Produse pentru imagini (17)

Mediagel-c (gel steril pentru transmisii cu ultrasunete)

Mediagel-c (gel steril pentru transmisii cu ultrasunete)

Essential for ultrasound transmissions that require sterility: transesophageal echocardiography, ultrasound-controlled surgical treatments, including invasive procedures, transmissions of patients with damaged skin, gynecological transmissions and other cases requiring sterility. Viscosity:Brookfield 23.0–27.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 12.0–14.0 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.0-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.56×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:2 years Packaging:15 g double polyethylene packet (bundle – 15 pcs.)
Antrenor pentru Biopsia Glandei Tiroidiene prin Aspirație Ghidată de US

Antrenor pentru Biopsia Glandei Tiroidiene prin Aspirație Ghidată de US

Landmarks: trachea, thyroid cartilage, sternocleidomastoid muscle, jugular notch. Choose 5 out of 10 available models with different locations of nodes


Converting stands for transforming data from one format to another. We will convert any audio or visual material into the format that will fulfil your requirements. Moreover, you will still retain the ability to change image quality, definition, and aspect ratio, or tweak bitrate and sound quality
ECHIPAMENT DIAGNOSTIC - Analiza bioimpedanței - SensitivE Audit® LineBIA

ECHIPAMENT DIAGNOSTIC - Analiza bioimpedanței - SensitivE Audit® LineBIA

Body composition measurement by means of the LineBIA method is based on assessing the distribution of water volumes in the human body and on tissue ability to conduct electricity. Cannot be used without an interface block. The module can: • determine the quantitative content of fluid in the body, body mass index, standard metabolism; • determine the active cell mass, bone mass, fat mass; • obtain unbiased data on the human body quantitative composition; • get linear control and timely correction of nutrition programs in clinical practice and sports medicine; • an unbiased assessment of physical conditioning and nutrition; • analyze the water-salt metabolism; • analyze the state of water-salt metabolism during the period of adaptive changes in the human body, under changing weather conditions (mountain climate, hot climate, or dry climate).
Mediagel incolor cu vâscozitate mare

Mediagel incolor cu vâscozitate mare

A universal gel for ultrasound transmission, Doppler sonography and therapy. Recommended for all procedures requiring a viscous gel. This colorless gel is also used in laser cosmetology. The gel serves as an effective contact medium for ultrasound transmission and therapy when using domestic or imported equipment. The gel is applied directly to the transducer or the patient's body, is easy to spread over the skin, does not smear, and dries up slowly, ensuring a lasting sliding effect and a full contact between the transducer and the patient's body. After completing the transmission, the gel is easily removed with a tissue or rinsed off with water. The gel does not stain clothes, cause allergy or damage the transducers, and is water-soluble. Viscosity:Brookfield 23.0–31.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 12.0–16.0 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.8-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.57×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:3 years Packaging:1 box - 4 canisters (5 kg each) / 20 bottles (1 kg each) / 40 bottles (0.25 kg each).
Mediagel cu Aloe Vera

Mediagel cu Aloe Vera

Gel for ultrasound transmissions and therapy. Contains Aloe Vera latex. Used for patients with tender, sensitive skin, for transvaginal and endorectal sonographic transmissions, as well as in laser cosmetology. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, moistens the skin, and improves the condition of the skin and the mucous membrane. When performing ultrasound transmissions, the gel is applied directly to the transducer or the patient's body, is easy to spread over the skin, does not smear, and dries up slowly, ensuring a lasting sliding effect and a full contact between the transducer and the patient's body. After completing the transmission, the gel is easily removed with a tissue or rinsed off with water. The gel does not stain clothes, cause allergy or damage the transducers, and is water-soluble. Viscosity:Brookfield 23.0–31.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 12.0–16.0 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.8-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.54×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:3 years Packaging:1 box - 4 canisters (5 kg each) / 20 bottles (1 kg each) / 40 bottles (0.25 kg each).
Simulator dentar - Simulator dentar hibrid 'LEONARDO'

Simulator dentar - Simulator dentar hibrid 'LEONARDO'

