Produse pentru lanț pentru (414)

Lanț de cablu - Design clasic cu închidere

Lanț de cablu - Design clasic cu închidere

Cable Chain er et klassisk smykke, med en serie ovale eller runde lenker i et ensartet mønster. Det er et allsidig og populært valg for både menn og kvinner.
Lanț de frunze seria Al

Lanț de frunze seria Al

AL Series leaf chains are manufactured to ANSI leaf chain specification dimensions and are considered today's "lighter" duty of leaf chains. AL leaf chains were the first series of ANSI leaf chains and are still used in many lifting applications today due to the space-saving high strength lifting design and nature of this chain. What puts our leaf chain selection in another class of its own is the use of high-strength hardened pins, heat-treated plates, and shot-peened components. The chain is also pre-tensioned at the factory to reduce flex during initial installation. Typically leaf chains are stocked in 10ft boxes, 50ft reels and 100ft reels but we also provide cut to length and custom leaf chains.
Lanțuri cu pini goi

Lanțuri cu pini goi

A special link pin design distinguishes hollow pin roller chains from standard roller chains. Hollow pin roller chain links have a similar construction to ISO standard roller chains; They consist of pin, bushing and small pulley, so most chains of this type are compatible with the same sprockets as the corresponding standard chains. Since double chain operation is customary in most applications, we can supply these chains paired. The product range includes various versions of this chain type, such as hollow pin roller chains, hollow pin bushed chains or hollow pin roller chains without bushings, as well as various corrosion-resistant surface finishes (galvanized, nickel-plated, stainless). steel)
Lanțuri de transfer

Lanțuri de transfer

Open conveyor systems are susceptible to contamination from foreign objects or small components, which can lead to potential belt failures or damage to the items being transported. Transfer chains designed for conveyor systems act as a preventative measure, preventing costly breakdowns before they occur. These Transfer (TF) chains are completely sealed on three sides thanks to wear-resistant, durable snap-on plastic attachments. These attachments maintain coverage even when the chains pass over the sprockets.
Lanțuri de Atașare

Lanțuri de Atașare

Whether you are designing a new machine or looking for spare parts. A comprehensive range of stock product options cuts delivery times in half and reduces identical shipping days. As a quality-oriented company, you can be assured of receiving high-quality attachment chains available in the market. If you can't find what you need, please contact us and speak with one of our knowledgeable customer support staff.
Lanțuri Agricole

Lanțuri Agricole

Since agricultural machinery is constantly used outdoors and in all weather conditions, its components and systems are constantly exposed to the effects of dust, soil, cold and moisture. Their operational capabilities are also severely tested when they are out of action for longer periods of time; during winter. At such times, the processed structures and compositions of agricultural chains really shine through with increased wear resistance.
Lanțuri de Acumulare

Lanțuri de Acumulare

Accumulation chains guarantee trouble-free positioning of the transported goods and almost completely prevent jolts when the belt starts and stops. The idler rollers on each side serve two purposes: first, they engage with the sprocket teeth to transmit power, and second, they support the chain in the guide rail. We offer a wide range of accumulation chains in different performance classes. In addition to classic accumulation chains, we also supply offset low-friction roller accumulation chains, maintenance-free accumulation chains, side spring accumulation chain versions, finger and piece-protected accumulation chains and our cost-effective series
Lanțuri cu Pas Dublu

Lanțuri cu Pas Dublu

Long link roller chains correspond, except for pitch, to short link chains according to ISO 606 and comply with the same standard specifications in terms of dimensions. Unlike short link chains according to ISO 606, these chains are designed to be used at lower loads in terms of speed and power transfer.
Lanțuri de transport

Lanțuri de transport

No other type of chain is as versatile as conveyor chains and our product range reflects this versatility. Bushing conveyor chains, roller conveyor chains, hollow pin chains, scraper chains, special conveyor chains for the paper industry and rotating chains are just some of the conveyor chains we can supply. Our product range also includes a wide range of special conveyor chains with straight, curved or U-shaped attachments and much more.
Lanțul Singapore - Design de bordură răsucită și sfoară

Lanțul Singapore - Design de bordură răsucită și sfoară

The Singapore Chain blends the look of a curb chain with a rope chain, offering a twisted and intricate design. It's a standout piece of jewellery.
Lanț Belcher - Linkuri Largi și Ușoare

Lanț Belcher - Linkuri Largi și Ușoare

La chaîne Belcher, connue pour ses maillons plus larges, offre un design solide et léger. C'est une pièce polyvalente qui complète tout style.
Lanț Nautic - Design cu Tematică Maritimă

Lanț Nautic - Design cu Tematică Maritimă

Mariner Chain se svými oválnými články oddělenými lištou připomíná námořní témata. Je to pevná a odolná volba šperků.
Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Blocare Plat

Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Blocare Plat

Łańcuch Curb można rozpoznać po płaskich, zazębiających się ogniwach, które tworzą czystą, elegancką linię. To idealny wybór na subtelną, ale stylową biżuterię.
Lanț Turnat - Stil Continu Fluid

Lanț Turnat - Stil Continu Fluid

Ruudukujuliste lülidega Box Chain tagab sujuva ja pideva stiili. See on kaasaegne ja šikk ehete valik.
Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Îmbinare Plat

Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Îmbinare Plat

Curb Chain gjenkjennes av sine flate, sammenlåsende lenker som skaper en ren, slank linje. Det er et ideelt valg for et subtilt, men likevel stilig smykke.
Lanț în zig-zag - Legături plate în formă de V

