Produse pentru masini (4739)

Freză CNC 1000 x 600 mm Curs - Freză CNC cu Șuruburi cu Bilă pentru Modelism și Hobby

Freză CNC 1000 x 600 mm Curs - Freză CNC cu Șuruburi cu Bilă pentru Modelism și Hobby

High-Z S-1000/T CNC Fräsmaschine Durch die verbauten Kugelumlaufspindeln erreicht unsere CNC Portalfräsmaschine High-Z/T eine höchst präzise Genauigkeit und ein beinahe nicht mehr messbares Umkehrspiel von etwa 0,01mm. Zudem sind hohe Verfahrgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu cirka 108mm pro Sekunde (6500 mm pro Minute ) umsetzbar. Eine CE-konforme Inbetriebnahme unserer CNC Maschinen erfordert den Anbau der Schutzeinhausung und des Absaugstutzens. Gewicht:45 kg Länge:1396 mm Breite:870 mm Höhe:570 mm Verfahrweg X:1000 mm Verfahrweg Y:600 mm Verfahrweg Z:110 mm max. Durchfahrtshöhe Z:103 mm
EFS-L - mașină FS pentru cupe preformate

EFS-L - mașină FS pentru cupe preformate

The format-flexible filling and sealing machine 'EFS-L' for pre-fabricated cups allows for easy operation and maintenance through the use of the latest technologies. A modular design with stainless steel construction and servo drives offers flexibility at the filling stations - pre-fillers and post-fillers for liquid or dry ingredients. The chainless solution for cup transport enables format flexi- bility and precise positioning throughout the machine. Available up to ultra-clean hygiene level and for a wide range of cup sizes with heat seal and snap-on lids. Highlights: - Format flexible - Chainless drive - Modular design - Hygienic design (EHEDG) - Hygiene options (UVC, Pulse light, H2O2) - Hygiene levels: clean or ultra-clean - Recipe functionality
Mașină de profilare - SRM 622 - Mașină de profilare SRM

Mașină de profilare - SRM 622 - Mașină de profilare SRM

Our rotational technology increases the possibilities of forming on tubes with minimal expenditure on tools. All the drives are servo-electric by design and, if needed, CNC-operated. In our SRM rollforming machines, all the settings are preloaded, so there is no longer any need for costly adjustments. Different tool variants further expand the processing possibilities for chipless cutting or post-bending cutting. The machines can produce internal and external profiles and can also roll in synchronicity thanks to a special tool head (inside/outside). Tube diameter:6 - 22 mm Max. Wall thickness:1 mm Operation length:max. 40 mm Cycle time:4 - 10 sec Rotation/min:300 - 1000
Mașină de tăiat cu laser - L-1200

Mașină de tăiat cu laser - L-1200

Le sytème laser L-1200 permet la découpe et la gravure avec une précison unique et une qualité de coupe impeccable. Nous vous aiderons à choisir la puissance laser adéquate à vore besoin dans la gamme 60W – 400W
Mașină de crimping furtunuri - seria S10

Mașină de crimping furtunuri - seria S10

Its compact construction allows for ergonomic working. The use of long master dies allows you to crimp 90° elbow fittings up to 2“ with the tried and tested greaseless slide bearing technology, which reduces maintenance costs and increases the product quality. Product handled:for hoses Operational mode:semi-automatic Drive type:hydraulic Other characteristics:compact
Retrofit pentru prese și prese mari / Presă mare - Elemente de transmisie și tehnologie de acționare pentru utilizare industrială

Retrofit pentru prese și prese mari / Presă mare - Elemente de transmisie și tehnologie de acționare pentru utilizare industrială