“Leonardo” è un simulatore unico che combina la preparazione di un dente su un modello con la visualizzazione tridimensionale simultanea di ogni azione sullo schermo e una valutazione automatica della procedura eseguita. SISTEMA DI RINTRACCIAMENTO I microsensori sul manipolo dentale sono tracciati in 6 gradi di libertà a velocità fino a 240 Hz per una precisione impressionante. SOFTWARE Il software unico ha una struttura modulare; I moduli mostrano una varietà di procedure odontoiatriche, dall'esecuzione di anamnesi e radiografie alla somministrazione dell'anestesia e alla preparazione di una corona. CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE Lo studente riceve feedback sul proprio lavoro sia durante l'addestramento al simulatore in tempo reale che dopo il completamento. I criteri valutati sono la storia del paziente virtuale, l'adeguatezza dell'anestetico selezionato, la tecnica di iniezione, i parametri quantitativi della preparazione del dente, nonché i parametri di ergonomia e sicurezza. Descrizione del simulatore:Apparecchio dentale multifunzionale portatile e sistema di tracciamento elettromagnetico Componenti dell'apparato:Vassoio operatorio per assistente, tavolino portastrumenti, pedale pneumatico, Componenti dell'apparato:lampada odontoiatrica, modello di studio, telecamera, ruote con meccanismo di bloccaggio Libreria dei moduli:Odontoiatria operativa, protesi dentarie, fotografia a raggi X Modulo di anestesia:È possibile selezionare il tipo di anestesia, agente, vasocostrittore e lunghezza dell'ago Modulo di odontoiatria operativa:Il modulo è progettato per insegnare la preparazione di una cavità del dente cariato secondo Modulo protesi dentarie:Il modulo consiste in lezioni sulla preparazione delle corone dentali Modulo di imaging a raggi X:La macchina per foto a raggi X ha uno speciale dispositivo di posizionamento Opzione di addestramento:Ogni lezione inizia con un addestramento Opzione di addestramento:La sessione include sintomi registrati e anamnesi, risultati degli esami e immagini associate Opzione di rapporto :Ogni volta, le riprese 3D e le riprese video vengono eseguite utilizzando una telecamera esterna; Opzione di rapporto : le risposte sono sincronizzate con la sequenza temporale (viene fatto il registro).


Dry Gel Concentrate. Used to prepare gel for ultrasound scanning. Contains two components: polymeric powder and neutralizing agent. The gel is easily prepared in laboratory environment using distilled water. One pack of dry concentrate (30 g) can be used to prepare 2.5-3 kg of high viscosity gel. It can be easily transported to distant regions. Viscosity:Brookfield 18.0–22.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 9.5–11.5 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.5-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.51×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:5 years Packaging:30 g packets (bundle – 5 pcs.)
Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid "LEONARDO"

Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid "LEONARDO"

Leonardo is een unieke simulator die voor de voorbereiding van een tand op een model met de tevens driedimensionale visualisatie van elke actie op het scherm en een automatische beoordeling van de uitgevoerde procedure zorgt. TOEZICHTSYSTEEM De microsensoren op het tandheelkundige handstuk worden in 6 vrijheidsgraden met snelheden tot 240 hertz gecontroleerd, dit zorgt voor een indrukwekkende nauwkeurigheid. SOFTWARE De unieke software is modulair opgebouwd; De modules tonen verschillende tandheelkundige processen: van het verzamelen van anamnese en röntgenfoto's tot het toedienen van anesthesie en het voorbereiden van een kroon. CRITERIA VOOR BEOORDELING De student krijgt beoordelingen van zijn werk zowel tijdens real-time simulatortraining als na afronding. De beoordeelde criteria zijn de anamnese van de virtuele patiënt, de geschiktheid van de geselecteerde anesthesie, de injectietechniek, de kwantitatieve parameters van de tandvoorbereiding, evenals de parameters van ergonomie. Beschrijving van de simulator:Draagbaar multifunctioneel tandheelkundig apparaat en elektromagnetisch toezichtsysteem Onderdelen van het apparaat:Operatietafel voor de assistent, instrumententafel, pneumatisch voetpedaal.. Onderdelen van het apparaat:tandartslamp, oefenmodel, camera, zwenkwielen met vergrendeling Module bibliotheek:Operatieve tandheelkunde, tandprotheses, röntgenfotografie Anesthesie module:U kunt het type anesthesie, het middel, de vasoconstrictor en de naaldlengte selecteren. Operatieve tandheelkunde module:De module is bedoeld om de voorbereiding van een carieuze tandholte te leren Module voor tandprotheses:De module bestaat uit lessen over het maken van tandkronen Optie voorlichting:Elke les begint met een voorlichting Optie voorlichting:De sessie legt de klachten en anamnese van de patiënt, onderzoeksresultaten en bijbehorende beelden Optie rapportage:Elke keer worden 3D-opnamen en video-opnamen met behulp van een externe camera gemaakt; Optie rapportage:Reacties worden met de tijdlijn gesynchroniseerd (in register opgenomen).


