Produse pentru magnet din (1678)

Magneti de menținere pentru uși GTR042 - GTR042.130003

Magneti de menținere pentru uși GTR042 - GTR042.130003

The door holding magnets are mainly used as holding devices on fire protection doors. They hold them in place when open. Controlled by a fire alarm or smoke protection control panel, they release the closures by interrupting the power supply in the event of a fire hazard. Product features: - Coil vacuum encapsulated (IP65) - VdS quality-controlled - Tested according to EN1155 & EN 14637 - Optimised design and quality - Accessories: Anchor plate Nominal voltage:24 V Duty cycle:100 % Power consumption:1.5 W Holding force:300 N Design:Without base plate  Connection:terminal clamp 
Tablă de Sticlă Magnetică Pietre de Meditație 60x40cm, Imprimare pe Sticlă - Imprimare pe Sticlă

Tablă de Sticlă Magnetică Pietre de Meditație 60x40cm, Imprimare pe Sticlă - Imprimare pe Sticlă

Ils sont fabriqués en verre trempé sécurisé d’une épaisseur de 4mm. En cas de chute, le verre se brisera en de nombreux petits morceaux, qui seront retenus à la surface par une couche spéciale. La surface des tableaux en verre sont effaçables à sec (on peut y écrire avec des marqueurs pour tableaux en verre ou avec des marqueurs à craie liquide) et sont magnétiques (on peut y fixer des aimants en néodyme). SKU:TS64_30020
Tablă Albă Magnetică Cu Ștergere Ușoară - Tabără Magnetică

Tablă Albă Magnetică Cu Ștergere Ușoară - Tabără Magnetică

Le cadre en aluminium anodisé EXPO répond à deux exigences fondamentales : il assure une grande solidité et donne au produit un aspect élégant. Les extrémités du cadre sont assemblées à l’aide de coins en plastique gris. SKU:EX1710
Panou magnetic – creează-ți panoul conform propriului proiect

Panou magnetic – creează-ți panoul conform propriului proiect

Grâce au recouvrement magnétique, les données souhaitées peuvent être présentées immédiatement, puis facilement retirées du tableau. Le revêtement est entièrement lavable à sec, ce qui le rend réutilisable. Il peut être nettoyé avec une éponge, un chiffon ou une serviette en papier
Tablă de Sticlă Neagră 100x70cm, Tablă Magnetică Fără Cadru, Sticlă Temperată - Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă

Tablă de Sticlă Neagră 100x70cm, Tablă Magnetică Fără Cadru, Sticlă Temperată - Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă

MONTAGE – Le tableau peut être monté verticalement ou horizontalement et doit être éloigné du mur d’environ 5 mm. Pour installer ce produit, vous aurez besoin de chevilles murales correctement choisies en fonction de la surface sur laquelle vous souhaitez accrocher le tableau. Les chevilles ne sont pas incluses dans l’ensemble. SKU:TS100x70BK
Dulap pentru Chei din Sticlă Magnetic Stil Rugină 30x30x4,7cm

Dulap pentru Chei din Sticlă Magnetic Stil Rugină 30x30x4,7cm

UNE ARMOIRE MULTIFONCTIONS – Le produit remplit deux fonctions en même temps. D’une part, il vous permet de ranger vos clés en toute sécurité et, d’autre part, il constitue une décoration esthétique de votre espace SKU:KB30x30_00007
Plăci de Fixare Magnetice Permamax - Plăcile de fixare magnetice Permamax sunt plăci de fixare super puternice pentru operațiuni de frezare.

Plăci de Fixare Magnetice Permamax - Plăcile de fixare magnetice Permamax sunt plăci de fixare super puternice pentru operațiuni de frezare.