Wir fertigen Zahnräder, Zahnkränze und verzahnte Wellen für verschiedene Anwendungen in der Industrie mit Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau und Maschinentechnik. Unsere Kunden kommen aus verschiedensten Branchen: Bahn, Windkraft, Marine, Industriegetriebe, Öl- und Gasförderung sowie Kranbau oder Baumaschinen sowie Sondermaschinen. Auch beliefern wir die Branche Retrofit und stellen in Kleinserien oder Einzelanfertigung die Teile her. Je nach Dimension kann nicht selten eine Qualität von 4 erreicht werden. Wir prüfen die Möglichkeiten unverbindlich und ohne Gebühren. Zu unseren Kunden gehören renommierte und bekannte Unternehmen. Referenzen zu Ihrer Branche auf Anfrage. Wir fertigen nach Kundenzeichnung und besitzen eine eigene Härterei. Diese spart Zeit und Kosten bei der Herstellung. Kooperation besteht für Gasnitrierung und Einzelzahninduktionshärtung mit Experten ihres Fachs. Das Zahnradwerk Pritzwalk unterstützt Sie beim Retrofit für Pressen und Werkzeugmaschinen.
Mașină de decapare AI 02 - Mașini de decapare

Mașină de decapare AI 02 - Mașini de decapare

Technical information The cross-section range is reduced from 0.05 up to 2.5 mm² (AWG 30 – 14) and a special front plate is added. This machine can be used for shorter infeed lenght of 15 mm + stripping length.
Etichetator pentru Palet de Baril și Container IBC | Model IBLM - Mașină de Etichetat pentru Palete de Baril și Containere IBC

Etichetator pentru Palet de Baril și Container IBC | Model IBLM - Mașină de Etichetat pentru Palete de Baril și Containere IBC

Vollautomatische Etikettiermaschine zur Etikettierung von Fasspaletten IBC-Conatiner Alle Chemikalien unterliegen vor dem Inverkehrbringen grundsätzlich der Einstufungs- und Kennzeichnungspflicht. Oftmals werden auch mehrere Etiketten (Produktetikett, Gefahrgutetikett und Logistiketikett) auf den Containern oder Fasspaletten aufgebraucht. Die Etikettierung kann im Durchlauf oder im Stillstand erfolgen. ​Zur Etikettenübergabe auf das Fass kommen Vakuumbänder zum Einsatz, welche mit entsprechender Spezialvakuumplatte unterschiedliche Etikettengrößen verarbeiten können. Der Etikettierer IBLM kann als eigenständiger Etikettierer eingesetzt oder in bestehende Produktionslinien und Abfüllstraßen integriert werden.
Cuțite de mașină pentru industria cartonului ondulat

Cuțite de mașină pentru industria cartonului ondulat

Maschinenmesser für die Wellpappenindustrie aus besten Stahlqualitäten für eine lange Standzeit. Klein, scharf, anspruchsvoll: Wir haben uns auf die Herstellung kleiner Messer bis ca. 100 mm Schnittlänge nach Muster oder Zeichnung spezialisiert. Diese fertigen wir in Klein- und Mittelserien aus höchsten Stahlqualitäten, um eine hohe Standzeit zu erreichen. Hohe Standzeiten: Durch die Verwendung verschiedenster Stahlqualitäten wie hochlegierte Werkzeugstähle, HSS, rostfreie oder pulvermetallurgische Stähle erreichen wir dieses Ziel. Für besondere Anforderungen können wir Messer mit Hartmetall bestücken oder komplett aus Hartmetall fertigen. Selbstverständlich können wir auch andere Materialwünsche erfüllen. Zusätzlich können verschiedenste Beschichtungen die Eigenschaften der Messer (Standzeit, Korrosionsverhalten, Reibung usw.) weiter verbessern.
Mașină manuală de flanșare MKF 130/16 pentru formarea rezervoarelor - Kraftformer portabil MKF 130/16 pentru producția de rezervoare și recipiente, ECKOLD®

Mașină manuală de flanșare MKF 130/16 pentru formarea rezervoarelor - Kraftformer portabil MKF 130/16 pentru producția de rezervoare și recipiente, ECKOLD®

For high force precision flanging tasks: Portable Kraftformers from ECKOLD This mobile C-frame is generally used for forming and adjusting tasks that require extra force. It is the perfect solution for the flanging of cylinders, baffles and cones as well as for flange repairs. Thanks to the exchangeable tool inserts, the Multiformer is a universal machine that can be configured to handle virtually any forming task. Its roller stops allow for accurate workpiece guidance through the machine. The portable Kraftformer MKF 130/16 is designed for the forming of steel sheets with a thickness from 4.0 to 10.0 mm and for 4.0 to 8.0 mm stainless steel. This offer includes a hydraulic drive unit HA 510. Tool inserts are not included in the scope of delivery. They must be chosen separately, based on the actual task. Contact us for a customised offer, tool inserts included! Technology:Flanging Drive:Hydraulic Type:Portable Kraftformer Target sectors:Tank, vessel construction, apparatus Material:Steel, stainless steel
Mașină de umplere semi-automată - EFS 42

