Produse pentru folosit (144)

Prisme Amici pentru utilizare în industria imagistică - KO furnizează componente optice de precizie clienților din domeniul imagisticii

Prisme Amici pentru utilizare în industria imagistică - KO furnizează componente optice de precizie clienților din domeniul imagisticii

Knight Optical can offer Amici Roof Prisms for use within Imaging Industry. We supply a range of Amici Roof Prisms for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Imaging Industry. Amici Roof Prisms are often used in the development of telescope eyepieces and endoscopes, where they revert and invert the image while redirecting the beam by 90 degrees. For more information read PDF … Material::N-BK7 or equivalent, UV Fused Silica, Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.2mm Angles::+/- 30 arc seconds Surface Figure: :< 0.5 waves Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig
Prisme Littrow - Knight Optical poate oferi prisme Littrow pentru utilizare în aplicații laser

Prisme Littrow - Knight Optical poate oferi prisme Littrow pentru utilizare în aplicații laser

Knight Optical can offer Littrow Prisms for use within Laser Applications. We supply a range of Littrow Prisms for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Laser Applications. Littrow Prisms are used near the end of an optical cavity of a laser system to finely adjust the output frequency by changing the AOI of the prism. For more information read PDF … Material::SF11 or equivalent, F2 or equivalent, UV grade fused silica Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.2mm Angles::+/- 1 arc minutes Surface Figure::< 0.5 waves Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Coating::Antireflective < 0.2% @ 550nm
Ghiduri de Lumină - Knight Optical poate oferi Ghiduri de Lumină pentru utilizare în industria cosmetică

Ghiduri de Lumină - Knight Optical poate oferi Ghiduri de Lumină pentru utilizare în industria cosmetică

Knight Optical can offer Light Guides for use within the Cosmetics Industry. We supply a range of Light Guides for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within the Cosmetics Industry. Our Light Guides are the key element in cosmetic laser, or intense pulsed light (IPL) applications. IPL is a cosmetic application commonly used for hair removal. IPL application have requirements of different wavebands and so our custom light guides are available in a choice of materials and coatings to suit your waveband requirements. For more information read PDF… Material::N-BK7 or equivalent, Sapphire and UV Fused Silica Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Coatings::< AR Coatings available on request
Feronerie de grad telecom pentru utilizare în aplicații de fibră optică

Feronerie de grad telecom pentru utilizare în aplicații de fibră optică

We supply a range of Telecom Grade Windows for a range of applications - Knight Optical can offer Telecom Grade Windows for use within Fibre Optic Applications. We supply a range of Telecom Grade Windows for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Fibre Optic Applications. Our Telecom Grade Windows are coated to minimise reflection in the telecoms waveband. These windows are optimized for fibre optic applications in the S and C bands between 1460nm to 1565nm while maintaining excellent transmission out of the operating wavelength. For more information read PDF… Material::B270 or equivalent, White Float Shape::Circular Windows, Square Windows Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::+/- 5 arc minutes Surface Figure: :< 5(1) @ 633nm Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig
Polarizator de foaie vizibil - Polarizatoarele noastre pentru utilizare în electronica de consum și o gamă de aplicații

Polarizator de foaie vizibil - Polarizatoarele noastre pentru utilizare în electronica de consum și o gamă de aplicații

We supply a range of Visible Sheet Polariser for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Consumer Electronics. Our Linear Polarisers linearly polarise unpolarised light and can block light that is polarised in the opposite direction. Linear Polarisers are often used in the production of LCD monitor and TVs. The liquid crystals act like a wave-plate, rotating the polarisation axis allowing them to control the amount of light from each pixel. They are used in a similar way for a photographer to prevent surface reflections from water. Our polariser sheets allow different levels of total light from a randomly Read PDF for more information... Shapes: :Circular Polarisers, Square Polarisers Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm Surface Quality: :< 60-40 Scratch/Dig
Divizoare de fascicul cubice - Putem oferi divizoare de fascicul cubice pentru utilizare în industria științifică

Divizoare de fascicul cubice - Putem oferi divizoare de fascicul cubice pentru utilizare în industria științifică

