Produse pentru folosit (3888)

Tehnici diferite pentru utilizarea cartușelor de frișcă - Tehnica de creare a spumei calde cu cartușe de frișcă

Tehnici diferite pentru utilizarea cartușelor de frișcă - Tehnica de creare a spumei calde cu cartușe de frișcă

As you may know, you can prepare a lot of different kinds of dishes using whipped cream chargers. There are a lot of different techniques that you can apply to use cream chargers. For example, you have dishes where hot foam is used but of course also cold, thick or you use the whipped cream chargers for marinating meat. The addition of foam can sometimes have several reasons, first of all, the recipe looks a lot more interesting. But besides this, it also gives the dish more structure and balances the different flavors. First of all, when you plan to leave the foam sousvide (vacuum), keep in mind the time and temperature and of course the different ingredients. Because with this technique you want to serve the foam hot you need to regulate the temperature. With certain sauces it is important that you do not exceed the maximum temperature, this can cause the foam to solidify or clump. You can prevent this by thickening the sauce a bit.
Balsam de buze natural - 100% natural, fără uleiuri esențiale, economic, utilizare de lungă durată

Balsam de buze natural - 100% natural, fără uleiuri esențiale, economic, utilizare de lungă durată

Hydrate, Nourrit et Protège Un baume à lèvres exclusivement fabriqué à partir d’ingrédients naturels. Un soin réparateur, protecteur contre les agressions hivernales pour les lèvres ou les zones irritées grâce au beurre de cacao et de mangue⁠. Ce baume est aussi apaisant et cicatrisant grâce au bisabolol végétal pur (issue de la camomille sauvage). Formulé, fabriqué en France Economique, usage long durée Contenant 100% recyclable Nom : Baume à lèvre Ingrédients phares : - Bisabolol végétal pur (issue de la camomille sauvage) : Apaise & Cicatrise huile de jojoba - Huile d’amande douce : Nourrit en profondeur - Vitamine E : Confère 12 mois de conservation Vous souhaitez connaitre la composition ? contactez nous ! Format:7,5g Marque Blanche:Format et emballage sur mesure
Dulap cu Sertare Safari Trapez BL-800

Dulap cu Sertare Safari Trapez BL-800

Szafki z serii Safari Trapez stanowią atrakcyjne wyposażenie wnętrz. Boki wykonano z płyty laminowanej z kolei fronty z MDF'u. Szafki dostępne są w kolorach: niebieskim, żółtym, pomarańczowym oraz w kolorze limonki. Półokrągłe obrzeża zapewniają bezpieczeństwo podczas długich godzin zabaw. Wym.: 107 x 44 x 85 cm Zgodne z normą PN-EN 14073-2:2006
Convertor Ultrasonic Lineal Seria SE - Convertori Ultrasonici Fiabili pentru Cele Mai Bune Rezultate

Convertor Ultrasonic Lineal Seria SE - Convertori Ultrasonici Fiabili pentru Cele Mai Bune Rezultate

Die Konverter der SE-Serie zeichnen sich aus durch ihre Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Anwendungen in den Frequenzen 15, 20, 30 und 35 kHz und Leistungen von 500 W bis 8 kW werden abgedeckt. Speziell für den Einsatz im Lebensmittel- und Medizinalbereich sind Ausführungen aus chemisch beständigen Materialien und mit Schutzklassen bis IP67 erhältlich.
Rășină pentru imprimare 3D - Rășină extrem de rezistentă la uzură pentru utilizare pe imprimante 3D DLP și LCD.

Rășină pentru imprimare 3D - Rășină extrem de rezistentă la uzură pentru utilizare pe imprimante 3D DLP și LCD.

Das erste Resin speziell für den 3D-Druck von Verschleißteilen und Zahnrädern. Für feinste Details (Präzision: ± 0,1 mm, kleine Zahnräder ab Modul m = 0,2) und enorme Lebensdauer durch integrierte Festschmierstoffe und die hohe Biegefestigkeit (90 MPa). Das 3D-Druck Kunstharz iglidur i3000 ist zur Verarbeitung auf DLP- und LCD-Druckern geeignet und wurde speziell für den Druck von Zahnrädern und Verschleißteilen entwickelt. Mit einer mindestens 30-mal bis 60-mal höheren Lebensdauer als herkömmliche 3D-Druck-Harze eignet sich iglidur® i3000 für jegliche Arten der Verschleißanwendung. Durch die hohe Auflösung von bis zu 35 μm können sehr filigrane Bauteile mit feinsten Details gedruckt werden. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften sind durch das Photopolymerisationsverfahren weitestgehend isotrop. Wenn Sie selbst über keinen DLP- oder LCD-Drucker verfügen, bieten wir auch die Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Resin in unserem hauseigenen 3D-Druck-Service an. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne. Nettogewicht:1000 g Farbe:grau
Generatoare CUSTOM LINE SDF® - Generatoare CUSTOM LINE SDF®: utilizarea simultană a două frecvențe

