Produse pentru masini (176)

Structură utilizată în reciclarea deșeurilor PET

Structură utilizată în reciclarea deșeurilor PET

Constructions for food industry are tanks that are used in recycling of PET waste.
Platforme pentru transportul persoanelor - Transportoare cu bandă

Platforme pentru transportul persoanelor - Transportoare cu bandă

Pomosty do jazdy ludzi przeznaczone są do umożliwienia bezpiecznego wsiadania lub wysiadania na lub z taśmy przenośnika podczas prowadzenia transportu ludzi przenośnikami taśmowymi. Pomosty dostosowane są do zabudowy na przenośnikach taśmowych o dowolnych parametrach. Dodatkowo z pomostami stosowane są konstrukcję do zabudowy wyłączników krańcowych, czujników i elementów osprzętu elektrycznego niezbędne do zachowania bezpieczeństwa. Prędkość transportu:2,5 m/s Szerokość taśmy:1000 mm-1400 mm


De fleste av produktene våre er emballasje på pappesker metallisert med sølv, gull og regnbuefolie. Vår mange års erfaring med implementering av de mest komplekse og forskjellig raffinerte arbeid utført for kunder fra Polen og i utlandet, gir deg en garanti for perfekt laget emballasje. Vi trykker EMBALLASJE med et bredt spekter av raffinementer med blant annet UV-hybridlakker, perlemorslakker, tunge lakker, med innhold av spåner. glimmer eller jern, lakker som skaper en 3D-effekt (preging) og konvekse lakker som lar oss lage sanseemballasje.
Vopsire cu pulbere

Vopsire cu pulbere

Powder Coating
Unități de flotare - construcții pentru marine

Unități de flotare - construcții pentru marine

We have been specializing in constructions for marine and other products used in the marine sector for years. We manufacture of Flotation Units. The pruduct made from stainless steel and constituted waste water treatment systems.
FC.24058 Expunere în trepte pentru lacuri de unghii - Descoperă noua dimensiune a prezentării lacurilor de unghii!

FC.24058 Expunere în trepte pentru lacuri de unghii - Descoperă noua dimensiune a prezentării lacurilor de unghii!

Te presentamos un elegante expositor escalonado fabricado en plexiglás negro en versión mate o brillante, que exhibirá a la perfección la amplia gama de colores de tus productos. El diseño escalonado garantiza una excelente visibilidad de cada barniz, lo que facilita a los clientes elegir el producto perfecto para ellos. El material del que está fabricado confiere al conjunto un aspecto elegante y lujoso, destacando perfectamente la belleza de los barnices. Un logotipo tridimensional de plexiglás blanco pegado en la parte frontal del expositor subraya la profesionalidad de la marca y es un elemento decorativo adicional. Las dimensiones compactas del expositor, adaptadas a las necesidades del cliente, lo hacen encajar perfectamente en cualquier interior de un salón de belleza, tienda o farmacia. La pantalla está disponible en varios tamaños y configuraciones para adaptarse a las necesidades individuales. Dimensiones:300x250x500 mm Material:negro, plexiglás blanco, brillante, mate Destino:Farmacias, salones de belleza.
Agregat Hidraulic - Tip 11-001/11-015

Agregat Hidraulic - Tip 11-001/11-015

Agregat hydrauliczny przeznaczony jest do zasilania samohamownego urządzenia przesuwającego jak również do zasilania innych urządzeń i maszyn z napędem hydraulicznym. Agregat może być eksploatowany w podziemnych zakładach górniczych w polach niemetanowych i metanowych, w wyrobiskach zaliczanych do stopnia „a", „b" lub „c" niebezpieczeństwa wybuchu metanu oraz w wyrobiskach zaliczonych do klasy „A" lub „B" zagrożenia wybuchem pyłu węglowego. Moc silnika napędowego:5,5 kW/15 kW Pojemność zbiornika:110/190 dm3 Maksymalne ciśnienie oleju:24/21 MPa Napięcie zasilania:500/1000 V
Prelucrarea Oțelului CNC - Prelucrare Complexă a Oțelului

Prelucrarea Oțelului CNC - Prelucrare Complexă a Oțelului

CNC-stålbearbetning är en omfattande tjänst som använder datorstyrda maskiner för att forma stål efter exakta specifikationer. Med avancerad CNC-teknik är det möjligt att uppnå hög kvalitet och repeterbarhet i produktionen av ståldelar, vilket gör det till en populär metod inom metallbearbetningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder omfattande maskinbearbetningstjänster. Vi producerar komponenter i batchkörningar med hjälp av CNC-teknik. Vi har en välutvecklad och modern maskinpark, vilket gör att vi kan garantera högsta kvalitet på bearbetningen. Vad vi erbjuder inom området maskinbearbetning: - fräsning - svarvning - Borrning - hyvling
Mașini de rulare din plastic

Mașini de rulare din plastic

Plastic Rolling Machines
Construire de mașini personalizate – dispozitive pentru fiecare industrie