Upscaling is the process of upgrading the quality and definition of the content. For example, our specialists can adapt low definition videos to the higher definition displays, all while keeping the image sharp. The technology is close to scaling because it also involves a vast number of various algorithms.
Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid «BE.DENT.PRO»

Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid «BE.DENT.PRO»

BE.DENT.PRO is a unique simulator that combines tooth preparation on a phantom with simultaneous 3D visualization of every action on a screen and automatic assessment of the performed procedure. THE TRACKING SYSTEM The microsensors, attached to the dental handpiece, are tracked in full 6DOF (6 Degrees-Of-Freedom) at speeds up to 240 Hz achieving impressive accuracy. THE SOFTWARE The truly unique software is structured in modules to visualize and assess various dental procedures: starting from history taking and X-Ray imaging up to anesthetic injection and crown preparation. THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The trainee obtains feedback about his/her performance both during a simulation training in real time and after completing it. The assessed criteria are history taken from a virtual patient, relevance of the chosen anesthetic, injection technique, quantitative parameters of tooth preparation, ergonomics and safety parameters. Simulator Description:A portable, multifunctional dental unit and an electromagnetic tracking system Dental Unit Components:Operation and assistant tray, utility table, foot pneumatic pedal, dental lamp Dental Unit Components:phantom for practicing, camera, caster wheels with locking mechanism The Library Of Modules:Operative dentistry, Prosthodontics, Anesthesia, X-Ray Anesthesia Module:Possible to choose anesthesia type, drug, vasoconstrictor agent and needle length Prosthodontics Module:The module consists of a set of lessons to train crown preparation. The Briefing Option:Every lesson begins with a briefing - patient’s complaints and history, physical examination results The Debriefing Option:Events, 3D capturing of the screen, video capturing from the camera and comments are synchronized
Voce off

Voce off

When the viewers hear the original and adapted lines simultaneously, it is a voice over. The maximum delay of synchronization of sound and image must not exceed 1 second. Voice over allows for working with large amounts of content in a short period of time.
Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid 'LEONARDO'

Simulator Dentar - Simulator Dentar Hibrid 'LEONARDO'

Leonardo ist ein einzigartiger Simulator, der die Vorbereitung eines Zahns am Modell mit gleichzeitiger 3D-Darstellung jeder Handlung auf dem Bildschirm und einer automatischen Bewertung des durchgeführten Verfahrens vereint. NACHLAUFSYSTEM Die Mikrosensoren am dentalen Endstück werden in 6 Freiheitsgraden mit Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 240 Hertz zur Erreichung der beeindruckenden Genauigkeit nachverfolgt SOFTWARE Einzigartige Software umfasst eine Modulstruktur; die Module geben eine Vielzahl von dentalen Eingriffen wieder: von der Anamneseerhebung und Röntgenaufnahmen bis zur Gabe einer Anästhesie bis und Vorbereitung einer Krone BEWERTUNGSKRITERIEN Der Lernende erhält die Bewertung sowohl während des Echtzeit-Simulatortrainings als auch nach der Beendigung seiner Arbeit. Zu Bewertungskriterien gehören die Anamnese des virtuellen Patienten, die Angemessenheit des ausgewählten Anästhesierungsmittels, die Injektionstechnik, quantitative Parameter der Zahnvorbereitung sowie die Ergonomie Beschreibung des Simulators:Tragbares multifunktionales Dentalgerät und elektromagnetisches Nachlaufsystem Gerätbestandteile:Operationstablett für einen Assistenten, Instrumententisch, pneumatisches Fusspedal, Gerätbestandteile:Dentallampe, Übungsmodell, Kamera, Rollen mit Absperrungsmechanismus Modulbibliothek:Operative Zahnmedizin, Zahnprothetik, Röntgenaufnahme Modul der Anästhesie:Wahl der Art der Anästhesie, des Anästhetikums, des Vasokonstriktors und der Nadellänge Modul der operativen Zahnmedizin:Das Modul wurde zum Unterrichten der Präparation einer kariösen Zahnhöhle Modul der Zahnprothetik:Das Modul besteht aus Unterrichten zur Herstellung von Zahnkronen Anleitugsoption:Jeder Unterricht wird mit der Anleitung angefangen Anleitugsoption:Die Anweisung enthält Beschwerden und Anamnese des Patienten, Untersuchungsergebnisse und Bilder Berichtsoption:Jedes Mal werden 3D-Aufnahmen und Videoaufnahmen mit einer externen Kamera gemacht; Berichtsoption:die Antworten werden mit der Zeitskala synchronisiert (hier wird ein Protokoll erstellt)
Mediagel colorat de vâscozitate medie

