Produse pentru la colorat (19)

TURBULA® - Mixer 3D

TURBULA® - Mixer 3D

Mischer. Behälter-Volumen von 0.1 bis 55 Liter Mit dem TURBULA®-Mischer werden homogene Mischungen von pulverförmigen Komponenten mit unterschiedlichen spezifischen Gewichten und Partikelgrössen hergestellt. Auch Mischungen trocken-flüssig und flüssig-flüssig sind möglich. Der Arbeitsablauf ist hygienisch und staubfrei, weil das Produkt in separaten Behältern von unterschiedlicher Grösse und Form gemischt werden kann. Die ausserordentliche Wirksamkeit des TURBULA®-Mischers beruht auf dem Einbezug von Rotation, Translation und Inversion nach der Schatz'schen Umstülptheorie in die Mischtechnik. Der Mischbehälter wird in eine dreidimensionale Bewegung versetzt und das Mischgut wechselweise vertauschenden, rhythmisch pulsierenden Bewegungen unterworfen. In kürzester Zeit werden Mischresultate erreicht, die den höchsten Anforderungen entsprechen


Die feinporige Aluminiumoxidschicht wird im Tauchverfahren eingefärbt. Sowohl der metallische Charakter der Oxidschicht als auch die Struktur der Aluminiumoberfläche bleiben erhalten. Fordern Sie die Stalderfinish-Farbkarte zur individuellen Bestimmung an. Ihre Vorteile Einzelteile bis Grossserien Dekorativ, effektvolle Optik Kurze Lieferfrist
Filtru verde ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Filtru verde ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Green is the colour of hope, balance and peace. It builds up immunity, calms and soothes. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. As a general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Item code:PAG-992-4CTF Product name:Green filter ⌀ 11cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:100,8mm Material:PS V98/A, PP Apryl 3150 MN5; PP:PPH, Glass Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Imprimantă color

Imprimantă color

Farbdrucker für jede Anforderung
Ochelari de protecție ușori RUSH+ Culori de ramă albastru și negru

Ochelari de protecție ușori RUSH+ Culori de ramă albastru și negru

Leichte Schutzbrillen BOLLÉ mit einer stark nach hinten gezogenen Form, farbloses Kunststoffgestell, farblose, kratzfeste, beschlagfreie PLATINUM Polycarbonatscheiben. RUSH+ Leichte Schutzbrillen BOLLÉ mit einer stark nach hinten gezogenen Form, farbloses Kunststoffgestell, farblose, kratzfeste, beschlagfreie PLATINUM Polycarbonatscheiben, rutschfester, flexibler Nasensteg, flache, flexible, zweifarbige Bügel, Gewicht nur ca. 26 g! Bügelfarben blau und schwarz. Einsatzbereich: Leichte, gut abdichtende, komfortable Brille in modernem Design für den allgemeinen Augenschutz bei leichter und mittlerer mechanischer Beanspruchung. Die kratzfeste Antibeschlagbeschichtung PLATINUM gewährleistet eine ausgezeichnete Sicherheit und hohen Komfort. Gewicht: 26 g
dyna-MIX® - Mixer 3D

dyna-MIX® - Mixer 3D

Mischer. Behälter-Volumen von 40 bis 1000 Liter Ihre Ansprüche an die Homogenität einer Mischung sind zu Recht hoch. Dabei ist für Sie die Reproduzier-barkeit der Mischergebnisse essenziell, denn bei der Produktivität wie auch beim Aussehen und den Eigenschaften Ihres Produktes machen Sie keine Kompromisse. Der dreidimensionale Schüttelmischer dyna-MIX® bietet Ihnen qualitativ hochstehende Mischergebnisse, die Ihre Ansprüche voll und ganz befriedigen. Der dyna-MIX® findet seine Anwendungen in den verschiedensten Produktions-bereichen für das Mischen von Feststoffen mit Feststoffen, von Feststoffen mit Flüssigkeiten oder von Flüssigkeiten mit Flüssigkeiten.
Filtru albastru ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Filtru albastru ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Blue represents peace, comfort and serenity. It relaxes, helps you to relax and has an antiseptic effect. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. As a general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Item code:PAG-965-5CTF Product name:Blue filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Set de Bunăstare Lumină Colorată - ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Set de Bunăstare Lumină Colorată - ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

