Produse pentru masini (280)

Stație pentru containere de deșeuri 2x plastic - Loc de stat pentru containere

Stație pentru containere de deșeuri 2x plastic - Loc de stat pentru containere

Station of plastic waste bins 120 and 240 Wheels of bins stand in a special groove in the station bottom. It enables very easy tipping of the bin. Steelwire rope protects the bins from falling out. In Stock:0 Product No:3455 Bin Type:1 x 120/240 – plastic Main Dimensions W X D X H Mm:840x880x1280 Weight Kg:600
Frezare CNC

Frezare CNC

For manufacturing of the complex components the 5-axis machining centre Hermle C400 is utilized. It provides an utmost accuracy and an optimal surface quality even for high volume of removed material. C400 has the best work area to total area ratio and can be adjusted ergonomically. Our recent investment was the new C400 with automatized pallet exchange system Handling System Flex. Custom manufacturing as well as large volume production High degree of automation 3-axis vertical milling 5-axis indexed and continuous milling Utilization of CAM software Shrink Fit tool holders High precision
Mașină de Împletit Roți de Bicicletă de la BMD - Mașină de Împletit Roți de Bicicletă pentru producție și asamblare industrială automatizată.

Mașină de Împletit Roți de Bicicletă de la BMD - Mașină de Împletit Roți de Bicicletă pentru producție și asamblare industrială automatizată.

The BMD 301 CC Bicycle wheel lacing machine laces spokes in rims quickly and efficiently. It adjusts between different wheel diameters and rim heights automatically. Standard features include: Graphical user interface, storage of production data and a customizable database
Încărcător Compact Electric - SKID STEER LOADER

Încărcător Compact Electric - SKID STEER LOADER

100% électrique, 0 emission, silencieux et Ecolo Nouveau type de chargeuse compacte électrique type skid.
matriță de ștanțare rotativă din alamă

matriță de ștanțare rotativă din alamă

rotational stamping cliche, stamping sleeve, cylinder stamping die, brass material, vine labeling
Prelucrare pe Scară Largă

Prelucrare pe Scară Largă

Turning to dia. 250mm / 350mm / 400mm Milling small size max. 450x550x600 mm large size max. 1000x3000x10000 mm Horizontal Boring Machine small size max. 1600 / 1200 mm large size max. 2500 / 1800 mm Carousel – max. dia. 2250/2500mm, height 1500mm Straight Grinding max. 3000×400 mm Round Grinding max. dia. 320 ×1000 mm


Schweißen von Metall und Blech im MIG-MAG-, WIG- und Laserschweißverfahren. Wir schweißen Stahlbleche, Aluminium, Edelstahl. Wir fertigen verschiedene Schweißkonstruktionen nach Kundenwunsch Schweißmethoden:MIG, TIG, Laser Wir schweißen das Material:Stahl, Edelstahl, Aluminium Zusatzleitungen:geschliffen, bemalt
RET10X Mașină de Găurit CNC Orizontală - Versiune Încrucișată - Nouă

RET10X Mașină de Găurit CNC Orizontală - Versiune Încrucișată - Nouă

X MÖGLICHKEITEN – Maximale Variabilität durch Baukastenprinzip – Verfahrwege der Grundachsen wählbar Y, Z max. 2.000 mm, X max. 3.000 mm – Lineare Rollenführungen in allen Achsen – Spindelstock in Traghülsenausführung – Funktion, Größe und Anzahl der Aufspannflächen/Tische wählbar – Großes Portfolio technologischen Zubehörs PARAMETER ► Traghülsen-Querschnitt 315x380 mm x mm ► Arbeitsspindel-Durchmesser 105 mm ► Spannkegel 50 ISO ► Arbeitsspindel-Drehzahl 3500 U/min ► Tisch-Querverfahrweg (X) max.3000 mm ► Traghülsen-/Spindelstock-Verfahrweg (Y) max.2000 mm ► Ständer-Längsverfahrweg (Z) max.2000 mm ► Traghülsen-Verfahrweg (V) 650 mm ► Spindel-Verfahrweg (W) 610 mm ► Aufspannfläche des Tisches max. 1500 x 1500 mm x mm ► Tragfähigkeit des Tisches 8000 kg
Prelucrarea și frezarea aliajelor de cupru