Mașină de umplere semi-automată - EFS 42

The EFS 42 enables complex control tasks and MES/ERP connections as well as remote maintenance. Its modular design allows it to be expanded into a fully automatic filling line with container conveying, capping and labelling. Suitable for viscous to pasty liquids such as paints, it features an electronic scale and fills open containers just above the filling level. The product is fed from storage tanks by gravity or pumps. ■ a calibratable over-level filling unit with travelling valve just above the filling level ■ Thread-cutting, non-drip filling valve ■ quick cleaning of the valve ■ Quick changeover to other container dimensions and changing products ■ The ideal solution for small and medium-sized filling orders ■ Filling, capping and palletising by one person ■ Can be used immediately: just connect energy (electricity and/or compressed air) and product supply and filling can begin
Mașini de nituit CNC Friedrich ca modul

Mașini de nituit CNC Friedrich ca modul

Die Grundplatte, Koordinatenachsen, C-Gestell und Nietmaschine können für die jeweilige Einbausituation konfiguriert werden. Die Friedrich CNC-Steuerung mit Touchscreen-Bedienfeld und übersichtlicher tabellarischer Struktur ist für einfache Programmierung ausgelegt. - stabile, verwindungssteife Grundplatte mit Befestigungsbohrungen - Koordinatensystem mit Lineareinheiten und Kugelumlaufspindeln - Nietbereich 100x200 mm bis 350x500 mm - Digitaler High-Speed-Antrieb mit Motion Control - C-Gestelle in verschiedenen Höhen und Ausladungen - Pneumatische oder hydraulische Radial-Punktnietmaschinen einsetzbar - Friedrich CNC-Steuerung mit Nietprozessüberwachung - Schaltschrank für individuelle Installation - diverse Schnittstellen zur Datenübertragung Besondere Merkmale und Vorteile: - Als Einzelmodul oder im Verbund einsetzbar - Integrierbar in Sondermaschinen und Fertigungssysteme - kleinste Nietabstände möglich - Hohe Verfahrgeschwindigkeit bis 400 mm/s - Große Beschleunigungsrate...
Tehnologia de instalare pentru inserții filetate - ECHIPAMENT DE INSTALARE

Tehnologia de instalare pentru inserții filetate - ECHIPAMENT DE INSTALARE

Flexible, vielseitige Lösungen für das Einsetzen von Gewindeeinsätzen in thermoplastische und duroplastische Kunststoffe nach dem Spritzgießen. SPIROL's Installationsmaschinen sind die optimale Basis für eigenständige Systeme und erweiterte Montagesysteme, die von SPIROL angeboten werden. Zu den Zusatzeinrichtungen und Funktionen gehören: Vision-Sensorik für die Anwesenheit von Teilen Automatische Identifikation der Aufnahmevorrichtung Kundenspezifische rotierende oder lineare Bewegung der Aufnahmevorrichtung Passwortschutz für HMI-Bildschirme Rückstellung mit Schlüssel Status-/Anzeigelampen Störungsalarm Parkmarkierung
Micro-spatulă din oțel inoxidabil - Eșantionator, echipament de laborator, lungime 170 mm

Micro-spatulă din oțel inoxidabil - Eșantionator, echipament de laborator, lungime 170 mm

La microespátula permite medir, tomar muestras y procesar con total fiabilidad pequeñas cantidades de polvo, sustancias químicas, pastas, cremas o sustancias activas. Esta cuchara de laboratorio está hecha de acero inoxidable y sin ninguna clase de borde, junta ni muesca, lo que previene las situaciones de ensuciamiento o contaminación cruzada, ya que no existe riesgo de que queden depositados restos de producto o de materiales de limpieza. Esta microespátula es ideal para el uso en los sectores farmacéutico, de alimentación y bebidas, y cosmético. Material:Acero inoxidable V2A (1.4301)
Mânici Shrink pentru Mașini

