Filtre de Culoare Dicroice pentru Aplicații IPL - Filtrele dicroice constau din straturi dielectrice subțiri pe sticlă
Unwanted hair, be gone!
Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Dichroic Filters, for use within IPL Applications.
Intense Pulsed Light filters are essential to IPL applicators as they are used to filter out the UV wavelength range; and transmit between 400-1200nm for use within cosmetic lasers that are designed to remove unwanted hair, vascular treatment and even acne treatment.
These IPL Filters are often stacked between sapphire windows within the IPL applicator to offer a more defined wavelength spectrum when in use.
Dichroic filters consist of thin film dielectric coatings on glass, and are designed to offer high transmission over a specific wavelength while reflecting all other wavelengths, having negligible absorption. The dielectric coating is perfect for high power applications, and does not show the strong fluorescence of certain glass filters.
We hold a massive inventory of Bandpass, Long pass, Short pass, Band-blocking and Colour-correction filters.
Diameter Tolerance::Borosilicate or equivalent, Sodalime
Length/Width Tolerance: :+/- 0.25mm
Wavelength Range::300nm-1200nm dependant on type
Wavelength Accuracy: :+/- 5nm
Thickness Tolerance: :+/-0.20mm
Transmission: :Tmax=95% dependant on type and substrate