Lanț în zig-zag - Legături plate în formă de V

The Herringbone Chain is composed of v-shaped links that lie flat, offering a sleek and modern design. It's a stunning piece of jewellery.
Lanț marinar - Design cu temă nautică

Lanț marinar - Design cu temă nautică

De Mariner Chain doet met zijn ovale schakels gescheiden door een staaf denken aan nautische thema's. Het is een stevige en duurzame sieradenkeuze.
Lanț Singapore - Design cu bordură răsucită și frânghie

Lanț Singapore - Design cu bordură răsucită și frânghie

Singapore Chain blander udseendet af en kantstenskæde med en rebkæde og tilbyder et snoet og indviklet design. Det er et iøjnefaldende smykke.
Lanț Nautic - Design Tematic Marin

Lanț Nautic - Design Tematic Marin

Bir çubukla ayrılmış oval halkaları ile Mariner Zinciri, denizcilik temalarını anımsatıyor. Sağlam ve dayanıklı bir mücevher seçimidir.
Lanț de Oase de Pește - Legături Plate în Formă de V

Lanț de Oase de Pește - Legături Plate în Formă de V

Η αλυσίδα Herringbone αποτελείται από κρίκους σχήματος v που βρίσκονται επίπεδοι, προσφέροντας κομψό και μοντέρνο σχεδιασμό. Είναι ένα εντυπωσιακό κόσμημα.
Inele de lanț cubaneze grele

Inele de lanț cubaneze grele

Η πεμπτουσία της χειροτεχνίας και της πολυτέλειας στα εκλεκτά κοσμήματα - Παρουσιάζουμε τα εξαίσια δαχτυλίδια μας με βαριές κουβανέζικες αλυσίδες, μια κορύφωση δεξιοτεχνίας και πολυτέλειας στο βασίλειο των εκλεκτών κοσμημάτων. Σχεδιασμένα αποκλειστικά για επιχειρήσεις που απευθύνονται σε απαιτητικούς πελάτες, αυτά τα δαχτυλίδια κατασκευάζονται αριστοτεχνικά χρησιμοποιώντας τα καλύτερα διαθέσιμα υλικά—μασίφ χρυσό ή ασήμι. Κατασκευασμένο από τους έμπειρους τεχνίτες μας στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, κάθε δαχτυλίδι είναι η επιτομή της κομψότητας και του στυλ που διαρκεί. Το εμβληματικό μοτίβο της κουβανικής αλυσίδας είναι σχολαστικά χαραγμένο στο υλικό, δίνοντας στο κομμάτι μια ξεχωριστή υφή και μια επιβλητική παρουσία. Αυτή η σχεδίαση αλυσίδας όχι μόνο αποπνέει μια αίσθηση δύναμης και χλιδής, αλλά προσφέρει επίσης απαράμιλλη άνεση για καθημερινή χρήση. Διαθέσιμα σε πολλά μεγέθη και φινιρίσματα, τα δαχτυλίδια μας Heavy Cuban Chain μπορούν να προσαρμοστούν ειδικά για να ανταποκρίνονται στις μοναδικές ανάγκες και την αισθητική του σχεδιαστή, της startup και των εταιρικώ
Lanț Maritim - Design Tematic Nautic

Lanț Maritim - Design Tematic Nautic

The Mariner Chain, with its oval links separated by a bar, is reminiscent of nautical themes. It's a sturdy and durable jewellery choice.
Lanț Figaro - Design inspirat din Italia

Lanț Figaro - Design inspirat din Italia

„Figaro Chain“ susideda iš kintamų apvalių ir ovalių jungčių, kurios bet kokiai aprangai suteikia itališkos elegancijos. Tai unikalus ir madingas pasirinkimas.
Lanț Singapore - Design Curbat și Sfoară

Lanț Singapore - Design Curbat și Sfoară

Singapore Chain blander utseendet til en kantkjede med en taukjede, og tilbyr en vridd og intrikat design. Det er et enestående smykke.
Lanț Belcher - Legături late și ușoare

Lanț Belcher - Legături late și ușoare

La catena Belcher, nota per le sue maglie più larghe, offre un design resistente ma leggero. È un pezzo versatile che completa qualsiasi stile.
Lanțul Singapore - Designul Bordurii Întors și al Sforii

Lanțul Singapore - Designul Bordurii Întors și al Sforii

Singapurský řetěz spojuje vzhled obrubníkového řetězu s provazovým řetězem a nabízí kroucený a složitý design. Je to výjimečný šperk.
Lanț Cutie - Legătură Gladek Continuă

Lanț Cutie - Legătură Gladek Continuă

Box Chain s kvadratnimi členi zagotavlja gladek in neprekinjen slog. To je sodobna in elegantna izbira nakita.
Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Îmbinare Plat

Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Îmbinare Plat

A Curb Chain é reconhecida por seus elos planos e entrelaçados que criam uma linha limpa e elegante. É uma escolha ideal para uma joia sutil, mas elegante.
Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Blocare Plat

Lanț de Bordură - Stil de Blocare Plat

A Curb Chain lapos, egymásba illeszkedő láncszemeiről ismerhető fel, amelyek tiszta, sima vonalat hoznak létre. Ideális választás egy finom, mégis stílusos ékszerhez.
Lanțul Mariner - Design tematic nautic

Lanțul Mariner - Design tematic nautic

Lanțul Mariner, cu legăturile sale ovale separate de o bară, amintește de temele nautice. Este o alegere de bijuterii robustă și durabilă.