 3 Grupe - Echipamente pentru Cafea

La Cimbali M23 UP DT/3 Mașină de Cafea Espresso Automată cu 3 Grupe - Echipamente pentru Cafea

La Cimbali M23 UP DT/3 3 Group Fully Automatic Espresso Coffee Machine - Cafe-Equipments
Mașină de Ambalare Automată - Mașină de Ambalare Automată

Mașină de Ambalare Automată - Mașină de Ambalare Automată

◾ Fully PLC controlled. ◾ Precision weighing and long life with stainless steel load cells. ◾ 5/10kg.-10/25kg.and 25/50kg. weighing December. ◾ Automatic filling into bags with an open mouth. ◾ Lower and upper tolerance values that can be programmed separately. ◾ Automatic sack shaking mechanics. ◾ Separate weighing container feeding system according to the type of product to be bagged. ◾ Double coil feeding driven by separate motor. ◾ Single coil feeding driven by two-speed motor. ◾ Belt feed driven by two-speed motor. ◾ According to the product to be bagged and the desired tolerance, 13-22 tons/hour (50 kg. capacity Decoupled in bags) between. ◾ Special system panel from IP54 protection class ◾ Regulation bunker weighing unit and special vibration units in unloading bunkers. ◾ Easy calibration with keypad. ◾ Height adjustable sewing machine column.
Jaguar - 200 Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor

Jaguar - 200 Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor

Agromeks - Jaguar - Les machines de collecte de pierres sont considérées comme l'un des outils indispensables qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la création de terres pierreuses propices à l'agriculture sur la scène mondiale du secteur agricole. Cette machine est conçue pour traiter votre sol tout en ramassant les cailloux de la surface jusqu'à une profondeur de 35 cm grâce à un système spécial de tambour et de tamis à ressort . Les machines Agromeks-Jaguar-Stone Collecting sont utilisées pour nettoyer les côtes et les plages dans de nombreuses zones industrielles telles que le secteur du tourisme ainsi que les terres agricoles . Grâce à sa capacité à collecter des pierres de 3 cm à 45 cm de diamètre , le système de tamis à ressort et de tambour empêche la terre et la boue de s'accumuler . Le fait que notre machine soit fabriquée avec un alliage d'acier spécial qui offre une longue durée de vie de la lame garantit durabilité et efficacité. Largeur de travail:200 cm Capacité de stockage:Max. 8500 kg Puissance requise du tracteur:80 - 90 CV Diamètre de la pierre qu'il peut collecter (min., max.):3-35 cm Profondeur de travail (max.):35 cm Poids:3850 kg Longueur:520 cm Largeur de la route:280 cm Hauteur:250 cm Hauteur de l'entrepôt:260cm
Parte de matriță progresivă

Parte de matriță progresivă

Üçes Makina tarafından metal işleme sektörüne yönelik olarak geliştirilen Progresif Kalıp Parçası , yüksek hassasiyet ve dayanıklılık gerektiren sac şekillendirme işlemleri için özel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu kalıp parçası, otomotiv, beyaz eşya ve elektronik gibi sektörlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan sac metallerin şekillendirilmesi için ideal bir çözümdür. CNC işleme teknolojileri kullanılarak yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen progresif kalıp parçası, kompleks şekillerde ve çok aşamalı işlemlerde mükemmel performans sağlar. Progresif kalıplar, tek seferde birden fazla işlem yapabilme yeteneği ile üretim hızını artırır ve maliyetleri düşürür. ISO 9001:2015 kalite kontrol standartlarına uygun olarak üretilen bu ürün, dayanıklı çelik alaşımları kullanılarak aşınma ve deformasyona karşı üstün dayanıklılık sunar. Ürün, müşteri taleplerine göre özelleştirilebilir ve farklı metal işleme uygulamalarında yüksek hassasiyetle kullanılabilir.
Prosop din Microfibră pentru Mașină

