Sistem de Expunere Magnetic - Sistem de expunere magnetic Attract® - liber, suspendat sau montat pe perete.
Designed and manufactured in Sheffield, Attract® is a multi-function single or double-sided magnetic display system which can be free-standing, suspended, or wall-mounted.
The versatile nature of an Attract® magnetic display provides retailers with the choice of installing displays on walls, floors, counters, at till points, within windows and from ceilings.
Attract® contains an internal magnetic surface, single or double-sided, housed within an elegant, sleek frame. The magnetic display surface works in conjunction with printed digifilm® ferrous media, which is overlaid onto the magnetic surface.
Due to the strength of the internal magnetic surface, multiple layers of printed digifilm® ferrous media can be added, allowing the magnetic display to be quickly and easily changed and promotional messaging to be added instantly.
All our Attract® products can work with drywipe and chalkboard flexible magnetic sheet.