Diese Permanent Magnetspannplatten Permamax von ASSFALG sind für die schwere spanabhebende Bearbeitung geeignet. Beim Fräsen, Bohren, Schleifen sowie Hobeln können diese Permanent Magnetspannplatten Permamax genutzt werden. Auch bei unebenen oder rauen Oberflächen werden noch beachtliche Haltekräfte erzielt. Sie ermöglichen ein universelles Aufspannen von kleinen, mittleren und großen Werkstücken jeder Stärke, wobei sie für dicke und großflächige Werkstücke am besten geeignet sind. Eine durchgehende, breite Querpolteilung (Stahl/Messing) garantiert eine gleichbleibend hohe Haltekraft über die ganze Breite bis an die Längsseiten. Über einen Sechskantschalthebel lassen sich diese Spannplatten aktivieren. Alle technischen Daten finden Sie in der .pdf - Datei. PM 1610:Art. - Nr. 57998 PM 2515:Art. - Nr. 57999 PM 3015:Art. - Nr. 5088 PM 3020:Art. - Nr. 58000 PM 4020:Art. - Nr. 58001 PM 6020:Art. - Nr. 58002 PM 5030:Art. - Nr. 58003 PM 6030:Art. - Nr. 58005
Tablă Magnetică Albă Rescrisabilă cu Cadru din Aluminiu Premium EXPO - Tablă Magnetică

Tablă Magnetică Albă Rescrisabilă cu Cadru din Aluminiu Premium EXPO - Tablă Magnetică

Le cadre en aluminium anodisé EXPO répond à deux exigences fondamentales : il assure une grande solidité et donne au produit un aspect élégant. Les extrémités du cadre sont assemblées à l’aide de coins en plastique gris. SKU:EX1810
Magneti de prindere plat - Ferrit cu cârlig | Ferrit cu șurub filetat

Magneti de prindere plat - Ferrit cu cârlig | Ferrit cu șurub filetat

Flachgreifermagnet aus Stahlmagnetwerkstoff, lackiertes / verzinktes Gehäuse.
Tablă albă magnetică ovală ROTUNDă diametru 60cm – tablă albă fără cadru - Tabă magnetică

Tablă albă magnetică ovală ROTUNDă diametru 60cm – tablă albă fără cadru - Tabă magnetică

Percez un trou dans le mur. Vissez une cheville dans le trou et laissez une distance d’environ 2 cm entre la tête de la cheville et le mur. Le support de panneau est placé sur la cheville. L’ensemble de la construction est stable grâce aux mousses stabilisatrices situées à l’arrière du produit. SKU:PMR60
ALLboards Tabăra de Sticlă Magnetică Stil Cosmos Pământ Lună Univers 60x40cm - Imprimare pe Sticlă

ALLboards Tabăra de Sticlă Magnetică Stil Cosmos Pământ Lună Univers 60x40cm - Imprimare pe Sticlă

Remarque : seuls les aimants en néodyme dédiés et dotés d’une force magnétique appropriée peuvent être utilisés pour les surfaces en verre magnétiques. Les anciens aimants (noirs) et les petits aimants néodymes (de faible puissance) n’adhèrent pas au tableau magnétique en verre. Les aimants décoratifs n’adhèrent pas non plus au tableau magnétique en verre. L’utilisation d’aimants en néodyme trop puissants (gros) peut endommager le tableau. Soyez prudent lors de l’utilisation d’aimants en néodyme – la connexion directe et incontrôlée d’aimants en néodyme peut provoquer des lésions cutanées. Les aimants en néodyme, en raison de leurs propriétés physiques, sont fragiles et peuvent se briser s’ils tombent ou si les aimants sont reliés entre eux de manière incontrôlée. SKU:TS64_30013
Prindere plată acoperită cu cauciuc NdFeB - 550 4055 22

Prindere plată acoperită cu cauciuc NdFeB - 550 4055 22

Flat gripper with a neodymium magnet in a rubber-coated steel pot. The housing increases the adhesive force of the permanent magnet. The maximum adhesive force is achieved when the entire surface is placed on a metallic surface. The flat gripper has a threaded pin with an external thread. Design:with threaded pin  Material:Neodym  Force:50 N Diameter:22 mm Height:6 mm Total height:12.5 mm Weight:11 g Thread:M4  Temperature:60 °C Housing:rubber coated 
Dulap pentru Chei din Sticlă Magnetic Oglindă 30x30x4,7cm

