Produse pentru furnizori boutique (2)

Oferim servicii de căutare a furnizorilor în Turcia cu calitate înaltă, produsele potrivite și prețuri competitive.

Oferim servicii de căutare a furnizorilor în Turcia cu calitate înaltă, produsele potrivite și prețuri competitive.

Simplify and Grow Your Global Business! Success in business comes from collaborating with the right suppliers, targeting the right markets, and developing efficient operational processes. At INTERNOVA, we offer comprehensive services to support you through all of these steps: Supplier Sourcing Services: Find the most reliable and high-quality suppliers. Market Research and Analysis: Gain a competitive edge with in-depth market insights. E-Commerce and B2B Consulting: Grow rapidly in the digital world. Quality Control and Supervision: Ensure your products meet the highest standards every time. Customs and Logistics Management: Streamline your import and export processes seamlessly. Import Consulting from Turkey: Discover the best opportunities in the Turkish market. Customer Acquisition Services: Reach potential customers and grow your business. If you're ready to expand your business globally, you're in the right place. INTERNOVA is here with tailored solutions to support you every step of the way!
Numele pentru calitate și încredere

Numele pentru calitate și încredere

Malaika Tekstil ist eine führende Marke im Textilsektor und legt den Schwerpunkt auf Qualität, Vertrauen und Nachhaltigkeit. Das 2013 mit der Vision von Gül Sibel Okan gegründete Unternehmen hat eine Vorreiterrolle in der Produktion und Versorgung verschiedener Sektoren übernommen, darunter Sicherheitskleidung, Arbeitskleidung und die Reinigungsbranche. Das Unternehmen wird von einem Team aus Experten und ausgebildeten Fachleuten auf ihrem Gebiet geleitet. Das Verwaltungspersonal, das Produktionsteam und das Lagerpersonal bestehen zusammen aus durchschnittlich 25 Personen, während dieses dynamische Team zusammen mit unseren 8 verschiedenen Produktionsstätten mit insgesamt 400 Mitarbeitern die Grundlage für die operative Exzellenz von Malaika Tekstil bildet.