Prosop din Microfibră pentru Mașină

It sells automatic towel for reliable cleaning in cars and it works 24/Q long-term. It works with coins and gives the product to the user from the product reservoir of consistently the same quality car drying cloth. LINK and Analogue/Pulse servo drives models High-response frequency of 1 kHz Auto-tuning for easy and quick start-up Vibration suppression Positioning, speed or torque control Separate power and control power supply Fast and accurate positioning Incremental and absolute encoder Nominal voltage:12 V/DC IP protection class:IP67 Work Temparature:15OC, +40OC Length x Width x Depth:164 x 94 x 32 CM Art. No.:0612090P P. Qt.:1 Auto Range:No Digital Sensor Reduction:DNR L.A. Length:20/40/80 Payment Module:Coin, token
Cataphoreză / Laborator de Testare a Sării – Externalizat

Cataphoreză / Laborator de Testare a Sării – Externalizat

In the Cataphoresis Laboratory, where the compliance of Cataphoresis Coated products with customer specifications is checked, there is an ETÜV Furnace, Mash Furnace, Impact Test Device, Precision Scale, Ph Control Equipment, Conductivity Control Equipment, Salt Test Device and various Chemistry Laboratory Equipment. The process is kept under control with periodic checks carried out by Expert Engineers.
Carcase - Carcasă SN/SNH

Carcase - Carcasă SN/SNH

SN/SNH housings are the most popular rolling bearing housings on the market, developed to be the first choice in terms of design, quality and economy. They enable combined bearings to achieve maximum service life with less maintenance required. Different housing types and seal designs are available, making the use of special housings virtually unnecessary and allowing cost-effective bearing arrangements. It plays a key role in supporting your bearings, protecting them from contaminants while retaining lubricant, and can also house monitoring equipment.
Suport pentru cafea filtrată din plexiglas

Suport pentru cafea filtrată din plexiglas

For futher details, please contact us and visit our website
Prelucrarea Aluminiului - Prelucrarea CNC a Aluminiului

Prelucrarea Aluminiului - Prelucrarea CNC a Aluminiului

havacılık sektörüne özel olarak imal edilmiş CNC alüminyum talaşlı imalat malzemeleri üretmekteyiz. İmal etmiş olduğumuz ürünler CMM (Koordinat ölçme sistemi) ile test edilip talep ettiğiniz sertifikalara uygun imalat ve kalite kontrolleri yapılmaktadır.
Profiluri Speciale OZL-73

Profiluri Speciale OZL-73

Special Profiles OZL-73 Ref:OZL-73
Piese de Schimb JCB

Piese de Schimb JCB

NUETRAL SWITCH Part number:233778
Sudarea cu arc metalic cu gaz

Sudarea cu arc metalic cu gaz

Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), commonly known as MIG welding, is a welding process where an electric arc forms between a consumable electrode and the workpiece, generating the necessary heat for welding. The electrode, continuously fed as a solid wire, melts and forms the weld metal as it is consumed. The welding area is protected from atmospheric contamination by shielding gases or gas mixtures from the welding torch, ensuring high-quality welds by preventing defects caused by even minimal air exposure.
Sisteme de testare la sfârșitul liniei (EoL)

Sisteme de testare la sfârșitul liniei (EoL)

End-of-Line (EoL) testing devices are used to test the quality of the product after the production process. The purpose of the testing system is to check any visual, audio or other problems that may arise during the installation and assembly of components before they are delivered to customers. Application examples of end-of-line testing systems developed by Novosim include: ​ Rotary systems (transmissions, axles, etc.) Automotive Component Testing Noise and vibration level measurements special systems ​ EoL testing systems are complex systems that generally operate automatically and include a range of sensors, data acquisition devices and testing equipment. Test procedures can be prepared in the form of predefined scenarios by the development team and stored in a database. Different scenarios can be prepared for different test conditions (high speed, low speed, long term, short term, etc.) and then called from the database.
Conjunto de Sofá Individual e Duplo Dot  OG-101 (Individual), OG-100 (Duplo)

Conjunto de Sofá Individual e Duplo Dot OG-101 (Individual), OG-100 (Duplo)

The Dot Sofa Set exudes a chic, modern aesthetic, perfect for sophisticated settings. Available in both single and double seating configurations, this sofa set is defined by its plush, button-tufted upholstery, creating a textured and luxurious look. The Dot sofas combine comfort with a striking design, making them ideal for office lounges, executive waiting areas, and upscale residential spaces. This set features wooden legs that add warmth and stability, complementing the bold leather upholstery. The compact single-seat option (OG-101) offers a personal retreat, while the double-seat version (OG-100) provides additional space for collaborative seating. Crafted for both comfort and style, the Dot sofas enhance any interior with a touch of class.
Cana de hârtie ondulată

