Produse pentru hrană cobai (20)

Cal Pur - Cal Pur de la Beckers Cea Mai Bună Alimentație pentru Animale este un aliment adecvat speciei, natural și g

Cal Pur - Cal Pur de la Beckers Cea Mai Bună Alimentație pentru Animale este un aliment adecvat speciei, natural și g

Das Nassfutter aus reinem Pferdefleisch versorgt Ihren Hund mit allen wichtigen Nährstoffen. Aufgrund unserer natürlichen und erlesenen Zutaten ist unser Pferd Pur äußerst schmackhaft und bekömmlich. Unsere Zusammensetzung beinhaltet 70% Pferdefleisch und 29% Pferdebrühe. Somit kommen 99% der Proteine vom Pferd und zusätzlich 1% Mineralstoffe. Unser Nassfutter für Hunde mit dem Singleprotein Pferd von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung ist leicht verdaulich und für Allergiker besonders zu empfehlen, da eben nur eine Proteinquelle vorhanden ist und das gesamte Produkt getreidefrei hergestellt wird. Alle Produkte von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung sind ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Farb-, Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffe. Unsere Konservierung erfolgt ganz natürlich in der eigenen Kochbrühe. Wir stellen ausschließlich in Deutschland her und die Inhaltsstoffe stammen ebenfalls aus Deutschland. Bei uns und auch bei unserer Vorlieferanten sind Tierversuche grundsätzlich untersagt.
Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată - Pachet de Mazăre Întreagă Decorticată

Groch to roślina strączkowa. Groch stanowi dobre źródło białka, dostarcza też węglowodanów, a także błonnika, który usprawnia trawienie. Poza tym groch ma działanie zasadotwórcze. Jest podstawowym składnikiem wojskowej grochówki ale idealnie nadaje się do różnego rodzaju past kanapkowych, zup czy sałatek.


GUMINASE-P is a mixture of fungal ß-glucanases, pentosanases, amylases and endoproteases selected to improve the wort extract yield and the wort filtration rate when brewing with raw wheat or raw barley. PURPOSES To increase the wort extract yield by degrading the cell wall constituents improving the starch granules gelatinisation and allowing amylases to reach easier their substrate when brewing with high levels of raw wheat or barley. To improve the wort filtration rate by hydrolysing ß-glucans and pentosanes. TEMPERATURE Optimum 45-55°C. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4,5 and 6,5. APPLICATION Guminase P is added in the beginning of the mash. AVAILABILITY Powder form in plastic or cardboard drums of 25-50 kg. EXAMPLES 100% raw wheat brewing using exogenes amylases, and Guminase P (rates: % w/w enzyme/wheat grains). Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotriose (%) Glucose (%) Free Amino Nitrogen (ppm)* Filtration rate 0,1% (w/w)... Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri:Maltosylase Liquamyl Guminase PExtract Yield (%) Total sugars (g/100 ml)* Maltose (%) Maltotri
Cranberries uscate întregi 1000g - Vivio

Cranberries uscate întregi 1000g - Vivio

Żurawina suszona cała to naturalne owoce wysuszone w całości o wyrafinowanym cierpko-słodkim smaku. Owoce kształtem przypominają suszone rodzynki, ale są od nich większe, cechują się soczystą barwą i elastyczną konsystencją. Owoce żurawiny znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w kuchniach całego świata.Owoce żurawiny są bogatym źródłem witamin (C, witaminy z grupy B, E, K), minerałów (sodu, potasu, fosforu, wapnia, magnezu, manganu, żelaza), błonnika, kwasów organicznych, karotenoidów, flawonoidów, garbników i pektyn. Żurawina nie traci swoich właściwości podczas obróbki termicznej, dlatego, z korzyścią dla zdrowia, można spożywać jej przetwory, które nie są tak cierpkie jak owoce świeżej żurawiny.Żurawina świetnie się sprawdza w profilaktyce nawrotów infekcji dróg moczowych. Zakwasza mocz, co prowadzi do zabicia bakterii znajdujących się w pęcherzu moczowym. Dodatkowo, zawarte w żurawinie kwasy redukują przyczepność bakterii, dzięki czemu wydalane są z moczem.


Holzpellets 6 mm sind eine bequeme, wirtschaftliche und effiziente Möglichkeit, Ihr Zuhause oder Ihr Unternehmen mit Haushalts- und Naturbrennstoffen zu heizen. Holzpellets der Güteklasse A1 Durchmesser: 6–8 mm Geringer Staubgehalt < 1 % Hoher Ascheschmelzpunkt > 1200 °C Hergestellt aus den besten Urwäldern Hartholz- und Weichholzpellets 6 mm: Hartholz wie Ahorn, Eiche, Birke und Esche. Und wir alle wissen, dass wir Nadelhölzer wie Kiefern, Tannen und Fichten verwenden. Kaufen Sie Holzpellets 6mm. Verbrauch europäischer Holzpellets: Der größte Teil des Verbrauchs entfällt auf die Wärmeerzeugung – 61,8 %. Der Verbrauch von Pellets zur Wärmeerzeugung lässt sich weiter in drei Märkte unterteilen: Wohnraumheizung (69 %), gewerbliche Heizung (19 %) und Wärme aus Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (12 %). Die restlichen 38,2 % der Holzpellets wurden zur Energieerzeugung genutzt. Es ist zu beachten, dass Technologien zur Energieerzeugung aus Pellets für Wärme, Strom oder beides ausgereift Durchmesser:6–8 mm
Pellete de floarea-soarelui - Culturi oleaginoase