Generatoare CUSTOM LINE SDF® - Generatoare CUSTOM LINE SDF®: utilizarea simultană a două frecvențe

Con los generadores SDF® actúan simultáneamente dos frecuencias distintas sobre la pieza que se va a calentar. La consecuencia es que el templado inductivo tiene lugar en todo el componente con una profundidad y un nivel de temperatura absolutamente constantes. Nueva precisión, máxima flexibilidad Precisamente en el templado de componentes complejos es donde este enfoque patentado posee ventajas excepcionales. Un buen ejemplo es una rueda dentada. Mientras que, en general, las medias frecuencias penetran más profundamente en la rueda dentada y calientan sobre todo el pie del diente, las altas frecuencias actúan sobre la cabeza del diente. Por tanto, en el procedimiento SDF® actúan simultáneamente dos frecuencias distintas sobre la pieza a calentar. El calentamiento tiene lugar en todo el componente con una profundidad y un nivel de temperatura absolutamente constantes.
Roți cu flanșă și rotițe - pentru utilizare pe șine

Roți cu flanșă și rotițe - pentru utilizare pe șine

Flanged wheels are mainly used on rails to make sure that transport units stay on track. They are made up of a bearing and a wheel centre with a flange. They are used in everything from machine and systems engineering through to pulleys. These environments involve special conditions like heat, contact with oil or chips and electricity. Blickle has five different series of flanged wheels in its product range to meet various requirements. The SPKGSPO, SPK and SPKVS series have a single-sided flange. The DSPK and DSPKGSPO series have a double flange. The flanged wheels are also available in a variety of materials. Compressed cast nylon, steel and grey cast iron series are available. The flanged wheels use either a plain bore or ball bearings. Other bearing types are also available upon request. Wheel  Ø::50 - 400mm Load capacity:50 - 9000 kg
Tunică cu Închidere Oslo - Femei - Îmbrăcăminte Profesională

Tunică cu Închidere Oslo - Femei - Îmbrăcăminte Profesională

Blusa para uso hospitalar, clínicas, estética, cabeleireiro. Tecido em sarja composto por 65% poliéster, 35% algodão. REFERÊNCIA:EPFARDV644-A
Centrul de prelucrare C 32 - Centrul de prelucrare C 32 - Mașina-unelte pentru utilizare zilnică

Centrul de prelucrare C 32 - Centrul de prelucrare C 32 - Mașina-unelte pentru utilizare zilnică

O centro de usinagem C 32 processa peças até 1000 kg simultaneamente em cinco eixos. A máquina-ferramentas C 32 também foi concebida para o uso diário e sob elevada carga. A C 32 processa em tempo recorde e com precisão perfeita mesmo os materiais mais difíceis de usinar – totalmente automatizada... até ao sistema de produção flexível. Isto tudo com um conforto de operação imbatível! A C 32 dispõe de dois eixos na peça e de três na ferramenta. O posicionamento dinâmico, os tempos de parada curtos e uma fixação segura na posição de usinagem desejada é tão natural quanto a área de trabalho grande em relação à área de instalação. Também na C 32, o carregador de ferramentas tem formato circular integrado no corpo base e providencia espaço para 36 ferramentas. Através de um carregador adicional opcional há lugar para 192 ferramentas. Assim também é possível o processamento de peças complexas e os mais variados processamentos.
Sisteme de retenție a zăpezii - Sisteme de retenție a zăpezii care sunt ușor de instalat folosind sistemul de clic MAGE® dovedit

Sisteme de retenție a zăpezii - Sisteme de retenție a zăpezii care sunt ușor de instalat folosind sistemul de clic MAGE® dovedit