Construire de mașini personalizate – dispozitive pentru fiecare industrie

Businesses that need specially designed device for a particular business should contact our company. We are in the business of custom machine building, which means that we can design and build devices for any type of business: from the food and medical industries to the woodworking, automotive or electronic equipment industries. Our customers can count not only on efficient implementation, but also on full technical support. After getting acquainted with the specifics of a given business, we will propose favorable technological solutions for the case. What does custom machine building include? We not only deal with the building of custom machines, but also with their prior design. Once the customer accepts all our ideas, we proceed to construct the devices. We provide professional workmanship, including both assembly and implementation. During each stage of work, we are guided by professionalism, reliability, precision and punctuality. We do not
Linii de producție - Proiectarea și fabricarea noilor linii de producție

Linii de producție - Proiectarea și fabricarea noilor linii de producție

Designing and manufacturing of the new production lines Modernization of the existing production lines Expanding production lines by new stations
Producția de mașini industriale - Modernizarea liniilor de producție

Producția de mașini industriale - Modernizarea liniilor de producție

PRO-ASSEM designs and builds production machines and production testers for industry. We adapt all machines to your requirements and production process. The projects are realized in accordance with procedures confirmed by the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate. Our machines have found Customers from Poland, Great Britain, Spain and Mexico. We manufacture both manual and semi-automatic assembly stations. We also make fully robotic production lines and production machines. We can automate and robotize your existing production processes. Our offer includes the design and execution of such devices as: - Production lines - Production machines - End of line testers - Assembly machines - Laboratory measuring machines - Packaging and palletizing systems - Conveyors - Manipulators - Industrial robots In addition, we also accept orders for express production of parts for machines and devices according to the submitted documentation.
Stații de lucru și linii de producție robotizate - Asamblare și paletizare robotizate

Stații de lucru și linii de producție robotizate - Asamblare și paletizare robotizate

Designing and manufacturing of the new production lines PRO-ASSEM designs and builds production machines and production testers for industry. We adapt all machines to your requirements and production process. The projects are realized in accordance with procedures confirmed by the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate. Our machines have found Customers from Poland, Great Britain, Spain and Mexico. We manufacture both manual and semi-automatic assembly stations. We also make fully robotic production lines and production machines. We can automate and robotize your existing production processes.
Linii de producție de design 3D - Linii de producție de inginerie

Linii de producție de design 3D - Linii de producție de inginerie

Designing machines and devices according to client’s specification Preparation of the 3D models Preparation of the complete technical documentation
Stații de asamblare - Linii de producție și modernizarea liniilor de producție

Stații de asamblare - Linii de producție și modernizarea liniilor de producție

Assembly workstations Semi-automatic assembly stations Fully automated assembly stations
Construcția de mașini de producție – personalizarea mașinilor pentru industrie

Construcția de mașini de producție – personalizarea mașinilor pentru industrie

Our offer includes construction of production machinery. We are constantly developing our business to be able to offer customers devices that will significantly improve efficiency during production. We handle both the design and implementation, as well as the commissioning and programming of machines. We are staffed by qualified engineers who are constantly keeping up to date with the latest technological solutions. In our company, we deal with the automation of industrial production, we will design for you a machine equipped with the latest software. Turn to us if you want your industrial machines to be innovative and efficient. We customize them for a variety of industries during production.Industrial operations today are unable to function without common technological solutions. Automating production processes significantly increases the efficiency of the entire company, and, as we all know, technology is still evolving strongly. Therefore, it is worth investing
Mașini speciale pentru încălzire prin inducție

Mașini speciale pentru încălzire prin inducție

Special machines for induction heating
Mașini de injectare de laborator

Mașini de injectare de laborator

Laboratory injection molding machines
Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Mașini de întărire prin inducție

Induction hardening machines
Mașini de frezat

Mașini de frezat

Milling machines
Prelucrare - Prelucrare CNC

Prelucrare - Prelucrare CNC

CNC detail machining (CNC milling, turning) Small-lot production Piece production
Laboratory measuring machines - Mașini de măsurare de laborator

Laboratory measuring machines - Mașini de măsurare de laborator

We manufacture both manual and semi-automatic assembly stations. We also make fully robotic production lines and production machines. We can automate and robotize your existing production processes. Our offer includes the design and execution of such devices as: - Production lines - Production machines - End of line testers - Assembly machines - Laboratory measuring machines - Packaging and palletizing systems - Conveyors - Manipulators - Industrial robots
Tester de final de linie de producție - Inginerie de linie de producție

Tester de final de linie de producție - Inginerie de linie de producție

Devices testing hermeticity Devices testing electrical parameters Devices for geometry verification
Automatizare industrială - Programarea roboților și programarea PLC

Automatizare industrială - Programarea roboților și programarea PLC

PLC drivers programming Modification of the existing programs Preparation of the vision applications


CNC detail machining (CNC milling, turning) Small-lot production Piece production
Capete de foraj liniare

Capete de foraj liniare

Linear drill heads