Pellete de floarea-soarelui - Culturi oleaginoase

Sunflower pellets - Oilseed crops
Pelete de fân/Cobs de fân în formă liberă - Furaje

Pelete de fân/Cobs de fân în formă liberă - Furaje

Panonia Heucobs sind Wiesencobs als Futtermittel hauptsächlich in der Pferdehaltung. Panonia Heucobs sind besonders geeignet für die Fütterung von Pferden hohen alters oder mit Allergie.
drojdie pentru furaje

drojdie pentru furaje

dry inactive granulated feed yeast granule diameter 6-10mm protein content 24-26 packaging big-bag 1 ton
zmeura medicinală (Rubus chingii Hu)

zmeura medicinală (Rubus chingii Hu)

Raspberry(Rubus chingii Hu), the dried fruit of the East China raspberry in the rose family. Raspberries were called "gold and jade" in ancient times. Can cure impotence, spermatospermia, enhance immunity, back to milk. Raspberries contain a lot of catechins and antioxidant flavonoids, are very powerful antioxidants, can fight excess free radicals in the body, strengthen blood vessels, prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Known as "cancer killer" and "natural Viagra". Palm leaf raspberry, also known as East China raspberry, its green fruit can be used in medicine, ripe fruit can be eaten, the fruit is aggregated berries, because of attractive color, rich nutrition, rich flavor, taste, etc., is one of the berries that have attracted the attention of sellers in recent years, known as "the third generation of golden fruit", and as one of the 194 kinds of raspberries selected in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" of "medicine and food homology" plants. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Kaibao Materia Medica" and other historical records, it is good for kidney and essence, nourishing liver and brightening eyes, pleasing skin, peace and zang-fu organs. Raspberry palm leaf ripe fruit is a new type of high nutrition of the first fruit, rich in amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin PP, superoxide dismutase, natural substances (tannic acid), natural aspirin (salicylic acid) and a large number of natural weight loss substances raspberry ketone, is with anti-aging, health care, beauty and other "new third generation fruit". Scientific Name:Rubus idaeus,Rubi fructus. English Name:Fu pen zi,palmleaf raspberry fruit,fructus rubi. Malay Name:Raspberi Family & Genus:Rosaceae,Rubus. Properties:Sweet & sour in taste. Warm in nature. Benefits:Boosts kidney,consolidate kidney essence,reduce urination,nourish body & tonify blood,skin beauty,tonify liver & brighten eyes. Indications: ·Blurred vision ·Spermatorrhea ·Frequent urination ·Kidney deficiency & enuresis ·Leukorrhea with thin menses ·Weakness & cold intolerance ·Premature graying of beard & hair *Those with kidney deficiency & effulgent fire,dark & decreas urine have to be cautious with consumption. Preparation: ·6-12g each time. Boil soup or add pills or powder, or soak in wine or ointment. ·Boil water and tea until the taste is light, and the fruit can be eaten. This product is the dried fruit of raspberry, a plant in the Rosaceae family.It is picked in the water source protection zone in eastern Zhejiang, and there is no environmental pollution from heavy industry in the surrounding area.There is no sulfur fumigation, no leaching, no mildew, and no other impurities during picking and processing.And passed 53 tests.[Nature, flavor and meridians] Sweet, sour, warm.Enters the liver, kidney, and bladder meridians.[Functions and Indications] Tonify the kidneys and essence, diuretic, nourish the liver, and improve eyesight.It is used for spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, impotence, premature ejaculation, and blurred vision.
Fazană adultă vie

Fazană adultă vie

Introducing our live adult pheasant hen, the perfect addition to any backyard or hunting excursion. Our pheasants are semi-wild-reared, meaning they have the perfect balance of natural instinct and domestication. They are also fed with a special home-blended feed, ensuring their health and wellbeing.
Alimente conservate - Năut

Alimente conservate - Năut

Hummus Fava Beans Chickpeas Green Peas Mushroom Sweet corn


Fruto seco pasteurizado para que se conserve en la máxima calidad; procedente de agricultura orgánica. Los Higos secos constituyen una fuente por excelencia de fibra, son geniales para picar de forma saludable y sus cualidades la hacen ser la base culinaria de la Dieta Mediterránea.