Knight Optical can offer Cube Beamsplitters for use within the Scientific Industry. We supply a range of Cube Beamsplitters for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers in the scientific industry for use as components within spectrophotometers and interferometer. For interferometry, beamsplitters are used to separate light into two beams to compare a reference against a sample. Cube beamsplitters offer some advantages over plate beamsplitters in that they don’t suffer from ghost images and are easier to mount. For more information read PDF… Material::N-BK7 (or equivalent), UV Fused Silica Wavelength Ranges::Visible (400-700nm), NIR (630-1100nm), Telecom (1050-1700nm) Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.3mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::<40-20 Scratch/Dig Coating::AR coatings for application bandwidth on external surfaces
Prisme în formă de wedge pentru utilizare în silvicultură - furnizăm o gamă de prisme pentru diverse aplicații

Prisme în formă de wedge pentru utilizare în silvicultură - furnizăm o gamă de prisme pentru diverse aplicații

We supply a range of Wedge Prisms for a range of applications. All individually QA checked, and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Forestry. Wedge Prisms are used in a similar manner to an angle gauge, when plotting the basal area of a group of trees. Wedge prisms are also used in beam steering. All our Wedge Prism are fully inspected on their quality in our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art Metrology laboratory, using our Starrett AV300 Video Imaging System and our Trioptics PrismMaster. This allows us to work to the highest QA standards and meet the tolerance specifications on these precision components. Read PDF for more... Material::N-BK7 or equivalent Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.15mm Angles::+/- 30 arc seconds Surface Figure: :< 0.25 waves Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Coating::A range of AR coatings are available for your chosen wavelength.
Lentile de Fluorură de Litiu - Knight Optical poate oferi Lentile de Fluorură de Litiu pentru utilizare în Aplicații UV.

Lentile de Fluorură de Litiu - Knight Optical poate oferi Lentile de Fluorură de Litiu pentru utilizare în Aplicații UV.

Knight Optical can offer Lithium Fluoride Lenses for use within UV Applications. We supply a range of lithium fluoride lenses for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers using UV optics such as UV lasers. UV lasers are beneficial in some applications as opposed to longer wavelengths such as infrared or visible light as they do not heat the areas around the target. This allows the laser the cut materials by breaking atomic bonds, rather than melting the material. Due to the large band gap for Lithium fluoride, it’s crystals are more transmittive to short wavelength UV radiation than any other material and are ideal for use in X-Ray monochromators, as for use in VUV, UV, Vis and IR spectrums. For more info read PDF… Material::Lithium Fluoride (LiF) Shape::Spherical Lenses, Cylindrical Lenses Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::<60-40 Scratch/Dig Coating::Antireflective coatings for application bandwidth (if required)
Prismele Knight Optical pentru binoclu și periscop - Prisme care pot fi utilizate pentru binoclu: Prisme Porro și de acoperiș

Prismele Knight Optical pentru binoclu și periscop - Prisme care pot fi utilizate pentru binoclu: Prisme Porro și de acoperiș

Binoculars and Periscopes invert an image to make an object appear closer. There are two types of prisms that can be used for binoculars: Porro and Roof Prisms. Porro prisms are used in a pair to create an optical path. The image would pass through the first prism and which then inverts the image, the second prism then flips the image, so it is making the distant object appear closer. Roof prisms work in a similar fashion however are one prism and this design performs in the same way. Used particularly for smaller compact spaces as there are aligned in one piece to its objective lenses. Knight Optical’s Porro and Roof Prisms are available from stock, manufactured from high quality BK-7 or equivalent. They are also available to custom specifications with our capabilities for the two types: •General Dimensions: 5mm to 300mm+ •Angular tolerance: <3arcseconds •Surface form: <1/10th wave @ 633nm •Surface quality: 10:5 •Coating options: AR or Mirror Read PDF for Info
Optici turnate pentru reflectoare ceramice IPL - Gamă de componente optice de precizie pentru utilizare în IPL (Lumină Pulsată Intensă)

Optici turnate pentru reflectoare ceramice IPL - Gamă de componente optice de precizie pentru utilizare în IPL (Lumină Pulsată Intensă)

Knight Optical offers a range of precision optical components for use in IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) applications. The most common usage of IPL systems are typically used as photo epilators.Custom Ceramic Reflectors are a key component for this application. The xenon flash lamp which are typically used emit light in 360 degrees. However utilising ceramic reflectors which are light reflectors with a U channel means that light which would normally be wasted i.e. shining backwards is now refocused down into the filters and light guides. Knight Optical provides ceramic reflectors which are typically moulded from alumina. This choice of material is down to its ability to withstand thermal stresses and high reflectivity values. For more information read PDF
Celule de gaz Knight Optical pentru utilizare în analiza chimică