Dulap pentru Chei din Sticlă Magnetic Oglindă 30x30x4,7cm

Remarque ! Pour une utilisation correcte de la surface magnétique, des aimants particulièrement puissants, dits de néodyme, sont nécessaires. Les aimants conventionnels pour réfrigérateurs sont trop faibles et n’adhèrent pas à la surface magnétique en verre. SKU:KB30x30MIR
Tablă de Sticlă Neagră 60x40cm, Tablă Magnetică Fără Cadru, Sticlă Temperată - Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă

Tablă de Sticlă Neagră 60x40cm, Tablă Magnetică Fără Cadru, Sticlă Temperată - Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă

MONTAGE – Le tableau peut être monté verticalement ou horizontalement et doit être éloigné du mur d’environ 5 mm. Pour installer ce produit, vous aurez besoin de chevilles murales correctement choisies en fonction de la surface sur laquelle vous souhaitez accrocher le tableau. Les chevilles ne sont pas incluses dans l’ensemble. SKU:TS60x40BK
Tablă albă magnetică ovală ROTUND diametru 40cm – Tabără albă fără cadru - Tabără magnetică

Tablă albă magnetică ovală ROTUND diametru 40cm – Tabără albă fără cadru - Tabără magnetică

Percez un trou dans le mur. Vissez une cheville dans le trou et laissez une distance d’environ 2 cm entre la tête de la cheville et le mur. Le support de panneau est placé sur la cheville. L’ensemble de la construction est stable grâce aux mousses stabilisatrices situées à l’arrière du produit. SKU:PMR40
Bandă Magnetică din Oțel Inoxidabil

Bandă Magnetică din Oțel Inoxidabil

dezente Werbung fürs Chefbüro Werbung im Chefbüro oder Konferenzzimmer steht im Einklang mit dem Ambiente des Raumes. Die Materialien sind edel. Dezente, zurückhaltende Werbung unterstreicht den gefestigten Stil der Führungskraft. -Edelstahlmagnetleisten mit Werbegravur erfüllen diesen Anspruch des gehobenen Geschmacks. Ihr Nutzen: . Mit Edelstahlwerbeleisten bleibt Ihr Unternehmen über Jahre im Blickfeld Ihres Kunden. . Mit Edelstahlwerbeleisten überreichen Sie ein Geschenk mit klarem Nutzen für Ihren Kunden. . Mit der Edelstahlleiste hält Ihr Kunde wichtige Dokumente mit Designmagneten in Augenhöhe. Produkteigenschaften zu Ihrem Vorteil: 1. Gravur, bis 30cm (10cm) auf der rechten Seite. 2. Selbstklebende Rückseite der Leiste. 3. 5(3)ebenfalls werbegravierte Designmagnete. 4. Magnete griffig und sehr haftstark. 5. Leiste mit Spülmittel leicht zu reinigen.
Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă Lemn Întunecat 60x40cm - Imprimare pe Sticlă

Tablă Magnetică din Sticlă Lemn Întunecat 60x40cm - Imprimare pe Sticlă

ASPECT RÉALISTE – Grâce à une technique de production unique, le graphique en verre a un aspect extrêmement réaliste et présente parfaitement chaque détail qui compose l’image. SKU:TS64_30018
Priză plată permanentă HF - 550 4035 04010

Priză plată permanentă HF - 550 4035 04010

Flat gripper with a hard ferrite magnet in a steel pot. The housing increases the adhesive force of the permanent magnet. The maximum adhesive force is achieved when the entire surface is placed on a metallic surface. The flat gripper has a 10 mm threaded socket with an internal thread. It is characterized by a force of 125 N. The diameter is 40 mm, the total height is 18 mm. Design:with threaded bush  Material:hard ferrite  Force:125 N Diameter:40 mm Height:8 mm Total height:18 mm Diameter threaded bush:10 mm Thread:M5  Weight:59 g Temperature:200 °C Housing:galvanized 
Tablă Combi 2 în 1, Tabără Magnetică Albă Ștearsă Ușor și Placă de Cort cu Cadru - Tabără Magnetică

