Electrod cu lamă de unică folosință, lungime totală standard de 70 mm
FDJ 3140 Electrosurgical blade for use in electrosurgery sterile single - Description: Blade Electrode Single Use, standard 70mm
overall length coated.
NHS NPC Code: FDJ3140
Manufacturer Code: BD70-TF
No. of Items Per Carton: 800
We provide quality diathermy pencils, electrode attachments, cautery pens, tip cleaners, X-ray scratch pads, polishers and other associated accessories. Diathermy pencils are used during surgical procedures to cut tissue and produce coagulation via electro-surgery. The electrode attachments are used in conjunction with the diathermy pencils. Associated accessories can also be used in conjunction with both pencils and electrode attachments. To provide surgeons with a more traditional feel, these pencils feature tactile buttons, less
memory in the cords, and high-quality plugs.
judd medical
Diathermy electrodes:
Diathermy probes
Electrosurgical electrodes
Radiofrequency electrodes
Monopolar electrodes
Bipolar electrodes
Surgical cautery electrodes
Electrosurgical instruments