Produse pentru folosit (2)

SERVICIUL DE LOCALIZARE - De ce internaționalizarea are nevoie de localizare? La ce este folosit?

SERVICIUL DE LOCALIZARE - De ce internaționalizarea are nevoie de localizare? La ce este folosit?

The adaptation of texts forms part of localization work which consists of an exhaustive analysis of the product, and all that it entails from different perspectives: linguistic,sociocultural,legal-political.The person or team that carries out this type of work not only needs to have a good command of the language of the destination country, they must also have extensive knowledge about its: history, culture, politics. And know its street slang and folklore. The association with: a word, a name, a surname, a joke, an unpleasant case. Can: determine the image of your campaign, prevent it from attaining its objectives. On the other hand, good advice about the choice of words, images, ideas. It can help you win over the hearts of potential consumers. Advertising campaigns. A professional localization service encompasses the analysis of the advertising campaign and all the texts intended to circulate on the foreign market: interface, catalogs, instructions.
MOBILIER DIN FIBRĂ SINTETICĂ - Fibra sintetică de calitate premium pentru grădină și exterior.

MOBILIER DIN FIBRĂ SINTETICĂ - Fibra sintetică de calitate premium pentru grădină și exterior.

Muebles con estilo propio Los muebles que presentamos están realizados con material sintético sobre estructuras de aluminio. Estas fibras están formadas de materiales indeformables y muy resistentes al sol y a la humedad.La fibra se trabaja como si fuera natural ofreciendo una terminación excelente, que nos permite ofrecer 3 años de garantía en fibras y estructura. Estos muebles pueden permanecer en el exterior sin necesidad de protección o mantenimiento alguno.