Tablă Combi 2 în 1, Tabără Magnetică Albă Ștearsă Ușor și Placă de Cort cu Cadru - Tabără Magnetică

La surface du tableau est divisée en deux surfaces de taille égale : la partie en liège est faite de liège naturel de haute qualité, traité professionnellement pour être lisse et durable. La partie magnétique et effaçable à sec est fabriquée tôle laquée blanche de haute qualité. Un processus minutieux de revêtement de la surface avec un vernis spécial garantit un bon contraste et protège la surface de l’absorption de l’encre des marqueurs. Cela permet de nettoyer plus facilement le tableau sans laisser de traces. SKU:CO96


Legend è un marchio rinomato che offre una vasta gamma di lavagne magnetiche di alta qualità adatte a vari contesti come case, uffici e istituzioni educative. Queste lavagne sono progettate con un'estetica elegante e moderna, garantendo che si integrino perfettamente in qualsiasi ambiente. La superficie magnetica consente un facile attacco di note e promemoria, rendendole una scelta ideale per organizzare e visualizzare le informazioni in modo efficace. Le lavagne sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e finiture, per soddisfare diverse esigenze e preferenze. Che tu abbia bisogno di una lavagna per pianificare, insegnare o semplicemente organizzare i tuoi pensieri, Legend ha una soluzione che soddisferà le tue esigenze. La durabilità e la funzionalità di queste lavagne le rendono un'aggiunta preziosa a qualsiasi spazio, migliorando la produttività e la comunicazione.
Tablouri din fetru cu cadru din aluminiu

Tablouri din fetru cu cadru din aluminiu

The Felt Boards with Aluminum Frame are crafted from high-quality felt available in gray, blue, red, and green colors. These boards provide a versatile surface where notes and papers can be pinned or attached using Velcro, making them ideal for educational settings, children's rooms, public institutions, and offices. The anodized aluminum frame not only enhances the board's durability but also adds a sleek, modern aesthetic that complements any environment. Available in various sizes, these boards offer a practical solution for organizing and displaying information effectively. These felt boards are designed to withstand frequent use without showing signs of wear, thanks to their sturdy construction and high-quality materials. The aluminum frame ensures the board remains rigid and visually appealing, while the felt surface provides a soft yet durable area for pinning. Whether used in a classroom to display student work or in an office to organize important documents, these boards are a reliable and stylish choice. Their availability in multiple colors and sizes allows for customization to suit specific needs and preferences, making them a valuable addition to any space.
Tablouri din sticlă magnetice

Tablouri din sticlă magnetice

Magnetic Glass Boards offer a modern and stylish solution for displaying information and enhancing interior decor. These boards feature a magnetic surface that allows for the use of neodymium magnets, making them ideal for organizing and displaying notes, memos, and other important documents. The glass surface is also writable with liquid chalk or glass markers, providing a versatile platform for communication and creativity. Available in various sizes and customizable with any print, these boards are perfect for offices, homes, and educational settings. The high-quality tempered glass used in these boards ensures durability and resistance to scratches and high temperatures, making them suitable for a wide range of environments. Whether used as a decorative piece in a living room or a functional tool in an office, these boards offer both practicality and aesthetic appeal. Their customizable nature allows for personalization to match the decor and needs of any space, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any setting.
Tablele Negre

Tablele Negre

Black Chalkboards are a classic and versatile tool for writing and displaying information, featuring a high-quality HDF fiberboard surface that is painted black for optimal contrast. These boards are available with frames in natural wood, colored wood, and aluminum, offering a range of options to suit different tastes and interior styles. The surface is writable with traditional chalk or liquid chalk markers, making these boards ideal for restaurants, offices, and homes. Available in various sizes and customizable with any print, these boards offer a practical and stylish solution for organizing and presenting information. The high-quality materials used in these chalkboards ensure durability and ease of maintenance, making them a reliable choice for any environment. Whether used as a menu board in a restaurant or a message board in an office, these boards offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Their customizable nature allows for personalization to match the decor and needs of any space, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any setting.
Plăci de sticlă