Cana de hârtie ondulată

Material: Karton Form: Wellpappe Doppelwandbecher Vorteile: Dicker Karton. Der Becher ist mit einer PE-Folie versehen. Verwendung: Für kalte und heiße Getränke Informationen: Für den Lebensmittelkontakt zugelassen Deckel: Karton Doppeltwandige Wellpappe-Becher sind sehr beliebt in Cafés und Restaurants, können jedoch auch zu Hause für Veranstaltungen verwendet werden. Diese hochwertigen Papierbecher halten Flüssigkeiten bis zu 180 Grad oder weniger. Verfügbare Größen: 8 Oz, 12 Oz, 16 Oz und 22 Oz.
Seringi de Nutriție de 50ml

Seringi de Nutriție de 50ml

Genject brand disposable 50ml and feeding syringes are produced untouched by hand in accordance with ISO 13485 and CE standards in the new production facility equipped with 2021 model machine park and state-of-the-art technology in a closed area of 18.000 m². Genject brand 50ml sealed syringes have a shelf life of 5 years with ethylene oxide (EO) gas sterilization method. It is non-toxic and pyrogen-free with centric or eccentric body options thanks to its 6% curved Luer tip. Genject brand 50ml sealed syringes always prioritize quality by facilitating the movement of the piston thanks to the special Medical Grade silicone in the body. Product No:8699931754001 ml:50 G:Needle-free mm:Needle-free
PLANTĂ DE PRODUCȚIE AUS32 (DEF) - Inteligentă, la cheie, de vârf

PLANTĂ DE PRODUCȚIE AUS32 (DEF) - Inteligentă, la cheie, de vârf

La linea di produzione intelligente per il Diesel è un sistema di produzione all'avanguardia che sfrutta l'automazione, le tecnologie digitali e l'analisi dei dati per migliorare il processo di fabbricazione del DEF, come l'AdBlue®. Il DEF è una soluzione impiegata nei sistemi di riduzione catalitica selettiva (SCR) dei motori diesel per ridurre le dannose emissioni di ossido di azoto (NOx) PRODUCT CODE:PE COLOUR:Natural Customer Offloading:Customer Offloading Lid size:150 Material:HDPE Potable:Potable Shape:Shape
Stivuitor Radial Telescopic - Stivuitor Radial Telescopic

Stivuitor Radial Telescopic - Stivuitor Radial Telescopic

A specialized conveyor system called a telescopic radial stacker is used in material handling applications to stack bulk materials in radial stockpiles with efficiency. This equipment has an extendable and retractable telescopic boom that expands its reach and facilitates radial or circular material stacking. By utilizing the radial stacking feature the stacker can maximize storage capacity in a constrained footprint by forming stockpiles with a larger diameter.Effective bulk material management and storage is achieved through the widespread use of telescopic radial stackers in the mining construction and aggregate processing industries.
Dispozitiv de Monitorizare a Temperaturii Wi-CaM

Dispozitiv de Monitorizare a Temperaturii Wi-CaM

Wi-CaM est un dispositif avancé de charge et de surveillance sans fil spécialement conçu pour les capteurs WiT-es et WiPr-es. Déployé lorsque l'énergie nécessaire aux opérations WiT-es et WiPr-es est insuffisante, Wi-CaM affiche également les données du capteur en temps réel (température ou pression) pour les opérateurs sur le terrain. Simplifiant le processus d'installation, Wi-CaM charge le capteur concerné en seulement 2 secondes et affiche les informations du capteur sur son écran intégré. Ce dispositif innovant, breveté par Escom Enhanced Solutions, se caractérise par sa facilité d'utilisation, sa mobilité, sa précision et sa rapidité d'interaction. Il s'agit d'un appareil portatif pratique qui permet de surveiller en temps réel la température, la pression, l'adresse MAC, le taux de puissance du signal, le nom du capteur et le niveau de charge