Produse pentru manuka hutebons (1)

Planta de alune Tonda di Giffoni - direct de la pepiniera certificată de cea mai înaltă calitate

Planta de alune Tonda di Giffoni - direct de la pepiniera certificată de cea mai înaltă calitate

Tonda di Giffoni - variety of Italian origin, widespread in different areas of the world due to its adaptation characteristics. The plant is of medium-high vigor with semi-erect growth. It is an early variety, very productive, with high pollen availability; in Mediterranean areas flowering is protandrous, and in temperate areas protoginy and homogamy. The fruits are medium-sized (2.5-2.8 g), round, light brown in color, moderately streaked, with an involucre longer than the fruit. The core accounts for 46-48% of the weight of the fruit and has a very good taste, both for direct consumption and for industry. It is poorly resistant to the bud mite (Phytocoptella avellanae), has medium resistance to the hazelnut beetle (Balaninus nucum) and high resistance to the fungus Anisogramma anomala. It is harvested at the end of September.