Produse pentru logistică (38)

Transport de materiale fragile - Transport de materiale delicate

Transport de materiale fragile - Transport de materiale delicate

Glazen producten, dure machines of delicate verpakkingen, bij Record-Trans begrijpen we dat het transport van fragiele goederen een gespecialiseerde zorg vereist. Ons team heeft gelukkig de kennis en motivatie in huis om uw fragiele of dure materialen met de grootste zorg te verhandelen & te vervoeren. We gebruiken van alle beschikbare middelen om uw lading met de grootste zorg vast te maken tijdens het transport. Alle chauffeurs krijgen opleidingen omtrent defensief rijden. We stellen extra materialen & tijd ter beschikking voor een veilige verhandeling van uw product.
Transport de distribuție - distribuție de paleți

Transport de distribuție - distribuție de paleți

Als logistieke partner met een omvangrijke vloot en moderne opslagfaciliteiten kunnen we u in het hele logistieke proces ondersteunen. Het verzamelen van alle verschillende goederen, (tijdelijk) stockeren, en deze tijdig en volgens afspraak afleveren op de specifieke plaatsen.
Transport cu două etaje - Transport rutier

Transport cu două etaje - Transport rutier

Double-deck transport is a smart and cost-efficient way of getting the most from your shipment. With extra levels of available space in our trucks, we transport considerably larger cargo volumes while improving your logistical efficiency. Eliminate the risk of damage through stacking, save transport costs and a loading bay. Reduce your ecological footprint.
Transport de materiale delicate - Transport rutier

Transport de materiale delicate - Transport rutier

Glassware, expensive machines or packaging for medical products... at Record-Trans we understand that the transport of delicate parcels is a highly specialised undertaking. Fortunately our team boasts both the knowledge and the means to handle your delicate items with the utmost care. Additional provisions for proper load securing Well-trained and experienced drivers Optimal safety thanks to load safety and a defensive driving style
Închirierea unui spațiu de depozitare - stocarea bunurilor

Închirierea unui spațiu de depozitare - stocarea bunurilor

Onze magazijnen in Zelzate zijn uitermate geschikt om uw goederen op te slaan. Perfect gecentreerd tussen de grote havens (Antwerpen, Zeebrugge, Vlissingen). Opslag huren kan al vanaf 1 pallet!
Servicii specializate - SERVICII DE LOGISTICĂ

Servicii specializate - SERVICII DE LOGISTICĂ

Antwerp Cold Stores offers a broad range of additional specialised services that allow you to repack and/or label a frozen cargo before it is loaded or stored in the deep-freeze warehouse. General handling and storage of frozen products.
Recepție și depozitare - SERVICII LOGISTICE

Recepție și depozitare - SERVICII LOGISTICE

General handling and storage of frozen products The experienced permanent warehouse staff provides a faultless and fast processing of your frozen cargo that can be offered both as bulk or on pallets. After a careful entry check that may or may not include taking photographs, your products will be given a suitable location in the deep-freeze units by using the state-of-the-art integrated Antwerp Cold Stores' warehouse management system that the company has developed itself. Quality controls can be performed and samples can be taken and sent to laboratories during the entry check. Your products can be stored under customs supervision, in a VAT warehouse with tax representation or as free products. If required, your products can also be stored under a quarantine regime.
Servicii de expediție - SERVICII LOGISTICE

Servicii de expediție - SERVICII LOGISTICE

General handling and storage of frozen products. Antwerp Cold Stores offers a package of forwarding services that allow the users of the food cluster to manage distribution within Europe or a cross-dock facility for export. Experienced file managers will take care of the full processing of your import or export shipments. All required customs documents are drawn up under a customs assurance scheme of Antwerp Cold Stores. Containers from and to the container terminals will be transported at competitive rates when transferred to the deep-freeze warehouse. Our own quay dispatchers will proactively assist with regard to phytosanitary and veterinary inspections that take place at the close-by border inspection post. Your frozen cargo can, moreover, be transported directly in a container or after being transferred on to freezer trucks if the distance justifies this. cold storage Technology The custom-developed, integrated warehouse management system fully focuses on handing food where cri