The set consists of 7 coloured filters with a diameter of 11 cm each: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The filters correspond to the different wavelengths of visible light. The key to well-being is physical, emotional, mental balance and the impact of colours can have a beneficial effect in restoring and maintaining it. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. Item code:PAG-992-SET Product name:Color Light WELLNESS Set - ⌀ 11cm Gross weight [KG]:1.12 Net weight [KG]:0.7 Weight set.:1.075 kg Dimensions:Set of 7 boxes - 16 x 16 x 6 cm - each Producer:BIOPTRON AG - Sihleggstrasse 23, CH-8832 Wollerau - Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:ap. 11 cm Material:Glass in thermoplastic material Composition:7 special filters: * red * orange * yellow * green * blue * violet * indigo Warranty:2 years
Filtru galben ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Filtru galben ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Yellow is a colour that boosts confidence and promotes clarity of thought. It improves mood and concentration. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. Item code:PAG-965-3CTF Product name:Yellow filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years


Red is a warm color with the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum. Red light has a stimulating effect - both on our mental and physical energy. Therefore, the red filter can be used to positively stimulate your body and improve your overall well-being. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. Item code:PAG-965-1CTF Product name:Red filter ⌀ 5cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Filtru verde ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Filtru verde ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Green is the colour of hope, balance and peace. It builds up immunity, calms and soothes. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. As a general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Item code:PAG-965-4CTF Product name:Green filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Filtru portocaliu ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Filtru portocaliu ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Orange is associated with joy and warmth. It is the colour of creativity and adaptability. It improves mood and brings positive energy. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. tem code:PAG-965-2CTF Product name:Orange filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Filtru violet ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Filtru violet ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Violet is associated with spirituality and self-awareness. It stimulates imagination and creativity. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. As a general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Item code:PAG-965-7CTF Product name:Violet filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years


Red is a warm color with the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum. Red light has a stimulating effect - both on our mental and physical energy. Therefore, the red Bioptron filter can be used to positively stimulate your body and improve your overall well-being. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. Item code:PAG-992-1CTF Product name:Red filter ⌀ 11cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:100,8mm Material:PS V98/A, PP Apryl 3150 MN5; PP:PPH, Glass Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (general, the same for all the colors); 1 color filte Warranty:2 years
Filtru indigo ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Filtru indigo ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Indigo is a mysterious colour that promotes focus and introspection. It helps to restore emotional balance and develops intuition. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. Item code:PAG-965-6CTF Product name:Indigo filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Filtru galben ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Filtru galben ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Yellow is a colour that boosts confidence and promotes clarity of thought. It improves mood and concentration. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. Item code:PAG-992-3CTF Product name:Yellow filter ⌀ 11cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:100,8mm Material:PS V98/A, PP Apryl 3150 MN5; PP:PPH, Glass Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Set de Bunăstare cu Lumină Colorată - ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Set de Bunăstare cu Lumină Colorată - ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

The set consists of 7 coloured filters with a diameter of 5 cm each: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The filters correspond to the different wavelengths of visible light. The key to well-being is physical, emotional, mental balance and the impact of colours can have a beneficial effect in restoring and maintaining it. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. Item code:PAG-965-SET Product name:Color Light Wellness Set - ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:1.51 Net weight [KG]:1.3 Weight set.:1.075 kg Dimensions set.:Set of 7 boxes - 16 x 16 x 6 cm - each Producer:BIOPTRON AG - Sihleggstrasse 23, CH-8832 Wollerau - Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:ap. 5 cm Material:Glass in thermoplastic material Composition:7 special filters: *red *orange *yellow *green *blue *violet *indigo Warranty:2 years
Filtru portocaliu ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Filtru portocaliu ⌀ 11cm - FILTRE DE CULOARE BIOPTRON

Orange is associated with joy and warmth. It is the colour of creativity and adaptability. It improves mood and brings positive energy. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. Item code:PAG-992-2CTF Product name:Orange filter ⌀ 11cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:100,8mm Material:PS V98/A, PP Apryl 3150 MN5; PP:PPH, Glass Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Ochelari de protecție ușori RUSH+ Culori de ramă roșie și neagră

Ochelari de protecție ușori RUSH+ Culori de ramă roșie și neagră

Leichte Schutzbrillen BOLLÉ mit einer stark nach hinten gezogenen Form, farbloses Kunststoffgestell, farblose, kratzfeste, beschlagfreie PLATINUM Polycarbonatscheiben. RUSH+ Leichte Schutzbrillen BOLLÉ mit einer stark nach hinten gezogenen Form, farbloses Kunststoffgestell, farblose, kratzfeste, beschlagfreie PLATINUM Polycarbonatscheiben, rutschfester, flexibler Nasensteg, flache, flexible, zweifarbige Bügel, Gewicht nur ca. 26 g! Bügelfarben rot und schwarz. Einsatzbereich: Leichte, gut abdichtende, komfortable Brille in modernem Design für den allgemeinen Augenschutz bei leichter und mittlerer mechanischer Beanspruchung. Die kratzfeste Antibeschlagbeschichtung PLATINUM gewährleistet eine ausgezeichnete Sicherheit und hohen Komfort. Gewicht: 26 g