Produse pentru inhalator brequal (2)

serum apicol

serum apicol

In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl


The high efficacy of BIONEEM is characterized by the pronounced repelling effect of the active substance Margosa extract. Immediately after application the mites exhibit a definite flight reaction. Margosa extract has this significant effect even at a low concentration. The repellent effect remains for several month. Even new added mites leave the treated textile surface within a short time. As a consequence of this repellent effect the allergen content in the treated textiles decreases significant. Because there are less house dust mites obviously less allergens (= mite faeces) will be excreted by the mites. Another effect of lower priority is visible if the house dust mites cannot leave the treated area. Natural bitters covered in the extract spoil the food (skin scales) of the house dust mites and make it unpalatable. The limited food also produces a deficiency in essential proteins and amino acids, which impairs the processes of egg-laying and reproduction. However, the...