Celule de gaz Knight Optical pentru utilizare în analiza chimică

Knight Optical can offer Gas Cells for use within the Chemical Analysis. - Knight Optical can offer Gas Cells for use within the Chemical Analysis. We supply a range of Gas Cells for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within the chemical analysis industry. Gas cells are used in spectroscopy for identification of the contents of gases. The path length and window material are chosen for analysis of different concentrations and types of gas. Depending on the types of gases being analysed, the windows in a gas cell can be made from NaCl, KBr, CaF2, BaF2, or ZnSe and will be chosen depending on bandwidth, to meet the customer’s application. All our Gas Cells are fully inspected on their quality in our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art Metrology laboratory Material:NaCl, KBr, CaF2, BaF2, ZnSe or stainless steel bodies Shape:Short Path, Long Path, Variable Path Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface Quality: :<60-40 Scratch/Dig Transmitted Wavefront Error: :< 0.25 λ PV@ 633nm
Bastoane Homogenizatoare pentru Instrumente Electrice - Instrumentele electrice folosesc afișaje cu iluminare din spate pentru a ajuta la iluminare

Bastoane Homogenizatoare pentru Instrumente Electrice - Instrumentele electrice folosesc afișaje cu iluminare din spate pentru a ajuta la iluminare

Knight Optical can offer Custom Homogenizing Rods for use within Electrical Instruments. Electrical instruments use backlight displays to help illuminate and evenly distribute the light source. They can be used as mixers, which is when you want to mix colours from multi-colour LEDs together. The light source will enter a light pipe at a variety of incident angles, which is designed to utilise its total internal reflection to help transmit light from the entrance of the light pipe to the exit. The material’s refractive index is the only factor which affects the light pipe’s critical angle; this defines the angle of acceptance at which the total internal reflection will occur. For more information read PDF Material::BK7 (or equivalent), UV Fused Silica or Other Optical Glass Length Tolerance::+/- 0.3mm Aperture Tolerance::+/-0.1mm Surface quality::<60-40 Scratch/Dig Coating::Optical
Divizoare de fascicul pentru utilizare în sistemele de sortare a alimentelor - OSS sunt o tehnologie utilizată pe scară largă în industria alimentară

Divizoare de fascicul pentru utilizare în sistemele de sortare a alimentelor - OSS sunt o tehnologie utilizată pe scară largă în industria alimentară

Optical Sorting Systems are a widely utilized technology used within the food industry; most particularly used in processing harvested foods such as fruits and vegetables, most notably potatoes, and nuts. Optical sorting was designed to help improve product quality, maximize throughput and increase yields. Within an optical sorting system there are four main components, the feed system, the optical system, the image processing software and last the separation system. The optical system utilizes lights and sensors housed above and below the flow of the products being inspected. It works by using a combination of light and sensors to illuminate objects; and to do this Beam-Splitters are one of the optical components used. Within the camera used in the system a Beam-Splitter cube is used to divide the light source coming from a single lens, into different channels; and each channel is filtered to a specific spectral region Read PDF for more data Material::N-BK7 or Equivalent; UV Grade Fused Silica Dimension Tolerances::+0, -0.02mm Flatness::<λ/4 over CA Surface quality::<40/20 Scratch/Dig Angles: :+/-1 arcmin Coatings::Visible and NIR Coating options available
Bastoane Homogenizatoare Conice pentru Aplicații IPL - Sistemele de Lumină Pulsată Intensivă folosesc nu doar filtre, ci și Bastoane Homogenizatoare

Bastoane Homogenizatoare Conice pentru Aplicații IPL - Sistemele de Lumină Pulsată Intensivă folosesc nu doar filtre, ci și Bastoane Homogenizatoare