Prelucrarea și frezarea aliajelor de cupru

Zabýváme se obráběním a frézováním polotovarů ze slitin mědi. Dokážeme zpracovat naše vlastní výkovky stejně jako díly z tyčového polotovaru. Na dílech jsme schopni zajistit i následné povrchové úpravy. Dodáváme i menší série armatur a drobných montážních celků.
asamblare de subansamble

asamblare de subansamble

ASSEMBLAGE DE SOUS-ENSEMBLES de produits de matières plastique.ssemblage de sous-ensembles à partir de pièces issues de notre environnement Injection plastique.
Model - Dispozitiv Model

Model - Dispozitiv Model

Modelové zařízení pro slévárenské účely.
Containere Rulante Logistice - fund plastic

Containere Rulante Logistice - fund plastic

- Container GR-PB. Height: 1605 mm; Length: 815 mm; Width: 720mm. The maximum load is 400 kg. - XL container. Height: 1740mm; Length: 600mm; Width: 870 mm. Maximum load: 400 kg. - Контейнер GR. Высота: 1750мм; Длина: 870мм; Ширина: 600 мм. Максимальная нагрузка: 400 кг. - GR-SD container. Height: 1750mm; Length: 910mm; Width: 780 mm. Maximum load: 500 kg.
Transportoare Hidraulice pentru Matrițe

Transportoare Hidraulice pentru Matrițe

Nosiče forem vyrábíme podle vlastní konstrukce již od roku 2005 a úspěšně je dodáváme do celé Evropy. Tento produkt slouží zejména k manipulaci s pěnovacími, lisovacími, laminovacími a vysekávacími formami o hmotnosti až do 5 000 kg. Využijí je tak především dodavatelé v oboru automotive pro výrobu akusticky a tepelně izolačních dílů do automobilů, nebo také výrobci chladírenské techniky (lednice, chladírenské pulty, klimatizační jednotky), nábytkářském, výrobci boilerů a vodních nádrží a další. Zařízení je možné dodat buď samostatně pro zabudování do již stávajícího pracoviště nebo jako kompletní pracoviště vč. řídícího systému, hydraulického agregátu, pěnovací jednotky, zabezpečení pracovního prostoru apod. Přednosti nosičů PEŠEK Machinery - Poměr kvalita/cena. - Vynikající ergonomie obsluhy. - Robustní konstrukce = dlouhá životnost. - Jednoduché řešení = bezporuchové zařízení. - Náhradní díly skladem. / Snadno dostupné náhradní díly. - Extrémně nízká náročnost na údržbu.


Automatic machine for production of corrugated boxes, trays, partitions and cut-out parts with the option of additional die-cut (e.g. for handholes) and flexo print (e.g. for company or RESY logo). It can also simply cut and crease a cardboard both crosswise and lengthwise. The production of basic slotted boards (especially series FEFCO 02xx, FEFCO, 03xx etc…) is possible from single-wall, double-wall and tri-wall corrugated boards.
Prelucrarea CNC a plasticelor și compozitelor - Prelucrarea APA, PP, PET, PTFE și altor

Prelucrarea CNC a plasticelor și compozitelor - Prelucrarea APA, PP, PET, PTFE și altor

MODYMA machines all chipped materials. From common structural steels through alloys of aluminum, copper, brass and other non-ferrous metals to special materials such as HARDOX, INCONEL, titanium and others.
Tăietor Transversal - Utilizarea Tăietorului Transversal

Tăietor Transversal - Utilizarea Tăietorului Transversal

Quermesser werden werden zum Quertrennen des Materials, somit zumeist zur Unterbrechung des Materialflusses verwendet. Sie können gezahnt und ungezahnt sein. Sie haben in der Regel einen schrittweisen Schnitt. Wir liefern Messer für das Quertrennen von Papier, Textilgeweben, Blechen, Kunststoffen, monolithische und Bimetall-Messer. Die Messer sollte eine ausreichend steifige Konstruktion zur Gewährleistung eines sauberen Schnitts haben. Quermesser können nach dem Prinzip eines statischen Messers oder eines sich gegen ein anderes Messer bewegenden Messers schneiden, oder es können beide Messer gegeneinander rotieren, eingespannt in oer auf Walzen, ggf. können sie sich gegeneinander verschieben. Das Messer für das Querschneiden kann auch ein Kreismesser sein. Eingesetzt auf der Führung und durch die einzelnen Überfahrten wird das Material getrennt. Es kann gegen eine Leiste schneiden oder es kann angetrieben in eine Lücke schneiden. Die Messer stellen wir bis zu einer Länge von 4.
Piston de Marcaj - Unelte pentru Marcarea Reginelor de Albine