Plăci de sticlă

Glass Boards are a sophisticated and modern alternative to traditional whiteboards. Made from tempered glass, these boards offer a sleek and elegant writing surface that is both durable and easy to clean. The glass surface is compatible with dry erase markers and liquid chalk, providing a versatile platform for writing and drawing. Available in a range of colors and sizes, Glass Boards can be customized to fit any space and design preference. The magnetic properties allow for the attachment of notes and documents, making them a practical tool for organizing and displaying information. Whether you're looking to enhance a corporate office or add a touch of elegance to a home workspace, Glass Boards offer a stylish and functional solution.
Panouri publicitare Snap Frame

Panouri publicitare Snap Frame

Advertising Snap Frame Boards are designed to attract attention and present information in a professional and stylish manner, featuring a double-sided aluminum snap frame that allows for easy content replacement. These boards are ideal for high-traffic areas such as restaurants, cafes, bars, theaters, cinemas, and museums, providing a versatile platform for displaying menus, promotions, and other important information. The lightweight structure and stable base make these boards easy to move and position as needed. The high-quality materials used in these snap frame boards ensure durability and ease of maintenance, making them a reliable choice for any environment. Whether used as a promotional board in a retail store or an informational board in a museum, these boards offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Their customizable nature allows for personalization to match the decor and needs of any space, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any setting.
Pungi Magnetice

Pungi Magnetice

Magnetic Pouches are a practical and stylish solution for organizing and displaying documents on magnetic surfaces, featuring a colored border and a magnetic backing that allows for easy attachment to boards and other metal surfaces. These pouches are available in various sizes and colors, providing options to suit different preferences and needs. Ideal for use in offices, schools, and homes, these pouches offer a convenient way to keep important documents visible and accessible. The high-quality materials used in these magnetic pouches ensure durability and ease of use, making them a reliable choice for any environment. Whether used to organize documents in an office or display artwork in a classroom, these pouches offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Their customizable nature allows for personalization to match the decor and needs of any space, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any setting.
Encoder absolut WH58MR - Encoder absolut WH58MR, Encoder rotativ de siguranță absolut redundant

Encoder absolut WH58MR - Encoder absolut WH58MR, Encoder rotativ de siguranță absolut redundant

The WH58MR rotary encoder is a magnetic safety rotary encoder with redundant position detection and hollow shaft, which has been specially developed for use in mobile machines. It can be used in safety-critical applications – up to performance level PLd. Thanks to its particularly robust design, an optionally redundant CANopen or CANopen Safety interface, it is ideally suited for tough conditions in mobile machines. Profile WH58MR:
Senzor magnetic LS100 - Senzor magnetic LS100, Incremental, Design miniatural,

Senzor magnetic LS100 - Senzor magnetic LS100, Incremental, Design miniatural,

Precisión de repetición máx. ±1 μm. Conexión de salida sin/cos 1 VSS. Período de señales 100 μm (analógico). Salida de señales en tiempo real. Trabaja con cinta magnética MB100/1.
Senzor magnetic MSK500/1 - Senzor magnetic MSK500/1, Senzor compact, incremental, interfață digitală

Senzor magnetic MSK500/1 - Senzor magnetic MSK500/1, Senzor compact, incremental, interfață digitală

Max. resolution 5 μm. Speed-proportional signal output. IP67 protection category. Fixed reference point. Insensitive to dust, shavings, humidity, etc.
Senzor magnetic MS500 - Senzor magnetic MS500, senzor pasiv, incremental

Senzor magnetic MS500 - Senzor magnetic MS500, senzor pasiv, incremental

Forma constructiva compacta del sensor y enchufe. Para la conexión a MA502 o MA506. Trabaja con cinta magnética MB500/1, anillo magnético MR500, anillo de cinta magnética MBR500. Distancia de lectura ≤ 2 mm.