PLC ANALYZER Pro - Analiza logicii PLC în cel mai scurt timp!
PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 by AUTEM is a software system for logic analysis and recording of measured values in PLC-controlled facilities. Acquisition, representation and evaluation of PLC signals such as input, output, flags, timer, counter, data of data blocks, is now very easy. In addition, video data can also be recorded synchronously with the PLC process data (Videotrack module).
Fields of application
Failure diagnosis
Detecting and localizing of sporadic errors
Cycle time optimization
Long-term recording of measured values
System documentation, TPM/OEE, EU-Machinery directive
Condition monitoring / Predictive maintenance
Warrenty: incorruptible clarification
Quality assurance
Installation, development, maintenance
Live display allows the observation of the signal waveform in real time. Analysis and evaluation can already be carried out at the time of recording. In addition to long-term recording, trigger conditions can be specified for the acquisition of particular events.