Intense Pulsed Light Systems use not only use filters, that are used to filter out the UV wavelength range; and transmit between 400-1200nm for use within cosmetic lasers that are designed to remove unwanted hair, vascular treatment and even acne treatment. But they also use Homogenizing Rods to help evenly distribute light. The Light source will enter a light pipe at a variety of incident angles, which is designed to utilise its total internal reflection to channel the light from the entrance of the light pipe to the exit. The material’s refractive index is the only factor which affects the light pipes critical angle; this defines the angle of acceptance which the total internal reflection will occur at. All our Homogenizing Rods are fully inspected on their quality in our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art Metrology laboratory, using our Trioptic’s PrismMaster, and Starrett AV300 Video Imaging System.. FOR MORE INFORMATION READ PDF.. Length Tolerance::+/- 0.3mm Aperture Tolerance::+/-0.1mm Surface quality::<60-40 Scratch/Dig Coating::Optional
Filtre IR-cut personalizate pentru utilizare în protecția termică - Filtre IR-cut personalizate și pe stoc pentru o gamă de aplicații de protecție termică

Filtre IR-cut personalizate pentru utilizare în protecția termică - Filtre IR-cut personalizate și pe stoc pentru o gamă de aplicații de protecție termică

Knight Optical can offer IR-cut filters for use in Heat Shielding. We supply a range of Custom and Stock IR-cut filters for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers with Heat Shielding requirements. Our IR-cut filters allow good transmission levels of visible light but cut off IR and UV radiation. Our precision grade filters have an AR coating to increase their visible transmission. In many systems that require heat shielding while still needing visibility an IR-cut filter can be used. These can attenuate infrared radiation and allow through visible light, allows your temperature sensitive equipment For more information read the PDF…… Material::Borosilicate Dimensional Tolerances::±0.2 Transmission::Tavg>90% 420-620nm (Standard Grade) Transmission::Tavg>94% 420-620nm (Standard Grade) Blocking::Tmax<2% 700-1000nm Wavelength Accuracy: :±10nm Surface Accuracy:60/40 (Standard Grade) Surface quality::60/40 (Standard Grade)
Oglinzi Termice Personalizate de Precizie - Knight Optical poate oferi Oglinzi Termice pentru utilizare în Sisteme Sensibile la Căldură.

Oglinzi Termice Personalizate de Precizie - Knight Optical poate oferi Oglinzi Termice pentru utilizare în Sisteme Sensibile la Căldură.

Knight Optical can offer Hot Mirrors for use in Heat-Sensitive Systems. We supply a range of hot mirrors for a variety of applications – all individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customers’ specs. What’s more, our Hot Mirrors are supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers working with Heat-Sensitive Systems. Hot Mirrors are designed to transmit visible wavelengths and to reflect heat, causing infrared wavelengths. Hot mirrors have a sharp cut-off between Infrared (IR) and visible because they have a dielectric coating that can be controlled for different AOIs (most commonly 0°). For systems that require heat shielding while still needing visibility, hot mirrors can be used. These can attenuate IR radiation and allow visible light, which permits your temperature-sensitive equipment to be visible. Material::Borosilicate Shape::Circular Mirror, Square Mirror Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::< 5 arcminutes Surface Accuracy: :< 5(2) @ 633nm Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig
Filtre de sticlă colorate pentru senzori CMOS - Senzorii CMOS sunt utilizați în camerele DSLR de calitate comercială

Filtre de sticlă colorate pentru senzori CMOS - Senzorii CMOS sunt utilizați în camerele DSLR de calitate comercială

CMOS sensors are used within commercial grade Digital SLR cameras as a replacement for the more expensive CCD. These CMOS sensors are extremely sensitive to IR light, which can lead to discolouration. IR cut filters are used to block the IR light, meaning that photographs are taken with life-like colours. Colour Glass Filters can be used in variations of Bandpass, Long pass and Short pass, depending on which wavelengths of light need to be blocked resulting in different key areas being more easily distinguished. Knight Optical offers Colour Glass and IR cut filters for such an application, with a wide range of band widths and cut on/off wavelengths. As above these are available as Bandpass, Long pass or Short pass filters and we can also offer customised filters with coatings specific to the wavelength of your choice. We hold a massive inventory of IR cut, Bandpass, Long Pass and Short Pass filters: Read PDF for more info…. Material::Colour Glass and Borosilicate/D263T or equivalent Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length/width::± 0.20 mm Thickness: :± 0.20 mm Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig or <20:10 for HD cameras Parallelism::<3 arcmin
Feronerie optică din germaniu pentru detectarea gazelor - Germaniul este folosit în detectarea gazelor ca acest material infraroșu foarte special

Feronerie optică din germaniu pentru detectarea gazelor - Germaniul este folosit în detectarea gazelor ca acest material infraroșu foarte special