Mânici Shrink pentru Mașini

Schrumpfhauben für Maschinen Schrumpfhauben:Maschinen
Multilift II clean - Ideal pentru utilizare în camere curate

Multilift II clean - Ideal pentru utilizare în camere curate

The Multilift II clean has now been added to the range. It has been deliberately developed for use in the clean room. A special shroud for the DC motor with brushes of the lifting column means discharge of particles is kept to a minimum. To verify its suitability for use in clean rooms, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA carried out a particle emissions test as per DIN EN ISO 14644-1 and certified the lifting column for use in clean rooms up to a globally valid class 4.
Sistem de suspensie din aluminiu CS-3000 - Sistem de suspensie CS-3000 - Design industrial modern, ergonomie bine concepută

Sistem de suspensie din aluminiu CS-3000 - Sistem de suspensie CS-3000 - Design industrial modern, ergonomie bine concepută

The CS-3000 suspension system is characterised by a combination of well thought-out ergonomics and modern industrial design. It consists of a large number of components that can be combined in any way. The CS-3000 suspension system is an innovative system solution that functions according to the modular principle. — Long service life and safe operation thanks to anodised aluminium tubes — Clean lines, thanks to smooth transitions between the tube and system components (very easy to clean) — Coated tube fastening screws for sealing the thread holes and secure connections — Relative appearance and connection of narrow profiles thanks to the possibility of reducing the cross section from square to round tube — Protection class IP65 — Modular flexible system lets you upgrade the couplings (also after installation), e.g. with adapters for slim enclosures or with tilt adapters — Well designed ergonomics for simple and virtually fatigue free operation Options:aluminum, modular
WRW - Mixer Montat pe Perete

WRW - Mixer Montat pe Perete

Rigid stand for wall-mounting for tank volumes from 100 l. Mixer powers from 0.37 kW to 7.5 kW and support loads up to 100 kg can be realized. Under these conditions, the stand can be equipped with all fast running or gear-reduced mixers and their matching agitator elements. The lift is done by a geared hand-wheel or electric with a lift drive and chain drive. The mixer is positioned on a cantilever beam which is fixed to a support slide that is moved on the stand column. The electric or pneumatic supply is guided through a laterally mounted energy chain. The stand WRW is available in two standard sizes, thus enabling the processing of various tank sizes. The standard sizes are particularly designed for the processing of exchangeable vessels such as drums and IBCs.
Codificator Liniar GB-ER (DRO) - Codificator liniar pentru modernizarea uneltelor manuale (DRO)

Codificator Liniar GB-ER (DRO) - Codificator liniar pentru modernizarea uneltelor manuale (DRO)

Incremental linear encoder for manual machine tools or measuring applications with counter display. Magetic detection principle makes it extremely insensitive against contamination such as oil, water and dust. Wide tolerances for easy installation For connection to LG20 and LH70 series position indicators Measuring range:50mm - 2200mm Accuarcy:+/-5µm Resolution:0,5µm Reference mark:1 Output signal:TTL line driver RS422
Husă de protecție pentru robot de prelucrare mecanică - SERVICIU MAȘINI - FINISARE

Husă de protecție pentru robot de prelucrare mecanică - SERVICIU MAȘINI - FINISARE

En service machine ou en usinage direct (ébavurage, tronçonnage…), les housses ASP sont parfaitement adaptées aux conditions d’usinages rencontrées dans l’industrie automobile. Les tissus techniques mis en oeuvre répondent aux exigences les + sévères (tenues, aux huiles, aux copeaux, à l’abrasion…). L’adaptation systématique à votre environnement reste la garantie d’une réponse optimale à vos besoins. Copeaux:Imperméable Huile:Indéchirable Lubrifiants:Fabrication étanche par soudure
Mașină Automată de Etichetare

Mașină Automată de Etichetare

Production lines and operations struggle with their current labeling solutions. Challenges include complexity, high costs, and the need for bulky cages to ensure worker safety. Existing labeling systems often fail to provide the required efficiency and precision in label placement, leading to errors, line stoppages, and quality issues. As a result, there is a growing demand for a labeling solution that is simpler, more cost-effective, and ensures exact labeling without compromising on safety.
Detector de Metale Secus® - Un detector de metale pentru protecția eficientă și eficace a angajaților și mașinilor