Piston de Marcaj - Unelte pentru Marcarea Reginelor de Albine

Značící a vychytávací pístek je jednoduchá pomůcka pro všechny včelaře, kteří si sami značí matky. Slouží k šetrnému odchytu matky z úlu a k jejich značení. Pístek se jednoduše ovládá a díky jeho skleněné konstrukci nehrozí poškození samotné matky. Povytažený pístek položíme na plást a mírným tlakem a posunem pístku donutíme matku vlézt dovnitř. Dalším posunem pístku matku přitiskneme na síťku přes kterou ji můžeme označit barvou nebo číslem.
Etichete Anodizate - Etichete din Aluminiu Anodizat Durabile

Etichete Anodizate - Etichete din Aluminiu Anodizat Durabile

Hliníkové eloxované štítky jsou zárukou prvotřídní odolnosti. Díky eloxování jsou hliníkové štítky odolné vůči poškrábání, chemickým i povětrnostním vlivům, ale jsou také vysoce estetické. Štítky se využívají v nejrůznějších oborech zejména jako: štítky pro trvalou identifikací produktu, štítky ID zařízení, štítky s čárovým kódem, štítky se sériovými čísly, štítky s názvy výrobků Všechny eloxované štítky jsou vhodné pro vnitřní a/nebo venkovní použití. Jsme schopni vyrobit zakázky od jednoho štítku až po velké série. Štítky nabízíme v tloušťce 0,5 nebo 1mm. Mohou mít otvory pro šrouby, výřezy nebo okénky, mohou být podlepené oboustrannou samolepkou. Také jsme schopni nabídnout štítky se zakulacenými rohy.


We are manufacturer of hydraulically expandable friction bolts GEOSTABIL for strata stabilization and reinforcement in underground mining. Our GS bolts are suitable for areas with high stress and deformation and can be pre-tensioned and or injected. Unique design of expansion bolt (patented) allows us to produce bolts of different ultimate and shear load capacity.
PĂRȚI PENTRU VEHICULE DE TRANSPORT MASIV - compozite din fibră de sticlă, piese din oțel

PĂRȚI PENTRU VEHICULE DE TRANSPORT MASIV - compozite din fibră de sticlă, piese din oțel

Composite Tram Cabs Sandwich Tram Roofs External Composite Cladding Parts Internal Composite Cladding Parts Passenger Handrails Air Conditioning Channels Cabinets for Electrical Equipment Metro Floors - bending of large-format sheets CARGO Wagon Door
Capac de balon - Producția capacelor de balon conform specificațiilor clientului

Capac de balon - Producția capacelor de balon conform specificațiilor clientului

Simple and affordable solution for various applications in the field of enclosed protection of moving parts, especially in limited spaces.
Lame de feronerie bimetalice M42 pentru tăierea metalului

Lame de feronerie bimetalice M42 pentru tăierea metalului

Bimetal band saw blade for cutting of middle and large sized solid rods Application for cutting common steels with tensile strength up to 1400 N/m² suitable also for non-ferrous metals excellent for cutting solid rods and blocks .
Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 2 - Loc pentru containere

Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 2 - Loc pentru containere

It delineates space for container placing. It prevents unwanted movement of containers due to weather influences. It helps to keep the place tidy and increases comfort in waste management. It is a modular system from whicharge numbers of sizes and shapes can be built. Standing places for 1 to 5 containers of 1100 are used most often. Hotdip galvanized structure consists of webs and panels. Standing place galvanized protection ensures perfect protection against weather influences. The whole is connected with a set of fasteners forming a part of delivery. Webs are equipped with a flange which can be anchored easily to the base anchor material is not a part of delivery. Made to order standing places can be made also in other dimensions with a roof or another panels as polycarbonate or wood. In Stock:0 Product No:7127 Number Of Containers:2 M.Dimension Mm:3400x1610x1504 Weight Kg:84
Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 1 - Loc de stat pentru containere

Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 1 - Loc de stat pentru containere

It delineates space for container placing. It prevents unwanted movement of containers due to weather influences. It helps to keep the place tidy and increases comfort in waste management. It is a modular system from whicharge numbers of sizes and shapes can be built. Standing places for 1 to 5 containers of 1100 are used most often. In Stock:0 Product No:7126 Number Of Containers:1 M.Dimension Mm:1790x1610x1504 Weight Kg:67
Stație pentru containere de deșeuri 1x plastic - Loc de stat pentru containere

Stație pentru containere de deșeuri 1x plastic - Loc de stat pentru containere

Its base is formed by ferroconcrete solid structure with a galvanized doorframe firmly builtin. Doors of boxes are hitched into the builtin frame by means of pivots. Surface finish: structure scrubbed concrete doors galvanized steel. In Stock:0 Product No:3453 Bin Type:1 x 120/240 – plastic Main Dimensions W X D X H Mm:840x880x1280 Weight Kg:600
Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 3 - Loc de parcare pentru containere

Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 3 - Loc de parcare pentru containere

It delineates space for container placing. It prevents unwanted movement of containers due to weather influences. It helps to keep the place tidy and increases comfort in waste management. It is a modular system from whicharge numbers of sizes and shapes can be built. Standing places for 1 to 5 containers of 1100 are used most often. Hotdip galvanized structure consists of webs and panels. Standing place galvanized protection ensures perfect protection against weather influences. The whole is connected with a set of fasteners forming a part of delivery. Webs are equipped with a flange which can be anchored easily to the base anchor material is not a part of delivery. Made to order standing places can be made also in other dimensions with a roof or another panels as polycarbonate or wood. In Stock:0 Product No:7128 Number Of Containers:3 M.Dimension Mm:5010x1610x1504 Weight Kg:103
Containere din plastic 1100 hârtie cu blocare - Containere din plastic

Containere din plastic 1100 hârtie cu blocare - Containere din plastic

Containers suitable for collection of assorted waste. Manufactured according to the standard DIN 30 700 EN 840. Design with a flatid provides for more advantages as opposed to the design with a roundid. ower price. ongerife. Easier and cheaper maintenance no problem with wear of slides broken hinges or torn off packing rubber. All above described advantages provided in the design with a capacity of 1 100. Each container is provided with brake wheels and aock in aid. In Stock:0 pcs Product No:0024 Capacity:1100 Weight Kg:45 Load Capacity Kg:440 kg
Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 4 - Loc de parcare pentru containere

Stâlp pentru containere din metal expandat 4 - Loc de parcare pentru containere

Hotdip galvanized structure consists of webs and panels. Standing place galvanized protection ensures perfect protection against weather influences. The whole is connected with a set of fasteners forming a part of delivery. Webs are equipped with a flange which can be anchored easily to the base anchor material is not a part of delivery. Made to order standing places can be made also in other dimensions with a roof or another panels as polycarbonate or wood. In Stock:0 Product No:7129 Number Of Containers:4 M.Dimension Mm:1790x1610x1504 Weight Kg:122
Container plastic 1100 colectare plastic - Containere din plastic

Container plastic 1100 colectare plastic - Containere din plastic

Suitable for collecting of communal and industrial waste. Adjustedids for collection of sorted waste average of hole for glass 160 mm possible adjustments available if required. Two braked wheels in a standard equipment. Rotary wheels of 200 mm diameter. Central brake available if required. Maximal recommendedoad 250/360 kg. Conform to DIN 30 700 and UNI 9260 as far as dimensions are concerned. Resistant to UV chemical and biological impacts. Smooth surfaces avoid waste adhering. Manufactured from recyclable material without cadmium content. The material may be regranulated. In Stock:0 Product No:0056 Capacity:1100 Weight Kg:45 Load Capacity Kg:440 kg


Custom manufacturing as well as large volume production Machining of rod material with feeder Machining with counter spindle and tailstock spindle Utilization of CAM software Utilization of “C” axis for milling, drilling and threading High precision