Schneefangsysteme, die mittels bewährtem MAGE® - Klicksystem leicht zu montieren sind. Schützt vor abrutschendem Schnee und Eis. Schneeschutzsysteme sollen das Abrutschen von Schnee und Eis vom Dach verhindern und somit Sach- und Personenschäden vermeiden. Deshalb sind Schneeschutzsysteme über Eingängen und Verkehrswegen, als Verkehrssicherung, anzubringen. MAGE® Roof & Building Components GmbH bietet sowohl Schneefangsysteme, die mittels bewährtem MAGE® - Klicksystem leicht zu montieren sind, als auch Schneehaltesysteme an. Des Weiteren sind MAGE® Snow - Schneeschutzsysteme nach den vorgeschriebenen Regeln getestet und gewährleisten demnach die Funktionalität des Systems und des Daches. MAGE® Roof & Building Components GmbH hilft Ihnen bei der Berechnung der Schneelast Ihres Daches und gibt Ihnen eine Empfehlung bezüglich des Schneefangsystems.


Typ: Fräser R116 Egenschaften: Ø 6.0 mm, Schaft Ø 6.0 mm,1 Schneide, poliert und gewuchtet Empfohlene Materialien: Forex MDF Holz Dibond Max. Tiefe: 22.0 mm Max. U/min.: 50.000 Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 3910759 Artikel-Nr:20310163 Hersteller:Zünd Hersteller-Nr:3910759
Recipientele cu Gel de Silică - Recipientele și capsulele sunt utilizate în industria (farmaceutică).

Recipientele cu Gel de Silică - Recipientele și capsulele sunt utilizate în industria (farmaceutică).

The canister capsules are drop-in desiccant products in capsules designed for pharmaceutical packagings. The advantages are: – Excellent performances – Long lifespan – Patient safety – Easy integration in the production process The innovative design of the canister capsules provides effective 360° moisture absorption, regardless of the product’s position in the package. Furthermore, the capsule’s effectiveness stays the same whether it is placed on the container wall or on the floor. The canister capsules are filled with spherical silica gel or molecular sieves, which means they are free of dust.
Folosit Revizuit Garantat

Folosit Revizuit Garantat

Pactur also offers its customers a choice of used, overhauled and guaranteed shrink packaging machines , whose availability is obviously variable and is linked to the specific moment of the request. Pactur has been producing packaging and sealing machines for shrink film for more than thirty years . Pactur's filming and packaging machines have always stood out for the solidity of the plates, the reliability of the components and the refinement of the design. Therefore, there is still a large fleet of used second-hand shrink wrappers on the market, under the Pactur brand. In fact, their sturdiness makes them suitable for working for a long time and they are rarely abandoned. Therefore, our customers appreciate the long life, enjoyed by our shrink wrap machines. The proposals for overhauled and guaranteed used vehicles are therefore very interesting, because the relationship between price and quality is surprisingly advantageous.
Piatra naturală granit pentru utilizare interioară și exterioară, plăci și - Brazil Gold Granit Granit galben elegant din Brazilia

Piatra naturală granit pentru utilizare interioară și exterioară, plăci și - Brazil Gold Granit Granit galben elegant din Brazilia

Produktinformationen "Brazil Gold" - **Granit Brazil Gold** - Granit aus Brasilien - **Verfügbar in folgenden Fliesenformaten**: 30,5x30,5x1 cm, 61x30,5x1 cm, 40x40x1 cm, 60x40x1 cm, 60x60x1,2 cm - **Stärken**: 1 cm, 1,2 cm, 2 cm und 3 cm - **Fertigprodukte** wie Küchenarbeitsplatten, Waschtische, Duschtassen, Ablagen, Tische usw. sind lieferbar - **Großformatplatten** für Küchenarbeitsplatten verfügbar in ca. 325x160x2 cm und in 3 cm Stärke - **Oberflächenbehandlungen**: Poliert, Geschliffen, Gebürstet, Geledert, Geflammt und Gebürstet - **Mosaike** in verschiedenen Abmessungen verfügbar - **Bordüren** - Besonders geeignet für **Küchenarbeitsplatten** und **Waschtischplatten** - **Anwendung**: Innen- und Außenbereich - **Farbe**: Gelb - **Material**: Granit
Uleiuri Vegetale Bio de Ricin - Toate Uleiurile Vegetale Bio pentru Cosmetice