Mediagel colorat de vâscozitate medie

A gel for ultrasound transmissions, Doppler sonography, physiotherapy and cosmetology. Features lower viscosity than Mediagel of High Viscosity. Effective for all types of transmissions. The gel serves as an effective contact medium for ultrasound transmission and therapy when using domestic or imported equipment. The gel is applied directly to the transducer or the patient's body, is easy to spread over the skin, does not smear, and dries up slowly, ensuring a lasting sliding effect and a full contact between the transducer and the patient's body. After completing the transmission, the gel is easily removed with a tissue or rinsed off with water. The gel does not stain clothes, cause allergy or damage the transducers, and is water-soluble. Viscosity:Brookfield 18.0–22.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 9.5–11.5 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.8-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.56×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:3 years Packaging:1 box - 4 canisters (5 kg each) / 20 bottles (1 kg each) / 40 bottles (0.25 kg each).
Simulator dentar - Simulator dentar hibrid 'LEONARDO'

Simulator dentar - Simulator dentar hibrid 'LEONARDO'

«Leonardo» est un simulateur unique qui combine la préparation d'une dent sur un modèle avec une visualisation tridimensionnelle simultanée de chaque action à l'écran et une évaluation automatique de la procédure effectuée. SYSTÈME DE SUIVI Les microcapteurs de la pièce à main dentaire sont suivis selon 6 degrés de liberté à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 240 hertz pour une précision impressionnante. LOGICIEL Le logiciel unique a une structure modulaire. Les modules présentent une variété de procédures dentaires, de la prise d'anamnèse et de radiographies à l'administration d'une anesthésie et à la préparation d'une couronne. CRITÈRES D'ÉVALUATION L'étudiant reçoit des commentaires sur son travail à la fois pendant la formation sur simulateur en temps réel et après l'achèvement. Les critères évalués sont l'anamnèse du patient virtuel, la pertinence de l'anesthésique sélectionné, la technique d'injection, les paramètres quantitatifs de la préparation dentaire. Description du simulateur:Appareil dentaire multifonctionnel portable et système de suivi électromagnétique Composants de l'appareil:Plateau d'opération assistant, table à instruments, pédale pneumatique, lampe dentaire, Composants de l'appareil:modèle de pratique, caméra, roulettes avec mécanisme de verrouillage Bibliothèque de modules:Dentisterie opératoire, prothèses dentaires, montage radiographique Module d'anesthésie:Il peut sélectionner le type d'anesthésie, l'agent, le vasoconstricteur et la longueur de l'aiguille Module de dentisterie opératoire:Le module est conçu pour enseigner la préparation d'une cavité dentaire carieuse Module de prothèse dentaire:Le module comprend des leçons sur la préparation des couronnes dentaires Option de briefing:Chaque leçon commence par un briefing Option de briefing:Le briefing comprend les plaintes des patients et les antécédents médicaux, les résultats des examen Option de rapport:Chaque fois, l’image 3D et l’enregistrement vidéo se font à l'aide d'une caméra externe; Option de rapport:les réponses sont synchronisées avec la chronologie (journalisée).
Mediagel incolor de vâscozitate medie

Mediagel incolor de vâscozitate medie

A gel for ultrasound transmissions, Doppler sonography, physiotherapy and cosmetology. Features lower viscosity than Mediagel of High Viscosity. Effective for all types of transmissions. The gel is also used in laser cosmetology. The gel serves as an effective contact medium for ultrasound transmission and therapy when using domestic or imported equipment. The gel is applied directly to the transducer or the patient's body, is easy to spread over the skin, does not smear, and dries up slowly, ensuring a lasting sliding effect and a full contact between the transducer and the patient's body. After completing the transmission, the gel is easily removed with a tissue or rinsed off with water. The gel does not stain clothes, cause allergy or damage the transducers, and is water-soluble. Viscosity:Brookfield 18.0–22.0 Pa•s (equivalent viscosity 9.5–11.5 Pa•s at a shear rate of (16.8±0.3)s-1) pH:6.8-7.0 Acoustic impedance:1.56×10*5 g/cm2×s Shelf life:3 years Packaging:1 box - 4 canisters (5 kg each) / 20 bottles (1 kg each) / 40 bottles (0.25 kg each).


A universal contact medium for physiotherapy, electrical myostimulation, and lymphatic drainage. Usage:physiotherapy, electrical myostimulation, lymphatic drainage Shelf life:3 years Packaging:250 ml, 1l, 5l