Entdecken Sie die beispiellose Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit von A2-Holzpellets, der ultimativen Wahl für umweltbewusste Heizbedürfnisse. Diese Pellets werden aus hochwertigem Holz aus verantwortungsvoll bewirtschafteten Wäldern hergestellt und sorgfältig verarbeitet, um optimale Leistung und eine geringere Umweltbelastung zu gewährleisten.
Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Green buckwheat sprouts go well with everything green! For example, with herbs, avocado, cucumber, celery. By including sprouted buckwheat in your daily diet, you acquire strong immunity, good health, a feeling of lightness and an excellent mood. Weight:600 g
Picioare de Pui Braziliene

Picioare de Pui Braziliene

Clean No Yellow Skin No Feathers No Bad Smell No Blood No Black Pad No Bruise No Chemical Burns Outer Hard Nail Removed Ice Content 0.3 % Broken Bones Less Than 0.5% Moisture Less Than 2% No Black Spot C) FROZEN REQUIREMENTS :– Blasted at: minus 40 degrees Celsius Storage at: minus 20 degrees Celsius. Temperature during Transportation: minus 18 degrees Celsius Brazil Chicken Suppliers Brazil Chicken Exporters Quality Chicken Producers Halal approved


DESATASE is an amylolytic preparation (EC, pullulan 6-glucano-hydrolase) which catalyzes the hydrolysis of the alpha-1,6 linkages of amylopectine allowing to reach higher maltose yields in combination with maltogenic amylases. PURPOSES To increase the malt diastasic power by enhancing the malt native ß-amylase action. To increase the fermentability of wort (apparent attenuation limit). Some 25% of the total carbohydrate of wort is unfermentable. The addition of Desatase in combination with maltogenic amylases like Maltosylase to the fermenter converts the unfermentable dextrins to maltose which in turn is fermented to alcohol giving an apparent attenuation higher than 100% without loss of palate fullness or head retention. At the same alcohol concentration as a normal attenuated beer the super-attenuated beer will have required 25% less of raw material. See Attenuation Modulation. TEMPERATURE Optimum 55-60°C. The enzymatic components are deactivated in beer (pH 4,2)...
Fasole Neagră 5kg Horeca

Fasole Neagră 5kg Horeca

Our company is pleased to offer Black beans product from the basket of products intended for wholesalers and distribution networks serving the Horeca sector. Products come from nicely designed packagine line, quality of the product is very high as we focus on that matter with all products we handle. We are offer quality products and competative prices for our partners in Horeca sector, there a discounts available for new colaborations but most important is that quality of our products always is high and our partners cooperate with us for long time. We focus on marketing of our products especailly social media so our partners can be assured their clients will be get to know new brand and it's quality well.
Mazăre Despicată Jumătate 5kg Horeca

Mazăre Despicată Jumătate 5kg Horeca

Nasza Firma ma przyjemność zaoferować produkt Groch Łuskany Połówka z koszyka produktów przeznaczonych dla hurtowni i sieci dystrybucji obsługujących sektor Horeca. Nasze produkty są oczyszczane i pakowane w naszym zakładzie, przykładamy szczególną uwagę do jakości produktów. Groch to roślina strączkowa. Groch stanowi dobre źródło białka, dostarcza też węglowodanów, a także błonnika, który usprawnia trawienie. Poza tym groch ma działanie zasadotwórcze. Jest podstawowym składnikiem wojskowej grochówki ale idealnie nadaje się do różnego rodzaju past kanapkowych, zup czy sałatek.
Enzime de Bere - Guminază

Enzime de Bere - Guminază

GUMINASE is a mixture of fungal carbohydrases including ß-glucanases (ß1-3 and ß1-4 endo-glucanases) xylanases and hemicellulases. This well balanced mixture of carbohydrases is free of proteases to avoid the increase of wort coloration and to preserve the beer pro-foam proteins. TEMPERATURE GUMINASE can be used to 75°C and is quickly inactivated above this temperature. The usual temperatures used during mashing coincide with GUMINASE’s optimum activity. pH EFFECT Optimum pH between 4.5 and 6.5. PURPOSES To decrease the wort ß-glucan and pentosane content and the wort viscosity and to make easier the mash filtration as well as the beer filtration mainly when brewing with high levels of raw grains as barley or wheat. EXAMPLES Effects of the addition of GUMINASE to a sample of GATINAIS malt and to a mixture of 75% malt and 25% raw wheat (EBC conventional mash). A = addition of 1 kg per 10 tons of malt B = addition of 3 kg per 10 tons of malt C = addition of 1 kg per 1 ton of raw... MALT MALT + A MALT + B 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + C 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + D:MALT MALT + A MALT + B 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + C 75% MALT + 25% WHEAT + D
Grăunțe de secară pentru germinare 300g

Grăunțe de secară pentru germinare 300g

Rye sprouts contain a lot of enzymes and nutrients. Their number multiplies during germination, and even new substances appear that are not initially in the grains. The nutritional and biological value of sprouted rye grains is significantly higher than that of processed products made from this cereal. Weight:300 g