Detector de Metale Secus® - Un detector de metale pentru protecția eficientă și eficace a angajaților și mașinilor

Detektor metali Secus® zapewnia bardzo wydajną i skuteczną ochronę maszyn. Zapobiega dostawaniu się zanieczyszczeń metalicznych do procesu produkcyjnego i tym samym redukuje do minimum czasy przestojów spowodowane naprawami. Ponadto pracownicy są niezawodnie chronieni przed obrażeniami spowodowanymi przez odpryskujące elementy metalowe. Zaprojektowany specjalnie dla przemysłu ciężkiego Secus przekonuje przede wszystkim swoją niezwykle wytrzymałą konstrukcją i czułością detekcji, która została zoptymalizowana specjalnie dla przetwórstwa surowców. Dedykowany do różnych gałęzi przemysłu chemicznego, tworzyw sztucznych, recyklingu, gumowego, drzewnego, energetycznego, górniczego, tytoniowego Solidna konstrukcja połączona z optymalną czułością wykrywania Niezwykle prosta obsługa Dostępne w standardzie z otworami o wymiarach do 2200 x 1200 mm Stopień ochrony IP55, opcjonalnie IP66
Fabricare prin contract - prelucrare CNC, lipire, asamblare

Fabricare prin contract - prelucrare CNC, lipire, asamblare

Contract Manufacturing TC Domine is a dependable partner for the highprecision machining of components made of thermoplastics and glass fibre or carbon fibrereinforced plastic. Six modern CNC machines with up to five axes can machine components 6,140 mm long, 1,900 mm wide and up to 500 mm high. As such, we are able to design and manufacture the necessary parts inhouse. Subsequent processing steps such as gluing, painting and assembling addon components are an integral part of what we do.
GAV 8000 eco (Mașină automată de nituri) - Unitate de nituri complet automată fără control de proces

GAV 8000 eco (Mașină automată de nituri) - Unitate de nituri complet automată fără control de proces

• Remaches de 2,4 mm Ø hasta 6,4 mm Ø alu y cobre; 6 mm Ø acero; 5 mm Ø acero fino • Remaches con ala de hasta 11,4 mm • Longitudes del cuero superiores a 30 mm • Fuerza de tracción del vástago hasta un máx. de 11,770 N a 6-7 bares de presión de aire • Capacidad de remachar hasta 40 remaches por minuto • No es necesario personal especializado para el manejo • Posibilidad de integrar la remachadora en líneas de producción totalmente automatizadas • Manejo confortable mediante pantalla • Visualización en pantalla de todas las funciones • Posibilidad de solicitar un software a medida del cliente • Solución perfecta para aplicaciones que no requieren un control de proceso • Eliminación de vástagos por sistema de aspiración • Posibilidad de solicitar un control de presión • Posibilidad de trabajar de manera automatizada o integrada en la instalación • Opción de interfaz para trabajar con un PLC externo a través de GESIPA® Interface
EML 200 PREMIUM pentru sortare uscată - Mașini de sită

EML 200 PREMIUM pentru sortare uscată - Mașini de sită

Analysis sieves from Linker are used on a wide variety of sieve machines, irrespective of the manufacturer.
Acționare pentru axe flexibile - MB 50 G - Viteză: continuă de la 900 la 15.000 rpm

Acționare pentru axe flexibile - MB 50 G - Viteză: continuă de la 900 la 15.000 rpm

Developed for slight to heavy grinding and milling for tool and mold making, as well as for deburring, fettling and brushing work in foundries, container and steel construction and mechanical workshops. The lightest and most compact machine in its class for the toughest jobs. * Unbeatable power-to-weight ratio with 2.8 kW at 34 kg. * Ultra-strong asynchronous motor ("continuous runner") with top efficiency. * Indestructible, absolutely maintenance-free, virtually no wear. * Particularly suitable for large tool diameters. * Ideal for working on large surfaces. * Motor overload protection. * Constant speed under load. Comfort and safety features: * Wide range of possible combinations for shafts and handpieces. * Machine can be operated free standing, on table stand or on travelling stand. * Restart protection. * Soft start. * Protection class: IP 55, protection class: I Other characteristics:compact,steel,for deburring,brushing
Centru de prelucrare C 32 - C 32 - proiectat pentru utilizare zilnică și având în vedere cea mai mare sarcină de lucru posibilă