Exhaled Breath = 78.04% Nitrogen + 13.6%-16% Oxygen = CO2 Car Exhaust = Carbon Dioxide + Carbon Monoxide + Sulphur Dioxide + Nitrogen Oxides + Hydrocarbons How do we know this? Gas detection in Continuous Emission Systems (CEMS), combustion analysers and environmental monitoring are key to ensuring that the world we live in is monitored for its pollution and environments we work in are safe to do so as gases can be detrimental to life. Knight Optical provide a number of optical components that are used in Gas Detection Systems. We can also provide interference bandpass filters that work within the IR, front surface mirrors, gas cells and singlet lenses and window made from Germanium (Ge), Calcium Fluoride (CaF2), Silicon (Si), Quartz/ Fused Silica, Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) and Sapphire (Al2O3). Read PDF for more information …. Diameter Range: :less than 5mm to 300mm Diameter Tolerance: :better than ± 0.1mm Thickness Tolerance::+/- 0.2mm Clear aperture: :90% Centration tolerance::better than 1 arc minute Form error::better than 0.5 wave (633nm) over aperture Surface radius tolerance: :less than 1 fringe over aperture Surface quality::< 40-20 scratch/dig Coating::AR/DLC (Diamond like coating @ 1-14μm)
Polarizator circular pentru aplicații fotografice - Furnizat într-o gamă de dimensiuni și forme cu straturi personalizate

Polarizator circular pentru aplicații fotografice - Furnizat într-o gamă de dimensiuni și forme cu straturi personalizate

Knight Optical can offer Circular Sheet Polariser for use within Photographic Applications. We supply a range of Circular Sheet Polariser for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Photographic Applications. Our Circular Polarisers consist of a quarter wave plate cemented to a linear polariser. While a linear polariser may be used to reduce glare during photography (such as reflection from the surface of a body of water), autofocus systems struggle to correctly focus on linearly polarised light. With the addition of the quarter wave plate, this has little impact on the intensity of incident light to the sensor, but it makes autofocussing much easier. For more information read PDF… Shapes: :Circular Polarisers, Square Polarisers Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm
Feronerie din safir pentru sisteme LiDAR aeriene - Acestea sunt sisteme utilizate în măsurători topografice.

Feronerie din safir pentru sisteme LiDAR aeriene - Acestea sunt sisteme utilizate în măsurători topografice.

Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Sapphire Windows, and custom for use within Airborne LiDAR Systems. These are systems used in surveying for topographical measurements. The data accumulated can be used to generate a Digital Terrain Model or a Digital Elevation Model which are 3D representations of terrain. Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Making it ideal as a protective window for airborne systems which may be utilised in harsh environment or against birds! Sapphire is grown by various methods from seed samples. Sapphire can be polished to a high standard, but as it is the second hardest mineral on Earth it must be subject to high forces to polish. Therefore, windows made from Sapphire must have a thickness to diameter ratio of at least 10:1, that is, greater For more information read PDF…. Material::Sapphire (AL2O3) Random or C-Cut grades Diameter Tolerance::+0.0/-0.20 mm Length/Width Tolerance::+/- 0.10mm Thickness Tolerance::+/-0.10mm Wavelength Range::0.17 – 5.5µm Transmission::Tavg=85% dependant on substrate thickness Surface quality: :<40-20 scratch/dig Coatings::AR coating options to meet your wavelength requirements
Filtre de Căldură Personalizate de Precizie - Knight Optical poate oferi Filtre de Căldură pentru utilizare în Sisteme Sensibile la Căldură

Filtre de Căldură Personalizate de Precizie - Knight Optical poate oferi Filtre de Căldură pentru utilizare în Sisteme Sensibile la Căldură

Knight Optical can offer Heat Filters for use in Heat Sensitive Systems. We supply a range of heat Filters for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers in Heat Sensitive Systems. Heat Filters are designed to transmit visible wavelengths to absorb or reflect heat causing infrared wavelengths preventing it from reaching your system. Care has to be taken in the design of systems using heat filters. Absorptive blockers will heat up with use and could result in damage to the filter. Reflective blockers will redirect the heat to another location in your system. For more information read PDF …. Material::Schott KG1, Dielectric Coated Borosilicate
Lentile asferice lustruite la foc - Putem oferi lentile asferice lustruite la foc pentru utilizare în sisteme optice