Uleiuri Vegetale Bio de Ricin - Toate Uleiurile Vegetale Bio pentru Cosmetice

Grossiste en huile vegetales bio alimentaire ou cosmetique. possibilite de conditionnement pret a la vente pour du retail vente au detail
măturători profesionale

măturători profesionale

Professional flail mowers are designed for heavy-duty mowing tasks, offering unmatched efficiency in cutting thick vegetation and overgrown areas. These machines are equipped with robust engines and durable flails, ensuring a clean and even cut even in challenging terrains. Ideal for use in agriculture, forestry, and landscaping, professional flail mowers provide users with the power and precision needed to tackle tough mowing challenges. The adjustable cutting heights and ergonomic designs of professional flail mowers provide comfort and control during operation. These machines not only save time and effort but also contribute to the overall health of your landscape by promoting even growth and preventing weed infestation. Investing in a high-quality flail mower is a smart choice for anyone looking to maintain a pristine outdoor environment.
Protech WAC-RC: Finisaj protector anti-carbonatare, pentru utilizare în medii agresive

Protech WAC-RC: Finisaj protector anti-carbonatare, pentru utilizare în medii agresive

Protech WAC-RC Single-component colored finish in water dispersion for the opaque protection of concrete surfaces and cementitious substrates, wall coverings, and appropriately prepared and primed floors. The product is a painting system suitable for environments with the presence of food, which can be used to protect walls and ceilings that comply with the HACCP protocol, in order to prevent possible food contamination. Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents and aggressive industrial environments Good water vapor permeability and water repellency Wide range of colors available Uniform matte finish Low maintenance over time Good resistance to diluted acids and alkalis, fuels and hydrocarbons Excellent resistance to detergents and disinfectants Excellent resistance to mold attack Perfectly washable It meets the following requirements: Legislative Decree n. 193 of 06/11/2007 “Implementation of Directive 2004/41/EC relating to food safety controls and application of community regulations in the same sector” - HACCP UNI 11021:2002 “Products and systems for painting environments with the presence of food”, in particular it is suitable for walls, ceilings and surfaces for which resistance to washing is required; can be washed with chloroactive detergent (detergent A); can be washed with alkaline degreaser (detergent B); can be washed with acid descaler (detergent C); can be washed with disinfectant (detergent D); resists temperature changes. Colored protective finish of concrete surfaces, cement plasters Anti-carbonation finishing of concrete structures Wall finishing for food, wine and butcher shops Wall finishing for chemical and pharmaceutical industries Finishing and coating of suitably prepared metal surfaces Protective finish for floors already treated with resins or primed Protective treatment of oxidized asphalt surfaces Finish for environments in the presence of food. Concrete The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, traces of coatings and surface treatments, etc. Any weak or detaching parts must be removed before applying the product by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and dust extraction. The tensile strength must not be less than 1.5 N/mm². The application of Protech WAC-RC on new or particularly absorbent cementitious substrates must always be preceded by the application of a coat of Protech fix AC water-based anchoring primer. Wait 3-4 hours before applying the finish. Resin coatings The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, etc. Sand the surface by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and dust extraction. It is advisable to wash the surfaces and wait for them to dry completely before applying the finish. The application of Protech WAC-RC on resinous and multilayer systems must always be preceded by sanding the entire surface in order to promote and guarantee optimal adhesion of the product to the support. PVC Wash the PVC surfaces to be treated with specific detergents to remove any substances that may affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, materials that block the pores in order to promote better capillary penetration of the product into the support. The application of Protech WAC-RC on PVC supports can be carried out directly with appropriate dilutions of the product in first and second coat. Steel Any welding residues must be removed and the joints sanded. Sandblast to cleanliness level Sa 2½ according to ISO8501-1. The surfaces to be coated must be free from dirt, oil, grease and impurities. Average surface roughness degree RZ ≥ 50 μm. An anti-corrosion treatment is recommended before applying the coating. The application of Protech WAC-RC on steel supports must always be preceded by the application of a coat of “surface tolerant” epoxy-polyamide primer in the solvent phase Syntech Poliurea Primer Epoxy Metal. Approximately 0.20 kg of Protech WAC-RC for each square meter of surface to be painted for each coat. Apply two coats.. Packaging: 20 kg bucket UM: €/kg
Aromaterapie: O viață mai bună cu emoțiile folosind uleiuri esențiale - Cărți

Aromaterapie: O viață mai bună cu emoțiile folosind uleiuri esențiale - Cărți

Une experte des huiles essentielles mondialement reconnue et un psychologue de terrain, utilisant l’hypnose et la méditation dans sa pratique, ont écrit à 4 mains cet ouvrage unique qui permet d’accompagner de nombreux troubles et émotions du quotidien (angoisse, stress, colère, manque de confiance en soi, burn-out, problèmes de sommeil…). Avec une préface du Dr Christophe André. Longueur:21 cm Largeur:15 cm Épaisseur:2.4 cm
Panou LED transparent - Ecran LED transparent AVA, utilizat pentru învelitori de clădiri