Centru de prelucrare C 32 - C 32 - proiectat pentru utilizare zilnică și având în vedere cea mai mare sarcină de lucru posibilă

The C 32 machining centre is able to workpieces weighing up to 1000 kg and cutting is undertaken in five axes simultaneously. It has also been designed for daily use and with the greatest possible workload in mind. The C 32 even mills materials which are difficult to machine in record time and with the highest level of precision - also fully automated ... or when using a flexible manufacturing system. All this combined with outstanding ease of use! The C 32 features two axes in the workpiece and three axes in the tool. Dynamic positioning, short downtime periods and secure location in the desired machining position are just as attractive as the very large working area packed into a small footprint. The circular tool magazine of the C 32 is integrated in the base body and capable of holding up to 36 tools. The tool magazine can be extended to 192 pockets using an optional additional magazine. This capacity allows complete machining of highly complex workpieces and various parts. Traverse X-axis:650 mm Traverse Y-axis:650 mm Traverse Z-axis:500 mm Rapid linear traverse (dynamic) X-Y-Z:45-45-40 m/min (60-60-60 m/min) Linear acceleration (dynamic) X-Y-Z:6 (10) m/s² Linear feed force X-Y-Z:8500 N Max. vertical table clearance:600/635 mm Max. workpiece diameter:Ø 650 mm Max. workpiece height:420 mm Collision circle (A axis) in 0° position:Ø 840 mm
Presă cu bandă Flottweg - Presa cu bandă pentru procese de deshidratare și filtrare

Presă cu bandă Flottweg - Presa cu bandă pentru procese de deshidratare și filtrare

La pressa a nastro Flottweg viene impiegata in molti settori che si avvalgono delle tecnologie di separazione meccanica. Soprattutto nella produzione di succhi di frutta, concentrati e succhi di verdura. Ma anche altri prodotti, quali ad es. l’estratto di alghe, la polvere del caffè, la soia e l’amido vengono ottenuti con l’aiuto delle presse a nastro. La pressa a nastro Flottweg offre: ►Qualità massima ►Dispendio operativo minimo: Il design di chiara concezione consente un facile accesso per le operazioni di pulizia, comando e manutenzione. L’unità di comando del nastro assicura una tensione e una guida dei nastri di livello ottimale. ►Lungo ciclo di vita: Grazie all’uso coerente di acciaio inossidabile, la pressa a nastro non risponde soltanto agli elevati standard igienici, bensì integra caratteristiche di robustezza e durata. ►Assistenza Flottweg: Flottweg vi affianca in ogni momento con la sua esperienza di lunga data e il proprio know-how competente. Caratteristiche:Cilindri dal profilo L e di pressione Automazione industriale:Unità comando del nastro automatica Materiali:acciaio inossidabile
Sistem Automat de Spălare și Uscare - Instalare de Spălare Automată cu Presiune Mare într-un Proces Continu

Sistem Automat de Spălare și Uscare - Instalare de Spălare Automată cu Presiune Mare într-un Proces Continu

Ce système vous offre la possibilité de nettoyer les élastomères dans un processus continu avec une efficacité maximale (le lavage à l’eau déionisée, déminéralisée ou ultrapure est facultatif). Les paniers de lavage sont automatiquement acheminés vers les stations de lavage respectives (> station de prélavage> station de rinçage> station de nettoyage haute pression> station de séchage haute pression) vers le magasin de retrait, à partir de la station de chargement. Les dimensions du lave-linge à processus continu dépendent des dimensions du panier que vous souhaitez (perforation de 3 mm à 15 mm possible), les modèles WD3, WD5 et WD9 avec différentes tailles sont disponibles en standard. Ce système est parfaitement équipé pour les exigences de l’Industrie 4.0. En standard, les données de processus peuvent également être surveillées à partir d’un poste de travail externe via le réseau (en option, via un serveur OPC UA). La construction se fait individuellement!