Lentile asferice lustruite la foc - Putem oferi lentile asferice lustruite la foc pentru utilizare în sisteme optice

Knight Optical can offer Fire-Polished Aspheric Lenses for use within Optical Systems. We supply a range of Fire-Polished Aspheric lenses for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers with Optical systems. Aspheric lenses are used to correct for spherical aberrations and can be as effective a multi-lens system while taking up less physical space and reducing weight and cost. As such these lenses are often used in military applications, such as night vision goggles or missile guidance systems For more information read PDF ….. Material::B270 or equivalent, Borosilicate Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.25mm Surface Quality: :< 60-40 Scratch/Dig Coating::Antireflective coatings for application bandwidth (if required)
Lentile Sferice și Semi-Sferice pentru Endoscoape - Lentilele Sferice sunt utilizate pe scară largă pentru a focaliza și a cupla lumina în și din fibre

Lentile Sferice și Semi-Sferice pentru Endoscoape - Lentilele Sferice sunt utilizate pe scară largă pentru a focaliza și a cupla lumina în și din fibre

Ball Lenses are widely used for focusing & coupling light into & out of fibres. With the high refractive index of Sapphire (Al2O3) material, it yields a low spherical aberration that can be used in the range of UV from 200nm up to 5µm, and with it being one of the hardest materials they are resistant to damage. The key feature of ball lenses is their short back focal length allowing for precision coupling where size or space is a limiting factor in the system. Typically used in pairs, where one lens acts as collimator for the second to focus the light back into the coupled fibre. Ball Lenses are manufactured from a single substrate of glad and therefore, depending on the geometry of the input source, can focus or collimate light. Half Ball Lenses can also be used as an interchange with a full ball lens for more compact designs. Read the PDF for more information... Material::BK7 or equivalent, Sapphire, Ruby, Quartz Diameter Tolerance::±2.5 Figure (sphericity)::1λ Focal Length (@587mm)::± 0.2% (<10mm), ±2.0% (10-1000mm), ±5.0% (>1000mm) Surface quality::<40-20 Scratch/Dig Back Focal Length (mm)::0.05 up to 2.34 for stock parts Focal Length (mm)::0.345 up to 7.34 for stock parts
Filtre KG1 - Knight Optical poate oferi filtre KG1 pentru utilizare în sisteme sensibile la căldură

Filtre KG1 - Knight Optical poate oferi filtre KG1 pentru utilizare în sisteme sensibile la căldură

Knight Optical can offer KG1 Filters for use in Heat Sensitive Systems. We supply a range of KG1 Filters for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers in Heat Sensitive Systems. KG1 Filters are designed to transmit visible wavelengths to absorb heat causing infrared wavelengths preventing it from reaching your system. Care has to be taken in the design of systems using KG1 as the material is an absorptive blocker and will heat up with use. To help alleviate the heating issue, our KG1 filters are thermally toughened For more information read PDF ….. Material::Schott KG1 Shape::Circular Filter, Square Filter Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::< 5 arc minutes Surface Accuracy: :< 5(2) @ 633nm Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig
Feronerie din cuarț Z-Cut - pentru utilizare în industria de securitate de la Knight Optical

Feronerie din cuarț Z-Cut - pentru utilizare în industria de securitate de la Knight Optical

Knight Optical can offer Z-Cut Quartz Windows for use in the security industry. We supply a range of Z-Cut Quartz windows for a range of applications – all individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customers’ specifications. What’s more, our Z-Cut Quartz Windows are supplied in a range of sizes & shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. We supply precision optical components to customers within the security industry. Z-Cut Quartz windows can be used in the terahertz region for non-invasive scanning of individuals. These types of scans can detect objects such as weapons & are used in airports and other high-security locations. Quartz is a birefringent material, which affects the polarisation of light passing through it, and is cut specifically along the Z-axis to maintain polarisation. Z-Cut Quartz is used in applications where quartz is an ideal material; yet changes to polarisation are required Read PDF for more...
Lentile Menisc - Knight Optical poate oferi lentile menisc pentru utilizare în sisteme optice

Lentile Menisc - Knight Optical poate oferi lentile menisc pentru utilizare în sisteme optice