Panou LED transparent - Ecran LED transparent AVA, utilizat pentru învelitori de clădiri

Področja uporabe: Lahko se uporablja v stavbnih oblačilih Nakupovalna območja Steklo. Lahko se uporablja v zaprtih prostorih Enostavna in hitra namestitev Lahka Hitrejše hlajenje Napredna ključavnica Hitra namestitev Pri uporabi tradicionalnih LED zaslonov kupci pogosto niso mogli videti izdelkov v trgovini. Tradicionalni LED zasloni bodo blokirali sonce, kar pomeni, da morate za razsvetljavo doplačati. Prozornost prosojnega LED zaslona je do 80%, kar omogoča prehod sončne svetlobe in ustvarja bolj naravno vzdušje za vas. Na razdalji 5 metrov komaj vidite prisotnost zaslonov. To vam omogoča, da si izdelke v svoji trgovini ogledate zunaj, sončna svetloba pa v vaši trgovini sije za prijetno nakupovalno izkušnjo. Ne glede na to, ali gre za majhen zaslon ali svetlo prozorno LED steno, lahko poljubno velikost prozornega LED zaslona prilagodite glede na potrebe. Uporabljene slike so reprezentativne. AVA LED si pridržuje pravico do spremembe tehničnih specifikacij. Visina slikovnih pik:P3,91 / P7,82 - P10,42 / P10,42 - P15,62 / P31,25 Velikost plošče:1000 mm x 500 mm x 50 mm Teža plošče:6kg. / 10kg. Material plošče:Liti aluminij Vodoodporen:Procesor in računalnik / pametni telefon Moč svetlobe:> 4000 Nits -> 7000 Nits LED Tip:SMD1921 / SMD2727 / SMD3535 Hitrost osveževanja:3840Hz. poraba energije :300W-800W Ocena IP:Zadnji IP54 / sprednji IP65 Nadzorni sistem:Novastar Obravnavati:14 bit / 16 bit / 18 bitov Hlajenje:Pasivno Območje uporabe:Notranji / zunanji del Potrdila:CE / EMC / LVD-ATR-EUR1
Drojdii inactive de bere - substitut natural de polen 5kg

Drojdii inactive de bere - substitut natural de polen 5kg

Inactive brewer's yeast serves as an excellent natural substitute for pollen, providing a rich source of nutrients essential for animal health. This product is particularly beneficial for livestock, as it offers a high protein content and a variety of vitamins and minerals that support growth and development. The unique formulation of inactive brewer's yeast helps in enhancing the overall diet of animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal performance. With its pleasant aroma and taste, this product is easily accepted by various livestock species. Incorporating inactive brewer's yeast into animal diets can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. It acts as a natural prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and enhancing overall gut health. Additionally, this product supports the immune system, helping to prevent common health issues in livestock. By choosing inactive brewer's yeast as a natural pollen substitute, farmers can ensure their animals thrive, leading to better productivity and profitability in their operations.


ART. 3372 CERNIERE PER NAUTICA IN ACCIAIO INOSSIDABILE 304 PERNO FISSO Confezione: 24pz Dimensioni (mm): 40x55x1,5
reciclarea hainelor de second-hand

reciclarea hainelor de second-hand

Nous exportons de vêtements de second main vers presque tous les pays bales de vêtement , chaussures , jouets , sac a main,.....
Transportor cu șurub fără sfârșit din oțel inoxidabil cu vibrator de construcție nouă

Transportor cu șurub fără sfârșit din oțel inoxidabil cu vibrator de construcție nouă

El Husillo sin-fin en acero inoxidable con vibrador de construcción nueva es una máquina diseñada para optimizar el proceso de recepción y manejo de productos en diversas industrias. Con un diámetro de husillo de 100 mm y una altura de descarga de 2 m, este modelo se adapta a diferentes necesidades de producción. Su sistema de fácil limpieza y las ruedas para su desplazamiento hacen que sea una opción práctica y eficiente. Además, se puede fabricar en cualquier medida, lo que lo convierte en una solución versátil para empresas que buscan personalización en sus equipos. La potencia del motor es de 3 kw y 1420 rpm, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en el manejo de materiales.
Sacii de gunoi de dimensiuni jumbo