Knight Optical can offer Meniscus Lenses for use within Optical Systems. We supply a range of Meniscus lenses for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers with Optical systems. Any spherical surface will introduce spherical aberrations to an optical system. Meniscus lenses are designed with the curvatures of the lens in mind to minimise these spherical aberrations. This effect is more noticeable with higher index glasses as spherical aberrations increase with the change in index. Meniscus lenses can be an effective compromise on cost and aberration when compared to using aspheric lenses or multiple lens. Fore more information read the PDF…. Material::N-BK7 or equivalent, UV Fused Silica, SF11 or equivalent Shape::Positive Meniscus, Negative Meniscus Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Centering::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Surface Figure::< 5(1) @ 633nm Coating::Antireflective coatings for application bandwidth (if required)
Prisme Romboidale de Precizie - Optică pentru utilizare în Aplicații de Imagistică

Prisme Romboidale de Precizie - Optică pentru utilizare în Aplicații de Imagistică

Knight Optical can offer Rhomboid Prisms for use within Imaging Applications. We supply a range of Rhomboid Prisms for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Imaging Applications. Rhomboid Prisms are designed to displace a beam laterally while maintaining its direction. Rhomboid prisms rely on total internal reflection and so do not often need to be coated For more information read the PDF… Material::N-BK7 or equivalent Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.2mm Angles::+/- 3 arc minutes Surface Figure::< 1 waves Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Coatings::< AR Coatings available on request
Lentile cilindrice pentru sisteme optice - Knight Optical poate oferi lentile cilindrice pentru utilizare în sisteme optice.

Lentile cilindrice pentru sisteme optice - Knight Optical poate oferi lentile cilindrice pentru utilizare în sisteme optice.

Knight Optical can offer Cylindrical Lenses for use within Optical Systems. We supply a range of cylindrical lenses for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers with optical systems. Cylindrical lenses are designed to light to a straight line, rather than a point. Cylindrical lenses are often used to change the profile of laser beams, for example to correct for astigmatism and elliptic shape in diode lasers or to generate lines from single mode lasers. For more information read the PDF… Typical specs::. Material::N-BK7 or equivalent, UV Fused Silica, SF11 or equivalent Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Shapes::Diameter/Rectangular, Convex/Concave Centering::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig Surface Figure: :< 5(1) @ 633nm Coating::Antireflective coatings for application bandwidth (if required)
Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Due to high intensity light from the laser, mirrors used with a laser application require a high damage threshold, and high reflectivity. Knight Optical can help! Laser mirrors are used to reflect or redirect the laser. This manipulation of the beam means it is great for laser applications where there is limited space, as the beam can be steered multiple times. We manufacture mirrors used in the UV/VIS/NIR and infrared. We provide a number of mirrors from stock with coatings at infrared wavelengths such as: Dielectric (98% NIR) Protected Silver (96% VIS/NIR) Protected Gold (97%@750-FAR IR) These are available to purchase from stock in a wide ranges of sizes from 6.3 mm in diameter to a 300mm x 300mm square and various different thicknesses. They are also available with varying flatness specifications with λ/10 also available for immediate shipment and for you to achieve the highest performance. Read PDF for full specification..
Oglinzi L/10 de la Knight OpticaL - Oglinzi lambda/10 personalizate pentru utilizare în aplicații de imagistică

Oglinzi L/10 de la Knight OpticaL - Oglinzi lambda/10 personalizate pentru utilizare în aplicații de imagistică

Knight Optical can offer you stock and custom lambda/10 mirrors for use in imaging applications, in a range of materials such as BK7 or equivalent, Zerodur, Quartz, UV Fused Silica and many more. Mirrors are made from low expansion glass for optimum stability to maintain the lambda/10 flatness. The mirrors help produce high quality images and can be coated with a variety of coatings to ensure that the perfect quality image in the wavelength you require is achieved: •Enhanced aluminium 94%R for visible applications. •99.9% dielectric for laser use in visible applications. •UV aluminium for UV applications down to 180nm. •98.5% dielectric for laser use in the NIR applications. •Ion plated silver for NIR-2000nm applications. •Protected gold for 750nm to far infra-red applications Lambda/10 mirrors are used to produce a better quality signal from the mirror, resulting in a higher quality imaging. Read PDF for more information… Material::N-BK7 (or equivalent), Zerodur, UV Fused Silica, Borosilicate Shape::Circular, Square or rectangular Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface quality::<10-5 Scratch/Dig Flatness:: λ/10 or λ/20 over 90% of mirror aperture Coating::A range of mirror coatings to suit your wavelength