Sacii de gunoi de dimensiuni jumbo

Our Jumbo Size Garbage Bags are the ultimate solution for large-scale waste disposal needs. With dimensions of 80x110 cm, these bags are designed to handle the largest waste loads, making them ideal for industrial or commercial use. Produced from 100% original raw materials, these bags are biodegradable, promoting environmentally friendly waste management. The star sealing design ensures superior strength and leak resistance. Available in blue and black colors, these bags are shipped in OPP packaging and printed boxes, providing a dependable choice for any waste disposal requirement.
Piese din plastic curbate

Piese din plastic curbate

Unsere modernen Maschinen der Firmen Bernd und Shannon ermöglichen die Bearbeitung verschiedenster Materialien wie ABS, Polyethylen, PMMA und Polycarbonat. Mit technischer Expertise und einem vielseitigen Ansatz bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für komplexe Biegeprofile – von der Planung bis zur Umsetzung.
Dezinfectant cu Cap de Spray 135ml

Dezinfectant cu Cap de Spray 135ml

Haben Sie bereits Ihre Hände desinfiziert? Heutzutage ist das Desinfektionsmittel nicht mehr wegzudenken. Daher bieten wir Ihnen ein hautverträgliches Mittel an, welches unsichtbaren Schmutz entfernt und vor Keimen und Bakterien schützt. In einer 135 ml befüllten Flasche, steht Ihnen das Desinfektionsmittel gebrauchsfertig zur Verfügung. Durch den Spraykopf ist das Desinfektionsmittel einfach in der Handhabung. Lieferzeit:1-2 Tage Zahlungsoptionen:Überweisung/Vorkasse, Zahlung per Kreditkarte, Sepa Lastschrift, Sofortüberweisung, Giropay


Pour la coupe transversale de vos lingettes, ... nous produisons des lames pour une coupe par cisaillement. Pour la coupe de vos mouchoirs, nous produisons des lames type DCM.
Vaporizator VP-3200 - Construit pentru utilizare industrială.

Vaporizator VP-3200 - Construit pentru utilizare industrială.

Gebaut für den industriellen Einsatz. Der Vaporisator VP-3200 wurde speziell für die Ansprüche im harten Dauereinsatz und kleine bis große Räume entwickelt. Dank seiner Rollen ist er mobil einsetzbar. Die elektronische Füllstandsanzeige informiert zuverlässig über das verbleibende Liquid. Direkt am Handgriff lässt sich die Vaporisationsstufe einstellen. Alle Bauteile sind in Industriequalität gefertigt, so dass selbst bei maximaler Nutzung ein kontinuierlicher Einsatz gewährleistet ist. Die definierte 3-Stufenschaltung in Kombination mit der kalibrierten Versorgungspumpe erlaubt einen perfekt definierten Liquid-Einsatz. Alle Bauteile sind in Edelstahl gefertigt (auch Kessel und Heizschlange). Zusätzlich wurden die liquidführenden Elemente mit Teflon beschichtet. Dies ermöglicht einen wartungsfreien Betrieb, auch ohne Entkalkung. vapuSTEAM™ Vaporisator VP-3200 Premium Desinfektionsvaporisator mit 170 Grad Trockendampf
Feronerie din safir pentru sisteme LiDAR aeriene - Acestea sunt sisteme utilizate în măsurători topografice.

Feronerie din safir pentru sisteme LiDAR aeriene - Acestea sunt sisteme utilizate în măsurători topografice.

Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Sapphire Windows, and custom for use within Airborne LiDAR Systems. These are systems used in surveying for topographical measurements. The data accumulated can be used to generate a Digital Terrain Model or a Digital Elevation Model which are 3D representations of terrain. Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Making it ideal as a protective window for airborne systems which may be utilised in harsh environment or against birds! Sapphire is grown by various methods from seed samples. Sapphire can be polished to a high standard, but as it is the second hardest mineral on Earth it must be subject to high forces to polish. Therefore, windows made from Sapphire must have a thickness to diameter ratio of at least 10:1, that is, greater For more information read PDF…. Material::Sapphire (AL2O3) Random or C-Cut grades Diameter Tolerance::+0.0/-0.20 mm Length/Width Tolerance::+/- 0.10mm Thickness Tolerance::+/-0.10mm Wavelength Range::0.17 – 5.5µm Transmission::Tavg=85% dependant on substrate thickness Surface quality: :<40-20 scratch/dig Coatings::AR coating options to meet your wavelength requirements